Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2)

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Vampire's Kiss: A Paranormal Romance (After Dark Book 2) Page 17

by Sarah Bailey

  “Gavin,” she hissed. “Not in the car!”

  “Why not?”

  She indicated her head to the driver. She wasn’t going to have sex with him in front of someone else.

  “I thought you were taking me somewhere special. Do you want to ruin my outfit?”

  “I very much want to ruin everything about you.”

  She gave him a long-suffering look before she pushed his hand away.

  “At least let me help you find a release. I can feel your desire,” he whispered in her ear.


  His hand crept up her thigh and under her dress.


  His path didn’t slow. He smiled when he realised she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  “Oh, Daisy. You naughty girl.”

  She flushed. She’d meant it to be a surprise for later. His fingers brushed over her heated sex. She stifled a groan.

  “Stop it,” she whimpered.

  “You don’t really want that, do you?”

  “Gavin, please. This isn’t fair.”

  “Let me pleasure you, love.”

  Her resolve broke when he called her that. His fingers swept over her core. She arched up into him. She turned her face into his neck, biting down on her lip.

  “That’s it, love. Let me take care of you.”

  “I hate it when you call me that.”


  “It makes it very hard to resist you.”

  He chuckled. His fingers became more insistent. She nuzzled closer to his neck, her teeth grazing against his cool skin.

  “Daisy,” he groaned.

  She kissed along his jaw until she met his mouth. He kissed her. She could feel his fangs. They often popped out during their lovemaking. Her hand ran down his chest until it found its prey. He was rock hard, straining against his trousers. He bit down on her lip, blood pooled immediately. Ecstasy drove through her. She wanted him inside her. Right now. Her fingers fumbled with the zip as she tried to free him.

  There was an embarrassed cough from the front seat.

  “Sorry to interrupt, boss. We’re here,” the driver said.

  She cursed quietly.

  “Charlie, would you mind stepping out for a moment?” Gavin asked.

  “Um, of course, boss.”

  He hurriedly disappeared from the car. Gavin had his trousers open within moments. He moved her into his lap. She sank down on the hard length of him. His hands gripped her hips, coaxing her into taking all he had to give.

  “Gavin,” she cried out as they moved together.

  It was hot, hard and fast. She was almost crying with relief when she came. It was exactly what she needed. The sweet release he gave her was unlike anything else.

  “I love you,” she whispered, curling her hands around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder.

  She needed a moment to regain her senses. He’d well and truly sent her into a tailspin every time they had sex. Sinful sex. She couldn’t get enough of it or him.

  “Come on, love. The night is still young.”

  She frowned, but shifted off him, rearranging her clothes. He adjusted himself before opening the door and helping her out of the car. The other vampire was leaning up against a lamp post nearby.

  “Charlie, this is Daisy. Charlie is my driver,” Gavin said.

  The other vampire gave her a wide-eyed look.

  “The boss said I’m to take care of you if you need taking anywhere,” Charlie replied.

  “Um, thanks,” she said.

  Gavin nodded at the driver before he tugged Daisy away to a tall building. When they were in the lift, she turned to him.

  “You can’t ask your underlings to do stuff for me.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m human, won’t they resent you and me for that? If he doesn’t already hate me for almost having sex with you in front of him.”

  “I assure you, Charlie does not hate you nor will he resent you.”


  “Daisy, trust me, please.”

  She grumbled but wrapped a hand around his waist and rose up on her tiptoes, giving him a kiss.

  “Why are you treating me tonight?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “You don’t have to do anything. I’m happy just being with you.”

  “Can’t a man do something special for the woman he loves?”

  He cocked his head to the side.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Wait and see. You won’t be complaining in a few moments.”

  The lift dinged and the doors slid open. He took her hand and led her through the lobby and down a long corridor. There was an open set of double doors at the end. They stepped through into what looked like a large ballroom. He tugged her hand as she looked around.

  It was beautiful. The room opened out onto a large roof terrace in front of them. Decorated with fairy lights strung across a decked area was a table. It was set for two with a vase full of daisies in the centre and candles surrounding it. Her breath caught in her throat.

  She turned to him, eyes welling up with tears.

  “You arranged all of this… for me?”

  “Yes, love. All for you.”

  She had no idea what to say. This was hands down the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her.

  “This is rather uncharacteristic. I didn’t think you were the type.”

  He gave her a soft smile, cupping her cheek.

  “There are many things you don’t know about me.”

  “I hope you’re going to remedy that.”

  He chuckled before leaning down to kiss her.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  A man she’d never seen before stepped out onto the terrace with them. He was as tall as Gavin with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

  “May I take your coat?” he asked.

  She gave Gavin a questioning look, but she shrugged out of her coat, handing it to the man.

  “Daisy, this is Jack,” Gavin said with a grin.

  Jack smiled at Daisy, bowing his head. This was Gavin’s vampire sibling.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you,” Jack said. “You’ve been causing quite a stir.”

  She flushed, turning into Gavin’s side.

  “I thought you promised to behave yourself,” Gavin said.

  “Always,” Jack said as he indicated they should sit.

  She followed Gavin over to the table. He pulled out her seat for her before sitting down himself. Jack opened the wine which was sitting on the table and poured her a glass. He nodded at them before he disappeared again. She wasn’t quite sure what to say, so she took a sip of her drink instead. It was cool and crisp on her tongue. Gavin reached out and took her hand.

  “So, that’s your… sibling?”

  “In a sense, yes. Jack was turned sixty years ago.”

  “Which makes him?”


  “Got nothing on you then, old man.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Is that my nickname now?”

  “It’d be pretty lame if it was. I hadn’t thought of one for you yet. There are too many options. Let’s see…”

  She tapped her finger against her chin.

  “You’re super strong, sexy and seem to spend a lot of time rescuing me. How about I just settle for my hero? Or I could call you my knight in shining armour?”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “No? I suppose not. I mean, you’re not exactly knightly material.”

  “And why not?”

  “I don’t think knights sex up their girlfriend in the back of cars.”

  “I plan on doing a lot more ‘sexing up’, as you so lovingly put it.”

  Jack appeared on the terrace again, saving Daisy from answering. He placed a plate in front of her. It was a little onion and goats cheese tart. Jack put a glass full of red liquid in front of Gavin. She knew what it was but chose not to think about it too hard. She enjoyed
him sucking blood from her during sex, but she’d never seen him drinking someone else’s. As he took a sip, she found it didn’t bother her so much.

  Jack left them to it as she tucked into her own food.

  “You know, it’s kind of weird eating when you can’t,” she said after a moment.

  “I could, but I’m not sure you’d want to watch me throw it all back up again afterwards.”

  She almost choked on her food. Not the mental image picture she wanted when she was right in the middle of dinner.

  “Um, no. I really don’t. That’s just gross.”

  The rest of the meal followed with mild conversation. She had a perfectly cooked medium rare steak with vegetables. A chocolate and peanut butter cheesecake followed. She’d grinned from ear to ear when Jack brought it out.

  “This is why you asked me about my favourite foods last week,” she said as she set her fork down.

  She resisted the urge to lick the plate clean. It had all tasted so good.

  “I’ve never taken you out on a date. I thought this might make up for it.”

  She entwined her fingers with his again.

  “This more than makes up for it. It’s perfect.”

  He stood, tugging her up with him. Jack whisked the table away, along with the chairs. They stood on the deck together. She looked up at the nights sky, spying a few stars despite the glow from the city’s lights.

  When she looked back at Gavin, he was holding his hand out to her.

  “May I have this dance?”

  Music started to tinkle in through the open doors of the terrace. She put her hand in his and he pulled her close. They swayed to the music before he spun her around and they twirled across the deck. It was perfect. She couldn’t have asked for more.

  “This really is the single most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me,” she said, smiling up at him. “I love you.”

  He brushed his fingers along her jaw before he cupped her cheek.

  “There’s something I want to ask you.”

  “What is it?”

  She had no idea what he was thinking. His eyes betrayed nothing.

  “You’ve chosen a life with me or at least I hope that’s what this is. I cannot give you all the things you would have if I was still human, but I want to give you the life you deserve.”

  She furrowed her brow a little. Where was he going with this?

  He released her before he got down on one knee. She put her hand to her mouth. What on earth did he think he was doing? He surely wasn’t going to ask her that, was he?

  “I cannot offer you a human marriage, but if you will have me, I wish to make you my human wife under vampiric law.”

  She stared at him, eyes wide, completely unable to comprehend what he was saying. Human wife? Vampiric law?

  “I don’t understand. Why would… Have you lost your mind? Gavin, we hardly know each other.”

  “You love me, don’t you?”

  “That’s hardly the point! I don’t even know what you’re asking. What is marriage under vampiric law?”

  “You would be my equal rather than a human I owned. I know you don’t want to become a vampire and you don’t like the concept of vampire ownership.”

  “So, I would have the same rights as a vampire?”

  “Essentially, yes. If something happens to me, you’d be under the council’s protection.”

  He took her hand, his eyes earnest. He was serious about this.

  “I honestly don’t know what to say. I hadn’t thought about the future. Only that I hoped you would be in it.”

  “I told you, I’m yours. I never want to leave your side, love.”

  “All this.” She pointed around them. “Was so you could ask me this?”

  “Not all of it.” He cocked his head to the side. “Are you going to leave me kneeling at your feet?”

  She tugged on his hand, but he didn’t get up.

  “I don’t have an answer for you.”

  He reached into his jacket pocket and took out a little box. He let go of her hand to open it. Resting inside was a ring with a black diamond nestled in the centre. Tears pricked at her eyes when she looked down at it. She didn’t know what to say. Her heart pounded in her chest. He’d even gone to the trouble of getting her a ring. But they still barely knew each other, and he was a vampire. How could she marry a vampire?

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered.

  “You’re beautiful, Daisy. You are all I need in this world. For now, and always.”

  “I’m going to grow old. One day I won’t be here any longer. You’re immortal. Why would you want any of this with me?”

  “I love you.”

  What could she even say to that?

  “I don’t need a ring and a marriage, you know. I just need you.”

  She reached out and cupped his cheek. She loved him with every inch of her being. He was giving her everything. How could she say no?

  “Will you at least think about it?”

  Her thumb brushed over his mouth. Despite how utterly crazy the whole thing was, she’d already made up her mind.

  “I don’t need to.”

  She released his face and put out her hand to him. He took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger. It fit perfectly. She didn’t care how he’d found out what her ring size was. Instead of waiting for him to get up off the floor, she barrelled her way into his arms, clutching him tightly.

  “You’re crazy, but I love you,” she whispered.

  He pulled away, so he could kiss her. His fingers tangled in her hair. In this moment with him, it all felt so very right. She had no idea what the future would bring. She was content in the knowledge that he would never leave her. Even if she grew old and faded away. She could choose to be immortal too, one day. She wasn’t quite sure if she wanted to become like him, but it was a bridge they could cross at a later date. All she cared about was being with him.

  “How does this vampire marriage thing work?” she asked when they finally pulled away from each other.

  He got to his feet, tugging her up with him.

  “It is not like a human marriage. You don’t take vows. You sign a contract in your blood.”

  She wrinkled her nose. That seemed a little sickening, but vampires did have a thing about blood.

  “No special ceremonies? No council approval?”

  “No, just a witness. It’s very simple. The council don’t have a say in the matter.”

  “So, we could do it now? Jack’s still here, isn’t he?”

  His eyes widened a little.

  “Don’t tell me you haven’t had it drawn up already. I know you. You like to be in control of everything.”

  “I didn’t expect you to want to do it tonight.”

  “I can’t have second thoughts if we do it now.”

  She smiled at him. She’d been half joking. She didn’t want to give herself a chance to back out of this. They’d already shared a blood bond. A vampire marriage wasn’t exactly going to change much, was it? He’d clearly thought about this or he wouldn’t have asked her. She knew enough about him to know he never took a decision lightly.

  “I am already yours. What difference does it make? Plus, you made a good case. I would prefer not to be considered your property any longer.”

  “If you’re sure, I’ll be but a moment.”

  She nodded. He touched her cheek before he disappeared before she had a chance to blink. She’d never get over how fast vampires could move.

  This was insane. She couldn’t imagine how Ella would react when she found out. Heck, this was the most reckless thing she’d done.

  Gavin returned with Jack. They laid out the contract on a table along with a knife, two small bowls and a quill. She went over to them, a feeling of trepidation running through her.

  “Can I read it first?”

  Gavin nodded at her. She wanted to know exactly what she was signing up to. It went into detail about her rights under vampiric law
. She was entitled to exactly half of everything he owned. As the wife of the ruler of London, she would be able to take her grievances in front of the vampire council.

  She looked up at Gavin. There were a lot of things in here she never imagined she’d be signing up to.

  “Here goes nothing,” she muttered.

  Gavin picked up the knife and cut his hand. The blood dripped into one of the bowls. The cut on his hand healed quickly. He took her hand and dragged the blade across it. She hissed. He let it bleed into the second bowl.

  He bit down on his finger, smearing his blood across her cut. Within a minute, it had healed perfectly. He was always considerate of making sure he didn’t leave marks on her skin when he bit her. This was no different.

  He raised her hand to his mouth, cleaning the blood away with his tongue. She flushed as a small tug of desire drove through her stomach and lower. His eyes darkened. She didn’t dare look at Jack who surely knew how aroused she was becoming by Gavin’s simple gesture.

  He released her hand, smiling at her. His captivating green eyes shone with love. He picked up the quill, dipping it in his own blood before he signed his name. He handed it to her. She took a deep breath before she dipped it in her blood and signed her name under his.

  “That’s it?” she asked as she placed the quill back on the table.

  “Yes, love,” he replied as he took her hand.

  “So, you’re like my husband now? Wow… that’s a bit weird to say out loud.”

  He pulled her to him before leaning down to capture her mouth in his. She felt embarrassed about kissing him in front of Jack. When he released her, her face was flaming red.

  “Congratulations are in order,” Jack said, giving them both a small smile.

  He slapped Gavin on the back and gave her a wink.

  “Oh yes. I have one last surprise for you,” Gavin said.

  She raised an eyebrow.

  “Isn’t all this enough for one night?”

  “It is. However, I do not think this can wait.”

  She frowned. What else could he possibly spring on her? She thought them getting married under vampiric law was enough.

  Jack nodded at Gavin before he curled the contract up under his arm and disappeared.

  “Where’s he going?”

  “He’ll be back in a moment.”


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