Fractured Chances

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Fractured Chances Page 5

by Viola Grace

  He continued to lap at her clit, causing her to twitch until she lay limp and glowing. He moved up her body and wrapped her in his arms. “No hands.”

  She blushed. “Yeah. I definitely noticed that.”

  He rubbed his cheek against hers. “Not too terrifying?”

  “There were moments when I thought I would break apart.”

  “I am looking forward to testing your tolerances.” His whisper in her ear caused her body to clench.

  She swallowed and kept her head down. He rubbed her back, and when her pulse was finally normal, he bent his head and nipped her neck lightly, starting the galloping of her heart again.

  His chuckle was dark. “You are easy to arouse.”

  “I know. It isn’t really a secret.”

  He leaned back and lifted her head so he could meet her gaze. “What do you do with that?”

  “Nothing. I ignore it. My society takes women with a sex drive like me and locks them into a cycle of ridicule and predation.”

  “It did. It is shattered now. It is not a matter of revenge; it is a matter of fact. I am Hmrain. A partner who can enjoy sex is something to be prized. A companion who can provide me with the energy that I need is to be cherished and supported.” He stroked her back again.

  “Um, I think I need to get something to eat.” Her stomach gurgled on cue.

  “You are very uncomfortable with this concept, aren’t you?”

  She nodded. “You could definitely say that.”

  He kissed her forehead and then her lips. “We have time.”

  “So, you are going to give up?” She was both disappointed and hopeful.

  He laughed. “Not a chance. You are here, and I am going to keep you here until you understand your worth to me.”

  A sense of relief ran through her. “I just need time to adapt to the change. You are only the fifth alien that I have met. They kept our group pretty segregated on the education station.”

  He grinned. “On Abix, you are the alien.”

  “Holy shit.” She covered her mouth. She blinked. “That is also going to take some getting used to.”

  He stroked her cheek. “So, I must say I like the fact that your hair matches me. It is an added attraction. Why do you wear it up?”

  “It keeps it out of the way and keeps it clean. Mostly.”

  “Do you prefer the bodysuits, or would you like another design?”

  She chuckled. “This is all that the unit has. Everything else won’t fit me.”

  He rubbed her back again. “I have uploaded a few variations, and I believe that they will suit you.”

  She winced. “Considering that you run around in trousers, I am not confident about your clothing choices.”

  Varix laughed. “That is a tempting visual. I will have to arrange that one day.”

  She pushed against his chest, and he let her go. The torn suit was suddenly very drafty. The seal had been stretched, and Nan gave up. She got out of bed and stripped out of the suit. She untucked her hair and let the braid down. “This is a compromise.”

  He nodded and sat up, flexing his wings out as he leaned forward before settling them again. She walked downstairs, wearing the braid down her back. Her scars and tattoo were on display, and she was confident that he wasn’t going to be repulsed by them.

  Nan approached the fabricator, and there was already an outfit waiting for her. The top was loose and short. There were leggings next to the gauzy skirt, and aside from the lack of a bra, it wasn’t too dissimilar from what she would have worn at home. The boots were a lovely touch. They were soft and laced up to the knee. When she was dressed, Varix was in the kitchen and making breakfast.

  She flicked her braid out of the shirt, and the floaty tank top moved and settled around her. She didn’t normally wear that much black, but if that is what was ready to wear, she would wear it.

  She saw him readying eggs, and she headed to the chiller to grab some cheese. She slivered it thin, and then, she nudged him away from the eggs with her hip. “Move, please.”

  He chuckled. “Is my cooking that bad?”

  “No, but it is late, and I want to eat something that my stomach will accept without analysis.”

  He stepped back and moved behind her. “I intend to watch.”

  She moved quickly and put the fat in the pan, tested the heat with the flat of her hand a few inches off the surface, then she whisked the seasoned eggs, prepared the cheese, and poured the first omelette, easing the eggs into fluffy piles before placing the cheese in place and folding the egg over. She took it off the heat and flipped it once before sliding it onto the plate. The second was made just as quickly, and then, she took the greens that he had prepared, tossed them in more fat, and added salt and spices. The greens were portioned into two and arranged on top of the eggs.

  She set the pan aside and took the two plates, trying to turn toward the table. “Varix, I need to turn around.”

  He put his hands on her waist and lifted her, turning with her. “There you go.”

  She set the food down at their respective places, and she sighed. “You have to let go so I can get forks.”

  He leaned to the side and retrieved the sporks that were in common usage.

  Varix put the implements down and wrapped his arms around her. “You look lovely.”

  “Sit down and eat. I will be just as lovely on a full stomach.”

  He nodded and held her chair for her. She sat and waited for him. She ate the omelette with the bitter greens, and it was so much better when she could choose her mouthful.

  “Interesting technique. It is pretty good.”

  She inclined her head. “I am glad it is edible. I am going to have to ease into the bitter greens.”

  “I am glad that you do not discard a possibility just because you do not care for it the first time.”

  She poured herself some water. Suddenly, they weren’t talking about food anymore, and Nan suspected that she was going to have to get used to the shift.

  Chapter Seven

  She visited the khitans, and they jumped on her, proving that the skirt was made of sturdy stuff. Her little buddy was on her shoulder while she cleaned up the bones.

  The bones were ground up, and she was sitting in the enclosure, stroking the khitans behind the ears. The music started again. She got to her feet and walked out of the enclosure, and with her little buddy on her shoulder, she danced.

  The skirt and top flared, but she was still covered with the first few spins. She couldn’t play music to save her life, but she could dance.

  Her khitan took flight and then danced with her as the music rose and fell, the flying creature swirled around her.

  She heard a chuffing sound and froze. The little one flew behind her, and Nan turned to see the matriarch that had been mentioned. The cat was the size of a buffalo. Nan remained motionless, and the elder khitan came up and sniffed her from head to toe. The matriarch nudged her with her head, and Nan carefully scratched the huge cat behind the ears. The matriarch leaned into her, and when the ears had been sufficiently scratched, Nan was nudged toward the enclosures.

  She unlocked and opened the enclosures and noticed that the music had stopped. The khitans poured out and flew around their matriarch. Nan moved against the wall and watched the interaction.

  The big cat greeted all of the little ones, one by one. There was a lot of excited flying, and the littlest khitan was sitting on the matriarch’s head.

  Varix walked up, and he bowed to the matriarch. She bowed to him and then butted him in the chest. He chuckled. “Hello, Heetha. You are looking well.”

  She made a low rumbling noise and looked toward Nan.

  “Ah, this is my companion, Nan. Your family seems to like her.”

  Nan’s little buddy flew from the matriarch’s head to sit carefully on Nan’s shoulder with her tail taking the job of balancing and lightly strangling Nan. The cute and happy sounds that
were emerging from the khitan were adorable.

  “So, do we have any candidates for travel?”

  The matriarch lifted her head, and two of the knee-high khitans came forward and stood next to Varix.

  “Thank you, Heetha. They will go to a good world and come home when they are ready to breed.”

  The matriarch chuffed again.

  Varix laughed. “Or I will find a world willing to house branathi, and they can start their own population.”

  The matriarch let out a deep rumble. The large feline crossed to where Nan was standing, and she nudged her, pressing her back against the wall. Nan dug her fingers in behind the large cat’s ears, and the happy rumble shook her to her bones.

  “Thank you for the friendly greeting, matriarch.” Nan smiled and dug her fingers through the silky soft fur until the cat slumped. Then, Nan reached under the chin and scratched with her nails. The purr nearly popped Nan’s ears.

  When Nan stopped scratching, the big cat put a paw on her, and it was the little buddy who growled and hissed at the larger cat.

  Nan was surprised, but the matriarch was shocked. The little creature waved her front paws in the air, claws out.

  Varix chuckled. “It seems that the little one has claimed you. It will have to get in line.”

  The matriarch made a stern huff toward the little one, and the kitten remained on its hind legs with wings spread. Nan reached up and touched her little buddy. “Hey, short stuff, respect your elders.”

  The kitten settled, and the matriarch looked at her with approval, nudging her before walking back to Varix. The communication between them was silent, but she had no doubt that it was there. The younger khitans flew with the matriarch as she launched herself up and caught herself with her huge wings.

  The little buddy made a soft sound. Nan smiled. “It’s okay, you can go play.”

  The launch from her shoulder drew a bit of blood, but Nan ignored it.

  Varix walked over, and he smiled. “You made a good impression on the matriarch.”

  She was going to comment when he touched her arm and moved her shirt aside. “You are bleeding.”

  “My little buddy is better at landings, but she sucks at the launch on fabric this thin.” As she talked, he bent his head to her and dragged his tongue along the thin red lines.

  She gasped and held her breath as he ran his tongue over her skin until the blood was gone. She expected him to stop there, but he moved to her neck and then pressed her up against the enclosure.

  When he lifted her so that her head was slightly higher than his, she made a surprised squeak. His hips pinned her in place, and she moaned as he rocked against her. Varix slid his hands under her loose shirt and cupped and squeezed her breasts while he kissed her.

  She was being aroused on all fronts, and the whimper that came from her throat summed up what was going on. His hips rocked into hers, her breasts ached, and her nipples tingled, and his tongue was slowly working on waking her senses. The tension built, and she held on, but when she came, he broke the kiss and bit into the muscle between neck and shoulder. A sharp tingling pain throbbed through her, turning her body into one giant pulse.

  She clutched at his shoulders as her body slowly wound down, and his groin rocked against hers, keeping the soft pulses going.

  His tongue worked against her skin, and he slowly released her, licking the wounds closed. When he lifted his head, he kissed her again until she was limp in his arms.

  Nan had no idea what he was doing with all the foreplay, but he hadn’t used his fingers inside her, so he was keeping his word. She returned the slow kiss and threaded her fingers in his hair.

  Varix slowly broke the kiss and rubbed his nose against hers. “How was that?”

  She looked at him, and she knew her expression was dazed. “It was good. Fine. Nice.”

  She inhaled and felt the pressure against her. “What do I need to say to get my feet back on the ground?”

  He smiled softly, held her by her waist, and stepped back. She had to unlock her ankles from around his back, and soon, he was supporting her as she leaned against the enclosure.

  She felt the sweat on her skin and clothing, as well as the slick residue between her thighs. Nan knew she was blushing furiously. “How long will the khitans be gone?”

  “A few hours. The matriarch will teach them to hunt and instruct them in the manners of their kind.” He leaned down and nuzzled at her neck.

  “So, what were the two that the matriarch set aside?”

  “Those are the two who will travel to another world to live with a Hmrain and his companion, as the companion’s companions and guards.”

  “Guards?” She swallowed as he moved to the other side of her neck, and her knees were going weak again.

  “Certainly. Compatible companions are expensive. Some of us need to travel for business or connections with more of our kind. A compatible companion is highly desirable, and the opportunity to steal one is something many of my brothers or sisters would take advantage of.” He lifted his head and smiled. “I travel a bit.”

  “But, who takes care of the khitans?”

  “The matriarch and her mate. He doesn’t fly distances, but he likes to take care of the little ones and shows them fun tricks. They can watch them for the weeks I am gone. I also provide them with enough meat to start them off.” His kisses were trailing over her collarbone, and her focus was slipping.

  “Does that mean you will be gone for a while?”

  He chuckled against her skin as he knelt and lifted her shirt out of the way. “We will be travelling to Hyrnan. There is a Hmrain there with a companion from your world, and as his is a raw colony, we have been asked to supply the khitans and some of their prey. If it works and they are able to reproduce, we will bring more khitans in a few years, and there will be another world where they can live and flourish.”

  “How many khitans are off Abix?”

  “Fifty. None have been able to breed on the worlds that they inhabit, and only one pair has reached breeding size.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair as he licked and sucked at her breasts in turn. “How old are they when they are the right size?”

  He nuzzled at her breasts and grazed her nipples with his teeth. “Thirty years. The two chosen are twenty. Your little stalker is ten.”

  She pressed her thighs together and groaned as he sucked particularly hard. She was sweating, panting, and digging her fingers into his scalp. She felt the orgasm hit, and she dropped to her knees. Varix stroked her breasts and kissed her softly. “Would you like to continue to discuss khitans?”

  Nan shook her head and shuddered as her body buckled with the strange wave of pleasure that had started from the arousal connection between her breasts and clit.

  Varix lifted her and carried her over to one of the buildings that she hadn’t seen yet. The walls were covered with a collection of stringed instruments, and there was a series of keyboard-style instruments as well. What got Nan’s attention was the full com unit in the corner, as well as a comfy-looking backless couch large enough to support Varix.

  He set her down on the couch and got a light blanket from a chest. “Take a nap. I have to let Etska know that his gift to his companion is available.”

  Nan was energized, but as he stroked her hair, she got sleepy. She muttered, “Did you just do something to me?”

  “Possibly, but you are still recovering from the crash and your surgeries. You need more rest than you have been getting. You won’t sleep; you will just relax.”

  She would have flipped him off, but he wouldn’t have recognized what it referenced, and if he did, he might take it as an invitation.

  She put her head on her arm and watched as he made a call, waited, and then spoke in the weird liquid language of Hmrain. There was a questioning tone from the other end of the call. Varix paused, and then, he nodded and confirmed what the question had asked. There was laugh
ter from the other male on the other end.

  They discussed something at length, and it wasn’t until a voice spoke in common, “I know you are talking about me, Etska. Knock it off, or I am going to start pulling feathers.”

  The phrasing was very Earther, and Nan sat up. “Who is that?”

  The female voice replied. “Who is that?”

  Nan crossed the space and leaned over Varix’s shoulder to see another human with bronze skin and snow-white hair doing the same to her Hmrain. “Hiya. I am Nan.”

  The other woman’s eyes were wide. “You are the one with all the kids! I am Athena.”

  Nan laughed. “The one who jumped into the K’liir claws. I didn’t see it, but we heard about it.”

  The man on the other side of the vid call looked amused, but he kept quiet.

  Athena asked, “How long have you been with Varix?”

  Nan looked at Varix and shrugged. “Two days? I landed here a few days ago.”

  Varix muttered, “Crashed.”

  “Fine. I crashed and because of the damage into a restricted area, I was forfeit. Apparently. I haven’t actually been able to look up any laws regarding the trespass in particular.”

  Varix chuckled. “I will bring up the statutes that protect the area.”

  Athena smiled. “Well, it is nice to see a familiar face. I will call you in a few weeks to check how you are getting on.”

  Nan smiled. “That would be nice. I am still finding my balance, and when I am not working, I think about the kids.”

  Athena’s eyes narrowed at Varix. “You haven’t let her see them?”

  “It has only been a few days, and we haven’t properly bonded yet.”

  Athena rubbed her face. “They are children that she spent time with as a caregiver. You can’t just take her away and tell her they are fine. She needs to see it.”


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