Now and Forever

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Now and Forever Page 11

by Casper Graham

  Harley stared at the stranger for a few seconds before he understood. “I’m your next reincarnation.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I don’t understand. I thought humans can only have one soul each.”

  “True, but I still exist deep within you because Bridget’s magic is tied to me, and vice versa. She’s my witch, and I’m her familiar.”


  “You need to break that bond between Bridget and me. The second we’re disconnected, Bridget can no longer use her magic. It will be returned to the earth and Mother Nature after her death. Her magic is stuck inside her because of the bond between the two of us. Or maybe I should say between you and Bridget. You and I share the same soul, after all.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?”

  “Just say your name and renounce the bond with her. Simple as that.”

  “Will I also lose my ability to see spirits?”

  Hartwell shook his head. “You have familiar magic within you. You may not be able to perform anything magical, but it will exist passively inside you.”

  “I’ve never seen any spirits before…before Connor.”

  “That’s because I’ve been blocking your memories. It’s not the right time for you to awaken.”

  “What will happen to Connor?”

  Hartwell winked at him. “I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that.”

  “Why not?”

  Hartwell didn’t answer. Instead, he hugged Harley before pushing his backward. Harley instantly floated away while Hartwell waved.

  “Everything is going to be all right, Harley. It’s time to wake up.”

  * * * *

  Harley opened his eyes. Connor was still motionless on the ground while the spirit—Harley assumed it had to be Bridget—was dancing and twirling around, obviously overjoyed and elated. Harley got to his feet and cleared his throat, grabbing Bridget’s attention.

  “I, Harley Green, renounce the bond between Bridget Bishop and myself.”

  Bridget looked horrified. In the next instant, she started shaking as visible tendrils of magic leaped out from everywhere within her and seeped into the ground. When it was over, she bore a terrifying expression. It reminded Harley of all the nasty spirits in the horror movies he enjoyed so much.

  He stood his ground when she jumped into the air and pounced in his direction. However, before she could get close enough to him, a bright light appeared. Harley didn’t quite know what to expect, but he certainly never thought a beautiful woman would glide out from within and capture Bridget with an invisible rope or something. Bridget landed face down on the ground. She must have recognized the woman because she attempted to escape by clawing the ground and struggling to break free. She failed. Then the woman made a gentle waving motion with one hand and Bridget screeched as she was thrown into the light.

  Harley was surprised when the woman smiled at him. “Hello, Harley. Reincarnation suits you well.”

  Harley had no idea who the woman was, but he didn’t detect any evil intent. “Thank you. Who are you?”


  Harley’s eyes widened. “The moon goddess in the legend?”

  She chuckled. “I’m very much real.”

  “Not to most people, you aren’t.”

  Luna shrugged. “They have poor taste then.”

  Harley nodded before he glanced at Connor’s body. “Are you here to bring him into the light?”

  Luna grimaced. “Goodness, no! He’s not dead. The athame, tainted with evil, only injures him, but he can’t die from it. He’s in a healing limbo. He will be right as rain soon enough.”

  Harley’s heart felt as if it was going to stop beating. “He’s not dead?”

  “Of course not! Besides, haven’t you noticed that red thread between your right pinky finger and his?”

  Harley tried to see what Luna was referring to. That was the moment he spotted a shining red thread that indeed connected him to Connor. He raised his head and gazed into Luna’s eyes. “What does it mean?”

  “My dear Harley, you really need to regain all of your magical knowledge. You were much smarter than this in your previous life. A red thread between the two of you means you’re soul mates. The fact that it’s still pulsing and giving off light means that neither of you are dead. Uh, fully dead, in Connor’s case. Connor is a soul collector, so he isn’t really alive or dead. Damn it! You know what I mean.”

  Harley didn’t really understand, but he was still filled with hope. “How can I get him back?”

  “Call his name over and over again. He will return to you.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Yes. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to make a trip into the underworld. I need to cut my ties with Bridget. She’s no longer my child because of all the heinous things she has done in the mortal realm.” Luna moved toward the light, but stopped abruptly before she could step into it. Then she winked at Harley. “You and Connor will be so happy together, my son. Blessed be.”

  Before Harley could respond, she disappeared into the light. He gaped in surprise before he knelt and shook Connor’s body. Hard.

  “Connor Bowman! Wake up, you bastard. You better not be truly dead. Connor, come on. Luna—”

  The sound of Connor coughing startled Harley into silence, and he grew delighted when he noticed those familiar gray eyes staring back at him.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Connor!” Harley shouted while dragging the angel toward him and hugging him tightly. “You’re back.”

  Connor chuckled. “I’m a stubborn ass. I refuse to die. Not now. Not when I finally have you back in my life.”

  Harley laughed before he pressed his lips against Connor’s. When they eventually broke apart, he couldn’t stop beaming at him. “I was so scared earlier. I thought you were really dead. Like for real.”

  “Not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me for all eternity.”

  Harley’s eyes widened. “But I’m mortal.”

  “I’ll bind you to me. Then we will be together forever.”

  Harley felt himself blushing as heat rushed up his neck and cheeks. “That sounds like a marriage proposal.”

  Connor grinned. “Oh, it’s so much better than that. Just you wait and see.”

  Harley didn’t get a chance to respond because Connor kissed him once again. He gazed at the shining red thread that connected him and Connor before he shut his eyes and lost himself in the taste and feel of his boyfriend’s lips and tongue. All other thoughts were shoved to the back of his mind. He would revisit them later. Much later.

  Chapter 14

  Connor was healing at a rapid rate, but he refused to remain idle. He had things to prepare. While Harley was as busy as ever with his work the following week, Connor was getting things ready through his contacts in the underworld. He planned to ask Harley to bond with him, and he was determined it would be a grand gesture that his future mate would never forget for all eternity.

  However, he didn’t count on the possibility that he would be terrified out of his mind on the big day itself, and it was all due to his overwhelming apprehension. He couldn’t stop worrying that Harley might reject him as Connor led him into the portal that would bring them to the edge of the underworld.

  “I’m starting to think of hell as my second home,” Harley said casually the moment they stepped onto the fields of reeds.

  Connor chuckled nervously. “Well, you sort of have to get used to it. Right?”

  “Have to?” Harley repeated, arching an eyebrow.

  Connor ignored Harley’s teasing smirk as he dragged him through the fields and into an open meadow. “We’re almost there. We just need to search for the ancient tree.”

  Harley chortled. “Babe, in case you’ve forgotten, I’m still mortal. I can’t see in the dark, and the light is getting dimmer down here.”

  Connor stopped walking and lifted Harley in his arms before he used his power to transport them to their destination. M
eanwhile, Harley was grinning widely at Connor while wrapping both arms around his neck.

  “Don’t strangle me, babe. Otherwise, we will both fall.”

  Harley snorted. “You will never allow anything bad to happen to me.”

  Connor pressed a gentle kiss on Harley’s lips. “No, I won’t. I’ll always keep you safe.”

  “I know.”

  Connor grinned at Harley for the remainder of the journey. When they eventually arrived at the ancient tree, Connor put Harley onto his feet.

  Harley glanced around before shifting closer to Connor. “Babe, this is creeping me out. Why is this place so dark?”

  Connor snickered. “Patience.”

  After that, Connor snapped his fingers. Seven candles materialized in the air a mere second later, and the fire cast a soft glow all around them.


  Connor pointed at the candles. “We have to follow the candles, babe.”

  Harley didn’t need any extra prodding. He tailed the candles until they came upon a small building, located about thirty feet from the tree.

  “Is this a hotel?” Harley asked as he approached the door.

  Connor didn’t answer. Instead, he tugged Harley toward the building. The moment he placed his palm on the handle, the structure glowed and the door opened on its own. Connor smirked at Harley’s flabbergasted expression.

  “Welcome to my house, babe.”

  Harley’s expression turned to astonishment. “Your house?”

  “Come on in.”

  Harley got inside immediately before gasping. “It’s so much bigger on the inside than what it looks like from the outside.”

  Connor shrugged. “Many things in the underworld aren’t what they seem like on the surface. You need to be careful.”

  Harley grinned. “Are we going to live down here?”

  Connor grew nervous once again. “I’m hoping to bind your soul to mine for all eternity. Then we will be together forever.”

  Harley visibly gulped. “What about my job?”

  Connor took Harley’s hand. “Once we’re bonded, you can continue with it for another twenty or thirty years, but you’ll have to leave behind the mortal realm after that.”


  “Because you can’t grow old. People will be suspicious of you. Even another twenty or thirty years will be pushing it to the limit.”

  “Oh, that’s right. What will I do to pass the time, though?”

  “You can accompany me. We can capture those spirits in the mortal realm.”

  “And maybe travel the world once in a while?”

  Connor smiled. “Anything you desire, babe.”


  “Good. In the meantime, let me show you around the house.”

  Connor gave him a tour, but a short one. He had only one enormous bedroom and a living room, which didn’t get used often.

  “Uh, where’s the bathroom? Also, how am I supposed to eat without a kitchen?”

  “The moment we’re bonded, you will never have to shower or eat anymore.”

  Harley snorted. “But I actually enjoy showering and eating. Is there any way to add—”

  “Done.” Connor pointed out the new rooms that suddenly appeared.

  “Just like that?”

  Connor nodded. “Everything in my house is created from my power.”

  “Wow! That must be really convenient.”


  “Are we having our date right here in this house, though?”

  Connor shook his head. “Let us go back outside. The floating candles will lead the way back to the tree.”

  “Why there?”

  Connor beamed at him. “For our romantic date.”

  Harley looked thoroughly amused. “Another romantic date in hell?”

  “It’s going to be fun. I promise.”

  Connor excitedly grabbed Harley’s hand and intertwined their fingers. The activity he’d planned was something unusual. In fact, he couldn’t recall any living, breathing mortals who had ever received the opportunity to participate in this activity. It would be a memorable date for sure.

  * * * *

  Harley stared at the massive tree. It wouldn’t be his first date with Connor in hell, but he still couldn’t shake off that creepy sensation of actually being in the underworld. He supposed he would have to get used to it sooner rather than later, though. Their relationship was progressing fast. Most importantly, he loved Connor, and he knew his feeling was reciprocated. They would be bonded together soon enough.

  He was about to inquire further about the activity they would be doing when Connor tapped him on the shoulder and pointed at the dark sky filled with what appeared to be millions of twinkling stars, and simultaneously, seemingly thousands of falling stars. It was a magnificent view, but Harley was more astonished by the sudden presence of light all around him and the countless columns of wooden stalls. Each had a couple of standing stone lanterns filled with floating fire. Harley rubbed his eyes in disbelief when spirits started to materialize one right after the other.

  He turned toward Connor in shock. “Is this supposed to be a carnival or something?”

  Connor chuckled. “We call it a Meteoric Hell Fair down here in the underworld. It happens twice a month. That’s the reason why I’ve placed my house close to the ancient tree.”

  “Because the tree marks the location for the fair?”

  “That’s right.”

  Harley darted his eyes from one stall to the other. “Am I even allowed to eat any of the food or drinks?”

  Connor shook his head. “Unfortunately, you can’t do that until you’re bonded to me, but you can join in the fun. There are many games in which we can both participate. Or you can try the more morbid ones, such as fishing or shooting.”

  “How’s fishing or shooting morbid?”

  Connor raised his hand in the direction of one stall on their left. “That’s a fishing game.”

  Harley he choked in surprise. “Is that a human head?”


  Harley darted his eyes between the heads of a woman and a man. “Is it just my imagination? Or are they really staring at me?”

  “The latter.”

  Harley gulped. “Are they alive?”

  Connor laughed. “Of course not. They died a while back. When they were alive, they were heartless, cruel murderers. They’re being punished right now.”

  Harley went speechless for a moment. “By having their heads chopped off and placed into a huge bucket of water?”

  “Hot water,” Connor corrected in a casual tone. “Their tongues are pierced with magnetic hooks so the fishermen, or women, can catch them and lift them out from the boiling hot water.”

  “Are they in pain?”

  “Of course. That’s the point of the punishment. They will probably suffer for a few hundred more years before they can be reborn.”

  Harley was almost afraid to ask, but his curiosity won out. “Where are their bodies?”

  Connor pointed at the shooting range, where several headless bodies were nailed into the wood at the back of the stalls. “Providing entertainment for people who want to put dozens of bullets through those bodies.”

  “That’s barbaric.”

  Connor shrugged. “I’ve told you before. Karma is absolute. For every wrongdoing someone commits, he or she has to be ready to pay the price for it down here. Justice in the underworld is one hundred percent blind. It doesn’t discriminate. Everyone gets what he or she deserves. The best part is, because they’re souls, they can’t die twice, so they will have to endure being tortured until their punishments are deemed complete.”

  Harley shuddered. “Can we skip those games and enjoy the milder ones?”

  Connor chuckled. “Sure, and if you’re hungry, I actually do know one particular stall owner who will be delighted to serve you.”


  “The chef on the boat.”

  Harley was
relieved to hear that. “Oh, good. I thought I would have to go hungry for the rest of our date.”

  Connor scoffed. “I’ll never bring you on such a horrible date.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now, why don’t we visit some of the souvenir stalls? They’re on the far end on our right side. The chef’s stall is at the end of that lane.”

  “Okay. Sounds good.”

  In spite of his trepidation, Harley found he had a wonderful time going from one stall to the next. The fair was crowded, filled with a seemingly endless number of spirits. He and Connor also got some food and drinks from the chef, who appeared excited upon seeing him. She didn’t converse with him at all, but her smiling face was a clear indication of her feeling toward him.

  “How did she know I’d be here for the fair?”

  “I told her about our date, and she offered to cook for you. As much as she liked preparing food and drinks for the other spirits, she missed the sight of an actual living person enjoying her food.”

  “Why is that?”

  Connor shrugged. “Beats me. I don’t understand it either, but whatever. She’s happy, and it makes things convenient for us.”

  After that, they continued with their date. Harley had no idea how much time passed, but he and Connor were together, and that was all that mattered. He was about to drag Connor toward yet another stall when he noticed all of the souls tilting their heads skyward. That was the moment he realized that the falling stars had disappeared. One right after the other, the stalls and the spirits faded from view until he and Connor were the only two left, standing right next to the ancient tree.

  “Have you enjoyed yourself?” Connor asked while slinging one arm over Harley’s shoulders.

  Harley nodded. “This is the best date ever.”

  Connor chuckled. “Glad to hear that. We can always come back some other time.”

  Then they quietly stared at the twinkling stars. Harley scooted a bit closer to Connor, moaning in contentment when his boyfriend tightened his embrace.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am to finally have you next to me and in my arms. I’ve been waiting for you for more than six thousand years. Nothing in the world will separate the two of us ever again. Even after so many years, I’m still so in love with you, and that will never change.”


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