Rich Girl (Broken Wishes Series Book 1)

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Rich Girl (Broken Wishes Series Book 1) Page 16

by Joanne Sexton

  Lucas and Maggie went to Ben’s Bakery again to follow up on Chad. The girl they’d interviewed on Monday greeted them again.

  “Hi, detectives.”

  “Is Chad here today?” Maggie asked.

  “He was.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He left.”

  “Isn’t he supposed to be working?”

  “Yes, but after about fifteen minutes or so he left.” Lucas noted her sheepish look and knew exactly why Chad had left.

  “Did you tell him we’d been here looking for him?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize he would leave.”

  “Did Chad’s file turn up?” Lucas asked.


  “Do you mind if we send our sketch artist around to do a composite.”

  “No, not at all, detectives.”

  She found his note on what she now considered his pillow. Chelsea smiled at his handwriting - neat and precise - the opposite of his ruffled appearance. Still smiling she read his note.

  Good morning, Beautiful,

  Sorry I didn’t wake you to say goodbye. I wanted to but then we both would’ve been late.

  I realized last night, we haven’t been out on an official date, which is very remiss of me, so I’m formally asking you to dinner this evening.

  I will collect you at seven, wear your best dress, sweetheart, I have decided it’s time I pampered you.

  Till then, know that I think about you every minute we are apart.

  Your new romantic,


  Clutching the note to her chest like a schoolgirl, she leaped out of bed immediately eager to start the day, so it could be over. She ate a hasty breakfast while continuously urging Charlotte along, so they could leave. Then to add to her frustration, Wednesday was usually her quietest day at Bloom. She busied herself by completing more arrangements than she needed to and by changing the window display three times. Charlotte answered the few phone calls that came in.

  “Chels, I really don’t know why you’re so excited about this evening. It isn’t like you have to impress him or anything. You’ve already bagged him.”

  “Nice expression, Charlotte.”

  “Well, I don’t get it.”

  “I want tonight to be special and I’m always excited about seeing him.”

  “Well your constant rearranging and time wasting is making me tired just watching you.”

  Chelsea decided Charlotte was right as her fruitless attempts at passing the day away was getting her nowhere. If they left early, it would give her plenty of time to prepare for her date.

  “You’re right, let’s go home and pick out my dress.”

  Charlotte rolled her eyes. “Finally.”

  As she didn’t trust her anxiety-filled sister to keep them on the road, Charlotte drove home. Chelsea thought about the evening ahead and although they’d been out together before, this was different, special, and she aimed to ensure they remembered their evening together.

  She enjoyed a long, relaxing bath before going through her wardrobe three times and determining she needed Charlotte’s help. Finding her downstairs, leisurely thumbing through a magazine, she recruited her for the task.

  “Okay, so these are the best three,” Charlotte said.

  She held up a slinky black cocktail dress, a deep green flowing dress and a fiery red strapless figure-hugging dress that Chelsea hadn’t even considered.

  “It depends, what look you’re going for?”

  “I don’t know about the red one, Charlotte. It isn’t really... me.”

  “Then why did you buy it?”

  “I think you actually talked me into it one day.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Something memorable.”

  “Then the green one is out - way too sensible.”

  “I don’t know about red.”

  “More reason to wear it.”

  “I think the black.”

  “Try them on for me and then we’ll decide.”

  Chelsea went with the black first and felt wonderfully sexy as it swirled around her knees. The thin straps, figure hugging bodice and flowing skirt were simple but pretty.

  “It’s nice, Chels, and you look pretty, but sexy is what you need.”

  “It’s dinner, Charlotte. Besides I don’t want sexy. I don’t actually need to seduce him.”

  “Yes, but you want him thinking about how great you look through dinner. The anticipation is wonderful.”

  “Fine, I’ll try the other one.”

  She grabbed the red dress Charlotte was dangling in front of her and put it on. She glanced in the mirror to find that it looked sexy and much classier than she thought. Perhaps it was the better choice.

  “You look great, Chels. Not what you thought at all is it?”

  “No, I thought I was going to look like a... floozy, for lack of a better word.”

  Charlotte laughed. “Floozy! You look sexy and classy - great combo.”

  “Okay, you win. Can you help me with my hair?”

  Chapter 25

  First Date


  After trying on his fourth tie and shirt combination, Lucas laughed at himself. Knowing he didn’t have to impress Chelsea didn’t detract from the fact he wanted to. Although they’d dined together several times, this was their first official date alone and he was determined that it should be memorable. Finally settling on a combination that happened to be the first he’d tried, he checked the time to discover he’d better go and collect his date.

  As he drove, he thought about how much he’d changed in just a week since meeting Chelsea. Under normal circumstances, if there was an open case, he wouldn’t be going out and having fun; he would’ve been working around the clock on minimal sleep. The workaholic Lucas he’d once been would never have left the case for other detectives to follow up. He realized for the first time ever, he felt relieved and happy knowing Peterson and Stewart were taking up some of the slack.

  The extra detectives manning the phones had been busy since the story had aired so prominently on the news, and the calls and anonymous tips were pouring in. Each tip was being followed up and Lucas knew these files would be ready for them each day. The sketch of Chad Wilson was already in and he resolved to show it to Chelsea the following day. Even if she were to recognize him, did it mean anything? Only if Chad was Wesley, Lucas decided, otherwise it just confirmed that Chad went to the café from time-to-time. Lucas began to really despise Wes and what he’d done to Chelsea. Had he finished with her yet? Was this Wesley committing these murders?

  His focus was slipping, and it was important that he keep his head on the job. Tomorrow he would re-focus. He didn’t want the case to taint the evening ahead. There was nothing more they could do tonight, so he decided there was nothing wrong with living his life to the fullest for a change. He’d dedicated twelve years of his life to the force, to helping others; he deserved to be happy. Lucas couldn’t remember ever being this content, at least not since his parent’s death anyway.

  He walked nervously to her front door and laughed again. He was actually experiencing first date jitters.

  Chelsea had been waiting anxiously for her date to arrive. Repeatedly asking herself why she was so nervous. Finally judging her apprehension to be ridiculous, she sat down to stop herself from pacing. His familiar knock sent her darting out of the chair to answer the door.

  Nothing could have prepared Lucas for the sight that met his eyes when Chelsea answered the door. The vision before him reduced him to abject silence and wonderment.

  Lucas looked incredible. He was wearing a black suit she hadn’t seen before. His shirt was also black. His tie, patterned in different tones of blue, contrasted wonderfully. When she gazed into his face, his expression was unreadable, and she feared she’d been right about the dress after all.

  “I told Charlotte this dress was all wrong. I’ll just go and change.”

turned to leave.

  “No, wait!”

  She looked at him again, puzzlement furrowing her brow.

  “You look beautiful and incredibly sexy. Please don’t change.”

  “You were looking at me kind of weird.”

  “Yeah, I guess I probably was.” He blushed which was a first, and it made her smile. “I was trying to get control of myself, so we could still go to dinner. You have no idea how beautiful you are.”


  Leaning forward, he kissed her tenderly and she almost cancelled dinner, so she could take him upstairs. Now it was her turn to try and control herself. Dinner was important, so she pushed her desire aside.

  “Shall we go?” He took her hand and she nodded.

  His choice of restaurant surprised Chelsea - expensive and romantic, or so she’d heard. Anton’s reputation spoke for itself.

  “Lucas, you don’t have to go to so much trouble and my budget doesn’t quite stretch this far.”

  “Chelsea, let me do this for you.”

  “Okay. I’ve heard the food is good. Have you been here before?”

  “Yes, I eat out a lot. At least I did.”

  They were greeted by the maître d' who directed them to a small private booth in the corner. The dim lighting provided by glowing candles on each table set the mood. The furniture, in deep dark wood and varying shades of red, surrounded her with instant warmth. Waiting for them was champagne in an ice bucket. Their waiter placed menus in front of them, filled their glasses and then discreetly disappeared.

  “I can see why this place has such a good reputation.”


  She studied the menu for a moment before speaking again. “So, you said you’ve been here before?”



  “I love it when you get jealous. I came with Carrie and Nathan.”

  “Did I ask?”

  She peered at him over her menu.

  “You didn’t have to. You get this tone when you’re trying to find out things you think I haven’t told you.”

  “I’m sure there are lots of things you haven’t told me. You know everything about me and I don’t know anywhere near as much about you.”

  “You know all you need to. The things I don’t tell you are better kept that way. I... don’t want the past to get in the way of our future. If there’s anything you really want to know, all you have to do is ask.”

  “Since we met, you’ve only stayed with me. How come you haven’t invited me to your apartment?”

  “I like your house better - you’re there.” She glared at him. “Because my place is... part of my old life and you’re part of the new.”

  A waiter came to take their order. Once he was gone, Lucas turned to find her frowning.

  “Babe, this is why I don’t want to talk about this stuff, because you look at me that way. I wanted tonight to be special and I don’t want to ruin it with my blemished record.”

  “Lucas, I don’t care about before because I understand why you were so closed off from everyone, but I want to see where you live. It’s a part of who you are.”

  “If I take you there, will you stop asking questions?”

  “Maybe.” She smirked. “I’m sorry if I’m being too pushy. I tend to do that... you... I... like being with you.”

  “I know. Me too.”

  They ate in companionable silence, Lucas’ eyes pouring into hers. It took all his restraint to control his overwhelming desire aroused by her stunning little red dress. Over coffee he intentionally kept their conversation light to stop his mind from drifting. He wanted love not lust to be the dominant emotion, at least for now.

  The quiet continued on the short drive to his apartment. After he showed her in, he watched her as she wandered around. Once her inspection was complete, she came to sit down on one of two chairs in his small living room.

  “I told you there wasn’t much to it. I don’t spend a lot of time here.”

  “It’s not what I expected.”

  “More furniture perhaps?”

  “Yes, but you’re neat.”

  “Mostly. See, now you’re here, it really does feel like an empty space, not a real home like you have. It suited my life, simple and empty, but I guess you couldn’t call what I did before living really - just existing.”

  “I know I’m probably moving too fast for you and I still can’t believe I’ve only known you a week, but my life was pretty lonely before too.”

  “I want to show you something.”

  She watched him go into what she’d guessed was his bedroom and returned carrying a book.

  “Carrie gave me this journal for my eighteenth birthday. I started writing in it from that day onwards. It starts just before I was accepted into the force. There are entries in there up until last week. Twelve years of my life. Writing everything down, well it helped keep me sane. I don’t think I need to write in it anymore. I have you now instead.” He passed it to her. “I want you to have it. Now that sounds crazy,” he mumbled.

  “Lucas, this is personal. I couldn’t.”

  “Please take it. Maybe you won’t ask me so many questions. I just hope you’ll still look at me the same way after you’ve read it, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take because I want you to. I need you to know that the connection we have, I’ve never felt it before.”


  When she took it from him his eyes wouldn’t meet hers and he stood awkwardly next to the chair opposite hers.

  She opened it to the first page to find the same neat handwriting she had seen in his note that morning. She read the first entry before skipping along and choosing a few random pages to skim, vowing to read it all when time permitted. He trusted her with his most private thoughts and she would value every word. The few entries she read were filled with confusion, angst and loneliness.

  The Lucas she saw within the leather-bound book was a shattered man and different from the one man who stood waiting for her to accept him faults and all. He was revealing all of himself to her and he now feared she wouldn’t accept him. Her heart broke for him and then swelled. Allowing her into his life this way was something he’d sworn never to do but still did regardless. Lucas had taken a huge step this evening and he was terrified. She gazed up to find his eyes downcast and his face contorted in embarrassment and anticipation. He was waiting for her acceptance.

  Placing his secrets carefully on the small table in front of her, she stood and walked over to him, removing her shoes on the way. She stood on tiptoe, so she could cup his face. He brought his gaze to hers, but the tortured look remained.

  “Thank you for trusting me with your life. I know how difficult this is for you.”

  “Even if I wanted to stay away from you, I don’t think I could.”

  He scooped her up, sat down in the chair and settled her in his lap. She rested her head on his shoulder and he played with the curls tumbling down from the twist in her hair.

  She didn’t know how long they sat there together, content with each other’s silent company. Loneliness had lived with them both for too long. When he cleared his throat, she waited for the serious detective Lucas to speak.

  “Babe, I don’t want to break the moment, but I need you to promise me something.”


  “Please be careful.”

  “I promise. What is it?”

  “We think another girl has been abducted by... him and she...” He stopped.

  “Let me guess, she looks like me again.”

  “Yes, that’s why the officer will stay watching your house.”

  “I just don’t understand why this is happening.”

  “Neither do we, which isn’t good.”

  “I think for bringing up work, it’s your turn to be punished.” She poked him in the ribs until he giggled.

  “You’re in trouble now.”

  Bringing her with him, he stood up and carried her to his bed.

  When she woke surrounded by darkness, it took her a moment to orient herself. Accustomed to either moonlight or the morning sun lighting her room, it was strange to wake in Lucas’ dim apartment. Chelsea waited for her eyes to adjust to the night and then, with caution, made her way to the kitchen.

  She searched several empty cupboards until she found a glass for water. How does he live in such a vacant home? There wasn’t any food in the cupboards and the fridge only contained a jug of water, a few bottles of beer and food not fit for human consumption. It was little wonder he’d dined with her every night, he really didn’t cook. Her heart ached at his lonely life and she resolved to ensure he didn’t live this way any longer. Lucas had been closed off to the world long enough.

  She tiptoed back to his room and found she hadn’t disturbed him. She lay close to him, so she could watch him sleep. His handsome face appeared untroubled as he slept, and she hoped his fragile heart was finally healed. Her own heart lurched, and fear seized her chest for a brief moment. Would he stick around or leave like Wes? Would his fear overcome him?

  She thought back to her Pa’s words about knowing when you’d found the one, and she realized his words were true. She did know, and Lucas was it. Did he feel the same? Was he as in love with her as she was with him? Her answer to this question was the leather-bound journal, which meant he trusted her with his life, which in turn meant he trusted her with his heart. Cuddling in close, she breathed in his scent as she drifted off to sleep.

  Although waking up to Chelsea sleeping in his bed was strange, it was also wonderful. Sleeping in his bed from here on in would be a pleasure, and his unpleasant, empty past would be erased and replaced with her. He kissed her gently to wake her. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.


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