Unidentified Phenomenon

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Unidentified Phenomenon Page 7

by Damien Benoit-Ledoux

  “Okay,” Blake intoned hesitantly, looking at Quinn, his eyebrows furled.

  Quinn felt equally confused. “That doesn’t explain what the Orgonon Reactor Core does and what it’s for today. We saw all your weird antennas and things. Why did it have a full charge?”

  Victor took a deep breath. “Well, the work we have been doing for the past forty years hasn’t been focused on psychological pursuits.”

  “Then why were you so angry and excited to learn about our powers?” Blake asked.

  Quinn smirked. At least he’s still on my side, for now…

  Victor looked at the boys with incredulous surprise. “Really? You two just proved an abandoned project theory to be true and grossly understated.”

  “So, when do the human experiments come?” Quinn asked with a half-serious, half-sarcastic tone.

  Victor shook his head and narrowed his eyes. “They don’t. We will ask questions or ask to monitor your brain waves, but slicing you open would not help us gain information. Rather, collaboration with you to gain greater understanding will help further our knowledge of the science behind your powers. In fact, my organization is prepared to offer you full protection from the police and the Internet. Unless, Quinn, you decide you want to pursue superhero vigilantism as Blue Spekter. It would be more difficult for my peers to protect you if…” he paused, searching for the right word.

  If they can’t control me…you mean. “I haven’t made up my mind yet,” Quinn responded skeptically.

  “So, your offer…what conditions does it come with?” Blake asked.

  “Your cooperation, of course. We want you to work with us. Your powers should continue to evolve, and we want to catalogue and document…”

  “And do experiments?” Quinn asked, echoing his previous sentiment.

  Victor shook his head and responded flatly. “There will be no invasive experiments.”

  “And the antennas and those weird guns?”

  Victor smiled, his mood shifting. “Those you can find on the Internet. Did you not search for Wilhelm’s work?”

  “Yeah, they looked like his Cloudbuster invention.”

  Victor clapped his hands with zeal and smiled. “That’s exactly what they are…only we’ve perfected the science. We can manipulate the weather. Remember the freak storm on Saturday night before you wandered into the reactor core? That was the reactor’s final charge moment. The antennas harness orgone from the atmosphere and transfer it to the reactor, where it’s processed and stored in the energy cells beneath it.”

  “Wait, you created the freak storm that tore through the woods and nearly killed innocent campers?” Quinn asked, astounded.

  “Uh, yes, unfortunately we had a targeting misfire,” Victor answered, raising his hands in surrender. “I really have no excuse for that one. I realize a lethal situation could have…”

  “But you wouldn’t have come forward, would you, if that microburst tore through the campground and killed people?” Quinn asked angrily.

  “No, Quinn, we would not have come forward. Our organization enjoys certain immunities from United States law, and in some cases, international law.”

  “Why do you need to control the weather like that?”

  Victor frowned again. “A number of morally good reasons should come to mind. To avert disasters like Hurricanes Irene and Katrina, and other storms. To create rain during times of drought, and to create dryness in periods of over-precipitation.”

  “Or the exact opposite,” Quinn said dryly. He felt himself becoming warm, as if his frustration was triggering his limited heating ability. Calm down…

  “Yes, the technology could be used to…entice our enemies to conform to certain standards of behavior.”

  “Why aren’t you doing it now, then?” Blake asked.

  “Good question. And the answer is simple: the technology isn’t perfected yet. We can’t affect an area the size of a category five hurricane and neutralize it.”

  Quinn raised his index finger to indicate they should pause. “Um, hold on…you said, ‘our enemies?’ Who exactly are these enemies?”

  Victor leaned forward and narrowed his eyes again. “Anyone who becomes a threat to humanity on a local or global scale the organization deems necessary to coerce into better behavior or to eliminate. Remember, we operate at a higher level than the law with a strict governance to ensure proper controls are in place at all times.”

  “And who’s we again?”

  “The organization I work for.”

  “Which is what?”

  “Top secret, at this point. I’m sorry.”

  “Uh-huh.” Quinn frowned, unconvinced. He looked at Blake, who smiled at him. Oh man, Blake already believes in this stuff.

  Victor sat back and sneered but regained his composure. “Let me put it another way. Like it or not, we gave you those powers, even if you accidentally acquired them. If you hadn’t wandered into the Orgonon Reactor Core, you’d still be ordinary Quinn and Blake, track superstars at Portsmouth High—but that’s about it. Now, you have real power to make a difference in the world; to change things for the better. What if the small-town, silly notion of Blue Spekter you’re entertaining could become something more than a local workman-saving hero? What if he could become a global secret who provided greater security than you ever could masquerading as the costumed, comic-book inspired superhero you think you want to be?”

  Quinn smirked. Victor knew exactly how to manipulate Blake, and although his ideas had merit, skepticism held its ground in Quinn’s mind. “I don’t know. I need to think about this more. I appreciate what you have to offer, I just can’t agree without seeing more.”

  I also can’t help thinking there’s some hidden agenda behind all of this.



  Blake frowned. He knew his best friend wouldn’t want to work with Victor because Quinn’s moral sense wouldn’t let him punish those who needed to be dealt with, like Blake was willing to do. He had already done it, and it felt good, right, and natural. Surprisingly, his conscience didn’t bother him over leaving those two criminals to nature’s whims. Because, he felt, they got what they deserved.

  “What about me?” Blake asked.

  “You aren’t far behind, Blake. Yes, your powers are different at the moment, but you will become a force to be reckoned with. Like I’ve said before, there’s no science defining how or why your powers may emerge.”

  Blake shook his head and sighed, eyeing Quinn. He could feel warmth coming from his best friend.

  Victor looked at Blake quizzically. “Are you interested in fighting crime alongside Quinn? Do you have a superhero name in mind?

  “Bonfire Boy,” Quinn teased.

  “No,” Blake answered, a little too firmly, rolling his eyes. Quinn looked at him, his right eyebrow raised as Blake continued. “I don’t want to become a dynamic duo or be his sidekick; I’m not the Robin to his Batman. I’m ready to embrace whatever I can do and work with you, Victor.”

  “But what if we could be some kind of dynamic duo?” Quinn asked, almost pleading. “Wouldn’t it be awesome to fight crime with me?”

  Blake looked at Quinn but pointed at Victor. “Yes, it would, but with the power and support he can provide backing us. You know what the police think of you and it’s only been a couple of weeks. They want nothing to do with a vigilante and they’re terrified they won’t be able to control you. Besides, we live in little-old-Portsmouth. What kind of crime do you think we’re going to be fighting?”

  “The kind that two juniors in high school can handle without endangering themselves or their loved ones, like Mr. St. Germain said.”

  “When did he say that, exactly?” Blake asked, not remembering those words. “I thought he encouraged us not to play superhero.”

  “Well, that’s what he would say if we told him we were going to do it anyway,” Quinn answered, smiling shyly.

  “It’s a completely different world for us now, Quinn. The police w
ill only get in our way and they’ve made it clear they think we’ll get in their way. It’ll be the biggest shit-show since…well, I dunno. It won’t be good.”

  Victor loosened his tie and smiled. “He’s right, Quinn. The next time one of you uses your powers in public, the police may not be forgiving.”

  Quinn looked at Blake. “One of us? Have you done something in public?”

  Victor looked between the two boys with a raised eyebrow. “I’m sorry, Blake I thought you had told him.”

  “Told me what?” Quinn asked.

  Blake sighed and looked at the floor but didn’t respond.

  Victor filled in the gaps. “Blake saved two of your classmates from a potential assault situation and rescued a woman from a violent mugging, or worse, in his neighborhood.”

  “Oh,” Quinn said, staring at Blake with angry eyes.

  Shit, he’s pissed. That’s why it’s getting hot in here; he just doesn’t have the power developed like I do. I’d better not tell him about the two guys I tossed into the river…hopefully that hasn’t got back to Victor…however he learns about these things.

  “I’m sorry. I just didn’t think it was important,” Blake answered. “You were having so much fun getting your first date set up with Keegan, coming out to your dads, and then being the hero, that I just…I didn’t get around to telling you yet.”

  “Congrats on coming out,” Victor said, smiling sweetly.

  “Thanks,” Quinn answered. Then, he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Victor. I can’t join whatever it is you do without more information. Asking me to become part of some clandestine organization focused on delivering justice to hard-to-reach criminals isn’t what superheroes do, Blue Spekter or no Blue Spekter.”

  Victor nodded. “I understand, Quinn. Perhaps we could meet every so often, if you don’t mind? You’re still a scientific wonder and I’d love to continue monitoring your progress. I’d rather hear it from you than learn about it from the news.”

  Quinn nodded. “Maybe, we’ll see.”

  Victor winked at Blake. “All right then. Boys, when I can share more information with you, I will. Quinn, if you refuse to work with us, please understand that Blake may be required to keep certain information from you if he’s accepted into the organization. I certainly don’t want to come between your close friendship, but…rules are rules.”

  Quinn stood and shook his head. He glanced at Blake, then back to Victor. “Don’t worry, Victor, you already have. I’ll be in the car, Blake. I’m leaving in ten minutes, so if you want a ride home…”

  Blake nodded and watched Quinn leave the studio, closing the door behind him. The warmth in the room left with him.

  “Well, that went as expected,” Victor said, further loosening his tie. “Were you generating that heat, or was he?”

  Blake brought his index finger to his lips, encouraging Victor not to speak. Then, he tapped his ear, hoping the man in the black suit would pick up on the warning about Quinn’s super hearing. Victor nodded and sat back, adopting a relaxed posture.

  Blake put his head in his hands, rubbed his temples, and took a deep breath. He exhaled slowly. I’m where I want to be, but Quinn still has to figure out what he stands for. Everything has changed, just like Victor said. I’m just glad I have someone to help guide me along…but I wish I could do this with Quinn.

  8 | Sometimes, Things Work Out


  “QUINN, COME DOWNSTAIRS QUICK, YOU have to see this!” Daddio called out from the foot of the stairs.

  “Be right there,” Quinn answered, toweling off from his morning shower. When his body was dry enough, he put on a pair of boxer shorts and went downstairs to join his dads in the kitchen, toweling his wet hair as he walked. He paused when he heard the morning show hosts on the television talk about the flying blue man—unofficially dubbed Blue Spekter—who flew to catch a falling workman and save his life.

  As the hosts speculated and theorized, the camera cut to a YouTube clip Quinn had already seen of him in action. A moment later, it cut to a photo of the graffiti art on the side of the building near the Memorial Bridge.

  “Can you believe it?” Daddio asked, setting toast and eggs down at Quinn’s place on the kitchen island. “There’s a man in our city who can fly!”

  “It might have been a suit,” Dad said, applying practicality to the wildly unknown situation. “That would account for the blue glow—some kind of engine or repulsor technology like Iron Man has.”

  Quinn chuckled and shoved a piece of toast into his mouth. “Uh-huh.”

  “Don’t you think it’s cool?” Daddio asked. “I thought you of all people would be excited over the person they’re calling the world’s first superhero.”

  “Oh, I’m excited,” Quinn mumbled through a mouthful of toast. “It’s all we’re talking about at school, so you know, you’re a little behind the times.”

  Daddio rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Thanks for making us feel slow and old. We’re just finding out about this so, cut us some slack, speedy!”

  A smirk appeared on Quinn’s face. If you only knew...

  “Let’s just hope there are no super villains out there. It’s great this guy or gal seems to want to do the right thing, but someone with that kind of power could be equally dangerous,” Dad commented.

  “Way to ruin the moment, hun,” Daddio retorted.

  Quinn laughed. “Be right back, gonna get dressed.”

  I need to talk with Blake at school. This thing is blowing up way more than I thought it would.


  “So, you’re not mad at me?” Blake asked softly, dropping his book bag on a chair. He pulled another chair out and sat down across from Quinn at his usual table in the library.

  Quinn looked up from his social studies book and smiled at his best friend. “I’m disappointed, but no, I’m not mad at you.”

  Blake took a deep breath and smiled. “Okay, cool.”

  “I don’t trust him, Blake, not one minute. I feel like I’m caught up in this insane new world that’s starting to pull me under. I also feel like I’m losing my best friend to this complete stranger who keeps popping up in our lives way more than I realized.”

  “So, you are mad at me.” Blake said softly.

  “No, Blake, I’m concerned. None of this is normal and neither one of us fully understands what’s going to happen in the near future—whether this is going to explode in our faces or simmer down and go away.”

  “Which do you want?” Blake asked.

  “I think I want it to go away. I don’t want anyone else to know about our powers. Promise me you won’t tell anyone else without speaking with me first.”

  His best friend nodded. “Okay, I promise, but why are you so scared of things going bad?”

  “Blake, I’m already on YouTube. I’m a local news story. This morning, I made the national morning shows, which means the YouTube clips have probably gone global now. I don’t know how to deal with this. And you…you need to be careful…the news hasn’t caught on to you yet, but it doesn’t mean the police haven’t. If they think there’s more than one super-powered person running around, then their general rejection of Blue Spekter makes a whole lot more sense.”

  “You think I can’t be a hero?” Blake asked, frowning.

  “That’s not what I said!” Quinn exclaimed, louder than he intended. He lowered his voice and shook his head. “We need to be careful, that’s all. You know how this goes…in the comics, there’s always someone wanting to slice and dice the super freaks…if Victor and his people won’t do it, then the government or some other organization will be more than happy to see what makes us tick. You know they’ll claim it’s for science, but they’ll only want to weaponize and control it. Jason Bourne, case-in-point.”

  Blake nodded. “Fine. I’ll be more careful, but I won’t promise not to do what I want, and I will be working with Victor. I wish you’d reconsider.”

  “I’ll think about it,” Quinn said. Then,
he turned his attention back to his social studies homework. Something tells me this is far from over…


  Quinn smiled when he saw Keegan sitting on a bench near the sperm whale statue in Prescott Park, his longboard leaned against the bench he sat on. Like Quinn, Keegan also wore his maroon Clippers sweatshirt.

  A moment later, Keegan looked up and met his gaze. Quinn felt woozy and excited at the same time and the world’s biggest grin danced on his face.

  “Hey, Quinn,” Keegan called out.

  “Hi,” he answered. He approached and stopped, their mutual gaze silly and fun. “Um, here, I got us hot chocolates again.” He extended his left hand toward Keegan, who took the beverage from him.

  Do we hug? Shake hands? Kiss?

  “Have a seat, handsome,” Keegan said, tapping the empty bench next to him. “Unless you’d rather walk around?”

  Quinn felt anxious energy coursing through his body. “I’d love to walk around. It’s nice out today, maybe there’s something pretty over in the flower gardens.” And maybe that will distract me from accidentally blowing something up while I’m totally enamored by your presence.

  “Sure thing,” Keegan answered, his eyes sparkling. He set his hot chocolate down, stood, pulled his back pack on, and expertly placed his longboard between his back and the backpack so the front wheels hung from the top of his backpack. Then, he picked up his hot chocolate and smiled again at Quinn. “Shall we?”

  “Wow, you’ve got that trick down solid.”

  “Yeah, you can’t always ride around and sometimes I need my hands free, like right now.” Keegan reached over with his free hand and grabbed Quinn’s empty hand, sending a spark up Quinn’s arm. Quinn’s eyes popped open at the surprise gesture and the warmth of Keegan’s fingers around his own. He swallowed, unable to speak. Instead, he smiled and looked ahead, his other hand trembling with excitement as they ambled to the other side of the park.


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