Sophie Corrupted

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Sophie Corrupted Page 10

by Viktor Redreich

  “I’m driving!” called Carey, as she grabbed her car keys from the coffee table.

  As Carey backed out of the driveway, Elise fiddled with the tape deck. Carey had been given her parents’ beat-up, old car before she’d left for college. It was a wreck, but it got her from A to B and that was all Carey needed. Well, that’s what her parents had said, anyway. It was a Toyota from the late 90s, and it was a miracle it was still roadworthy.

  Big wheels keep on turning

  Carry me home to see my kin

  Singing songs about the Southland

  I miss Alabamy once again and I think it's a sin, yes

  Elise and Carey sang along to their favorite mix, one they’d made as kids, at the top of their lungs. Laughing and smiling, they unrolled the windows and let their hair dance in the wind.

  When they’d gotten past the first chorus, Elise reached for the volume knob and turned it down. “Hey, can I ask you a question, Carebear?”

  “Anything, Elly. Hit me.”

  “Do you have a boyfriend at college?”

  Carey chuckled and nodded. “Yep, two. One ‘premier’ and one ‘adjunct’. I also have a co-girlfriend I share with a butch-bull.”

  “Uh.” Elise scrunched her eyebrows and nose, completely clueless as to what all that meant.

  Carey giggled again. “I don’t believe in singlehood or couplehood. I’m what is called Multi-erotus.”

  Elise was quiet for a moment, trying to absorb all the new information. Not only was she learning new terms, but she was also learning about her sister’s brazen sexual preferences. Until now, she’d assumed Carey was a one-man kind of girl. That was how she’d started out, anyway, at twelve years old with her first boyfriend. Elise still remembered her sister sneaking him into the house after their parents had gone to bed and doing god-knew-what with him behind the closed door of her bedroom. Now she was learning that Carey was into multiple guys and girls.

  “Is that like ... polyamory?”

  “What about you?” asked Carey, ignoring the question. “Are you in any relationships?”

  “Well, just one …” Elise confessed shyly. “I’m not sure if I can tell you about it though because nobody’s supposed to know.”

  They turned into the parking lot of Donna’s Donuts and stopped at the entrance. Carey sat back in her seat, not even reaching to unfasten her seatbelt. She turned to Elise and looked her in the eyes. “Elise, if there is one person in the world you can tell anything, it’s me. You know that! Come on.”

  “I know, I know, it’s just that—”

  “Elise! We’re sisters!”

  “Okay, Okay. But you can’t tell a soul. Promise?”

  Carey nodded.

  “It’s Mr. Brigtown.”

  “Shut up! Mr. Brigtown? Like, hot English teacher Mr. Brigtown?” Carey’s face was alight with excitement.

  Elise nodded.

  “So not only are you dating an older guy, and a teacher at that, but you’re dating the hottest teacher in school?”

  “In high school, yes. Thank god I’ve finally graduated and he’s not my teacher anymore.”

  “I bet he has the most incredible cock,” teased Carey, finally unfastening her seatbelt.

  Elise did the same. “Well, I wouldn’t know what his cock looks like,” she finally admitted.

  “Why? Don’t tell me you’re one of those prudish girls who only like to do it in the dark.”

  “Well no, I’m one of those prudish girls who doesn’t do it at all.”

  Carey’s eyes widened in shock, her mouth gaped. “Are you seriously telling me you’re not having sex with literally the hottest teacher in high school?”

  Elise shrugged. “I want to wait until marriage.”

  “Oh, babe, you won’t last a minute in college,” replied Carey, sniggering.

  “Marcus is a total gentleman,” retorted Elise, defending herself. She was getting annoyed at her sister. Just because she had become a total slut in college didn’t mean Elise had to follow in her footsteps. “It was his idea for me to remain chaste and pure to begin with.”

  “Okay, first of all, Marcus? It’s so totally weird to hear you call him by his first name as if he’s a real person!” Carey opened the car door.

  “He is a real person, Care,” shouted Elise over the car’s roof.

  “I know, I know, but it’s weird. My little sister is dating a teacher. I still have to get used to that.”

  Elise waited for her sister to go on.

  “Men are animals. They can’t control their urges. He’s probably just using you to boost his ego while getting his rocks off elsewhere.”

  “Why would you say that?” Elise was officially pissed now. “He isn’t like other men. I trust him completely.” She slammed the car door with extra force.

  Carey didn’t seem to notice nor care. “Well, I just hope you plan to break up with him or at least propose an open relationship before you go to college,” said Carey under her breath as they walked into the shop, the sweet scent of vanilla filling the air around them.

  They stood in line behind a mother and son, waiting to order.

  Elise pulled her chin up, shoulders back, and faced her pushy older sister with her most confident stance. “No, Care. Call me old fashioned, but I still believe true love waits.”

  Chapter 2

  Men are animals

  Elise dragged the mascara wand up her thin, brown eyelashes for a second coat. She normally only wore one coat, but this was a special occasion. She glanced at her watch. Crap! It’s already half past, she realized. Carey had hogged the bathroom for over an hour, supposedly getting ready to go to a friend’s party that evening.

  Elise wasn’t sure if Carey was trying to prove something—there had been tension between the two of them ever since they’d had the argument at Donna’s the other day. She still couldn’t believe the nerve of her sister, telling her that her sweet Marcus would “stick his dick in anything that moves.” She could be so crass sometimes.

  Elise had banged on the bathroom door for the twenty-fifth time to remind her sister she was waiting. Carey hadn’t even acknowledged her once. Instead, Elise could hear Carey humming to herself and singing songs from behind the door, which had infuriated Elise further. So rude! When she’d finally emerged, looking polished and oozing all kinds of sex appeal, Elise ran from her bed to the bathroom door.

  Elise did not want to be late and hurried up her routine. She had a secret date with Marcus, her twenty-seven-year-old boyfriend and former English teacher, at an Italian restaurant on the far side of town.

  She and Marcus didn’t normally meet in public places where they stood the chance of being recognized. However, with Elise now graduated and soon heading off to college, the couple had made the joint decision to take the risk and actually have dinner out for once.

  Her slinky dress hugged her curves—what little there were. A heavily padded push-up bra helped. She teetered on her high heels, which were far higher than anything she was used to wearing. Elise had selected a simple gold clutch to complete the ensemble. She looked at herself in the mirror and let out a deep sigh. Never in her life had she sported such a sexy or glamorous look before.

  The restaurant was full; packed wall-to-wall with tables of chatty diners. Marcus’ recommendation was clearly a good one, given its popularity. It was a shame that Elise was having to enjoy it by herself. Fair enough, she had arrived early, but now that Marcus was officially thirty minutes late, she was not only getting worried but slightly embarrassed. She could feel the eyes of everyone on her though she knew deep down that realistically, most people were too involved in their own conversations to care about her sitting by herself.

  The server walked over to her table with a silver canister and tipped ice water into her glass. “Are you ready to order, Madam?”

  “Oh, no thank you. Sorry. My date is just running a bit late. He should be here any minute now,” Elise replied, taking a sip of the cold water to cool her bur
ning cheeks.

  Five minutes later, her server placed a basket of hot garlic bread in the middle of the table. “Compliments of the chef,” he said with a sympathetic smile.

  Elise’s foot tapped on the ground. She looked at her phone. She hadn’t wanted to use it for fear the battery might run out, but now she was getting desperate. Marcus, however, was not answering her calls. She was doing her best not to jump to conclusions, despite her spinning mind.

  Another thirty minutes passed. Elise had called Marcus maybe a hundred times, and her phone battery had finally died. The basket of garlic bread was empty. Elise hadn’t been hungry, but she’d munched on it nervously. She had hoped it would make her seem less sad and lonely to the patrons around her.

  Her server approached. “I’m sorry, Madame, but I regret to inform you that we have another reservation that will be arriving soon, and the rest of our tables are fully booked for the rest of the evening.”

  “Oh, yes, of course. I’ll wait for my date outside the restaurant.”

  Elise tossed her bag on the ground beside her and leaned against the brick wall beside the restaurant’s large front window. This was so unlike Marcus. He’d never been late for a date before and had certainly never left her hanging without calling.

  She hoped he hadn’t gotten into an accident. Traffic was terrible. She wondered if maybe she should stop by the hospital on the way home. Elise cut off her downward spiraling stream of consciousness, scolding herself for being ridiculous. Marcus was a strong man, he could get himself out of any situation. Surely there was a reasonable explanation for his absence.

  Once she arrived back home, Elise plugged in her phone to charge. She headed to the bathroom and took her time washing her face, ensuring she had removed all the makeup. She crawled into bed and slipped into sweet slumber.

  Early the next morning, Carey barged into Elise’s bedroom with a cheeky smile on her face. She wore silk teddy bear pajamas which, like most of the things Carey wore these days, barely covered her titties or her ass. “How was your date last night, Ellie?”

  Elise rubbed her eyes and yawned. “Marcus never showed up. I don’t know what happened to him.”

  Carey’s eyes widened. “Marcus? The most perfect, trustworthy boyfriend on the planet never showed up?”

  Elise rolled her eyes. Carey was always trying to prove she was better than her. “Carey, don’t you have anything better to do right now than torment me?”

  Carey grabbed one of Elise’s pillows and placed it under her head, draping herself sideways across her sister’s bed. “Nope. I just thought you should know what Marcus was doing last night, rather than being at dinner with you.”

  “Wait ... how would you know? What was he doing?”

  “Me!” Carey exclaimed, sitting up on the bed.

  “Shut up, Carey. Go away.”

  “Elise, I’m serious,” taunted Carey, pushing herself up on her elbows and looking Elise in the eyes.

  “Excuse me?” Elise was sitting straight up, fully alert, heart pounding in her chest.

  “I went to Marcus’ house just as he was about to leave to meet you. I asked him if he remembered me, and he said he did. So, naturally, I pushed him back into his house, onto his sofa, and told him how I’d always had the hots for him. I did this for you, my dear sister.”

  Elise laughed nervously, still hoping her sister was joking.

  Carey went on, “I stood in front of him, smiled, and asked him if he’d ever wondered what I looked like naked. When he responded, his voice croaked. He said he was wondering what I looked like naked right then, of course. Cuz I mean ... duh.” Carey slid her hand down her curvaceous frame. “So, I gave him a bit of a strip show, peeling off my clothes one article at a time. I then sank to my knees and crawled to him with a cheeky smile on my face. I slowly unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and once I had his boxers and pants down to his ankles, I sucked on his balls, one at a time until his dong literally bumped my forehead. I looked up at him, blinked innocently, and licked his shaft like a lollipop, leading to what he told me was the best blowjob of his life.

  “I can’t believe you haven’t seen the majestic beast hiding in his pants. My god, that thing is impressive,” added Carey, extending her hands in front of her to indicate to Elise just how big it was.

  Elise’s eyes narrowed, her fists were clenched. She bounced off the bed and marched to the bedroom door, spun around, then marched right back to Carey, boiling with rage. When Carey opened her mouth to continue, Elise pounced on her. “You fucking whore! How could you?” She bit Carey’s shoulder as hard as she could, scratched and kicked her too. Her sister screamed.

  Carey fought back, grabbing Elise, flinging her onto the bed, and pushing, easily dominating her dainty little sister with her superior strength. Once she had Elise in a headlock, she continued with her story, while Elise kicked and struggled under her weight, “I rode him on the sofa while he sucked my titties. Then we did it on the floor. He bent me over the balcony railing and fucked me from behind while the whole world watched on. He really likes that position. Did you know that, Ellie?” Carey winked at her sister, mocking her.

  “I’ll never forgive you!” cried Elise, now struggling with every ounce of energy she had. It had little effect as Carey tightened her grip.

  “Oh, Ellie. I came on his big, thick cock so many times! And he was so rough with me—I love that. He had so much power in his thrusts. Man, he was so deep inside me, at one point, I could feel his cockhead slamming the back of my cervix.”

  “Stop it, Carey! You’re a monster!” Elise felt tears streaming down her face as her world fell apart around her. Finally, Elise managed to wriggle free from Carey’s grasp and stood in front of her. “Why did you do it?” she croaked, wiping her tears from her cheeks.

  “So you’d know I was telling you the truth. So you’d finally believe your older sister about something for once. You never listen to any of my advice, and it always comes back to bite you in the ass. So, this time, rather than letting some other slut do it, I decided to be the one you’d hate for a while.

  “I sacrificed our relationship to save you from serious heartbreak later on.” Carey stood and started walking toward the door, then continued, “I needed to prove to you before you went to college that Marcus wasn’t this idea of male perfection you seem to think he is. He’s just like any other disgusting man who’ll stick his thing in anything that moves!”

  “I hate you!” Elise screamed.

  Carey reached for the doorknob then looked back at her sister and shrugged. Quickly, she closed the door behind her as an object flew through the air toward her.

  Elise had thrown a flashlight with all her might, intended for her sister’s head. Instead, it smacked the door with a thud, leaving an indent in the wood.

  Her hair a mess, eyes red, and face swollen, Elise had never felt so empty. It was as if all her dreams and hopes and future plans had been flushed down the toilet.

  Unable to move, Elise laid in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Carey’s story spun in her mind on repeat.

  After a while, her heartbeat returned to almost normal and a gloomy numbness befell her. As enraged as she was with Carey, she knew her big sister had proved her point: Men are animals.

  Chapter 3

  Don't mess with an angry woman

  “The penis is designed to penetrate,” said the handsome thirty-seven-year-old visiting professor into the slender microphone on the podium in front of him. His broad shoulders and chiseled chest were concealed under a crisply ironed cotton shirt, the top buttons undone. The sleeves were rolled up to emphasize his shapely forearms and well-defined biceps. Bushy eyebrows accented his angular face. “The thrusting motion of the penis during intercourse is, by its very nature, hard, invasive, and dominant. The vagina is conversely soft, inviting, and submissive.” He exuded all kinds of raw masculine energy, which he projected, seemingly unconsciously, to his audience.

  The front rows of the auditoriu
m were filled with university girls giving him their full attention. Some had their legs crossed, shoes dangling from their toes so their heels were exposed. Others were squeezing their thighs together, a few biting their lower lips, pupils dilated, suppressing a naughty grin as if witnessing something dangerously forbidden.

  The professor spoke in a manner that was paradoxically thunderous yet calm, and his choice of words were razor-sharp and penetrating. The students in this Gender Sciences class seemed at once in awe of and afraid of him.

  The choice to invite him to be a guest speaker was controversial because of his unconventional—some would say sexist—views on the differences between men and women. But Dr. Gordon B. Hendrixson was an accomplished sociological psychologist, one who had devoted much of his energy to teaching men how to use their masculine energies to their fullest potential. His book Ten Ways to Fix Yourself and his online coaching programs had affected thousands of lives for the better. As such, despite his possibly sexist teachings, the students were giving him his due respect.

  Except for Elise. She wasn’t giving him any respect. Elise had a scowl on her face. She ground her teeth and grimaced through his lecture. She hated the way this guy was using polite language and sophisticated vocabulary to disguise his blatant misogyny. As the professor continued to speak, Elise gripped her pencil so tight, it was on the brink of snapping. She loosened her grip and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself.

  Since she’d been betrayed by both her sister and her boyfriend—ex-boyfriend now—Elise had been angry with the world. Her first month at university had been a struggle. Nothing had gone right. She’d been assigned to the wrong room, which had taken days to sort out. Her class schedule was all messed up which is why she was stuck in Gender Sciences for now. The cafeteria food hadn’t suited her diet, nor her palette. She had been experiencing the worst menstrual cramps that weren’t going away.


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