Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1

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Shattered Shield: Cole Cameron Thriller Series Book 1 Page 23

by Camden Mays

  Perhaps that was another quality that pulled at her heart. Cole reminded her a lot of her own father. An honorable man, worthy of respect, who had taught her not to settle for anyone who did not deserve her love.

  She had failed to heed that advice a few years earlier when she was swooned by a tall young medical doctor quickly advancing his career. Her ex attempted to spoil her materially, which to her, proved he really didn’t know her.

  She paused on that thought and scanned her environment. Cole lived in a great neighborhood, in a very nice home, drove a luxury car. But it really wasn’t his identity, like it was for her ex. She had the feeling Cole’s contentment was not determined by his possessions.

  Her ex had also insisted that she give up her career at the FBI. It started out as a big turn on for the guy, telling all his friends he was dating a ‘hot young FBI Agent’ fresh out of the academy. It seemed innocent enough in the beginning, but the warning signs were there for her if she’d just had eyes wide open. She had caught him sending a compromising photo of her to one of his friends early in the relationship. She nearly ended it then, but he charmed his way out.

  Then there was the way her parents were around him. While they were always polite and never said an ill word, they just behaved differently with him around. Deep down she knew her father did not like the man. Visits to their small fifteen-acre farm in the East Tennessee mountains always felt therapeutic to her except during the time she was with her ex. The tension made the visits uncomfortable. Her father could never hide his emotions very well.

  Hannah had pushed her father for his thoughts before the marriage, and he had cloaked his concerns about the man. He had peppered her with questions like, ‘how does she know he’s the one? And does she have any doubts? Why him?’ Finally, she remembered him saying, ‘when you know it, you really know it, you won’t have to ask if it’s right.’

  At twenty-seven years old, she tried to understand that but didn’t fully comprehend it until she experienced it for herself. Now at age thirty-four, she wondered if life had given her a second chance.

  She had watched her parents through the years. They had served as a great role model of a successful marriage and family. She felt blessed and appreciated her good fortune. But evidently, it had not helped her in choosing men.

  The relationship with her ex became increasingly toxic. Eventually, they were in constant bitter arguments usually centered around their two demanding careers. At one point, the ex even followed her on an assignment accusing her of cheating. It was then that she realized that she was just another one of his possessions. She filed for divorce and never looked back.

  After the divorce, she made a couple of other attempts at relationships, but they didn’t stick, and she made a commitment to herself that the next man she brought to meet her parents would be a keeper.

  She put her hand on Cole’s chest feeling his heartbeat, and it hit her, she remembered her Dad describing how he felt when he was dating her Mom and worked on the oil pipeline in Oklahoma. He had been gone for months, and when he came home and saw her on her front porch, he said his heart ‘nearly jumped out of his chest.’

  Warmth filled her heart as she recalled what Cole had told her that day when she kissed him. She quietly giggled and thought aloud, “Dad was right, when you know it you really know it.”

  “What?” Cameron asked quietly, not wanting to wake Jess as the credits to the movie scrolled.

  “Oh, nothing. I guess he’s the last Mohican, right?” she said referring to the movie as she raised herself up and pulled her hair back over her ear.

  “Wait, your eyes are little wet.”

  “Damn allergies.”


  CIA Headquarters - Langley

  “You look so handsome, Dad!” Jess said adjusting her Dad’s tie as they waited alone in the media room next to the large lobby at CIA headquarters.

  “Thanks, sweetheart. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Cole saw Hannah being escorted by security into the room. He waved to the guard at the door as Hannah entered and kissed him on the cheek.

  “God, you look great!” she said, giving him the once over.

  “That’s what she said,” Cameron replied creating an unintentional pun.

  Both women gave him a dirty look.

  “No, really, that’s what she said,” pointing to Jessica. Hannah shook her head thinking of the retraining of her man that might be required.

  “You look great, too.”

  The ceremony was pretty straightforward and relatively quick. It was Cameron’s chance to score the two extra tickets though, and he took advantage when the Director offered, “let me know if there is anything I can do for you.”

  Cameron saw his opening and introduced the Director to his date for the Gala and his daughter and requested the two extra tickets to Gala.

  “Absolutely! This pretty young girl will be the talk of the party. Shanelle, get officer Cameron two extra tickets for Saturday night would you.” He said, leaving Cameron with the PA glaring at him as if she wanted to strangle him as she gathered the details for security clearance. Charlie was right, he thought, she is a beast.

  As the media room cleared out, McCune greeted Hannah and introduced herself to Jessica.

  “You must be very proud of your father.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Jessica replied. She was enjoying the attention and perhaps for the first time realized the importance of her Dad’s work. It was also a sobering thought that she had been fortunate that they had gotten to her and her friends in time.

  McCune congratulated Cameron again and said, “See you at the office, later.”

  “Dad, I’m so proud of you,” Jessica said as tears began to flow.

  “Hey, honey, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. No, I just don’t think I realized…I didn’t realize how lucky I am.”

  “Ahh. Thank you, sweetie. I feel pretty damn lucky too.”

  They held each other for a moment.

  “I hate to leave you both, but I’ve got to get to the office.”

  “Oh Dad, I forgot I need some money for the dress. I asked Hannah to go with me to help me try on some things.”

  “I thought you’d already picked it out,” Cameron said, regretting the words as soon as he had spoken them, receiving the look again.

  “Just use your credit card, I’ll reimburse you.”

  Jessica wrapped her arm around Hannah’s arm and pulled her away toward the door. “Wait,” Cameron said. “Jess give us a second.”

  Jessica let her go back to the media and stayed in the lobby to give them some space.

  “You sure you're OK with this?” Cameron asked, concerned that things were moving too fast for her.

  “Yeah, I might find something for myself…wait...what do you mean? Are you OK with it?” she asked, now concerned that things were moving too fast for him.

  “I’m fine,” Cameron said, looking toward the door to make sure they had privacy.

  “I mean, I know you’ve got this week off, I want to make sure this is how you want to spend your time.”

  “I’m good…if you are.”

  Cameron smiled, “I'm more than good, you have no idea. But I don’t want you to think…”

  “Think what?”

  “You know, that maybe I was moving too fast or…look I have not been single long. I mean I went on a few meet and greets with the divorce, but I don’t know what the rules are.”

  “There are no rules.” She took his hand. “Cole, the day you knocked on the door of my home, and my bedroom,” she said whispering the last part, “I saw you walk in and ‘my heart jumped in my chest.’ “

  She patted her chest with her right hand repeating Cole's words from the day at CTC when she had first kissed him, “you understand, ‘I mean it literally jumped.’” she quoted.

  He had never felt such a deep connection as he sensed at that moment. He had experienced love before, at least he thought he had. He
had given love, and he had received love. But today there was a deep, undeniable stirring in his soul, something like he had never had before. It fulfilled his longing and left him wanting at the same time.

  “My God,” he wanted to continue and say ‘I love you,’ but instead what came out was, “this could get really complicated.”

  “I think it will be easier than you think.” She kissed and left the room.

  There was so much he wanted to tell her, and so much he wanted to learn about her. And it was incredible how Jess had taken to her. Now, he wished he’d requested additional time off to be with her. He had a sense that he was about to get buried with work in his new role.


  Counterterrorism Center - Langley

  Cameron learned a little more about his new responsibilities, though much of it was still vague. He was assigned a temporary private office just a couple doors down from McCune. Charlie had already arranged for his technical needs, and the computer and other essentials had been set up.

  His personal items from his cube were in a banker’s box. Charlie was unsure how long he would be in the office before McCune showed him his new ‘work center’, but the primary objective of the week was to begin the build-out of a hand-selected team of specialists.

  He was given a short list of specialists to review. He would need a cross-section of capabilities with the highest degree of competency in their field, driven to see results even at the expense of protocol if required, and above all else, trustworthy. They had to fit into a strict profile matrix that the psych division had developed.

  He reviewed the team’s budget parameters and was amazed at the resources that were being entrusted to his new team. He would be able to offer each person a substantial pay grade increase. In return, there would be high expectations and considerable demands on this team.

  Part of his briefing that day included a visit with the Chief Legal Counsel who personally showed the secret Executive order and the classified Congressional approval for the establishment of the team. Also, he met with Deputy Director Friedlander. The way Cameron was reading the tea leaves, Friedlander was the next Director of the CIA and McCune was in line for Friedlander’s current role of Deputy Director of Operations.

  As a mission center team, they would sit under the Counterterrorism Center umbrella but would work closely with external agencies to leverage all available analytical and operational support to take on some of the most pressing national security problems. It was a sobering responsibility in a game where the stakes are high, and the margin for error is slim.

  On the surface, the team seemed similar to Titan Shield. As with his recent experience, Cameron would need liaison relationships with domestic agencies to support their mission, but he fully expected some of their work would be off the books. They would be expected to be a disruptive force in fighting terrorism. With Titan Shield, they had to play defense, from what Cameron was gathering, this team would take an offensive posture, and he liked the idea of taking the fight to the enemy.

  It had been another long ass day, but the newness of the work invigorated Cameron. He was reviewing personal profiles when McCune knocked at his door.

  “Heading out, but wanted to check in,” she said looking around at the barren walls. Cameron did not realize how late it was. He had not even checked in with Jessica.

  “Easy to lose track of time when you don’t have an outside window.”

  “No kidding,” he said. “It really got away from me today.”

  “I know it’s your new baby and you’re probably ready to go balls to the wall, but a word of advice?”

  “Please,” Cameron motioned for her to sit, eagerly ready to soak it up.

  “Slow it down, make sure your team selection is solid, it’ll make you or break you.”

  “Copy that. From CTC, I like Amy Wiggins, Bridgette Robinson, Steve Sinha, and Darryl Capps if cleared medically, to start with. And I’ve got a lead on a sharp candidate over at CENTCOM, I’m following up on.” Cameron was referring to Sara Wang who was nearing the end of her military career.

  “I can see that, their tops in their area. Get ‘em started on the full assessment with the Support Group. If they pass, you’ll be off to a good start. Oh, but hold off on Capps he’s still pissed you ruined his last vacation.”

  “Nah, Darryl will be fine. Ma’am, I’m sorry but what’s the mission?"

  “To be the tip of the spear. You build the team and the missions will come.”

  Cameron thought his brother Jack would have been proud.

  McCune turned and added, “Go home, your daughter heads back on Sunday, right?

  Cameron nodded in agreement.

  “Right behind you, boss.”

  He spent the next few days interviewing team candidates and sent several of the finalists to the Support group for full evaluation sans Darryl Capps. He was sure Bridgette and Sinha would pass with flying colors, but he was worried about Amy’s ability to stay composed. He loved having her positive energy around, and she was extremely skilled in her work but what he liked about her personality potentially would keep Amy from this team.

  By the end of the week, Cameron was feeling good about his progress. He had spent a lot of time at work but made sure he was home each night with Jessica. She actually seemed to enjoy the home to herself during the day and with her friend Brittany. Her security detail now seemed a natural part of their environment.

  The decision had been made to release the FBI security when she returned to LA. Cameron was a little uneasy about that, but understood a detail following Jess around at school would not go over well. Capps had offered to spend some time with her in self-defense training over the last week and the two bonded as they both had a common target for their jokes.

  Hannah had dropped over in the middle of the week, he asked her to stay over, but she insisted on going home.

  Cameron looked at the still barren walls and thought, I should at least put a clock up. When McCune jumped in.

  “Walk with me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  They walked at a brisk pace to the elevators, and she asked Cameron to swipe his card on the elevator control.

  “B three,” she said. The light illuminated, “Good you have access, now.”

  What the hell have I gotten myself into? Cameron stood silent for the ride down.

  The doors opened to a sterile twelve-foot-wide hallway. The bathrooms were immediately visible to the left. On the right, what looked like the only glass in the hall, allowed visibility into a large break room. The rest of the hall had plain off-white concrete windowless walls and windowless metal doors.

  The place looked more like a prison than an office. Again, the thought hit Cameron, What the hell have I gotten myself into? It was eerily quiet as they walked. Finally, someone exited a door to the left and headed toward the elevator.

  “You saw the bathrooms and breakroom near the elevator. Your team will be located on the fourth door to the right when they’re not in the field.” McCune allowed Cameron to take it in.

  Cameron recognized the retina scanner, he swiped his badge and stood for the eye scan as well. As the door unlocked, he opened it and saw the space was divided into a large open pit area with workstations and a closed off area behind glass walls. Systems were still being set up, and wires hung from the ceiling.

  The open area ran forty feet long and was about twenty feet wide. To the right of the pit was a glass wall running the forty-foot length with a large private office in the middle and conference rooms on each side of the office.

  “Your office is there in the middle,” McCune said.

  “Ma’am how does the team handle the dungeon feel of the workspace.”

  “This is your designated workspace, you and your team are free to make it as homey as you want, no one’s going to bother you down here.”

  They walked the floor space and turned into his office.

  “You will be completely and literally untet
hered. You still in?”

  “I’m ready to make a difference, ma’am.”

  “That’s what we’re counting on. Now let’s discuss something else.” They sat at a small table at the corner of the private office.

  “What’s that, ma’am?”

  “I need to tell you about Grant Ramsey.”


  McLean Virginia

  It had been a busy Saturday at the Cameron house. Jessica’s friend Brittany came early that day bringing her bright personality that mirrored the Spring sunshine into their home. Brittany was Jess’ best friend ever since the Camerons moved to the area. She was like a permanent fixture in the house. Her parents had split, and both traveled professionally, leaving Brittany with them so much that she was like an adopted daughter for Cole Cameron.

  Jessica had repeatedly asked for her to spend the night during her visit, but Cameron only allowed a few daytime visits since they were still accepting FBI security.

  The girls were seated at the island in tee shirts and shorts munching on snacks in rhythm with the loud, fast beating music blasting from the wireless speakers.

  “Hi Mr. C,” Brittany said greeting him as he entered from the mudroom near the kitchen carrying his tux he had picked up at the cleaners. “Thanks for the ticket to the Gala,” she said giving him a hug.

  Cameron smiled remembering the fun times his daughter had with her close friend. They always knew what the other was thinking. Cameron recalled how as teenagers they had nearly morphed into one, having the same mannerisms and they sounded the same over the phone with the valley girl flavor of ‘what’ being drawn out.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. I’m the lucky one that gets to go to a Gala with three beautiful women,” he yelled over the music.

  Cameron gave the verbal command to the music device, “volume three.”

  “Dad, we can’t even hear it now.”

  “Volume three or one of my playlists.”


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