Undercover Love: A BWWM Romance

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Undercover Love: A BWWM Romance Page 2

by Tyla Walker

  “Just act natural and everything will be alright.” I affirm

  “Yes, but I can’t promise that I will not get nervous or do something weird” She says.

  “No worries, I will just stay here with you.” I reassure.

  She went somewhere and fixes something while I stay still on the couch waiting for her. Eventually she appears and goes straight in front of me.

  “I’m done, All set, Jerome is sleeping and I will just leave him here with his babysitter.” She says

  “Can I see Jerome before we go?” I request.

  “Yeah sure, just go right there.” She says as she points the direction

  I head to Jerome’s room just to see him and he’s so cute like an angel. I want to pinch his cheeks but he’s sleeping and he might cry and I might wake him up.

  I head to the living area to see Nya.

  “Shall we go?” I beckon.

  “Yeah, sure.” She replies.

  I kiss her cheeks, offer my arms, we leave her house and we go outside.

  I open the door of my car for her. She smells damn good, her fragrance splashes as our body gets closer. Our hands sticks and we feel a bit awkward.

  The air is still dead as I am driving going to the venue. I look at her and I can see her hazel eyes that have something I can’t explain.

  “Don’t be nervous” I say to her

  “Yeah, I’ll try, David.” She replies.

  I can tell that she doesn’t telling me the truth. I can sense that she is tense and nervous.

  “I’m sorry if I put you through this situation that you’re not comfortable to do.” I groan.

  “No don’t be, you’re being too serious, David. You seem like an old man in that mood.” She exults while punching my arms.

  “Ouch! Do I look like your grandpa with this suit? Don’t rain on my parade, Nya” I sarcastically cackle.

  We enjoy every bit of the moment inside the car. We just laugh like the old times. Fuck I miss this one. I miss hanging out with her.

  This is probably the best view of her. I can see her lips touch her ears and her giggles that attract your mood, knowing that she is a very serious woman. I can tell that the other side of her is amazing. I’ll never get tired seeing all her smile.

  “You know, we knew each other for a very long time. Did you think at some point or has it ever crossed to your mind hooking up with me for real?” I jokingly say.

  “Hmm. Well I don’t know. Maybe we’re not meant for each other?” She crows.

  “And maybe we are all busy with our own career” I say.

  We laugh so hard and we don’t think it is serious because the mood is really funny.

  I don’t know but for me I’m still finding a way of possibility.

  We are faking an engagement for a show and I’m still dreaming for a chance that this can be a way to see and feel her more.

  I just want to have a moment like this forever with her. I don’t want to end this. If this is our destiny’s way to find signs to see if Nya feels the same way as I do then I would probably grasp this moment until I found out that time.



  What is happening to me? Am I in my right mind right now? I don't know why I agreed to this deal. I really hate the idea of going to a gala.

  Yeah. I know I'm now an owner of an established high-end clothing store in the region, and I'm supposed to be used to attending this kind of gathering because it's part of business, you know, to rub elbows with those who are the "in" crowd.

  The people of high-society, as they call it.

  But, now that I'm one of the "in" crowd, I just want to stay at home with my little boy, Jerome. He's my inspiration and the center of everything that I do and the reason why I managed to possess what I have right now.

  Now I'm thinking of my son, I'm wondering what he's doing right now that I'm out and he's at home.

  So, I really don't know why I said yes to David, knowing I don't like this kind of idea. I do have a reputable store now, and I just want to be with my Jerome.

  What more can I say? I sigh, we're almost there. I said yes, I agreed, and I'm with him right now. I don't have the right to back out or whatsoever because this is a job.

  Nya, this is a job! Helping a friend is worthwhile.

  Every regretful idea seems to vanish as I look at David intensely. This is the only time I see him like this. Oh my gosh! He looks so hot, over the charts heart-stopping man.

  His green eyes are captivating. I don't want to take my eyes off him. He looks so appealing in every sense of the word.

  Undeniably delicious.

  I always see him in his shirt and tie as his daily uniform after work, but this time, he's the epitome of a man. He's undeniably sexy and so delectable. It seems like he's working out a lot, and I can see it in his form-fitting suit.

  This is also the first time that I check out... a man's ass. I feel heated up at the thought.

  We have been friends since grade school, and I have seen him grow since then, but he really made some improvements. Especially when it comes to his lithe form.

  He can be my inspiration. Men's suit really does make the man.

  Seeing him with that figure makes me want to discover what's within those fabrics. I wonder how it feels when David... holds me with his huge arms.

  I can't help it but think and imagine what it looks like to see him bare without his clothes on and to see his well-built and muscular body. I feel thirsty.

  "Why do you look at me like that?" he asks me with a smirk as he flips his dark brown hair and stares at me.

  "Uhm no, nothing," I fret with a poker face.

  Nya, focus! I slightly pinch my leg to stop daydreaming. I should concentrate now because this is a job. Stop it now, Nya.

  I feel so proud because this man beside me is not just someone. I'm walking into the party on the arm of the best looking man here.

  I feel like I'm Kate Winslet right now walking with Leonardo DiCaprio at the gala with lots of people staring at us. I actually feel awkward since I am not into this kind of gathering, but I'm with someone so good looking that he puts other men here to shame.

  There is something magical as we walk inside the venue. There is a spark when both our arms interlace. I don't know I just feel like I'm in a prom when I was young.

  "You really look stunning tonight, Nya," David praises while staring at me genuinely.

  "Don't look at me like that, I might melt, David," I reply in a reluctant voice. I feel like there are butterflies in my stomach.

  "Are you ready, Nya?" he questions me.

  "Uhm, yeah, sure," I jabber as I look at him. Ready? God, how can I be ready when all eyes are on me?

  Also, I'm in his arms!

  Why are you like this, Nya? You are friends with David for such a long time, there is no need to be shy and awkward in front of him, that will just make you stupid!

  "Are you nervous? Please don't be, just act normal. Act like the Nya that I know, everything will be alright, and trust me with this one," he encourages as he looks at me with sincerity.

  "Yeah, you know that I'm not a social gathering person, I used to attend to some of it, but it happened a long time ago, so I would still be nervous and be weird facing numerous people," I admit to him.

  "No, don't be, you're beautiful than any person here, there are no reasons to be nervous. I'm just here, and I will be with you this whole night," he assures.

  "Well, thank you, David," I reply.

  No doubt, I feel safe and calm as he says those words in front me like I'm a Disney Princess waiting for my Prince charming in the dance hall palace.

  "So, just breathe in, breathe out. Just think that this is just a job we are dealing with. So if anyone asks about the engagement thing, you know what the answer is, right?" he asks while being serious.

  "Of course, David," I answer.

  I know that the point of being with David and coming here in this gala is about the deal, but as he shi
fts from saying sweet things to me into planning everything about this thing makes me a bit disappointed.

  But what can I do? This is just a job, Nya, and you are just partnering for the mission of an FBI agent. All I have to do is to pretend and do what he says because I agreed to this. I said yes, so what about now?

  I shouldn't let my feeling destroy everything.



  I can see the tension in Nya's eyes as we enter the venue.

  We need to successfully pull off this mission. This mission is vital to me, and she knows how dedicated I am to my job. Nya still looks very uneasy, and I'm pretty sure that she is not really into this kind of party or gathering.

  She insisted a few times. I sigh.

  Please bear with me just tonight, and everything will be worth it. I promise as I gaze at Nya.

  The men glare at me like I committed some crime or what, but well, I can really tell how gorgeous and stunning this woman beside me is. They're very jealous.

  All the eyes are on us, I feel like I'm escorting a royalty. There are so many faces. We are absolutely making an impact upon our entrance. No joke, all eyes are on us. I can hear a lot of mutters from different areas of the venue.

  "Do you happen to know Nya?"

  "Yes, oh wait, is that her?"

  "Girl, absolutely yes!"

  "How on earth did she come here?"

  "That is also my question, dear."

  "Well, maybe because of the man. Who is that?"

  "As far as I know, she doesn't want to attend this kind of gathering, but look who's here?"

  "Maybe, a miracle happened?"

  "Or a man happened?"

  Not one, two, or three people talk about Nya or me, there are a lot! Every step we take, the more people whisper. What can I expect? In every gathering, a rumor is the main agenda of people, and that is what makes them happy.

  "Look, I've never seen Nya that stunning!"

  "I can't agree more, she truly looks gorgeous."

  "I think she outshines other women in this hall."

  "A high-end clothing line owner and with that dress she made? No one can beat that look."

  So many whispers and looks the more we walk. I kinda feel awkward with all the attention, but who cares? I'm with the most gorgeous woman in this gala.

  "I'm so happy that she comes out of her store! We can talk to her. I'm a fan of hers!"

  "And with a very hot man, to boot!"

  "Absolutely! No wonder she comes out."

  They're not whispering amongst themselves anymore. These people are like a pack of hyenas, waiting for the opportune moment to attack.

  "Are you're okay?" I ask her while touching her arms. She's cold, and her palms are sweating.

  "Oh, yes, don't worry, I am alright," she replies while slightly looking at me. "I'll be fine in a minute. Give me time to adjust, and we're good to go."

  "Do you want a drink?" I ask her.

  "Yes, please, thank you," she hurriedly replies.

  "Okay, just give me a second," I call for the waiter.

  "Can I have two sparkling wines, please?" I request.

  "Yeah, sure," he replies. He walks to the table and grabs two sparkling wine glasses. I nod my head, saying a thank you.

  The aroma of the wine smells so expensive, and this is probably one of the best wines that's worth a more than a hundred grand.

  "Here is your wine, Madam," I jokingly say as I mimic the voice of the waiter earlier. "Thanks, David," she replies as she beams, then she giggles.

  I offer my arms to her as we head to an empty table so we can settle down. I can now tell that Nya is getting comfortable than she was a while ago at the entrance.

  Several women pass by our table. One of them stops in front of us. She moves closer. I bet she is an acquaintance of Nya, and then her team of barbie dolls follows her wherever she goes.

  "Hello, Nya. It's good to see you like this," she exclaims.

  "Oh, hello, Olivia. Yes, I decided I want to attend. It's kinda fun, actually. Nice seeing you here. Who are you with?" Nya states, full of elegance and grace.

  Wow, the nervousness from before is gone, or instead, she's hiding it expertly.

  "By the way, this is David Mackall. David, this is Olivia," Nya introduces us.

  "Hello, Olivia," I smile politely. She's looking at me with a measuring eye. I can see the wheels turning in her head, probably thinking how much is my annual income.

  "Hello, David!” Olivia turns to me briefly, then, talks more to Nya.

  “I'm stunned to see you here, and with a man at that! I assume you're dating?" she adds as she smiles questioningly.

  "We're not actually dating, because we're already engaged," I reply confidently while looking at Olivia and her battalion.

  Nya turns to me, her eyes sparkling.

  "Don't look at me like you want me. Please. I might fall for those eyes anytime."

  "Wow, congratulations to the both you!" Olivia blurts out as she and her team walk back to their place, and I can clearly say that it worked. They are very shocked about that fake revelation that I wish was true.

  No doubt that the news will spread in just a few minutes and perhaps will be the talk of the party.

  "I guess our first task worked just great," I say to Nya.

  "Yeah, I guess so," she laughs a bit as she drinks her wine. Her eyes trained on Olivia and her group.

  "Let's get on with work," I tell her. "Why don't you introduce me to that man? He's the antique dealer."

  I stare at a man in the corner.

  Damn it, will you take a look at that. The man looks like some respectable gentleman, but come on, he's a wolf under sheep's clothing.

  He looks charming and kind. But how many people did he swindled for money? Also, there's the rug guy.

  It looks like I really have to stay on my toes, and play this game really well.



  I look around, and the people are starting to move to the center of the hall to dance. David's standing behind me, observing people.

  He's drinking champagne, looking dashing in his tuxedo. I smile, thinking that such a fine man is with me. I don't usually attend events like this, and most of the time, I stay at home with my son.

  "What are you thinking?" David places his glass in a passing waiter's tray. He stares at me, and it feels like he's stripping my clothes off with his eyes.

  It's not intrusive, but it feels intimate when David gazes at me. He looks like he can't get enough of me. This is how fiances are supposed to act like, right?

  "Nah, just watching people dance," I reply to him, shrugging my shoulders. If he knows what's in my mind, I don't know how he'll react.

  "Nya," David whispers my name intimately. I can't help but shiver. "Dance with me?"

  Dance with David? What to do? I'm not that comfortable dancing with him. I fidget on the spot, torn between yes and no.

  "It's to keep up appearances," David adds. "We're in love with each other, dancing won't be a problem between us. It's supposed to be a natural interaction between lovers."

  "Oh, I see," I don't know why I feel a tinge of disappointment. I guess I'm hoping that David will say that he just 'wants' to dance with me. But if this is the case, then, there's no need for me to hesitate, after all, it's part of the day's job.

  I place my hand on his palm, accepting him as he leads me to the dance floor. Just as we step on the dance floor, the pianist starts playing a love song.

  "Grow Old with You," David whispers in my ears as he holds me close to him. I hold my breath when I feel his breathing in my hair. God, what's this situation?

  Oh my goodness, my heart's racing. David's hand is on my waist, while one of my arms is on his shoulders while he places the other one on his waist. We're just like any other couple.

  We dance to the tune of the music, the piano giving this song a sweeter tone. It's perfect for lovers, and from what I can see, the people dancing are all coupl
es. It's obvious.

  "David," I squirm, trying to put a little space between us.

  "Don't move," he whispers in my ears. His breathing hits my ear directly; he's like blowing in it, making goosebumps appear all over my body.

  "Let's stay like this," he adds.

  I didn't move as I let David lead me. I didn't even know that he's a suave dancer, getting attention wherever he goes. This is actually good… a feeling that I've long ago forgotten begins to sprout in my heart.

  It's taking over me. I lean my cheek on his chest, listening to his heart beating. I never thought that a heart can sound incredible. Maybe, because it's a testament that David's alive and safe.

  David smells heavenly and feels great to the touch. All lean muscles and perfect proportions. I can't feel any fats as I move my hands covertly. I can feel every sinew of his muscles under his tuxedo.

  "We haven't danced like this, right?" David asks me, and I look up at him. He's not looking at me, but I know that he's thinking about us. I bury my face on his chest, thinking about it.

  How I love this feeling...pressing my body against David is warm and comfortable. There's this electric spark that's traveling throughout my body, making me extra sensitive when our skin touches.

  I don't know why I'm feeling this way… but it's bringing my defenses down. I start to think of possibilities for us. I begin to imagine our bodies connected, and our skin touching each other.

  I allow myself to think of this during the duration of the dance, but I have to wake up from this fantasy. I can't stay in this forever. But for a few moments, I can be David's real fiance, doing what engaged couples do.

  I can be greedy and ask for more during this moment of belongingness. My hands, as if in their own accord, tightly holds on to David's body. My heart's calm, in sync to David's beating pulse.

  I close my eyes, thinking about us. I'm in a fantasy… in a world that it's only us. David loves me, and I love him openly. I envision myself in his arms, touching skin to skin and kissing each other tenderly and thoroughly.


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