A Way Down

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A Way Down Page 13

by A.L. Svartz

  Chapter Eight

  The Villager Ruler

  It seemed as though their day was lasting forever. The two continued to have their conversation, wondering about where exactly they were and what happened to there stuff.

  "We have to be in South America," Mr. Malmsteen said. "It has to be in that general part of the world."

  "No, no," Mr. Eisen said. "We're somewhere in Africa. That grass outside is not the type of grass that you see in South America. I remember reading about it online the night before we were going to leave. It showed the different types of plants that we would see in Madagascar and that grass was one of the things listed."

  "It's grass," Mr. Malmsteen said. "It's everywhere. You can't just say we're in Africa because that type of grass grows there. Did this grass by chance have a name?"

  "No," Mr. Eisen turned to his friend. "I don't recall if it did. But it looks just like picture on the website. I'd love to hear your explanation. What proof do you have? You can't just assume."

  "The kind of people that live in this village," Mr. Malmsteen began. "They're the kinds that would live in South America, not Africa. Didn't you learn about this in school?"

  "Eh, whatever. I know what I saw."

  "Yeah, whatever."

  "I just noticed my watch is missing," Mr. Eisen said, feeling his wrist. He wasn't used to that spot being bare.

  "I'm more concerned on how my wound healed," Mr. Malmsteen said. "I wonder if we were in a coma or something after the jet crashed. Maybe that's how we woke without a scratch on us. In any other kind of situation we would've be killed in that crash."

  Kataku then appeared in the doorway. "It-a-is time," he said. The two could see the red haze from the sky on Kataku.

  Mr. Malmsteen and Mr. Eisen got up from the stacks of hay and walked over to Kataku. He quickly turned away from the two, walking to was the middle of the village. The two followed him.

  "The gang is waiting for us again," Mr. Malmsteen whispered to Mr. Eisen. The entire village was gathered around the burning flame again.

  Kataku walked over to the other side of the flame, joining the others as usual. "Please-a-follow us," Kataku said.

  The entire village turned around simultaneously and started to walk towards the tall grass that surrounded the village. Mr. Malmsteen and Mr. Eisen were following right behind. The group enter edit he tall grass, the two CEOs keeping a close eye on them so they wouldn't get lost.

  The group of villagers remained silent. They didn't even turn to look at one another. The two men found this disturbing.

  "Isn't this a little strange?" Mr. Eisen said. "Aren't we just gonna end back up at the village? You know, like what happened to us."

  "I'm not sure," Mr. Malmsteen responded. "Let's hope not. They know what they're doing."

  The two then spotted something sticking far out from the grass. It looked to be a pillar. A poorly crafted pillar. Strange markings were etched into the stone. Mr. Malmsteen squinted to see what they were, but could not make them out.

  "That's new," Mr. Malmsteen pointed. "We must be getting close to something. We never saw that when we were in here."

  The group walked past the pillar, not getting close enough to see the base of it. As they continued to walk through the grass, another tall pillar was spotted. It was on the opposite side from where the other pillar was. Similar etchings were present on the pillar. The group continued past this pillar as well.

  Kataku and the group suddenly came to a halt. He turned around and faced the two CEOs. "We are-a-just feet aw-a-ay from your potenti-a-al free-a-dom," Kataku said.

  "Wa, wait a minute here," Mr. Malmsteen said. "What do you mean by potential freedom?! We're leaving no matter what. You have not right to keep us imprisoned here."

  "Please-a-listen," Kataku said. "In-a-few minutes you-a-will be present-a-ed to our rule-a-er. Our rule-a-er is very no-a-ble to my peop-a-le. Please-a-show respect when-a-you meet-a-him. When-a-you do meet-a-him, he-a-will make the-a-ultimate decision as-a-wheth-a-er or-a-not you will be-a-set free."

  "Set free?" Mr. Eisen said. "What are we, birds?"

  "If-a-he decides to-a-not let-a-you leave," Kataku said. "You-a-will have-a-to stay-a-here forev-a-er. I-a-will give-a-you time to-a-talk this-a-over."

  Mr. Malmsteen and Mr. Eisen huddled together. "We have no choice," Mr. Eisen said. "Right now, this is our only option in leaving."

  "I agree," Mr. Malmsteen said. "Their ruler or whatever will set us free anyway. I mean, he doesn't even know us. What does he have on us?"

  "But these people know us," Mr. Eisen said. "What if they told their ruler about us, knowing that we'd eventually want to leave? What if he doesn't let us go?"

  "Just stay cool, and everything will turn out fine, ok," Mr. Malsmteen said. He patted his friend on the back, assuring him that everything will be alright. Even though Mr. Malmsteen was just as frightened.

  The two broke away from each other and approached Kataku. "Are-a-you ready to-a-meet him?" Kataku asked.

  "We're ready," Mr. Malsmteen said, sticking out his chest as he was now full of confidence.

  "Then-a-we shall meet-a-him," Kataku said. "Please-a-follow me." Kataku turned around, walking up to the front of the group and continued to walk.

  Only taking a few steps forward, they walked out of the grass and onto an open dirt field. In front of them stood two enormous mountains, one on the left and one on the right. A stone bridge went across, connecting the two mountains together. The group was right in front of a large stone staircase that led up to the bridge. A little path was present ahead of them. Alongside the path were other villagers that looked similar to Kataku and his people. Some stood and some sat. Large pots of fire were in front of them.

  "What is all this?" Mr. Malmsteen said. "This is extraordinary. I've never seen anything like this."

  "I can barely see it, but judging by what I can see, it looks amazing," Mr. Eisen said.

  "This-a-is where you-a-will be present-a-ed to our-a-rule-a-er," Kataku said. "You-a-will climb the-a-steps and-a-kneel when-a-you get to-a-the top. That-a-is when-a-we will summ-a-on our rule-a-er. Now-a-go."

  Mr. Malmsteen and Mr. Eisen both looked at each other. The group of villagers in front of them moved out of the way for the two. They both swallowed hard. As nervous as they were, they started to walk down the path  towards the steps. Looking at all of the other village people that were around, they all had their eyes on the two.

  "Richard," Mr. Eisen whispered. "I'm scared. I don't want to be stuck here forever with these people."

  "You won't have to," Mr. Malsmteen assured him. "Remember what I said, just stay cool. We' ll be home in no time."

  The two approached the stone steps. Looking at each other, they both faced forwards again and proceeded to climb. Looking up ahead of them, they could see a blood red circle in the sky. They weren't sure if it was the sun or the moon, but it looked as though it were dripping. While climbing, the sound of heels began to rang. The two stopped midway on the steps, looking around to see where the sound was coming from.

  "Do you see the bells?" Mr. Eisen said, not really being able to point out where they were.

  "No," Mr. Malmsteen said. ""It almost seems like they're coming from the sky."

  The two looked up and saw nothing. They sort of brushed it off and continued to climb the steps. Nearing the top, the two were growing even more nervous. As they took their finally steps, that finally made it to top of the steps.

  "Now what?" Mr. Malmsteen asked. He was too nervous to remember the instructions that Kataku gave them.

  "Didn't he say to kneel or something?" Mr. Eisen said, trying to remember what Kataku had told them to do.

  The two dropped to their knees. They were now in the center between the two mountains. Looking over the stone bridge they were on, they could see a deep, dark hole. They stretching their necks up, trying not to move from their posit
ion but also trying to get a good look at the hole.

  "I wonder what that's for?" Mr. Malmsteen whispered to himself. He was hoping that it had nothing to do with their decision to leave.

  As the two waited for the villager's ruler to appear, a strange chanting from the people below began. The two CEOs turned their neck, staring down at the village people. Kataku and his ground of villagers were walking up to the stone steps while the other village people on the sidelines started banging drums that appeared in front of them and chanting. The group that Kataku was with stopped in front of the stone steps while Kataku continued to climb them. As he got to the top, Kataku walked around Mr. Malmsteen and Mr. Eisen, standing in front of them.

  "Our rule-a-er will now-a-make his appear-a-ence to-a-you," Kataku said. He turned around, facing the deep hole, and raised his arms up in the air. "They are-a-ready!"

  The whole bridge began to shake. Mr. Malmsteen and Mr. Eisen both looked at each other before turning back forward. They looked down at the deep hole again. Something was emerging from it. Both the men watched in horror as they finally saw the appearance of  Kataku's ruler. It was standing on a stone platform that raised up from the hole.

  Even though Mr. Eisen couldn't see very clearly, he looked in horror at the village ruler. Mr. Malmsteen didn't know what was going on. In his mind he was thinking that this must be some kind of strange dream. He knew that in reality, this wouldn't possibly exist.

  Kataku turned around, facing the two men. "The-a-rule-a-er will now make-a-his deci-a-sion. I-a-will le-a-ave the three-a-of you al-a-one." Kataku walked around the men, making his way down the stone steps, regrouping with his people.

  The two men looked up at the village ruler, studying the being. Mr. Eisen was so shocked at what the ruler looked like. He knew that the two were in trouble now. His past was coming back to haunt him.

  The large scorpion ruler raised its pinchers in the air, snapping them. It let out a piercing screech, making the two men cover their ears. The scorpion's tail hung above its head. Even though the sky turned everything red, the blue and yellow colors on the scorpion were not altered. It titled back, now only standing on two of its legs, revealing the yellow stomach that it had. Resting back down on all legs, the stone bridge shook again.

  "Welcome Hank Eisen and Richard Malmsteen," the scorpion ruler hissed out. Its voice was very high pitched and echoed throughout the sky. The sound of the villager ruler's voice sent shivers done Mr. Malmsteen's and Mr. Eisen's back.

  "It knows who we are," Mr. Eisen whispered to his friend. He didn't know that the large scorpion could hear him.

  "Yes, I know exactly who the two of you are," the scorpion ruler hissed. "I know everything about the two of you."

  "Oh do you?" Mr. Malsmteen challenged. He formed a big smile on his face as he knew that the giant scorpion had no knowledge of him. "Prove it!"

  "You were born as Richard Lawrence Malmsteen on January 27th, 1970. There was a blizzard at the time of your birth. You spent your whole life growing up in Queens. When you were twenty-two, your father was killed trying to defend his restaurant while it was being robbed. You had a one-night stand with some girl you met at a bar and she gave the kid to you. You sent him away to live with his uncle right after you got him. Your brother then sent him off to some academy. Your mother still lives, and resides in the same house you grew up in. She call you at least once a month and the two of you talk for hours. You attended a very well known college that I will not name, graduating at the top of your class."

  Mr. Malmsteen stood there in shock as the village ruler detailed every part of his life up until now. "Alright, alright," he said, cutting him off. "How do you know all this? I've never even met you. I would know if I did."

  "Just because we've never met, doesn't mean I don't know who you are," the village ruler hissed out. The gigantic scorpion turned his attention to Mr. Eisen. "And what about you? Haven't we met before?" Mr. Eisen remained silent. "Don't you want to know about your life?"

  Mr. Eisen slowly shook his head side to side. "Nnnnooo," he uttered out.

  "You were born under the name Hank Peterson Eisen on August 29th, 1972," the village ruler started.

  "Stop! Stop!" Mr. Eisen yelled, covering his ears, trying not to listen. "I...I can't listen to this!"

  "Your oldest brother committed suicide when you were just four. After that your mother sent you to go live with your aunt and uncle, not ever seeing or speaking with your parents again."

  "Please just stop!" Mr. Eisen continued to yell. "I can't take it! Please make him stop Richard!"

  "Enough!" Mr. Malmsteen yelled. "That's enough! Stop this nonsense. You know why we're here." Mr. Eisen released his hands from his head.

  The village ruler halted his story. "Ah yes," the scorpion began. "You are both wanting to leave? Am I right?" The two men shook their heads. "Why would you want to leave? These people have managed to live here. Why can't you two do the same?"  

  "Enough with this sh...stuff," Mr. Malmsteen said. "We like where we live. Give us your answer." The two men stood up tall. They both eagerly awaited their faith, hoping they'd be let go.

  The giant scorpion snapped it pinchers. "I have made my decision," the village ruler hissed out. The two men leaned closer. "You two will remain here forever."

  Both of the men's hearts sank. Their jaws nearly fell off. "What do you mean?" Mr. Malsmteen said. He was hoping that another decision would be made.

  "Was I not clear?" the scorpion said. "You two will remain here forever. Never again shall you see your homes. This is your home now."

  "This can't be?!" Mr. Eisen yelled. "I've got a family back home. I have a business. I have a life. You have to let us go." He fell back down to his knees. Lowering his head, he brought his hands together. "Please! I know I haven't been the kindest person, and neither has my friend. But the only thing I want to do right now is to go home and be with my family."

  "On what grounds gives you the right to decide our faith?!" Mr. Malmsteen said. It made no sense to him that someone they don't even know can decide their faith, just by saying so.

  "My decision will not be altered," the villager ruler hissed. The scorpion snapped its pinchers again. "Be gone with the two of you! That is all that you need to hear from me."

  "I won't stand for this!" Mr. Eisen said. He then made a run towards the scorpion. He was immediately stopped when two of the villagers from below ran up the stone steps, grabbing him and forcing him down to the ground. Two other villagers went up and grabbed Mr. Malsmteen. The villagers escorted the two away from the area.



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