A Journey Into Unknown

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A Journey Into Unknown Page 2

by Aditya Kumar

  Any powerful group always tries to know about other group about their strength to check if they are threat. Same thing applies with interplanetary travel also. We had been grown quite powerful by 3000 AD. It was already found that we were not alone in this vast and perhaps un-ending universe. We had travelled everywhere in our solar system and it was time to explore outside of it. But with growing power we also got the attention of others. When we were able to travel into the planet that was beyond our solar system, others also shown their interest in us.

  A species who were calling themselves Suplarians, showed interest in us. They just came here to know about us. They lived among us without finding that alien lives among us. They came here as a spy, but their intension wasn't to cause any harms to us. Instead, it was us who called to danger. When we find out that aliens live among us, we just freaked out and did a terrible mistake by killing all those aliens which could be found. We were over confident with our technology. We created an anti-aliens task force and killed all the aliens whom we could find, without trying to know their intention. It wasn't a war. They didn't even attack, just tried to convince that they are here for peace, but we hadn't heard anything of them.

  After ending of this incident, we understood that what we just did. We thought that we started a war and now everybody will have to suffer, and we were right. Soon, they set up a team to know about aforementioned incident and to know what we did to them. Our cruelty and insensible action left no choice to them and same thing happened about which we were afraid. They were far much advanced and more developed than us in terms of modern technology. They had the technology to make their warship invisible.

  They sent their team to Earth to know about the incidents and they got able to find out everything they needed. When we came to know about their arrival, we did whatever we could do but it was too late. They were not ready to listen to anything and perhaps it was obvious after what we did to them. They returned to their home planet with all the information. In the meantime, we tried to find out about their planet. We came to know that they were from Suplara planet. We tried to reach to them, but we came to know that even if would have the ship travelling with the speed of light, it would take us more than five months to reach there. However, we couldn’t find their Sun and didn’t understood about their energy source. Also, that wasn’t our concern.

  So, our conventional technology would be needed many years to land there. Alternatively, we tried to communicate them, but they ignored us. We only had option to be ready for war. But they didn't try to face our-self in straight war even after having many modern technologies. Perhaps, they didn't want to spend much resources in this war. So, as it was expected, their warship landed on our planet and we couldn't even able to notice as it was invisible.

  They were far advanced than us. We couldn't able to identify their arrival. We felt some kind-of anomaly but couldn't able to find the reason. However, their action wasn't to demolish us completely, but they wanted us to suffer. They wanted us to feel the pain that we gave them. So, they went before our resources and nature. They used bio weapon to destroy tree. They burnt forests and made drinking water harmful. Until we could able to understand reality, it was too late. They already have returned to their home leaving us in hell.

  We thought the war ended. But it didn't. Loss of trees made our environment unstable. It was one of the toughest times in our history. This was the time when we had to come up with some kind-of the strategy to sort out the problem together. But we didn't. We divided our self into groups and every group tried to save their own people. Situation started getting worse. In order-to obtain sufficient food and shelter we attacked on others. We chose to fight amongst our-self.

  Powerful group won, and they thought that they have obtained everything. Now, their resources would also be mine. But they forget to consider that they lost their own resource too in order-to win the war. It is true that no one wins in war. In fact, both parties loose. So, why not everyone should come together to think about our species, planet and everything on which our survival depends. Why not fight against those who are threat to our existence.

  We understood these things very late when our environment deteriorated and that's why we suffered mass extinction. The one who was rich survived for more but their resources for living also started to end. And in those time when we need to be united more than ever to find a way to survive, we divided our-self. Our survival instinct preferred everything else and we attacked each - other to take down their resources. We made situation worse, and on paper, more that 90 percent population of Earth died and those remaining were also not proud for being saved.

  After everything, people started to realize to come together. Finally, after 6000 years of that invasion, they built a technology to restore our planet to previous state but it was a tedious job and needed a lot of thing. But, we could able to restore a part of planet only and made it inhabitable. We planted tree and in long run we were able to make it better. We still had more than 500 million population and we were happy that our planet and our race both survived.

  We made a city, where we could have everything like, we had earlier. We named it Igloria. We tried to copy the whole nature and, at some extent we succeed. We collected water for centuries and then we made artificial river and blew that water into it. We tried to make different landscapes and did everything that could make us realize that everything is natural. There is not any other species, which could able to survive that disaster and we… human lives alone here. We grew tree and flowers. We are dependent on fruits and plant products only for our food, but we didn’t leave the companion of technology. We were trying to create other life-form starting from microbes, to realize the true power and beauty of nature.

  This time we did everything… we developed our technologies, and made them in the way, so that it could never harm the nature in any way. We did everything to keep our river clean. Moreover, this time we went towards nature more, compare to modern facilities. We didn’t try to build skyscrapers and not the advanced roads and bridges. But this doesn’t mean that we left technology. We used technologies but swear to use only we must need to. We made advanced spaceship… but never tried to go for others planet. We made our vehicle which could easily fly through air… and many other thing, but it was only for very few specific people who really needs those things for improving our condition… not because of absence of raw material or anything, but because we wanted to keep our forests, rivers and other things safe.

  We learnt our lesson, and that was time to follow it. We understood to live together and not to repeat our earlier mistake. We lived for around 1000 years in this peace. We couldn’t able to replicate nature exactly, and also couldn’t able to create any other life-form. However, we grew up with confidence that with the help of technology, we will make everything as it was earlier, and we can live happily and in peace.

  But destiny had some other plans for us. We thought that we nullified the war and its effect and it's the end. But it was just a beginning. We were started getting attacked by something else. First of these incidents, we noticed around 15 years ago. First, we thought that it is the Suplarians… the same alien, who ruined our planet once and not satisfied by our misery. But it wasn't them. We had new technology this time and we got able to contact them to take back their soldiers, otherwise there would be one more war and this time it would start from our invasion on their planet. But we were shocked to know that it wasn't them.

  This time, it was something else. Something worse than them. Suplarians told us that 6500 years after their invasion on Earth, same species came to their planet and was doing the same thing, as are doing on ours. People started missing. They started enquiring and then found many-thing about that new species, which was in no way helpful in defeating them. They came to know these species are named as Quaiak. We were scared to know that Quaiak are super intelligent and powerful and according to their 'scale of measuring the ability of species', we exist no-where close to
them and got frightened to know about the thing that Quaiak used to doing with others.

  Any species having ability lower than Quaiak are just a pawn of chess for them. These people were just a game and not a living being to them. They can take anyone by random picking for their fun and do whatever they like, and frightening thing was that they don't leaves the planet until anyone is left there unharmed. They do something with them so that they can't even die of their own by any means after getting returned by Quaiak, unless Quaiak doesn't want them to die. These species make people to live their ultimate miserable life. According to Suplarians, for more than 200 years Quaiak lived on their home planet and then left the planet after making everyone cripple. According to them, Quaiak is no more on their planet but their effect still exists. They all are in pain right now. They can hardly speak or do anything and just waiting for their death. Last action of Quaiak was noted on Suplara was about 100 years ago. But then, Quaiak came for us and now we will have to suffer the same fate.

  After getting the number of people on our planet and theirs, we estimated that these species will live on Earth for more than 100 years to make everyone miserable. So, we had time but no clue for cure. Moreover, these were very dangerous and frightening information. So, it was kept secret by government authority. But it had to come out in time and when people came to know, many tried to kill them-self to save from those Quaiak, but in vain. We later found out that we can't die. Those intelligent species have used some sort of shield on our planet to save us from death. So, conclusion was that we were in prison. Our planet Earth was a prison for us and we all were prey to these creatures.

  Condition was getting worse with spending day. Those who lived are in fear all the time. No one knows when their time will come and what they would do with them, and what will happen after that. In these times, people needed to get hope. Someone had to come to show that living is not a liability, but it is a pleasure. Someone had to make people believe, that they are safe. Fear can't touch them. Someone had to come to spread hope in people's heart, so that their willingness to live will get alive again. Their dream of being happy and peaceful would survive again. Someone had to make them believe that they don't need to suffer darkness anymore, and light will fall onto them again. There will be no misery and pathetic condition, but they will live and spend their remaining time in light of hope.

  We got some good news from Suplarians. They informed us that their people now has started to die in mass. It is the moment that they were waiting from the time when they were first attacked. It was the moment of relief for them. Some of them who were lucky who died earlier. It was good information in some way, but they told that they all had to suffer at least 10 years of hell after getting cripple. How, they would have spent those time, that was very tough to imagine for us. They just wished us good luck for suffering and they went in ashes.

  We made rehab center for those who were once captured by them where they could be taken care but we knew that this all would be useless in time. What would be the meaning of rehab center if we know that there is no way to return them into previous state. Moreover, we know that our resource will be depleted in time to make these centers running. We tried everything to cure them, but it is of no use by now. We even tried to fight them, but our even most powerful bombs went on them like we were throwing it into empty space. There was no effect of anything on them and more important thing is that they even didn't responded to our attack like we were nothing to them.

  We found out that whenever they need to take anyone, they come out from their ship and take the one they want to. Any other thing is even not a distraction to them. We understood that our current technology can’t do anything to them and we need to improve in it. But, on the same time, we thought about our older enemy who were having much advanced technology compare to us, couldn't do anything to these intelligent species and they finally got happy just by death. Then, what we can do to them?



  Who am


  My name is Mark Raynson. I am 18 years old and I also live in this terror among others. Like everyone, I am terrified of the ongoing event. If you do not know how it feels to spend whole life in terror, just meet me. I will tell you everything. If you haven't seen fear yet, trust me after meeting with us you will change your mind. But this diary is not just about fear and to make you afraid of dark and evil, but this is about hope. This is about fight against evil and getting the lost hope back to make our-self alive. This is about to conquer their realm. If you don't believe in impossible thing, just change your mind, and make your mind ready to listen something unbelievable. I am going to tell you everything that happened to me. Just believe what I am saying, because it is true.

  Today is my 18th birthday. I woke up in morning and seemed to find everything as usual. Everything is looking same except that it is not. There is a feeling that something is different. My mind is giving some signal as if something is different. I don't know what happened to me in night, but something is strange. Something I got that can't be explained in terms of word. You will have to be the one to understand what my situation is right now.

  I can hear all the sound that appears to be coming from far away and it is calling me for help. I don't know what is happening. To make my mood a little lighter, I came out on road and suddenly found that someone might have mistakenly threw a stone towards me. I just ran away from it, trying to save myself. But, suddenly in next moment, I am somewhere else. From here, I can't even see my previous location. What is this? Am I able to run that fast? Is it all just imaginary? I can't believe on the thing that is happening with me right now. And next moment, I am flying but I know that I had to come back.

  I have suffered many childhood traumas. Is it the effect of all that? Is my mind making me to convince that I have superpowers, so that I can concentrate on good and happy things? But it isn't like that. Everything is looking so real. Perhaps, it is the start of something new, something mysterious about which human mind haven't thought yet. Maybe, something that is beyond imagination of all of us. Maybe, it is the start of a new era that humanity has needed in order-to survive. Maybe, someone wants me to do something that is left incomplete but now I need to find my purpose and what is the meaning of all these powers. Who am I exactly and How did I got all this exactly on my 18th birthday?

  I already have seen many things that is completely mysterious, in my life but this is different. It is happening directly with me. There is lot of mystery already on Earth. And I guess, today its number increased by one more. But I always had dream of making myself capable to help others. I always dreamt of making our world a better place to live. I used to think that one day, I will make it a place where there will be no sorrow and sadness, but happiness would have been spread in the air. I will make it a place where everyone will live together and will use their energy and resource for betterment of whole human species instead of wasting it in fighting among them-self, just to prove that one community is superior that others.

  I had a dream that one day, we will understand each - other fully in order-to make an organized planet where safety and prosperity of everyone would be assured. I had thinking that on one hand, we will develop our civilization for better future and on the other hand, we will respect nature. We will thank them for everything that it had given to us for human race to survive and flourish. My thought was that human race is made better than other species to make the balance between everything. That’s why only we could able to survive and we are like a bridge to everything.

  Now, around only 15 years has passed since first of ours were found out to be captured by those aliens, but it looks like that we have already lived here for complete eternity. From then, our planet looks like a living hell where nobody wants to live anymore. We really have no idea that how we will live our remaining life. Condition is like if anybody gets trapped in fire, then he will suffer all the pain, but he will not die forever. In that case, there is no mea
ning of reproduction. It wouldn't be intelligent work to produce new person to put into this prison. There is no place for love anymore or anything else that makes life pleasurable, after knowing that one day we all be going downhill. We have lost the ability to see happier dreams. Now, everyone has only one dream… death.

  I feel myself as very unlucky one as I was of only 3 years, when we first came to know about these things. I am just of 18 years and from that, I spent 15 years in those terrors and luckily, I am safe yet. Yeah… I am safe, if definition of safe would be not captured by alien species yet, then. But, what about those terrors that haunts every-time. I saw many of them missing who were somewhat close to me.

  I once even saw them taking away one of ours. She was crying there for help but no one could really be there to help her. We all were there but it was like an illusion. No one could have done anything. We tried to stop them but that was nothing more than a desultory action. And next moment, there was no one. Those were gone with her. I came back just thinking what they would be doing to her. We all had anger in our heart beside fear. I was afraid that one day, they will take us but at the same time, I was also angry that they were doing this hazardous act on our planet and we just are there to watch getting our mankind destroyed one by one. But, what an 18 years child could have done there when all the army, technology and scientist were nothing to them.

  Like everyone else, I was afraid, in fact, terrified but I was in control. I used to think about plans that may defeat them but that all was just like a fantasy on the land of reality. When reality comes to hurt, there can't be a place for fantasy. In that situation, fantasy or the dream that is not based on any solid ground, just makes us a good feeling but it can't be the solution to the real problem. Sometimes, fantasy saves us from unbearable mental pain but just for a moment, and when the real pain attacks again, then we do not remain ready to face them. And when we miss the boundary between reality and fantasy, we get lost somewhere else, in some other state.


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