Fractured Chances

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Fractured Chances Page 8

by Viola Grace

  Varix nodded. “Just a moment. This won’t take long.”

  He walked Nan to the door. “Go in without me. I will be with you in a moment.”

  Nan smiled and headed inside. The change from light to the dimmer interior made her pause, and when she stepped forward, a woman with greenish skin and silver eyes glided forward. “Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?”

  Nan inclined her head. “Thank you for the greeting. I am looking for a young woman named Mia. Is she here?”

  The woman smiled and nodded, but there was disappointment in what she radiated. “She is struggling in the back. Would you like me to escort you?”

  “If that would not be too much trouble. I have not seen her in some time and just want to confirm her health and wellbeing.”

  “Oh, that one is healthy, all right.”

  Nan blinked, and she extended her hand to the other woman. “I am sorry for any distress she has caused you.”

  The woman’s eyes flashed black, and her mouth opened. “Oh, um. Come with me, my lady.”

  Nan let her hand go, and she murmured. “Just from a touch?”

  “Our kind feels things quickly, and the psychic imprint of Lord Varix is all over you.”

  “Oh. Yeah. That would make sense.” She chuckled.

  Nan walked into the workroom, and it was similar to that of an architect. There was light, tables, fabric on the wall, and at a desk with drawing tools and a body blank in front of her, Mia was trying to piece together clothing.

  Nan walked up behind her. “Hello, Mia. You always wanted to become a designer. It was going to be your path to fame, and here you are.”

  Mia was as precisely put together as always. Her tunic attached at several points, her sleeves were slit to the elbow, and she was wearing some patterned leggings and ankle boots. Her black hair was in a thick braid that hung straight down her back.

  “Oh, hi, Nan. You are alive.”

  “And observant as always. How are you doing, Mia?”

  She growled and looked around. “This stupid apprenticeship is idiotic. I could be doing so much more if I just had more resources.”

  Nan nodded. “Of course. So, what have you designed so far?”

  The woman who had led Nan in said, “Nothing. She wants the title without the work.”

  Mia growled. “This is your fault. If we hadn’t crashed, we would have been eased into the system. Now, I am stuck with an apprenticeship that I don’t want and no chance to meet Lord Varix again.”

  There it was. “Why do you want to meet him?”

  “I have heard that companions have it easy. They sleep with a Hmrain and get money, jewels, houses, clothing. Anything they want. Who wouldn’t want that?”

  Nan turned to the shop owner. “What is her classification?”

  “Mid-low-level sensuality. She might be able to manage a few weeks, but nothing beyond that.”

  Mia frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  Nan smiled. “You don’t have the right psychic emissions when you are aroused. The Hmrain can’t consume it and would take everything you had and leave you a drooling husk. You need a companion-level sensuality rating, or you will burn out. They will pay you handsomely, but if they aren’t careful—and really if they are not going to keep you, why would they be—you will burn out, and death may be the result. I mean, there are other Hmrain in the universe, and you might find one to take you on, but Varix isn’t available.”

  Mia snorted. “Don’t tell me that you think you have a chance?”

  Nan heard the soft flap of wings, and Little Buddy landed on her shoulder. “I have reason to believe that I do.”

  Varix walked in, and the shop owner bowed her head. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around Nan. “Is your conversation completed?”

  “I believe so. Mia, is there anything else that you would like to say?”

  The young woman smiled slyly and walked toward Varix. “Lord Varix, I have looked forward to seeing you again.”

  Nan fought the urge to roll her eyes.

  “Why? You and the others were brought here as a colony package. You would not have had contact with me if it wasn’t for the heroic actions of your lovely caretaker.”

  Mia blinked. She wasn’t used to being dismissed. “Lovely? I suppose she is normal-looking enough, but she is all scarred.”

  Varix growled, and the noise rumbled out in a sonic pulse. Mia clapped her hands over her ears and cowered.

  Varix inhaled slowly and said, “No one disrespects my lady while I live, and I am going to live for a very, very long time.”

  He turned toward the shop owner. “Do you have other staff that can watch the shop for a few months? As well as continue this one’s education?”

  The owner nodded. “Yes, Lord Varix. Why?”

  “My lady and I are travelling to Hyrnan next week. She will need a wardrobe, as will I. Your shop has some quality designs, so if you are amenable, you can accompany us to the other world and have your choice of the new textiles that they are developing. You may even find a market for your designs.”

  The designer smiled. “May I take measurements?”

  He chuckled. “I will send you the measurements from our scanner. We have another appointment today, and I do not wish to remain in the colony any longer than necessary.”

  Mia blurted out, “Why are you leaving so soon?”

  Varix picked Nan up, and he said, “Because I rode this Urther all night and have not yet gotten my fill.”

  Nan clapped a hand over his mouth. “It wasn’t all night. We stopped to feed the khitans.” He tongued her hand, and she blinked and waited until her knees slid together before she pulled her hand back. “Fine. You win.”

  He lifted her and kissed her. “I always win.”

  He kissed her again, and the kiss continued until she was limp and breathing hard. When he said, “Goodbye, Urther.” She remembered that Mia was in the room with them.

  She couldn’t see around his shoulder, but he had said it all. Mia wasn’t worth his remembering her name.

  Chapter Eleven

  Josh and Eric were in a different design area. They were designing parts for space ships and having an amazing time. They spoke respectfully to Varix and hugged Nan briefly under the Hmrain’s scowl.

  It was a fun visit, and when they left, Varix asked, “Would you like to go for lunch?”

  She smiled. “Oh. Something we don’t have to cook. I am in.”

  He laughed, and they dismissed the administrator to walk down the sidewalk, holding hands.

  “So, how do you feel about the children’s safety now?”

  She exhaled slowly. “Better. Frankly, I even feel better knowing that Mia is going to have to start working quickly, or she’s going to fail. She is tremendously talented, but she always looks for the easy way. There is no easy way; it is just the hard way with the price tag later in the process.”

  He chuckled. “You are fairly intelligent for a member of a new species.”

  “I am not my species. I am just Nan.”

  He smiled and nodded toward a doorway with some plants and an eating area outside. It was sweet, and the weather was warm.

  “So, do you enjoy it when folks freak out when you show up?”

  He sighed as their nervous server set them down and went to get them water. “It does get old very quickly. I spend less and less time in the colony and much less in the city. It is just me and the khitans.”

  Varix paused and smiled. “Now me, you, and the khitans. How do you enjoy the quiet life?”

  She sighed. “I love it. I have always been a creature who thrived in silence. Not having a bunch of people around means that I am not compelled to keep helping people.”

  “Excellent. I have a home here and a few around Abix if you ever want a change of scenery.”

  “Are there khitans in other parts of the world?” She smiled at the server as he ne
rvously set down the glasses.

  “No. Just the mountains.” He took her hand and rubbed his thumb along her palm.

  “Then, I am happy to remain in the mountains.”

  He grinned. “Good. Aside from the occasional delivery of khitans to other worlds, we shall remain there until it is necessary for us to leave. Fortunately, with the right angle, we can get to and from Hyrnan in a few weeks and then be back home for the best of summer.”

  “Why do you have to deliver the khitans?”

  He grinned. “As you found out today, they don’t trust new bipeds. They need to be introduced.”

  She reached up to his shoulder and stroked the chin of the little furry flier. “Yeah, they do.”

  Little Buddy hopped over to her shoulder.

  Varix chuckled. “Traitor.”

  The menus were built into the table, and Nan made her first selection before getting lost in some of the foods. “I am stumped. I have ordered a flatbread. No idea where to go next.”

  He asked politely, “May I?”

  She nodded. “Please.”

  He made a few quick taps on his place setting, and he reached out for her, guiding her around the table and pulling her to sit on his lap so that he could press soft kisses to her neck.

  She sighed and tilted her head to the side. “Well, I suppose there aren’t any kids around.”

  The server came out, paused, and then brought out the flatbread. He set it within her reach, bowed, and left. She reached out and took a piece, nibbling on it as Varix nibbled on her.

  She swallowed and smiled. “That is actually really good.”

  He lifted his head and opened his mouth. She gave him the rest of her first piece, and he nodded. “It is very nice. You taste better.”

  She smiled. “But I give less caloric satisfaction.”

  He snorted. “That is what you say, but I could live on you alone.”

  There was an earnestness to him that made her smile. She picked up another piece of flatbread and held it to his mouth. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  He grinned and took another bite.

  She grinned, and they kept working through the appetizer. When the other dishes arrived, they were arranged close to them by the careful server.

  Nan chuckled. “So, I am the default food service?”

  He shrugged innocently. “My hands are busy.”

  She poked at his chest, but then, she looked over the items he had selected, got a spork, and started trying things. Once she had gotten the hang of a flavour, she shared it but not before that point.

  He reached out with his red hand and tapped a plate of what looked like a filled pasta. “Try this one next.”

  She smiled, and she could feel his eagerness. It was pasta, some kind of cheese, and a lot of cream with a hint of smoked meat. She ate three pieces and could feel him getting agitated. “You could get your own, you know.”

  He chuckled. “This is more fun.”

  She licked the spork and smiled. “If you say so. It is really good, though.”

  He squeezed her. “Continue your companion duties, Nan.”

  She snorted and got a piece of pasta on her spork. “We haven’t discussed what those are.”

  He ate the pasta and smiled happily. “You maintain my body, and I provide you with a ridiculous amount of funds to spend on whatever you want—clothing, food, and shelter.”

  She chuckled. “I notice that you don’t mention transport.”

  “You will travel with me unless it is dangerous for you.”

  She got him a second sample of pasta. “Dangerous, how?”

  “The unmatched members of my species can be a little... grabby when it comes to others’ companions.”

  “Grabby.” Her tone was flat.

  “Assaulty?” He looked embarrassed. “The younger ones are intoxicated with the idea of the boost that they get from a verified companion. Since their worlds and systems are slowly becoming habitable, they have to wait until they can support a population before they can take on a companion.”


  He chuckled. “They have to have somewhere to keep them. You have needs for support and maintenance, just as we do.”

  She sat, stunned. “You are saying that you can’t have a puppy if you don’t keep a fish alive for a while.”

  Varix blinked and thought about it. “I don’t know what a puppy is, but if it is like a khitan, yes. We need to get a colony started and thriving before we can be sure that we will be able to keep our companion alive.”

  “Huh. So...” She looked around. “This is your colony?”

  He laughed. “No, this is the entry zone where the new arrivals can be brought up to speed with tech, language, and other species. From here, they can head to one of the cities. This stops folks from trying to grab a ship and return to their home world.”

  She nodded. “Which I guess has happened.”

  “Twice. It also created this colony town. If they run to the woods, they are trapped against the mountains, and if they run across the plains, they run out of food. Even the vehicles in town won’t hold a charge for more than an hour.”

  Nan nodded. “That... makes a certain sense. So, when do I get this giant pile of money?”

  He chuckled. “I will set up your accounts when we travel to Hyrnan. What do you think you will do with it?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe buy the bond of a few more kids at the station. Start an art program in the colony?”

  He nodded. “You will have ten decades to figure out the rest. The contract is for a hundred years or until you have a child, at which point, the union may be reassessed for viability.”

  “Wait, so, I am stuck with you for a hundred years? I am going to be all wrinkly by then.”

  He smiled. “I am betting that you won’t. The side effect of my venom and other bodily fluids accelerates your regenerative properties. As long as we are having sex, you will be as bright and healthy as you are today. It will settle in a few weeks, but it will have broken down most of the scar tissue in your body, tightened and smoothed your skin, and built up your immune system.”

  She reached for the next plate and made a face. The bitter greens just didn’t hold any attraction for her in an acidic sauce. “That one is all for you.”

  He smiled and picked up his own spork. She went in search of something to get the taste out of her mouth. A canape did the trick. It was spicy as hell and salty, but the cracker scraped out the bitterness of the greens.

  She nibbled at the other plates and nudged a few toward him that she didn’t care for.

  “You know, other females have tried to pretend that they were pleased with my choices.” He was chuckling.

  “If I am tied to you for a hundred years, that is a lot of time to lie. Let’s be frank. These green things are not pleasant to my palate.” She ate at just about everything else in some quantity but avoided that particular vegetable.

  “But they have all the minerals needed to build a healthy predator.” He chuckled.

  “I will just have to keep my wits and knives sharp.” She looked up at him and blinked with a smile. “And make sure that you have my back.”

  He grinned. “Don’t worry. I eat my greens.”

  She chuckled and lifted one of the canapes to him. He laughed and took the bite from her. With the distasteful foods out of the way, she continued to trade off food with him.

  “Okay, I am done. You keep going.”

  He whispered, “Aw, you said that this morning, and I stopped then, so I will stop now.”

  She blushed and sipped at her water.

  He took the glass from her, and he nudged her. “You have your own.”

  Grumbling, she leaned forward and grabbed her glass; Little Buddy hissed and smacked the water out of her hand.

  “What the actual fuck?”

  Varix ran his fingers through the water on the table, and he sighed. “
It wasn’t poison. Well, it wasn’t meant for you directly.”

  He set her on a cold chair with her tiny security detachment, and he walked inside the restaurant. There was a low rumble as he spoke to the people inside the building, but she concentrated on scratching the chin of her Little Buddy. “Good catch.”

  When Varix came out, the server was with him, and he knelt and grovelled an apology. From his heartfelt sobs, he had given her an arousal enhancer that was common with his people and thought it would help their... situation.

  She got up and leaned in. “Interesting thought, but I don’t need any help.”

  The young male nodded his head. “Yes, lady.”

  Nan chuckled. “I also don’t take anything that will affect my mental state. Keeping my wits around Varix is important.”

  Varix chuckled and came around the table to her, lifting her in his arms.

  “My lord, can I offer you dessert?”

  Varix lifted Nan in his arms. “I think I can manage my own. I have something in mind.”

  His wings went wide, and he flew off with her in his arms. They headed straight for the mountains, and Little Buddy was excited to be heading home. This was the furthest she had ever come.

  Nan leaned up and whispered, “So, what is on the agenda for dessert?”

  He gave her a long look and a slow smile.

  “Oh. That? But you had that last night and this morning.”

  He shrugged. “I like what I like.”

  She laughed, and Little Buddy took flight when they passed the mountain range, soaring into the woods, making happy sounds as she flew.

  Nan asked, “How does she keep getting out?”

  “She has chewed an exit at the top of the cage. She is the only one who wants to use it, so the bots will repair it when they do regular maintenance.” His wings carried them down to the yard in front of his home.

  She was ready to be set on her feet, but he carried her in and to the kitchen. He set her on the table and loosened her boots, sliding them off her legs. Once that was done, he peeled off her leggings and then folded her skirt up and looked at her.

  “Now, about dessert...”

  Her hand was over her eyes when she felt the cool substance on her belly and between her thighs. The scent of honey warming made her open her eyes. “What are you doing?”


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