What Happens During the Holidays: A Holiday Anthology

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What Happens During the Holidays: A Holiday Anthology Page 16

by Lucy Gage

  All rights reserved.

  [email protected]

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Christmas Party

  “As soon as we get off this elevator leave your ass alone. No one wants to see a grown woman digging around down there.”

  I turned to June, “This thong is super uncomfortable.”

  “I told you, you should skip underwear for the night.”

  “Shut-up.” It was my only retort. I didn’t even know what I was doing here. The last place I wanted to be was a Christmas party. Especially a friend’s Christmas party. I didn’t know anyone. “Why did I let you talk me into this?”

  “Because you’ve moped around your apartment long enough. It’s been three months. Time to get out, find new fish.”

  “I wasn’t moping, just cleaning and organizing.” June turned to me, hand on hip, one of her perfect brows arched in suspicion. “I’m over it, really? It’s just how did I not see it? The late nights? Canceling plans because of work.” Yes, I threw up air quotes when I said work. “We hadn’t had sex in months. Every time I tried to initiate, he shut me down. I mean, come on the writing was on the wall. I should have known he was cheating on me. All the signs were there. How the fuck did I not see them?”

  June turned sympathetic. “Look, Mark was an asshole, but it’s not your fault. Thank god you found out before you caught something. Besides, that she-bitch is gonna end up in your shoes soon enough.”

  I didn’t know who I was more angry at, Mark for cheating on me with my boss, or me for not seeing the blinking neon sign that screamed CHEATER AHEAD, USE CAUTION.

  What made it worse was that I found out by accident. We were in a design meeting nailing down the color palette. Mark had taken a bathroom break, leaving his phone behind. His mom had tried calling him, and when he didn’t answer, she blew up my phone. Apparently, his uncle was in the hospital. Definitely an emergency.

  I rushed from the room in search of Mark and found him and Charlotte (my now ex-boss) going at it in his office. “You’re uncle’s in the hospital,” was all I said before I threw his phone on the floor, walked out of his office, out of the building, and out of the job I loved. I couldn’t go back there.

  “You know he’s only with her to further his career,” June said. I looked up and met her eye. “It’s safe to say it now, but I hated that troll. He wasn’t good enough for you.”

  I smiled, even though inside my stomach turned and I felt tears threatening to spill out. June hooked an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to her side. “Forget Mark. Tonight is about having fun.”

  I gave the thumbs up. June rolled her eyes. “Promise me you won’t do that once we get inside,” —she flipped her hair and chicken necked— “it’s like, so ten years ago.”

  I laughed. “Like, whatever.”

  We stepped off the elevator and followed the signs to the Christmas party, stopping outside a closed double door.

  “Do I look okay?” June asked. She was wearing a red satin dress that hinted at her cleavage and hugged her curves, accentuating her pear bottom. Her black hair was in long ringlets that fell to her mid back, and her make-up was flawless. I gave her ass a slap. “I’d do you if I had the equipment.”

  “You know you can buy the equipment, right?”

  “I’ll remember that, because you look smoking hot.”

  “Thanks. Right back at you.” I looked down at my black satin dress dusted in Swarvoski crystals that shimmered in the light. It flared at the waist, giving me an hourglass figure. The minute I saw the dress at Saks, I knew it had to be mine.

  “Is Stephan going to be here?” I asked.

  “I told you. I’m so over him.” The twinkle in her eye said otherwise.

  Each corner of the room was decorated in a different holiday. There was a huge Menorah in one corner, and a red and gold decorated Christmas tree that touched the ceiling in another. In the third, there was a large table covered in a Mkeka mat decorated with fruits and vegetables, along with giant red, green, and black candles. And in the fourth corner were twinkling white lights and snowflakes. No surprise that more than one religion was represented at this party. It was, after all, being thrown by the biggest law firm in town—Castle and Schwab. Of course it would be PC and not encroach on anyone’s beliefs or practices.

  Near the back of the room was a bar. Next to it was a long table with a chocolate fountain. On the other side of the bar was another long table covered in presents.

  In the middle of the room was a dance floor that was currently vacant. Not enough alcohol flowing yet to get people to shake their groove thing. Everyone was seated, eating. June pulled on my arm leading me to table number 3. Wouldn’t you know, Stephan was at our table. “June,” Stephan said practically jumping out of his seat to hug her. “You look gorgeous.”

  June blushed. “Thank you.”

  Stephan let her go and said, “Desi.”

  “Hey Stephan.” I didn’t get a hug just a hand shake. He proceeded to introduce the other three people sitting at the table. “This is Mei Lu, Riley, and Dave. They work in the forensic department. Everyone, this is Desi.”

  They all waved.

  “Hi,” I said waving back.

  “June, did you look over the Peterson case?” Stephan asked.

  “Yes, and there is no case. I’ll see if I can’t get a dismissal on the grounds of an illegal search. If the judge finds in my favor, then all the evidence they found in the car gets thrown out. That evidence is the whole basis of their case.”

  Mei Lu stood up. “Guys, this a party, not work.” Stephan and June ignored her and continued talking shop. Mei Lu came around the table. “Care to get a drink?”

  I nodded. We made our way to the bar. “So, how do you know our dear old June?”

  “I designed her office along with all the staff on the senior team.”

  Mei Lu’s eyes went wide. “You’re that Desi?”

  “One and the same.”

  She tapped on the bar. The bartender came over. “What can I get you ladies?”

  “I’d like a whiskey sour,” Mei Lu said, “and you?”

  “Gin and tonic, please.”

  The bartender started making our drinks. She leaned against the bar. “Your work is amazing. Would your firm be willing to take me on and redesign my house?”

  “I’d love to, but I no longer work there.”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sounds like there’s a story. Am I right?”

  “My boyfriend cheated on me with my boss, so I quit.”

  Her lips pinched together as she shook her head. “No shit? That’s messed up.”

  “Best part? I walked in on them going at it. In his office that I designed.”

  “That’s wrong on so many levels; I don’t even know where to start.”

  “I started with quitting and finished with burning all his clothes in my fireplace.”

  “He deserved worse.”

  I turned so I was fully facing Mei Lu. “The worst part was that I didn’t know. It was a complete and total shock. I mean, usually people have a feeling. I had butt-kiss.”

  “You should sue for damages.”

  I laughed. “Is a broken heart grounds for jail time?”

  “Sadly, no, but I could look into his finances. If there’s anything hinky, I can find it.”

  I couldn’t tell if she was serious or not, but I appreciated it all the same. Charlotte was a notorio
us manizer. She was known to trade men like shoes—changing them with the seasons or her mood. My hope was that she’d already dumped Mark on his ass in favor of someone younger. The thought had me smiling.

  “It actually worked out in my favor. I got hired on at my company’s rival, IA Designs. I’m senior designer with my own team. I’ll be making loads more than I did at ID Works. So …”

  “Definite win. Besides, karma will get them eventually,” Mei Lu said, bumping her shoulder against mine.

  “I hope so.”

  The bartender set our drinks down. Mei Lu picked hers up and held it out. I clinked my glass against hers. “What are we toasting to?”

  “To karma biting Mark in the ass.”

  “To karma,” I said.

  She leaned in and whispered, “And if need be, we could always help karma along.” She added a wink. Yes, I liked this girl a lot. Although, I made a mental note never to cross her.

  “To Karma,” I said. We each took a drink and headed back to our table. Before I sat down, Mei Lu said, “Remember, I know a guy.” She took her seat. June and Stephan were still engrossed in conversation over the Peterson case. I took the open seat beside June.

  Food was served and conversation turned to things outside the law. After dinner came dessert. This was actually fun. June worked with some great people. I took a sip of my wine then bumped June’s shoulder. She turned to me. “Thanks for making me come. I’m having a good time,” I whispered.

  “I’m glad. We will find you bigger better fish than stinky, dried-up, old what’s-his-name.”

  I smiled because I believed her. The buzz I was feeling didn’t hurt either. I was light and bubbly like the world was going to bring new adventures along with new man candy for me. Again, I was a smiling like a fool. Yes, the stink of Mark was behind me. Eyes forward to a Mark-free horizon.

  While I was digging into my lava cake and discussing with Dave how sweet pickles were the devil’s work, everything changed. I was laughing so hard at the “I’m sure Satan created them to fuck with people,” comment Dave made that I knocked my fork on the ground. As I was sitting back up, my eyes landed on Mark. More to the point, on Mark’s arm, which was wrapped around Charlotte. They were four tables away, sitting with two other couples. Mark leaned in, whispering into Charlotte’s ear. Her cheeks were red, the smile on her face wide, like she’d won the lottery and uncovered all of life’s mysteries in one swing. There was only one way to describe that look.


  My happy bubbles were replaced with soured rocks.

  Why did I have to see them? Together? As if being cheated on wasn’t bad enough? Now I had to witness firsthand they’re happy ending? At least if I didn’t see them, I could fantasize about their relationship being filled with awfulness, devastation, and a bad case of herpes. But this?

  “Everything okay?” Dave asked once he realized he’d lost the other half of his conversation. He followed my line of sight. “Ugh, that hag.”

  “You know Charlotte?”

  “Yes, she always comes to our work functions. Her brother’s on the senior team.”

  Riley chimed in, “Who’d she bring this time?”

  “Don’t recognize this one,” Dave said.

  “I do,” I mumbled, but Dave didn’t hear me. I stared at the table, trying not to cry. How could June not tell me? The holiday music turned to dance music. I glanced over at Mark and Charlotte once more. They’d vacated their seats to dance. Mark never danced with me. He liked to say there wasn’t enough alcohol in the world to get him on a dance floor.

  “If the rumors are true, and he’s the one, then that’s her fiancé,” Dave said.

  Fiancé? My eyes burned and my throat tightened. What did Charlotte have that I didn’t?

  “You owe me five bucks,” Riley said, “and I will be collecting.”

  I shot up from my seat. “Excuse me,” I said and hurried to find the ladies room before anyone could see me crying. I’d made it to the bathroom door when the water works hit. Seeing them was akin to a punch to the gut. I climbed into a stall, shut the door, laid my head against it, and cried. We were together for almost two years, and not once did he even hint at getting more serious.

  Had they been together that whole time? Part of me wanted to know at one point. It lead to many drunk nights of phone call roulette. I’d dial Mark’s number hit send then hang up before the first ring. Yes, I wanted to know but I was scared of the truth. I turned my back to the bathroom door, repeatedly banging my head against it.

  I couldn’t go back to the party. I couldn’t see them so… in love.

  The word sent a new wave of tears falling. After countless nights crying myself to sleep, I didn’t think I had any tears left. Apparently, I did.

  I pulled my phone from my clutch. I wasn’t going back in there. I called June, waiting to make some excuse and leave. “Desi? Desi?” I turned towards the sound of June’s voice. She was in the bathroom, and she sounded panicked. She knew.

  “In here,” I said, opening the stall door and coming out.

  “There you are.” She rushed over to me, enclosing me in her arms. “I’m so sorry, I had no idea they’d be here. I’ve never been to a work function before. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have …” she paused, let me go, but held onto my hands. “I’m just...” The look on her face conveyed how sorry she was.

  “I have to go.”

  “I know. Let me grab my keys, and then we’re out of here.”

  “You don’t have to leave on my account. You’re having a good time. No need for Mark to ruin both our nights.”

  “No way. I’ll be right back, and then we’ll go to my place, eat a shit ton of ice cream, and you can organize my closet, after which, we’ll make a Mark voodoo doll you can shred to pieces.” She had me at organize her closet. I laughed in spite of my sorrow. She moved to the door. “Right back.”

  “You’re a good friend,” I said, giving her a sad smile.

  She stopped in the doorway. “I really am sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault.”

  She returned my sad smile. “I know but it’s still bullshit.”

  While June went to get her keys, I dried my tears and wiped away the lines of mascara. My hands pressed against the counter-top as I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror. I stared into my gray eyes. “You can do this. Screw Mark and Charlotte.”

  They were engaged. My chest tightened and my eyes burned, but I refused to shed another tear. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before leaving the bathroom. In the hallway, I paced back and forth waiting for June. I was like a caged lion ready to pounce or curl into a ball and give up.

  Had Mark and Charlotte seen me? Would they even care if they had?

  After I caught my ex going at it with my boss in his office, he’d called me twice. I’d been too scared to answer. Afraid of what he would or wouldn’t say. I never listened to the voice mails he left. Those two messages sat on my phone untouched. I looked at them everyday—a reminder and a curse. Even now, three months later, I couldn’t listen to them.

  I turned to make another circle. “Where is she? How can grabbing keys take so long?” I hollered at the wall. Ugh. I stared at my phone. At that red bubble telling me I had two messages. If I had listened to those messages, would I be engaged to Mark now? Doesn’t matter. I went to my messages, and without listening, I erased them both. There was no going back now. Mark was engaged. I slipped my phone back in my clutch and made another circle.

  On my third pass, I slammed into something hard, stumbled back. An arm swooped down saving me from falling in a less-than-ladylike fashion. No need for anyone to see my goods since this thong left little to the imagination. “Why don’t you watch where you’re going,” I clipped out.

  When I looked up I was staring into the greenest eyes I’d ever seen on the face of the most handsome man. He had a strong nose and chin, very regal-like. His olive skin enhanced those feature
s along with his square jaw. Then I noticed the piercing through the left side of his bottom lip. Just a sliver of silver that glinted in the lights. I swallowed. His dark brown hair was shaggy and brushed the tops of his shoulders. In a word, he was beautiful. I opened my mouth to… I don’t even know.

  “So sorry.” His voice was rich and deep. The look in his eyes was mischievous.

  “Yeah, so,” I said though all my malice dripped away.

  “Are you okay?”

  I was struck stupid by his looks. I couldn’t find words, so I nodded instead. He smiled. It did strange things to me. His arm around me did stranger things.

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

  “No. It was my fault I—” I what? Those green eyes twinkled. He made sure I was steady on my feet before he let go. I took all of him in. He was wearing black. Black sweater, black leather jacket, black jeans, and black boots. He looked like a modern-day pirate. Every inch of him screamed trouble with a capital T. I was mesmerized.

  “I’m Desi,” I said, awkwardly sticking out my hand. He looked from my face to my hand, puzzled. Oh god. I was being a total weirdo. My face grew hot.

  Finally, he shook my hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Desi. I’m Armand.”

  Armand? The name was as sexy as the man. His hand engulfed mine. Rough to the touch. Again, I was struck by his beauty. The black cashmere sweater beneath his leather jacket was snug, encasing a well-toned chest. The look in his eye, the tick in his jaw. I was staring and still shaking his hand. I quickly let go. “I have to go,” I blurted. Real smooth Desi. “I mean, my friend is waiting for me.”

  “Have a good evening,” he said. As if that was possible. I smiled and took off back towards the Christmas party. I’d find June and get the hell out of here. And maybe later satisfy myself to fantasies of Armand.

  To my surprise, Armand followed. He opened the door for me. “It would appear we’re going to the same place.”

  There was no way this guy was at this party. I would have noticed him the minute I arrived. Right? Besides, I’d never seen a single law show where a lawyer had a pierced lip. He had to be here with a date.


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