Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2)

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Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2) Page 10

by Sarah Bailey

  “I know.”

  “I had no idea, Lukas. I wouldn’t have said all those things if I’d known. I’m such an idiot.”

  He gave her a small smile.

  “I know. It’s been difficult for both of you, but Ella needs to respect that you’ve made a choice even if she doesn’t agree with it.”

  She was silent for a long moment. Her heart went out to Ella. She was just having a hard time dealing with her traumatic experience. It didn’t make it right that she’d taken it out on her. At least she could understand Ella’s animosity towards Gavin, however undeserved it was.

  “We’ve never fought like this before.”

  “She’s been really cut up about it. She feels like she’s let you down. I don’t think she meant what she said about wanting you to end it.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He raised his eyebrow but nodded.

  “Do you think I’m being stupid, you know, for being with a vampire?”

  “No. They’re high maintenance for sure. Gavin is a decent sort, for a vampire at least.”

  She wanted to ask him more about the night Ella had been kidnapped. About what had happened and what his conversation with Gavin had entailed. She wanted to know why everything seemed to centre around what went on the day she’d discovered a world outside humans existed.

  The doorbell rang and Lukas got up to answer it. She heard the door open. Lukas’ voice filtered through from down the hallway.

  “Well, this is a little unexpected.”

  “I know she’s here, Lukas.”

  Daisy immediately got up and went out into the hallway. Standing just outside the front door was her vampire. His eyes met hers. She could see turmoil in their depths.

  “Lukas.” He turned his head towards Daisy. “Invite him in.”

  Lukas eyed her for a moment before turning back to Gavin.

  “Won’t you please come in?”

  Lukas had barely finished his sentence when Gavin was in front of her. He pushed her back through the open door of the living room. He held her face in his hands, looking down at her with concern.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I felt you. Anger, hurt, pain. So much rage. It woke me before the sun had set and then there was nothing. I couldn’t come to you.”

  Her heart contracted. He’d felt her emotions?

  She took his hands from her face, placing them back by his sides.

  “But you’re here now.”

  “What happened?”

  “I had a fight with Ella…” She wanted to look away from him, but she couldn’t. “About you.”


  She sighed. She stepped towards him, wrapping her arms around his back and pressed her face into his shoulder. She breathed him in, feeling calm now he was there with her. His arms came around her, cradling her close.

  She felt safe, secure and wanted.

  “Yes, you. She is having a hard time accepting I want to be with you. She’s got it in her head that you forced this on me.”

  “She has met you, right?”

  She looked up at him with a frown.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re a force of nature. My force of nature.”

  “I did lose my temper quite spectacularly, Lukas can vouch for that. It was worse than the diatribe I aimed at you.”

  She hung her head, a little embarrassed by her outburst. His hands ran down her back. It was soothing. She looked up at him again, noticing that he was wearing his glasses. She grinned. She’d found it amusing the first time they’d met, but now she realised just how human they made him appear. She also found they had the side effect of making him look incredibly sexy.

  “What are you smiling at?” he asked.

  “You’re wearing glasses again.”


  “I know you don’t need them.”

  She reached up and plucked them off his head, putting them on her own face.

  “How do I look?” she asked, posing.

  “Very fetching.”

  She rose up on her tiptoes, pressing her mouth against his. He pulled away after a moment, taking his glasses back from her.

  “Do you like it when I wear them?”

  “Honestly, at first, I thought it was funny, but now…” She ran her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. “Now, I think I want to see you in just them and nothing else.”

  His eyebrow arched up in surprise before a devious smile appeared on his face.

  “That can be arranged.”

  He kissed her again. She melted into him, feeling her nerves tingling at his touch. She was losing herself in him when someone cleared their throat from behind them.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Daisy pulled away from Gavin’s mouth, looking over his shoulder. Lukas was watching the two of them from the doorway with amusement.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but you know, this is my house.”

  Gavin rolled his eyes. She gave him a sharp look, but she didn’t step away. Lukas walked further into the room and behind him, was Ella. Her eyes went a little wide when she saw them with their arms around each other. She kept her mouth firmly closed.

  “Well, this is going to be awkward,” Daisy muttered under her breath.

  Gavin stroked her hair, giving her a smile. She knew he’d heard her. Damn vampires and their super senses. She stepped away from him, but he enclosed her hand in his. She stared down at their entwined fingers. This was the first time he’d shown affection towards her in front of anyone. She didn’t count the night when she’d practically pounced on him in front of Aaron. When she met his eyes again, he was expressionless. She didn’t know what this meant. Maybe he was going to prove to her friend he wasn’t the monster Ella thought he was.

  Ella and Lukas sat down on the sofa together, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

  “Are you okay?” he murmured to her.

  She nodded, still staring at Daisy and Gavin with hesitancy in her eyes. Gavin tugged Daisy over to the armchair and sat down, pulling her into his lap. He curled a hand around her waist and laid his other on the arm of the chair. She felt a little uncomfortable. She didn’t want to rub her weird relationship with him in Ella’s face.

  “I think we need to clear the air between the four of us, don’t we?” he said, appraising the two hybrids on the sofa.

  “For the record, I don’t have a problem with this,” Lukas said, waving his hand at them.

  Daisy cringed a little. The only one who had an issue was her best friend.

  “I think the problem is that Ella doesn’t really know you. Isn’t that right?” Daisy said, trying to ease the tension.

  “I don’t trust your kind,” Ella said.

  Daisy tensed. Ella wasn’t going to make this easy.

  “Do you trust your friend?” Gavin asked.

  “With my life.”

  “I am not Raquel, Ella.”

  The room was deadly silent. Ella’s hands shook. He’d well and truly hit the nail on the head with that comment. Ella looked away, blinking back tears.

  “I know,” she whispered.

  Daisy’s heart broke. Her best friend was in pain. Gavin’s hand around her tightened. He could feel her emotions. She hadn’t even begun to process what it meant or how she felt about it. She took his hand, giving it a little squeeze before letting go and standing. She skirted around the coffee table and knelt by Ella’s feet. She took Ella’s hands.

  “Ella, babe, I’m sorry you’re hurting. I’m sorry that happened to you even though you won’t tell me exactly what she did.” Ella looked down at her. “I love you, you know that.”

  Ella nodded, squeezing her hands. She lowered her voice to a whisper even though she knew both Gavin and Lukas could still hear them.

  “I like being with him. He makes me happy. You do want me to be happy, don’t you?” Ella nodded again. “Then please, try to understand, for me.”

p; Ella was silent for a moment.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “God, Daisy, I’m so sorry.”

  The relief Daisy felt was palpable. She crawled up onto the sofa and they were in each other’s arms, both crying for all they were worth.

  “I’m such a shit friend,” Ella said into her shoulder.

  “No, you’re not. You just care too much.”

  They drew apart, smiling sheepishly at each other, eyes shining with tears. Ella turned her head, looking at the expressionless vampire.

  “You better not hurt her or I’ll hunt you down myself.”

  “I don’t intend to.”

  Daisy looked over at him, well aware she looked like a mess. Something in his expression had her standing, walking over to him. He stood, looking down at her with his captivating green eyes. He ever so gently wiped away the tears from her face in a gesture which almost made her fall apart again. Her breath caught in her throat.

  The rest of the room melted away as they stared at each other.

  Daisy knew right then and there she’d fallen in love with him.


  Gavin’s chest constricted as he stared down at Daisy. He’d felt all her pain seeping into him and now, he felt something very different from her.

  There was shock in her eyes as if she had come to a sudden realisation and it didn’t sit well with her. But her emotions, they were a mess. Confusion mixed in with affection roiled inside her and by extension, him. He wanted to ask her what she was feeling, but he was well aware they had an audience.

  He’d come for her because he felt her anger, her pain. He found it disconcerting. He’d never tied himself to a human before. Never wanted to. Never needed to. But he needed the girl in front of him. It was her life force that sustained him.

  His hand was still on her cheek, but he let it fall. Daisy blinked as if stepping out of a trance. She turned away to look at the other two occupants in the room who were staring at them. Lukas looked amused. Ella had a small smile on her face.

  He felt irritation flaring inside of him. In a moment of weakness, he’d allowed them to see the effect Daisy had on him, even if the girl herself hadn’t realised it. She’d ensnared him and was completely oblivious to it. And now, he wanted to punish her for it. He wanted her to feel as helpless as he did. What is she doing to me?

  “Unless either of you has any objections, I’m going to leave with her now,” he said to the two angel, demon hybrids.

  Daisy looked up at him with a frown, but when she saw his face, she paled a little. She knew what was coming.

  “We can catch up another time,” Ella said.

  Before Daisy could protest, he wrapped his arms around her and stepped into the shadows. He felt her clutching him, fear running through her. Good. She should be scared.

  When they stepped out of the shadows, he threw her down on the bed, roughly. Her eyes were wide.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Silence. You will not speak.”

  “Gavin, please, I didn’t do anything.”

  He yanked her towards him by her ankle before pulling her up and gripping her chin so she looked at him.

  “You will obey me.”

  She was trembling, but she kept her mouth shut. His eyes were almost black. The control he exerted over his dark side had snapped. She was his. He was going to make damn sure she knew it.

  “Undress,” he snapped.

  She fumbled with her clothes, but she did as he asked. He could feel her fear rolling off her in waves. It fed him. He needed it.

  She stood there, her naked skin gleaming in the low light.

  “Turn around and put your hands behind your back.”

  She stared at him, pleading silently for him to stop, but it was too late. When she realised the same thing, she whimpered, but she turned around.

  He whipped over to his closet, selecting a suitable tie before returning to her in a flash. He forced her hands behind her back, roughly, before he secured the tie around her wrists.

  “That hurts,” she whispered.


  He pushed her forward, forcing her onto the bed.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  He didn’t respond. He made her onto her knees, her face pressed down into the bed. She turned to the side, gasping for air.

  “Gavin, please.”

  His hand ran over her luscious behind, cupping her cheeks before he spanked one. She flinched but stayed silent.

  “You are mine.”

  “I am. I know I am, but why are you punishing me? I didn’t do anything!”

  He couldn’t tell her the truth. Tell her that she had him under her spell and he could never walk away even if he tried. He was hers and hers alone. This fragile girl in front of him had taken the one thing he didn’t realise he still possessed. He was going to make her pay for it.

  She didn’t struggle as he continued to spank her until her cheeks were blossoming red. He unbuckled his belt, sliding out of his own clothes with ease. He pulled her to the end of the bed. He stood behind her, stroking her softness with a finger. She was dripping. It almost broke him. Despite her protests, she’d let him hurt her and she’d liked it.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Gavin, please.”

  He entered her, gripping her hips with an iron hold. She cried out. He looked down at her face. Her eyes were watery, the bed damp with her tears. The sight of it had him pounding her mercilessly.

  “You. Are. Mine.”

  She sobbed. He leant forward and bit her neck, sucking at the blood which pooled. It was the sweetest nectar.

  “I’m sorry. Whatever it is I did, I’m sorry. Please, Gavin.”

  Fire burnt inside him. She consumed him. She cried out again and again. He coaxed her along, his fingers brushing against her core. He could feel her emotions screaming out to him. Anger, fear, disgust, pleasure and most unexpectedly, affection. He’d felt it from her before when she’d looked at him at Lukas’ place. Does she care about me? Does she really feel something for me?

  Her imminent climax pulled him out of his thoughts. She was a tightly wound cord and when it snapped, she screamed his name. It was like music to his ears. He grunted, following her down the well. Gripping her hips as he pulsated.

  When she came down, he released her. She lay there, her tear-streaked face twisted with distress. He untied her wrists, rubbing them gently. She dragged herself away from him to the top of the bed, holding her hands to her chest.

  “I hate you,” she whispered. “I hate you so goddamn much.”

  He sat on the end of the bed, watching her. He deserved nothing less. He’d let his darker side take over. She’d suffered the brunt of his frustration with himself. She hadn’t once asked him to stop. She’d let him use her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me to stop?”

  “You don’t know?” She looked incredulous. “I wanted to give you what you needed and now, I hate myself for it.”

  He moved towards her. She flinched, but he didn’t stop. She let him take her in his arms and cradle her to his chest. He kissed the top of her head.

  “Do you know why I hate myself?”

  His arms tightened around her.

  “For some sick, twisted reason, I enjoyed it,” she whispered. “I don’t know why I let you do these things to me, but I can’t stop. I can’t let you go.”

  She nuzzled his chest, her hands coiled around his neck. She enjoyed it? He couldn’t quite believe his ears, but he felt her emotions. Felt her affection, her wants, her needs. She was telling the truth.



  “Do I make you happy?”

  He froze. Her voice was cautious. He could feel anxiety coiling inside her. Her feelings were more pronounced now she was in his presence. It was still disconcerting how he could feel everything she did.

  “Yes, Daisy. You do.”

  She relaxed into his embrace. She needed to hear the truth. He found he couldn’
t deny her it. She shifted, looking up at him with her hazel eyes. She had no idea just how beautiful she was. How so very precious she was to him.

  “I know you heard me when I told Ella you make me happy.”

  He stroked her cheek, fingers brushing against her heated skin.

  “I worry I’m not enough for you,” she continued.

  “You’re more than enough. I have no need for anyone else.”

  Her brow furrowed.

  “Are you serious about me?”

  “Are you asking if this is a relationship?”

  She bit her lip, twisting it in her teeth.

  “Is that what you want?” he asked.

  She flushed a violent shade of red.

  “I just want you.”

  He couldn’t help smiling. She had no idea. No idea at all.

  “If you want it to be a relationship, then I’m not going to object.”

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Please tell me you’re being serious.”


  She stared at him for a moment before she pressed her mouth to his. He could feel relief and joy coursing through her. He kissed her back, feeling a little of that joy himself.

  She didn’t know it, but he’d just laid his cards out on the table.

  She had him.

  All of him.

  Including the useless organ in his chest which had stopped beating over a century ago.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you ever going to turn up to a society meeting? It’s been weeks.”

  Daisy stared up at Lucy with uncertainty.

  “You know I had to swap my shift pattern,” Daisy said.

  “So, what? You’re just quitting?”

  “Fred understands my circumstances have changed. Look, what exactly is your problem? I know we joined it together, but things change.”

  Lucy threw her hands up.

  “You’ve changed. Ever since you met that guy off Tinder, you’re with him all the time. I don’t see you and you won’t let me meet him.”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “It shouldn’t be complicated. It should be simple. He should be letting you live your life rather than stomping over it and demanding all your time.”

  She was sick to death of having to justify her relationship to other people. He consumed her every waking moment. She needed him. She needed him so much it hurt. But they weren’t going to understand that part. All she wanted was for them to accept she was happy.


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