Melted By Love

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Melted By Love Page 17

by Lily Thomas

  “When will the rabbits be done?”

  “It shouldn’t be too long.”

  It had to be soon. The skin was already browning to a brilliant golden color. Jasmine couldn't wait much longer. It was too easy for her to imagine the taste of those rabbits on her tongue with the way they currently smelled. She could imagine their crunchy skin under her teeth, as she ate at them ravenously.

  With a sigh, she turned her head to look around the camp.

  The snowfall had lightened while the three of them had been sitting around the fire. She could now see the tents the other ice giant warriors had set up, as well as other fires over which they prepared their dinners.

  “Here I thought you would be the first to eat.” Dryden's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

  Turning, she saw Mathar had finished cooking the rabbits and was now pulling them off of the stick they’d been roasted upon.

  Her mouth salivated as she thought about taking her first bite out of the crispy rabbit. “I would love to have some.”

  Dryden smiled to himself and then motioned Mathar to hand him one of the rabbit legs.

  “Here you are. I believe you will enjoy the leg,” Dryden said, as he offered it over to her.

  Jasmine still wasn't quite used to using her fingers to eat, but she gratefully accepted the leg from Dryden. The fat oozed out and over her hand, causing her to smile as she took eager bites. The meat melted in her mouth like butter.

  She glanced over at Mathar. “You should be a chef, instead of a warrior. All you did was cook this rabbit over a fire, and yet it is the best-cooked meat I’ve ever had. I wonder what you could do if we weren’t in a camp in the mountains.”

  Mathar snorted. “You’re too easily pleased.”

  Dryden scowled at him. “She gave you a compliment.”

  “I never asked for one.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Jasmine said over mouthfuls of the rabbit meat. Fat was now dripping down her chin, and she tried in vain to wipe it away with the back of her hand. “It doesn’t matter if he’s grumpy, I’m not about to take back my compliment. He’ll just have to learn to handle niceties from me.”

  Glancing over at Dryden, she blushed when she noticed him smiling down at her.

  “Is there something you find amusing?” Jasmine inquired.

  He shrugged. “Just watching you enjoy the piece of rabbit.”

  “Truly, it's the best I’ve had.”

  Mathar rolled his eyes, rose from his log, and left, taking one of the rabbits with him.

  “He really is a grumpy man.” Jasmine was confused why Mathar was acting this way with her. “He doesn’t even know me, and yet he acts like I’m the worst nuisance in the world.”

  “Don't mind him. He tends to be the grump of the group,” Dryden explained. “His life wasn’t an easy one.”

  “Mind sharing more?”

  “It’s his story to tell, not mine.”

  They spent a few more minutes eating in silence, finishing a rabbit between the both of them. Dryden ate more than she could have in a day.

  After they finished, Dryden handed her a small square of fur to wipe the grease off of her mouth and chin.

  “Thank you.” She may have initially had reservations about eating a fluffy rabbit, but in the end, she had dug in with abandon.

  Dryden took back the fur square and then offered his hand to her. She took it, and as their hands touched, a feeling of warmth and security shot straight through her arm and to the back of her neck, leaving her hairs standing on end.

  Looking up into his black eyes as she stood, she saw that he had felt the surge as well. His eyes softened to a lighter color, and she found herself trapped in their gaze. She could easily get lost in those dark depths if he gave her the opportunity.

  Jasmine hadn't even noticed he’d leaned down until he whispered against her lips, “Will you join me?”

  Would she ever! Her heart skipped with joy. Jasmine had so many emotions rolling through her, but the strongest was a spark of love she was starting to feel for this ice giant of hers. Call her crazy, but she couldn’t care less.

  Dryden led her away from the fire, but his strong hand never stopped holding hers.

  She followed right behind him, her eagerness surprising herself. Yes, there was a part of her that was nervous about joining him in his tent for a night of passion. This kind of thing would ruin her if she ever made it back home to the manor. She would be expected to still be a maiden when she eventually married.

  But at the moment, she was uncertain if she would ever make it back to the manor at all, and she wanted to explore this wild feeling between them.

  She was determined to enjoy this moment before she returned to her world, a world where she may never experience… whatever this was.

  She smiled, pushing those horrible thoughts from her mind.

  Right before they reached the tent flap, Dryden let her hand slip from his, and he strode into the tent before her.

  She caught the flap before it closed fully and followed him inside.

  From her spot at the front of the tent, she had a good view of the entire space, along with the ice giant who was currently disrobing right in front of her impatient eyes.

  First, he took his armor off piece by piece. She felt like he wanted her rapt attention, drawing it out on purpose just to tease her.

  Next, she watched with eager eyes as he took hold of the hem of his shirt.

  “Having a good time?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  He lifted the shirt, exposing his impressive display of muscles.

  She loved watching the muscles in his arms bunch up as he lifted the shirt up and over his mass of black hair. The sight of his chest almost made her drool. He was completely drool-worthy, in her opinion. He was toned from all his years of being a warrior, and it was completely distracting.

  “I never thought I would enjoy so much muscle.” He was absolutely nothing like the men in her kingdom, that was for sure. Dryden was all muscle and beautifully tanned skin.

  “I think you’ll be pleased with the pleasure this muscle can give you.”

  Then his leather pants, his stockings, and his boots followed close behind.

  How could she not admire the way he looked?

  Watching him was probably as close as she’d get to witnessing a god undress. He was so tall, yet not intimidating in any way. Those well-honed muscles appealed to her in a primal feminine way.

  They made her feel all gooey, yet so very protected. He was a man made to protect anything that was his, and she desired to be his with all her heart. She knew he would give her a night of passion that she would remember for the rest of her life.

  He turned his head to look over at her, and their eyes collided, sparks shooting off in every direction. Her heart fluttered as he turned his body to give her the full view of his naked form.

  She blushed, amazed at his confidence, even though he had every right to be so self-assured.

  Looking down at her slippers, she gave him some privacy. She was still feeling a bit on the shy side, even if her body felt warm and gooey.

  After giving him a few moments and hearing no movement on his part, she looked up to find his black eyes watching her. Goosebumps chased up her arms to the back of her scalp, tingling all the way.

  Her eyes wandered down his naked torso, to his lean hips, and then down to his long, hard member, which was sticking straight up with well-deserved pride.

  Oh, he was large. She’d been intimidated by it the first night she’d seen it, but now her body responded with overwhelming lust.

  “Feeling as hot as I am?’”

  All she could do was nod since her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat. The area between her thighs grew wet and achy, as she stared at his member. It jerked under her intense stare, and she let out a gasp.

  Her eyes came back up his body to meet his dark gaze once more.

  This sight of Dryden naked made he
r mouth water. So completely drool-worthy.

  Her eyes couldn't help but dip back down to his rigid plain of abs. She wanted to scratch her nails down those washboard abs of his.

  As his member twitched, she looked down at it.

  “Liking what you see?” Dryden asked in a smug voice, fully aware of how his body was affecting her.

  That was when she realized her mouth was hanging open wide. She snapped it shut. Her eyes returned to his once again, and when they met, sparks flew through the air.

  “You are so completely different than any man I’ve seen.”

  A smile creased the corners of his mouth. “You commonly see men in this state of undress? I thought you humans were more prudish.”

  Jasmine blushed. “No, but I have seen soldiers practicing their skills before. Of course, they usually wear their armor, or only have their shirt missing.”

  “Adventures of a young girl?”

  She laughed. “You could say that. Most of the time my adventures were in books though.”

  Lust pooled in his black eyes, and her stomach somersaulted. He wanted her tonight.

  Like the predator he was, he strutted over to her. Her feet were frozen to the ground below her, so she was glad one of them found it easy to move. His warm hands landed on her shoulders and massaged the stiffness from the muscles.

  Jasmine hadn't even realized she’d been holding her shoulders so tensely.

  “That feels so good.” She murmured as he rubbed them loose. Other than her sister, she hadn’t much intimate contact with others.

  His battle-roughened hands ran up her neck to cup her face, and before she knew it, his lips were resting against hers.

  A sigh escaped her as her lips softened, and she eagerly returned his touch. Her head tilted back to allow him better access, and he deepened the kiss.

  She heard him whisper against her lips, “Good girl.”

  She had no intention of remaining a good girl in his presence… he was a bad influence on her.

  “Until I turn naughty.” She bit his bottom lip lightly.

  His eyes spread wide. Neither of them had expected that to come from her mouth, but she could tell he was pleasantly surprised. She gave him a saucy grin.

  He responded with a chuckle and gathered her lips to his once more. His tongue teased the crease of her mouth, begging for entrance, and she complied. As his tongue darted between her lips, she threw caution to the wind and entwined her tongue with his. Her eyes closed as the passion flowed over her, blanking her mind to the world and its problems.

  One of his arms slowly snaked its way around her waist, drawing her closer to his searing body. Dryden flattened her against his chest. Jasmine felt his hard erection through the layers of her dress, pancaked between their hot bodies.

  A smile formed on her ravished lips.

  “Something pleases you, Jasmine?”

  Distracted, she replied, “I love how you say my name with that deep growl of yours.”

  “Jasmine,” he repeated.

  “Oh, yes. Yes, something, or more accurately someone, is pleasing me very much,” she said in between his hot kisses.

  So this was what it felt like to be in love with someone. No wonder Adorra could only see the pleasant side of Lord Gothar if she felt anything like this in his presence. Jasmine had always wondered what it would feel like, and now that she knew, she didn't want to let go of it. Not even for a second.

  Her face and neck flushed crimson, and the ache between her thighs intensified. Jasmine moaned against Dryden’s lips and rubbed her body against his. Dryden switched up his kissing technique, moving to the corners of her mouth to kiss each smiling crease, and then to her cheek, moving his way down her throat to the collar of her dress.

  As he reached the collar, his hands tried to untie the laces of her dress.

  “What is it about this damn human clothing?” he growled in frustration.

  Jasmine tried her best not to laugh, but it was too funny. “Here, let me!” She brushed his hands away. “Before you do something rash, like cutting them with a knife.”

  “What a fantastic idea. We could be rid of them forever.”

  “No!” Jasmine frowned at him. “We spare the laces from your wrath.”

  She made admirably short work of the laces, and he slid the dress off her shoulders, allowing the disheveled dress to fall to the floor in a cascade of fabric.

  “Remind me to get you a fur dress like our females wear. That way all we have to do is slip it off, and we’ll be ready for whatever we want to do.”

  Jasmine smiled shyly. She might be about to sleep with him tonight, but that didn’t mean she was staying here with him. There wasn’t enough time on her agenda to allow a fur dress to be made for her. Dryden didn’t allow her too much time to think about that, though.

  His hands brushed against the soft skin of her arms.

  The only thing protecting her decency was her underdress, a light pink, flimsy material. But she felt its weight, and it frustrated her that she wasn't already naked. She wanted it off of her already. The feeling of his pressing erection was driving her insane, and she just wanted all the material between them gone.

  The thin fabric caught and teased her hard nipples. She had never been this hot or needing in her entire life. As Dryden rubbed up against her, the fabric grazed her hard nipples over and over again. She moaned in his ear, her head falling back as her mouth opened from the feeling radiating from her breasts. It sent thrills through her entire body.

  Dryden leaned away from her to gaze down into her eyes. A knowing smile spread across his face. It didn't matter that it was a smile of lust, it just mattered that it was directed at her.

  “Please,” Jasmine begged. She had no idea what she was asking for, but he seemed to know.

  Ever so slowly, he bent down before her and lifted the hem of her underdress. He stopped halfway up her thighs and leaned his head back to look up at her.

  She could imagine her eyes mirrored his, lust-filled and darkened with desire.

  Her breath caught in her chest, as he moved the dress to the height of her hips. Her feminine parts exposed, Jasmine froze. She may have helped to start this, but she was still a little unsure about herself.

  Dryden kissed her pale soft thighs, so close to her wet and aching feminine parts.

  Again, she begged him. “Please.”

  The word just seemed to slip out of her mouth whenever he touched her body. Dryden only continued to kiss her thighs, inching his way higher as if he had never heard her eager plea.

  He inched the hem of her dress higher. He stopped at the bottom of her breasts. Her heart fluttered as he kissed around her belly button. Excitement sparked through her as he lightly kissed his way up from there.

  He amazed her with how gentle he could be with all the muscle he’d formed from his warrior lifestyle. Who knew a giant would make such a fantastic lover.

  He then stopped right at the bottom of her throat. Looking up into her eyes, he observed her.

  “I want to make sure you want this.”

  Emotion caught in her throat. He was checking with her to make sure it was still alright to continue his kissing spree. Her heart ached as she thought about how sweet he was. Nodding, she smiled down at him, giving him the okay to continue.

  Dryden lifted the hem of her dress as Jasmine lifted her arms. Standing all the way up, Dryden lifted the pink underdress over her arms and threw it away from them.

  Jasmine hadn't known she was holding her breath until Dryden exhaled deeply.

  “I’ve been waiting all day to see these.” Dryden cupped her breasts, his warm hands sending thrills through her. Her breasts seemed to fit perfectly in the palms of his hands.

  “Yes?” Was that her voice? She sounded so breathy and wanton, but it seemed to please him. A smile spread across his wickedly handsome face.

  Dryden leaned down towards one of her breasts, and he kissed the taut nipple before sucking it into his mouth.
br />   A moan rushed out of her, as he sucked her nipple deep into his hot, wet mouth. She became more breathless, writhing against him as he held her waist in place. He drew away abruptly, only to blow on her wet nipple, forcing it to stiffen in response.

  He administered the same technique on her other nipple until Jasmine was limp in his arms and desperate with need.

  “Dryden!” Jasmine panted as she pushed his shoulders away. Staring into his eyes, she begged again, “Please.”

  Dryden heard the urgency in her voice. His female wished to come, and he wanted nothing more than to fulfill her every desire. He wanted to make her come around him, below him, and above him.

  “I want more.” She murmured.

  “I want to make sure you’re ready for me.” He wasn’t about to toot his own horn, but he was a fairly endowed man.

  Stroking his hands down her soft thighs, he slowly spread them apart. He bent down, so his face was level with the juncture between her legs. Dryden slipped a long finger between the folds of her pussy.

  “So wet,” Dryden whispered against a thigh as his finger encountered her sweet, moist center. He groaned as his cock throbbed, and he felt an urgency he struggled to contain.

  Her sweet scent drifted up to his nostrils, driving him wild.

  “Dryden?” Her sweet voice entered his ears, and he snapped out of it.

  He had to control himself. He didn't want to spill his seed without being fully inside her tight sheath. She was wet enough now, and they both wanted to come together under the warmth of the furs.

  Standing, he swept her up off her feet and into his arms. Dryden carried her over to the furs. As he made his way, Jasmine gave a giggle that made his heart give a tight tug. He loved seeing her smile and bringing her joy delighted him immensely.

  Gently, he laid her down on the furs that were spread out on the ground. He then joined her, lying on his side. He pulled her against him, sharing his warmth with her.

  Jasmine had been surprised when he lifted her up off her feet and into his strong, dependable arms. The furs felt so very cool under her now moist skin. Thankfully, his body put off enough heat to chase the cold air away.


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