Mistletoe Bully

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Mistletoe Bully Page 14

by Amy Brown

  Even though I’m furious at the idea Palmer could’ve been behind the video circulating the school, I’ve decided I’m going to tell Mr. Glenn it wasn’t me who called him the other day complaining about sexual advances from Palmer. While I’d love to get back at Palmer for scaring me last night, he shouldn’t be punished for something he didn’t do.

  Of course, if I get the chance for retribution for what he did to me last night, I’ll take it. He had no right to torment me last night when I’ve never done a damn thing to him. It’s sad that he’s only too willing to believe I’d throw him under the bus for no reason. I’d stupidly thought we were becoming unlikely friends. Apparently, I’d been completely wrong.

  Chapter Fourteen


  As expected, Sabrina is the master of spreading the YouTube video around the school. The first glimpse I get of Adalee is when she’s on her way to our art class. She walks by a snickering group of kids with her head held high. She hides her emotions well, but I know her enough now to know she must be embarrassed. I almost feel sorry for her, but I squelch those weak emotions. She did this to herself by lying to Mr. Glenn.

  “Oh, look, a movie star,” I call out to her, and the other students laugh. “I loved your work in The Night of Terror at the Quarry.”

  She doesn’t even glance over. She continues on her way with her back stiff.

  Well, that’s no fun.

  During art, she doesn’t look at me once. All of her attention is on her drawing, and when the class ends, I leave before her. I stop off along the way to use the restroom, and when I get to math class, Adalee is at the front of the class talking to Mr. Glenn. He nods and she leaves the room without a word. I frown, wondering where she’s gone. How am I supposed to torment her if she isn’t in class?

  When Mr. Glenn finishes scribbling math problems on the board, he faces the room. “We’re missing a few people today because they’ve volunteered to help decorate the gym for the Christmas Dance tonight. How about we break into small groups and work through some problems?” He begins handing out sheets of paper.

  I frown at Adalee’s absence. It’s very entertaining watching her bomb at math. But if she’s not here, I don’t get to see the show. Her new tutor must not be doing a very good job. She’d slowly been improving her math when I’d tutored her, but she’s going downhill again. I’m a bit frustrated the new tutor is undoing all my good work, but it can’t be helped. Adalee will probably fail math, and that’s her problem not mine.

  When class is over, Mr. Glenn calls me to his desk. I’m nervous because I have no idea what he’s going to say to me. Last time we spoke it wasn’t pretty. He’d made it obvious he was disgusted by me. He’d been unwilling to listen to me when I’d said I’d never done anything inappropriate with Adalee.

  He waits until all the students have filtered out of the room, and he clears his throat. “Palmer, I owe you an apology.”

  Shocked, I widen my eyes. “You do?”

  He nods. “Yes. It would appear I misjudged you.”

  I frown. “Is this about that phone call you got?”

  “It is. Adalee came to me today and explained that she never made that phone call. Someone impersonated her, and she wanted to make sure I knew the truth.”

  Disbelief rolls through me. Adalee must know I’m behind the video of her that’s circulating the school. She’s too sharp not to have figured it out by now. Why would she come forward and tell Mr. Glenn the truth? Why would she do that knowing I humiliated her?

  “Adalee came to you? Of her own free will?”

  “She did.” He sighs. “I’ll probably never know who played that prank, I sincerely thought it was Adalee I was speaking to. I blindly blamed you, and I feel bad that I didn’t listen to you.”

  “It’s okay.” I suppose it really isn’t okay, but I’m just so relieved that he’s looking at me the way he used two. “I understand no one expects someone to impersonate someone else on the phone.”

  “That’s true, still, I feel horrible that I jumped to conclusions about you. You’ve never done anything other than help me get students up to speed. I should’ve known you’re not the kind of person who would ever do anything inappropriate.”

  Relief rolls through me, but I also battle some confusion. The only reason I’m in Mr. Glenn’s good graces again, is because of Adalee. But I was certain Adalee was the one who’d made that call accusing me of sexual improprieties to begin with. Was it possible Adalee had also been a victim of whoever made that call? She’d denied calling Mr. Glenn from the start but I’d refused to listen. She’d also accused Sabrina of having one of her pals make the call. Again, I’d ignored her.

  It’s hard to believe Sabrina would set me up like that simply to hurt Adalee. But Sabrina is a heartless bitch, and it’s possible she planned everything. Of all the mornings Sabrina had requested a ride to school, it was awfully coincidental it was that morning. Had she simply been giving herself an alibi? If that bitch had set up this whole mess with Mr. Glenn, she was going to get hers.

  I’d known Sabrina for years, yet, I find it easier to believe she would backstab me rather than Adalee. I wince, remembering what I did to Adalee last night. Even now, the video of her is circulating like wildfire through the school. I did that entire thing to Adalee because of the phone call to Mr. Glenn. I have a horrible sick feeling in my gut, as I realize I might have unfairly humiliated Adalee for something she didn’t do.

  I leave Mr. Glenn and tug my phone from my pocket. My hands tremble as I go to YouTube and delete the video of Adalee begging for her life. The damage has been done. Too many people have seen the video and can’t un-see it. But at least I can prevent more injury to Adalee by pulling the video down.

  I feel so guilty I have trouble concentrating as I walk to my next class. If Adalee was innocent this whole time, I’ve made a horrible mistake. I want to go to her and try to explain myself, even as I realize that makes no sense. We don’t have that kind of relationship. I can’t just go to her and beg for her forgiveness. She’d probably laugh in my face after what I just put her through. I’d been so sure that Adalee had thrown me under the bus. Why? Why had I been so willing to believe that? Perhaps because she seemed too good to be true?

  I’ve never met anyone like Adalee. I don’t know how to be around someone like her. I suppose that’s why I was happy to accept she’d turn on me. Other than Rudy, I’ve never known anyone who could be trusted. My dad uses people like Kleenex, and tosses them away as carelessly. He’s a selfish violent man, and I have a horrible feeling he’s rubbing off on me way more than I’d like.


  Rudy and I show up at the Christmas Dance stag. Sabrina had hinted and hinted she wanted me to ask her, but even if I hadn’t been pissed at her, I wouldn’t have wanted to take her as my date. She’s way too possessive. If I hadn’t known that before, the whole phone call thing with Mr. Glenn has slammed that home nicely. Rudy thinks it was Sabrina who called Mr. Glenn too. He’d never been sold on the idea Adalee would do that. I feel stupid that I didn’t listen to him, now that I’m pretty sure Sabrina manipulated me. I wonder if she thought it was funny when I turned on Adalee so easily. She probably laughed her ass off as I went off on poor Adalee. I cringe every time I think about Adalee’s face that day. I’d been so angry and she’d looked so attacked.

  I did attack her.

  When Adalee walks in arm in arm with Dirk, I grit my teeth. I don’t blame her for coming to the dance with a guy who treats her nicely. I don’t think Dirk is good enough for her, but what do I know? I’m the asshole who circulated a humiliating video of her around the entire school today.

  Emma stares across the room at me and her face is pinched with anger. Guilt eats at my gut but I turn my back on her. She doesn’t understand the entire situation. I was manipulated by Sabrina just like Adalee. We’re both victims, unfortunately, I did more damage to Adalee because I publicly humiliated her.

  I’ve had a few shots of tequila
before the dance, and Rudy has a flask with whiskey too. We go outside and sip on the booze in between songs. There are chaperones who are supposed to watch out for this kind of thing, but they’re all inside nibbling at the food table.

  “So… I noticed the video of Adalee was taken down.” Rudy’s voice is a little too nonchalant.

  I avoid his gaze. “Yeah.”

  “Did you grow a conscience?”

  I scowl. “What does that mean?”

  He shrugs. “You know I never believed Adalee called Mr. Glenn to begin with.”

  I sigh. “I know.”

  “Do you believe that too now?”

  I take a swig of whiskey, and wince as it burns a trail down my throat. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, and say, “Adalee went to Mr. Glenn and told him she never called him. She told him I never did anything inappropriate with her.”

  “Shit.” He shakes his head. “You know it was Sabrina, right? That bitch played you and Adalee like a fucking fiddle.”

  “I’m beginning to think you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right. She was so jealous of any time you spent with Adalee, she was practically green. It was embarrassing to watch.”

  I scowl. “I don’t get it. I’m not with Sabrina. Why the hell is she so possessive?”

  “She thinks you’re a couple. I’ve told you that a thousand times; the chick is mental. You did this to yourself by fucking her.”

  “I haven’t touched her in weeks.”

  “You still hang out with her. She’s biding her time. She thinks you two are meant to be.” He laughs gruffly. “I’m warning you, you might find a rabbit boiling in your kitchen one day.”

  I give a grudging laugh. “I don’t think she’s dangerous.”

  “She tried to ruin your relationship with Mr. Glenn just so she could hurt Adalee. There’s no telling what she’ll do.”

  He has a point.

  “You crossed the line with that fucking video too,” he says softly.

  “I knew you’d think that. That’s why I didn’t tell you what I was going to do.” I wince.

  “And look at you now, guilt ridden because you did something to Adalee that she didn’t deserve.”

  “Who says I’m guilt ridden?” Asshole always reads me too well.

  “Don’t even try it, dude. I know you better than myself. You’re probably eaten up with guilt, but too fucking proud to apologize to her.”

  “Hey, life isn’t always fair. Shit happens.”

  “Yeah. No one knows that better than Adalee.” His tone is sterner than usual. “Remember she lost both her parents?”

  The fact that Rudy is obviously displeased with my behavior is unsettling. He always has my back. “I doubt she cares if I apologize to her or not.”

  “The only way to find out, is to apologize.”

  My face warms. I do feel guilty, and I know she suffered a lot losing her parents. I don’t like the idea that I’m a negative force in her life. When I did what I did, I truly believed she had tried to hurt me. Now I know differently, and I probably should tell her I’m sorry. Why is it so hard to force myself to do the right thing?

  “If I run into her tonight, maybe I’ll say something.” My voice is gruff. I don’t like being pushed into doing the right thing, but then again, if Rudy didn’t push me I probably wouldn’t do it.

  “She’s a good person. She didn’t have to go to Mr. Glenn. After what you did to her, I’m surprised she bothered.” He takes a long sip from the flask.

  Adalee is a good person. I didn’t think so at first, and I’ve been only too willing to believe the worst of her. But time and time again, she proves me wrong. If our positions had been reversed, I’m not so sure I’d have gone to Mr. Glenn today. I’d have probably wanted vengeance too much. It’s interesting to me that Adalee chose to tell the truth, instead of payback. She’s obviously a better person than me. I’d have taken the easy way out.

  One of the chaperones pops her head out of the door. “What are you boys up to?” It’s Mrs. Birch, a history teacher. She taps her foot and pushes the door wider. “Come back inside. Dance with the girls, why is everybody just standing staring at each other? Don’t you people know how to dance?”

  We go inside the building, and the music is so loud it vibrates through my chest. It’s a good turnout tonight, lots of kids showed up for the Christmas party. The DJ plays Christmas songs in between the livelier pop songs. Adalee and her crew did a nice job decorating too. There are gold and silver tinsel streamers looped around the room, and festive wreaths and garland. Someone even changed out the boring white lighting with green and red bulbs. There is also an artificial Christmas tree glittering in the corner. We don’t even have a tree at home because dad can’t be bothered. It’s pretty sad that my school makes me feel more like the holidays than my own house.

  Across the room I see Dirk hovering around Adalee. She’s laughing and talking with Emma, and my gaze runs over her body. She’s wearing a tight silver dress, and it sparkles every time she moves. Her hair is down, curling around her shoulders. She is breathtaking as usual. My stomach aches watching her, knowing I’ve hurt her. Unfairly.

  Sabrina comes up to me and slips her arm through mine. It takes all of myself control not to shove the bitch away. I’m not sure what to do about her. Now that I know she’s probably behind the phone call to Mr. Glenn, I’m so angry I don’t trust myself. She deserves retribution for hurting Adalee and me. She fucked up my budding friendship with Adalee. Something I’d begun to value, and didn’t even realize that, until it was blown to smithereens.

  “Dance with me, Palmer,” Sabrina whispers against my ear.

  It’s a slow song, and I have no desire to dance with her to a slow song or even a fast song. What I’d like to do is tie her up and leave her in that freezing cave. Maybe the coyotes could eat her. Although, I wouldn’t wish that on the poor coyotes. They’d probably be poisoned.

  “Maybe later,” I grumble. I have no intention of dancing with her tonight.

  She pouts. She’s wearing a red dress that looks so tight I’m surprised she can breathe. Her boobs are on full display, but for once in my life, I’m not interested in looking at breasts. Especially hers. She’s a vile person, and I don’t want her in my life anymore. The fact she could have poisoned Mr. Glenn against me just so she could get at Adalee is unforgivable. I’m furious she manipulated me so efficiently, I hurt a girl who hadn’t done anything to me.

  For the longest time I haven’t been willing to see Adalee clearly. I felt too defensive and I didn’t want to like her too much. But I do like Adalee. I like her beautiful body, her wit, her laugh. I remember that night in the closet with her like it was yesterday. From the first moment I touched her, I wanted more. Now, because of Sabrina, I’ll probably never have a chance with Adalee. It shocks me I even want a chance with her. I wasn’t looking for a girlfriend, or any intimate connections with a girl. But Adalee intrigues me, and I want more of her. But Adalee will probably never forgive me.

  Especially if I don’t apologize.

  Dirk pulls Adalee out onto the dance floor. Even though it’s a fast song, he takes the opportunity to put his hands on her body. Jealousy flares inside of me, but I try not to show it. He’s probably a much better fit for her. Dirk is nice. Adalee is nice. I’m not nice. While I want Adalee, I’d probably end up hurting her. I don’t really know how to have a relationship. I get so mean when I’m backed into a corner. No one knows that better than Adalee.

  Gloria walks up to Sabrina and the two of them whisper together, while pointing toward Adalee. I frown wondering what those two are up to. Sabrina throws her head back laughing hysterically. I narrow my eyes, feeling uneasy. They must have something in store for Adalee, but I have no idea what. Sabrina has no idea Adalee went to Mr. Glenn. She has no idea I’m no longer furious with Adalee, but am now furious at her instead. Perhaps I can get her to tell me what they’re going to do to Adalee. I have little doubt something is up becaus
e of the menacing expression on Sabrina’s face.

  If I choose to defend Adalee over Sabrina, I could potentially be committing social suicide. While most kids hate Sabrina, they fear her. They fear me too, but I’m not as erratic as Sabrina. Sabrina sees insults constantly, whether they’re there or not. She bullies and torments people on a regular basis. It’s rare that anyone pisses me off so much I actually go after them. Adalee got under my skin too easily. I now think that’s mostly because I’m insanely attracted to her. I assumed she was a lying cheating bitch like most girls at Harbor Academy. I fought my attraction to her to protect myself. However, I’m beginning to think Adalee was always the one who needed protecting from me.

  I don’t think I can stand by and watch Sabrina humiliate Adalee. I know I can’t. Whether the kids take my side or Sabrina’s, I have to defend Adalee. Something inside of me needs to keep her safe. I’m tired of fighting that instinct. Whether Adalee will ever forgive me or not, sometimes you just have to do the right thing and stand up for people. Whether you get anything good out of it or not.

  “What the hell are those two up to?” Rudy whispers. He’s watching Gloria and Sabrina snickering.

  “I was just wondering that myself.”

  He meets my gaze. “You know those bitches are going to do something to Adalee, right? Sabrina’s jealousy is out of control, man.”

  I know he’s right. “I’m going to try to get them to tell me what their plan is.”

  He nods. “Good idea.”

  I move up to Sabrina, and I force a smile. “Want to dance?”

  She looked surprised, but thrilled. “Yeah.” She clamps her nails into my forearm.

  I squelch my shiver of distaste, and allow her to drag me out onto the dance floor. She immediately begins to grind against me, and I grit my teeth. Over her head my gaze locks with Adalee’s. She’s dancing with Dirk, and her smile fades as we look at each other. I hate the wary expression that passes over her pretty features.


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