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Unbound Page 22

by Evangeline Anderson

“Right here, on the side of the bed.” Lifting her as though she weighed no more than a doll, Terex positioned her so that she had her feet on the floor and was bent at the waist, laying face down against the cool white bedspread. Then he adjusted the bed, which raised and lowered at will, until Elaina was standing on her tiptoes—which made her just the right height for him, she knew.

  Before she knew it, Terex was right behind her. He kicked her legs apart ruthlessly, spreading her thighs wide to put her pussy on display for him. Elaina felt incredibly open…incredibly vulnerable. Which in turn, make her feel incredibly hot.

  “Oh…” she whispered “Oh, Master…”

  And then he was in her, pressing the broad head of his cock to the entrance of her wet pussy and filling her with himself.

  Elaina moaned again and tried to relax her inner muscles. She knew from experience it was better not to be too tight or tense when trying to let a Kindred make love to you. They were extra endowed, causing her new friend Kat to remark that they were all “hung like Clydesdales.”

  Some Earth women who had come up to live on the Mother Ship after bonding with a Kindred warrior, ate the bonding fruit of the Twin Kindred—who had to take two males inside them at once. But Elaina found she liked the stretching pain of accommodating her new man’s girth. It felt so good to be opened and owned by him—to feel her body making room for his thickness. She left the bonding fruit for others and learned to accommodate Terex with nothing but her willingness to be as open as he needed her to be for him.

  “Gods, lavana—so tight”, he groaned through their shared mental link as he began feeding his cock, inch by thick inch, into her open, unresisting pussy. “So tight and hot and wet!”

  “It’s all for you, Master,” she sent back, loving this extra bit of intimacy, the feeling of having him in her head and in her body at the same time. “You make me wet when you touch me…when you take me…”

  “Good girl,” he murmured aloud, stroking his big, warm hands over her trembling back as he finally fed the last thick inch of his shaft into her pussy and bottomed out inside her. “Such a good girl to take all of my cock in your tight little pussy, Elaina.”

  “Mmm,” Elaina purred breathlessly. She liked his praise and affirmation almost as much as she loved his huge shaft inside her. It was all part of the delicious act of submitting to the man she loved.

  “Get ready, lavana—going to fuck you hard tonight,” her Master growled in her head. “Going to teach you a lesson about obedience.”

  “Yes, Master—punish me! Teach me,” she begged shamelessly, tilting her hips back to open her pussy even more and give him better access.

  Terex seemed to take her at her word because he dug his fingers sharply into her hips, making Elaina sure she would have ten finger shaped bruises there later to commemorate this experience—not that she minded it. She loved when Terex marked her in the heat of passion.

  Her Master seemed to know exactly what she needed because almost at once he set up a hard, steady rhythm that pressed his big cock deep inside her, the broad head kissing the mouth of Elaina’s womb with every fierce thrust. Elaina moaned and gripped the white bedspread, squeezing her fingers tight around the silky fabric as waves of sensation and pleasure washed over her.

  “Harder,” she moaned shamelessly. “Master, use me harder!”

  “Don’t want… to hurt you,” he ground out, but his fingers tightened on her hips all the same.

  “Please, Master—I need you to,” Elaina begged.

  “Then I’ll give you what you need,” Terex told her. Reaching down, he lifted her legs in his strong hands, bringing her feet off the floor and splitting her thighs even wider. The new angle allowed him to drive straight down into her, his thickness pounding her open, helpless pussy while Elaina moaned and cried with the Need, loving every hard thrust.

  At last she felt her orgasm approaching—the deep, punishing pleasure of his shaft inside her was bringing it, pushing her over the edge.

  “Master,” she moaned. “Terex, I’m coming…coming so hard.”

  “That’s right, lavana,” he growled, thrusting even harder. “Come for me. Come all over my cock while I fill you with my seed. While I breed your sweet, wet pussy and make you mine.”

  The hot, possessive words coupled with his thickness pounding into her was too much. Elaina felt her inner muscles spasm, her pussy squeezing tight around the invading club of his sex as the orgasm washed over her like a drenching wave.

  “Oh,” she moaned. “Oh, Master…”

  “Gods, can’t hold back anymore, Elaina—have to fill you up,” he groaned. With a final hard thrust, he pressed deep inside her and Elaina felt spurt after spurt of his hot come bathing the mouth of her womb, marking her, making her his all over again…

  Yes, she thought deliriously. Yes, this is what I want—what I need—what I can never get enough of forever…

  “Need you too, lavana. Love you, so much.” Terex’s mental voice was hoarse as he spoke through their link while he continued to come inside her.

  Elaina thought she had never felt so happy, so loved as she did at that moment. She never wanted it to end.

  * * * * *

  Afterwards, they lay resting in each others’ arms, Elaina with her head pressed against his chest while Terex stroked her long, silky brown hair. She was so beautiful, his lavana. So warm and willing and open for him. Sometimes he didn’t know how he’d survived so many years alone after his first wife, Solange had died. Now that he had Elaina in his life, he realized how lonely he had been—how empty inside until she filled him with her love.

  “That’s a very poetic thought,” she murmured through her link and he realized she must have caught his thoughts, as he often caught hers through their mental connection.

  “It’s true,” Terex said aloud. “I don’t know how I ever lived without you.”

  “You’re sweet.” She cuddled closer and sighed contentedly. “I love it when you master me like that. It makes me so hot.”

  “I could tell,” he growled softly, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “Your pussy was wetter than I’ve ever felt it. But…” He shifted uncomfortably. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?”

  He was still concerned—still just a little bit hesitant to do the things she asked him to do to her. Solange had had the same needs and desires and now, Terex admitted to himself, he had them too. The need to dominate and be dominated. The need to punish and be punished.

  “Not any more than I needed to be hurt.” Elaina looked up at him. “I like it when you love me hard, Terex. I know it’s not for everyone but it makes me come like, well…” She blushed. “I’ve never come so hard in my life as I do when you’re mastering me.”

  “Mmm…” he growled appreciatively, stroking her soft cheek. “Keep talking like that and I’ll be up for round two.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” Elaina gave him a flirtatious smile. “In fact, Master—”

  Just then Terex got a strong feeling that someone wanted to speak to him—very badly in fact.

  “A moment, lavana,” he murmured and closed his eyes, tuning in to the sensation—someone was Bespeaking him.

  “Yes?” he sent.

  “Terex my friend, forgive me for contacting you in this way but there is something on the flight deck I need your opinion on.”

  It was Commander Sylvan, the warrior who had taken Terex’s place as head of the Kindred Council when he had been forced to step down for personal reasons. Despite the fact that Sylvan had succeeded him, Terex bore him no ill will. The male was an excellent leader, as well as being the finest doctor aboard the Mother Ship.

  “Can you tell me anything about it?” he asked, sitting up and tugging at his trousers. Elaina made a little sound of protest at being displaced but he knew she could tell Sylvan’s communication was important.

  “It’s an alien ship we brought down, just outside the orbit of Saturn,” Sylvan sent back. “It attacked one of our wide patrol ships an
d he shot it down. But the pilot is…unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”

  “A new species?” Terex was already fastening the magno-tabs on his trousers.

  “It looks like a huge insect of some kind,” Sylvan said. “Yet it’s sentient—or it was. The warrior who shot it down said it contacted him first, before engaging. It asked, ‘Are you Kindred?’ and when he replied in the affirmative, it started shooting.”

  “Hmm…that’s bad.” Terex shook his head. “Very bad.”

  “I don’t want to be an alarmist but I can’t help thinking of the warning the Goddess gave you and Elaina,” Sylvan said. “She warned that trouble was coming.”

  “She also said she’d be sending us help,” Elaina put in, then added apologetically, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to butt in but I couldn’t help overhearing.”

  “Of course you couldn’t—you’re bonded to Terex,” Sylvan sent. “Why don’t you come with him—the two of you are the only ones who have been beyond the Blind and back that we know of. I have a feeling this creature might have come from the other side as well.”

  “We’ll be there momentarily,” Terex promised.

  “I’ll be waiting.” Sylvan broke the connection.

  Terex frowned and looked at Elaina who was biting her lower lip.

  “What do you think?” he asked her.

  “I don’t know.” She put her arms around herself and shivered. “But I don’t like it. Not a bit.”

  Chapter Twenty-five

  They were at the mouth of the Hive again—right at the entrance peering out. Just another few steps and they would have their freedom—another few steps and they would be able to leave this awful place behind forever…

  That was when the immensely tall sentries came forward, blocking their path. Their black, saucer-wide eyes seemed to glare at Brynn hungrily…possessively.

  “Just keep walking,” Varin muttered to her. “Go around them. Act like you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing.”

  But was she doing what she was supposed to be doing? Behind her, coming from the long, dank tunnel of the Hive, she heard a high, sweet, hissing voice.

  “My Princess…my Queen,” it called to her. “Come back to me…come to be bred…come to be filled with my grubs. You know that you want to…you know the Blood Honey will not let you rest until you do…”

  And incredibly, though she was almost out of the Hive, Brynn found herself turning around. Found herself following that high, evil voice back down into the darkness, though part of her was screaming that she must not… that it was death…that she would die the way Amalthia had, horribly and alone.

  Amalthia… Her former lady in waiting suddenly swam before Brynn’s eyes, her cheeks hollow, her green eyes blazing.

  “It only hurts a little when he breeds you,” she crooned through red-stained teeth. “Just until they give you the Honey. You do want more of the Blood Honey, don’t you, Princess? You want to come back for another dose…and to let yourself be bred. Don’t you…don’t you?”

  “No—no!” Brynn cried out, yet she found she couldn’t stop walking, couldn’t stop her feet from taking her deeper and deeper into darkness as the rotten-sweet scent of the Hive closed around her…

  Varin, she thought. He can save me—he can stop me! He’s the only one who can.

  She looked around wildly for him but the big Kindred had disappeared. And then she remembered that he was dead…that she would never see him again.

  “You might as well come back to me, my Queen, whispered the hissing, horribly familiar voice. “Your Kindred is gone and I’m the only one left in the universe who wants you…who needs you. Come back to me for another sweet dose of the Blood Honey…come back and be filled with my grubs…”

  “No…no!” Brynn thrashed in the silken sheets but in her mind she was still walking downwards, leaving the light and her life and all hope behind…

  “Princess? Are you all right?” A large hand shook her and Brynn thrashed harder.

  “No,” she moaned. “Don’t want to go back…don’t make me go back…please!”

  “It’s just a bad dream, Brynn. Wake up.”

  The deep, worried voice penetrated the nightmare she’d been having and at last Brynn’s eyes flew open.

  Varin was leaning over her, an anxious expression in his bronze eyes. “It’s all right, little one,” he murmured. “It was just a dream…just a bad dream.”

  “Varin?” She stared at him, uncomprehending at first, trying to clear the dream’s fog from her brain. “You…In my dream I thought you were dead. My Lady-mother the Queen…”

  “Decided it was more profitable to sell me than kill me,” he said dryly. “Which was the only way I managed to get off Galen alive when everyone else…” He stopped abruptly, shaking his head. “Never mind.”

  “What?” Brynn sat up and drew her knees up to her chin, shivering. “What happened after I was…was sold?” The words tasted bitter in her mouth but there was no other way to put it. She’d been sold as surely as Varin had—both of them slaves to her parents’ greedy whims.

  He cursed grimly. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “No, tell me…” Brynn started to put a hand on his arm, then stopped. She didn’t want to hurt him. “Please,” she added softly, wrapping her arms around herself instead. “I need to know whatever it is you’re holding back, Varin. Talk to me as a friend—like you did back on Galen.”

  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

  “All right but this won’t be easy to hear…or to tell. I’m afraid Galen Prime is…gone. At least the Galen you and I knew.”

  “What?” Brynn shook her head, uncomprehending. “I don’t understand. Was it hit by an asteroid or—”

  “Nothing like that. What I mean is, it’s bare. It’s been completely stripped by the Hive. Women…children…males… all gone. As well as all the animal life and most of the vegetation as well.”

  Brynn’s heart leapt into her throat. “My parents? My brother, the Crown Prince?”

  “Gone,” Varin said gruffly. “I’m sorry, Princess.” He rubbed a hand over his face. “You know that bastard, X'izith actually told me he intended to take the planet? I tried to tell your mother before she sold me but she wouldn’t hear it. Goddess, if only she had listened…” He scrubbed at his face again, his big hand making a whispery sound over the day’s growth of beard on his cheeks and chin.

  “And…and you’re sure they actually did it?” Brynn didn’t know how she was able to make her mouth move—her lips felt so numb.

  “I’m afraid so. I was watching live-feed of some of the news vids from neighboring systems in our quadrant.” He shook his head. “It’s been stripped bare. If anyone survived, no one has found them. And I don’t see how they could have—they were completely unprepared.”

  “My parents,” Brynn whispered. “And the Sisters at the convent…all my friends…my little brother Rolando…”

  Goddess above, she’d never even gotten to meet her brother in person! She’d only seen the occasional vids her mother’s royal aide sent, with her younger brother waving and smiling. He had looked nice and even though his birth had knocked her out of the line of succession, Brynn had never resented him for it. She just wanted to get to know him.

  Now she never would.

  “Gone,” she whispered numbly, putting her forehead to her knees. “All gone.”

  “You’re not gone, though,” Varin murmured. “You’re right here, Princess.”

  “Don’t call me that!” She looked up at him and tried to blink back the tears that were welling up. “Don’t ever call me that again. It’s not true anymore. I’m not a princess—I’m just a girl who should be dead right now. Dead or…or filled with…with his…”

  But she couldn’t say the words. Couldn’t express the horror of what she’d seen in the Breeding Chamber or the awful despair she’d felt in her dream when she found herself going back…being pulled into the darkness fr
om which she knew she would never return.

  “Don’t say that,” Varin said roughly. “Don’t ever say that, Brynn!”

  “It’s true,” she whispered. “Everyone else in my family—on my whole planet—is dead. Why should I still live?”

  “Not everyone,” he murmured.

  “Oh, Varin…” She looked up at him, yearning to hug him but not wanting to hurt him. “I’m so sorry. Thank you for coming for me. But how did you get away? If my mother sold you—”

  “It’s a long story.” His deep voice was grim. “And not a very pretty one. Let’s save it for another time and just focus on the happy part—we’re both safe away from the Hive.”

  “Are we?” Brynn shivered again. “Are you sure they can’t find us?”

  “Reasonably sure,” he rumbled. “As it happens, the ship I stole on my way back to you has some of the best stealth tech I’ve ever seen. We’re hidden in the middle of an asteroid field right now—hidden in plain sight. The ship mimics the asteroid we’re attached to perfectly so we just look like an outcropping of rock.”

  “You stole a ship?” She looked around at the opulent bedchamber. She hadn’t had much time to admire her surroundings when they first came aboard. Varin had been yelling for her to strap in for take off and later, when it had been safe to unstrap, she’d been so tired he’d told her to just sleep. Brynn had staggered through the lavish little ship until she found a bed and collapsed.

  “Yeah, I stole a ship.” He sighed. “I’m not proud of it but it was faster than trying to convince someone to help me go into the fucking Hive and rescue a princess in distress. Sorry,” he added when she opened her mouth to protest his use of her title. “A lady in distress, I meant.”

  “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful,” Brynn whispered. “I’m glad you came for me—more glad than I can say. If you’d been just a moment later…”

  “Did he hurt you?” Varin looked at her earnestly, his bronze eyes solemn. “Tell me, Brynn—did that bastard—”

  “He didn’t get his, uh, barb inside me,” she interrupted him, feeling her cheeks go hot. “He…he was trying to though. And if he had…” Images of Amalthia’s swollen belly filled her head and she had to choke back a cry when she remembered the sharp, bloody teeth eating their way out from the inside…


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