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Unbound Page 8

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Mind? No, it’s…it’s very sweet. I just…” She looked down at it again. “I just don’t know how…I mean, I’ve never…”

  “Just touch it to your pussy, Princess.” Varin’s voice was a soft, deep growl. “Move it around until you find the right spot and it feels good. Then go until you reach the peak. It’s easy, I promise.” He frowned. “Just be careful not to put it inside you.”

  “Inside me? Why?” Brynn looked up at him uncertainly.

  “Because of your maiden barrier.”

  “Barrier?” Brynn shook her head. This was the first she’d heard of such a thing. But of course, her one and only female anatomy lesson in the convent had been one of the Sisters telling her class that their “downstairs area” was to be left strictly alone except for necessary functions during their cycle. They had said, somewhat confusingly, that a female must remain “intact” or no proper male would ever want her, but Brynn hadn’t had any idea what that meant—nor had the other girls.

  “You’ve never been with a male, which makes you a virgin,” Varin explained, clearly seeing her confused expression. “You probably have a barrier inside you, a little way inside the entrance to your pussy—you should leave that alone.”

  “Why?” Brynn asked.

  He sighed. “I don’t want to scare you but it might hurt if you tear it or you might bleed. And…” He spoke reluctantly now. “Some people believe it should be for your husband—the male you join with—to rid you of it. That’s what your people think now, anyway.” His face went dark. “They used to have…other ideas.”

  “What ideas?” Brynn wanted to know.

  “Never mind.” Varin squeezed her shoulders gently. “Nothing you need to worry about. Just rub the tickle teaser between your pussy lips without putting it all the way inside you and you’ll be all right, Princess.”

  “Between…between my, uh, pussy lips?”

  “Mmm-hmm. Isn’t there a place when you touch yourself with your fingers that feels better than anyplace else?” he rumbled, raising an eyebrow at her.

  “Well…” Brynn nibbled her lower lip. “There is this little…bump,” she admitted at last. “It’s very…sensitive.”

  “That’s your clit, little one.” There was no mistaking the rumble of desire in his deep voice and his eyes were half-lidded and glowing in the dim room. “It’s the part of you that feels the best when you touch it…or when the male you’re with strokes it or licks it. That’s where you want to put the tickle-teaser.”

  “Oh,” Brynn whispered. She felt a little shiver of desire go over her. For some reason she had a mental image of Varin doing what he was describing to her, instead of doing it herself. She could almost see him between her legs, spreading her open, sliding the little tickle-teaser or maybe even his tongue between her slippery folds…

  The idea made her feel guilty…but not as guilty as she might have supposed. Instead she felt hot and flushed and there was a throbbing between her thighs.

  He took his arm from around her and sat up. “Just be sure to turn it off and hide it when you’re done, okay? The case recharges it so you don’t have to worry about running out of power in an…uh inopportune moment.” He laughed.

  “All right. But where are you going?” Brynn reached out a hand to stop him before he could get off the bed.

  Varin frowned and stood up. “Well, you look like you’re over your nightmare. And I thought you might like some, uh, privacy to play with your new toy.”

  “Oh…” Brynn felt her cheeks get hot. “I…I guess so,” she murmured. Already she felt cold and alone in the middle of her big bed without him but she knew it wouldn’t be proper to ask him to stay any longer—especially if she was going to “play” with the gift he’d given her, as he put it.

  Varin leaned over and stroked her hot cheek lightly with his knuckles, heedless of the pain it gave him to touch her.

  “Enjoy yourself, little one,” he murmured, his bronze eyes half-lidded in the moonlight. “And don’t worry about me seeing you in my dreams—just keep it under the covers.”

  “All right.” Brynn felt an almost overwhelming desire to ask him to stay—to ask him to help her use the little silver cylinder—but she knew it wasn’t right. “Good night, Varin,” she murmured. “And…and thank you.”

  “Anything for my Mistress,” he said and for a moment, Brynn thought he might kiss her, which would have been dreadfully improper—but nice too. But then he straightened up and left her chamber, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

  Chapter Eight

  After he left, Brynn lay in the darkness, thinking and turning the little tickle-teaser off and on with a twist to its base. Well—it wasn’t entirely dark, she thought—the moonlight was especially bright tonight, gilding everything in her room as it came pouring through her window.

  Varin’s words came back to her. “…don’t worry about me seeing you in my dreams—just keep it under the covers,” he’d said. Which was absolutely what she ought to do—if she used the naughty little device at all, Brynn told herself. But then a little voice inside her head spoke up.

  What if I do want him to see though?

  She felt an immediate sense of guilt—a holdover from her years at the convent, no doubt. The Sisters had been very stern and vigilant—checking to make certain nothing “improper” was going on several times a night.

  But when Brynn managed to push the guilt aside, she felt that restless sensation again. The feeling that the tips of her breasts were tight and achy and the place between her thighs—her pussy—was getting wet and hot. What would the buzzing little tickle teaser feel like if she touched it to those areas?

  Brynn wanted to find out.

  For a moment she felt uncertain then she remembered she wasn’t at the convent anymore. There were no nosy Sisters here to come in on her and condemn her and throw her out if she was caught doing the unthinkable. She had privacy now and a guard at her door to make certain no one bothered her. She could do whatever she wanted and no one but Varin would ever know. The idea made her feel bold and free and more daring than she had ever been in the past.

  Throwing back the covers and lifting her silky nightdress, she bared herself completely in the moonlight.

  Varin said he had visions of me sometimes, not just dreams.

  She wondered if he could see her now. Was he standing just outside her door, eyes front, seeing nothing but the opposite wall? Or was he seeing her naked body, spread out in the silvery moonlight with the little tickle-teaser in her hand?

  The idea that he might be watching—that he might be getting a vision of her—made Brynn feel incredibly hot for some reason. Earlier she’d told Lady Amalthia she had no need to put herself on display and that was normally true—she liked to keep herself decently covered while she was at Court. But there was nothing decent about what she was doing now…or what she was about to do.

  Experimentally, she put the softly buzzing tip of the silver tickle-teaser to her right nipple. An immediate burst of sensation went through her, making her gasp.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed as her little pink peak went tight and tingly. Goddess above—that felt good!

  She tried it on the other nipple with a similar result. The jolt of pleasure the little tickle-teaser gave her seemed to travel straight from her nipples to the hot place between her legs—to her pussy.

  Brynn played with her nipples some more and then had another thought—what if Varin wasn’t just watching her—what if he should actually come into the room? And then, what if he kissed her there—right where the tickle-teaser was touching?

  Of course, she knew it was impossible—his obedience bracelet would never allow him to touch her so intimately. But just picturing his big, muscular form bending over her, his sensuous lips pressed to her nipple…maybe even parting to not just kiss, but suck her tender peak as well…made her so hot she could barely stand it.

  Feeling more daring than ever, Brynn ran the little silver cylinder down
her trembling belly to the soft little patch of curls between her legs.

  At first she was cautious…just rubbing the tip of the tickle-teaser across her outer lips, enjoying the naughty tingle. But her body was aching for more, somehow and she felt like she needed to go further.

  Parting her outer lips with trembling fingers, she rubbed the silver cylinder against her inner pussy which was so hot and wet she felt almost swollen with desire.

  At once an almost electrical jolt of pleasure ran through her—a feeling so intense she moaned out loud and clamped her thighs together, losing her hold on the teaser. Goddess—it was amazing! Is this what Varin felt when he stroked his shaft until the cream came out? If so, no wonder he missed it!

  The thought of that—of the big Kindred taking himself in hand and stroking—made her even hotter and she decided to try again.

  The tickle-teaser had fallen out of her grasp and she had to locate it—buzzing quietly to itself in the sheets—before she could go on. When she had it again, she spread herself open and rubbed the tip of it over the sensitive bump Varin had called her clit, just at the top of her pussy. Move it around until you find the right spot and it feels good, Varin had told her. And Brynn somehow knew this was definitely the right spot.

  Once again, the jolt of pleasure she got was electric and intense but this time she managed to hold onto the tickle-teaser and keep going. Experimenting, she found that when she rubbed it along the side of her little bump, the pleasure was less intense but easier to bear. And as she rubbed and rubbed, sliding the slick, warm metal over her slippery pussy, the pleasure began to build inside her.

  Go until you reach the peak, Varin had said. And Brynn definitely felt she was climbing some kind of internal mountain. As the feelings inside her mounted higher and higher and felt more and more intense she began to shake and tremble, her breath coming in short, staccato pants as her muscles tensed against the incredible sensations.

  As she touched herself, she remembered her dreams of Varin stroking his shaft. Of the sleepy, hot look in his eyes and the way his big hand cupped his thick length loosely as he stroked up and down…up and down until his cream spilled out.

  A male needs to thrust his shaft as deeply as he can inside a female’s pussy before he shoots, his voice whispered in her head.

  She imagined his shaft, pressing where the little tickle-teaser was now…then pressing lower…going inside her…

  Suddenly the pleasure grew too great—like water overflowing a cup, Brynn thought. It spilled over, drenching her in sensation as she finally reached the peak Varin had told her about.

  Her back arched, her toes curled and she actually saw flashes of light behind her eyes. Seeing stars, she thought dizzily. Wasn’t that one of the ways the big Kindred had described it? Well, she was certainly seeing them now! And she was thinking of him as she did.

  “Ah—Goddess!” she cried, unable to help herself. “Oh, Varin! Varin!”

  * * * * *

  Outside her room, Varin clenched his big hands into fists, holding himself back from going to her. So the Princess was a moaner, hmm? Somehow he’d thought she might be. Underneath that quiet, calm, convent-school-girl innocence he’d sensed she had a very sensuous nature and she just needed someone to help her set it loose.

  But it wasn’t just the way she was moaning and gasping that was getting to him—it was the fact that it was his name she was crying out. It made him want to go back in her room, spread her thighs, and lap her creamy little pussy until she came again—this time all over his face.

  He knew, of course, that he couldn’t do it. Besides the fact that it would be an invasion of her privacy, his obedience band would probably also shock him into unconsciousness if he tried such an intimate act. But Gods, how he wanted to!

  It didn’t help that the intense emotions and sensations she was feeling caused him to have a vision of her on the spot. He could actually see her in the middle of the bed, the moonlight playing over her soft, slim but curvy body as she touched the tickle-teaser to her nipples and rubbed it against her hot little pussy.

  Gods, he’d told her to keep it under the covers—what was she doing? She had to know he would see her—if not in a vision then in his dreams later. Had she bared herself for him deliberately, or had she simply gotten so caught up in pleasure she threw off the covers?

  Varin didn’t know but he did know he wanted her—so fucking badly it made him ache. She was so desirable, his little Princess. He had been devoted to her for years but now he wanted to do more than just protect her. He ached to hold her soft, sweet body and give her pleasure the way she was giving herself pleasure now. Just the thought of it made his shaft turn to iron in his trousers.

  But he could never have her—could never touch her or kiss her the way he longed to. Could never make love to her and truly bond her to him the way every part of him cried out for him to do. It would be endless torture, hearing and seeing her touch herself and call his name without ever being able to go to her. Endless, sweet torture he could do nothing about.

  Great going, Varin, he told himself. You just bought yourself a lifetime of sexual frustration by giving her that damn sex toy!

  But he couldn’t be too upset, despite the way his shaft was growling with frustration in his trousers. It gave him joy to hear his Mistress’s moans through the wooden panel of her door…pleasure to know that she thought of him as she brought herself to the peak again and again. Because Brynn had already started on round two…

  Goddess above, Varin thought ruefully. She must be making up for lost time—all those years she wasn’t allowed to touch herself in that damn convent! As he heard Brynn calling his name again, he set his back against the cold stone wall to cool his heat, kept his eyes straight ahead, and settled in to wait it out.

  It was going to be a long fucking night.

  Chapter Nine

  The next day, Brynn woke up slowly, feeling extremely chilly. She couldn’t understand why until she opened her eyes and saw that she was lying completely nude in the middle of her bed with the morning sun streaming down on her, clearly showing the pink points of her nipples and the swollen outer lips of her pussy.

  Goddess above! Brynn grabbed at the sheet to try and cover herself and the little silver tickle-teaser fell out of it and landed in her lap. She snatched it up in a panic, remembering everything—the way she had bared herself—the way she had touched herself—over and over again…

  She couldn’t believe what she had done. Last night in the dim and silvery moonlight, she had felt free—unfettered by any of the guilt that she’d felt at the convent or worry about the consequences of her actions. Today, in the light of Galen’s small yellow sun, she felt nervous and embarrassed and ashamed.

  What would Varin think of her?

  I let him see me naked, she thought as shame washed over her. And not just naked—actually touching myself.

  Of course, the big Kindred might not have seen her yet—but even if he hadn’t had a vision of her last night, he certainly would see her later on when he caught a few hours of sleep and had dreams.

  I was shameless! Brazen! Wicked, Brynn told herself. She thought of the fire and damnation the Sisters had promised in dire tones if anyone of the girls under their care dared to try touching themselves. Guilt had been given out in daily allotments at the convent—like bread and milk and other rations. Brynn had grown up with it and it was difficult to shake the feeling that she ought to be punished for her act of “self abuse” which was what the Sisters had called it.

  Earlier, it hadn’t seemed so bad when she was just exploring a little bit. But last night…I did a lot more than just explore, she admitted to herself. I reached the peak—again and again. Indeed, she still had a tingling feeling between her thighs to attest to exactly how many times she had reached the elusive peak of pleasure the night before. She hadn’t been quite able to do it with her fingers but the little tickle-teaser made it so easy. So easy she was already wanting to do it again…

  No! she told herself sternly. It’s wrong—all the Sisters said so. Of course Varin had said the exact opposite—that it was wrong not to take the pleasure the Goddess had granted. But Brynn was pretty sure even if that was true, the Goddess wouldn’t approve of her putting on a show for a male, the way she had done so shamelessly the night before.

  What must he think of me? she thought again and covered her face with her hands for a long moment before making herself go take a cold shower.

  She couldn’t meet the big Kindred’s eyes when she came out of her room that morning. She just nodded briefly and scurried off down the hallway to the Grand Dining Hall where she was forced to have First Meal with her parents and her ladies in waiting every morning.

  All through the meal she felt like everyone who looked at her would know what she had done. Even when Amalthia made jokes at her expense, she ducked her head and ignored the giggling of the other girls, feeling her cheeks get hot and hoping no one noticed.

  Her whole day it was the same—the feelings of dread and guilt, like some kind of punishment was coming. Like someone was sure to find out. Several times she looked at the gold chronometer hung on a chain around her neck and wondered where Varin was…what he was doing…if he was sleeping…

  It was unbearable.

  That night, she would have run straight into her chamber without even speaking to the big Kindred but Varin seemed to sense something was wrong. He moved, standing directly in front of her chamber door so she couldn’t get it.

  “Excuse me, Kindred,” she said, staring at his broad chest, encased in his leather, sleeveless vest instead of his eyes. “I…I need to pass and get into my chamber.”

  “No, what you need to do is stop and talk to me a minute,” Varin rumbled, not moving an inch. “You ran out of here so fast this morning I knew something had to be wrong. What is it, Brynn?”

  Brynn bit her lip. She wanted to talk to him—he was her only friend in the entire, cold, lonely palace. But the guilt had been building up in her all day—making it hard to breathe at times. And she still didn’t know what he thought of her after the wanton display she’d put on—nor did she want to know.


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