Rapture Advent of the Last Days

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Rapture Advent of the Last Days Page 14

by Jocolby Phillips

  “Sir, it seems that some sort of global catastrophe has occurred. Millions are being reported missing around the world.”

  “Fine. When will the other world leaders make announcements?”

  “Sir, no one has announced anything. The crisis is still so raw. I don’t know of any plans for anyone to speak publicly yet.”

  “You are worthless, aren’t you? How can you not know? I pay you plenty to know in matters like this. Make the world aware that I will speak on this matter in two days, and ensure I am the only world leader speaking that day.”

  “Yes, sir, I will make—” But Gemma spoke only to a dial tone.

  Draven felt strangely invigorated by the news of millions disappearing. Instead of being shocked, he was only eager for the chance to speak to the world—it seemed as if he was destined for this very moment. He knew sleep was gone, so he woke up his senior EU cabinet members to strategize ways to maximize the crisis to his advantage. The ideas for leading the world seemed to be pouring into his mind faster than he could write them down, and he did not want to waste this opportunity sleeping.

  * * *

  A few days later, as the Omega Team was preparing to stop a nuclear weapons proliferator half a world away, Gemma found herself yet again on the short side of Draven’s temper just moments before he took the world stage at the famed Westminster Hall. If it had been any other person, she would have said the nerves of the moment had gotten the best of him, but with Draven pettiness was a sport.

  “Gemma, I dare ask the question only to hear your ridiculous answer. Why would you pick a navy suit for today’s announcement? The world is waiting for ‘the’ answer and way forward after the loss of millions, and you want me to look like I am announcing the latest worthless smartphone. Just get out of my sight.”

  “Sorry, sir,” Gemma replied in a subdued tone. Her mind drifted as she watched the six-foot-three-inch tall Draven Cross, in a black suit, stride confidently toward a lectern in the famed Westminster Hall. The duality of his personality never ceased to amaze her. It often caught her by surprise that a man so loved for his business savvy, charitable efforts, and love of peace was also such a cruel and detestable person. His split personality was an enigma. She knew the world would be clamoring for him after this morning’s speech. He had told her as much. She just feared what Draven might do once he had the world under his control.

  Gemma was unimpressed by the wild applause for Draven. She had witnessed this show hundreds of times. The response the tailored and undeniably handsome man drew was always the same. He made every piece of clothing look like it was cut to fit his youthful frame. At forty, his sun-kissed skin and chiseled face complemented by perfect jet-black hair radiated sex appeal and vigor. Gemma never liked talking to him face-to-face for long because of the mesmerizing effect of his emerald green eyes, and the control they exerted extended to everyone, not just her.

  Draven allowed the roaring ovation to die down before he began to speak, feigning that he was overcome by the welcome. He had been told last night in a vivid dream by his spirit guide, the “Prince of This World,” as the guide referred to himself, that he would provide Draven the words for this speech. This Prince had long promised Draven riches and fame if he only worshipped him above all others. All that remained for Draven to acquire was control of the world itself, which this Prince also promised.

  The fanfare that the elite of British politics provided struck Draven as odd, considering he was the leader of a political organization from which the United Kingdom had chosen to distance itself years ago. However, he had long ago realized the power within himself to captivate men and women alike. He could manipulate people to get what he wanted, which allowed him to build his wealth and political influence to levels that provided him opportunities like today.

  “Good morning to this august group of ladies and gentlemen. I was honored by your invitation to speak not only on behalf of the EU but also as an ambassador for all of humanity. The tragedy we all experienced days ago will live with us for years to come. I have been personally tormented the last few days by hearing stories from around the globe of the millions who are longing for their missing loved ones.

  “In my own sphere, my dearly loved long-time assistant lost her entire immediate family in the disappearances. Like you, I have heard the countless theories about where our loved ones have gone and what has caused this unprecedented event in human history to occur. While I believe that many brilliant minds greater than mine…” Draven savored the outburst of laughter that remark caused before he continued. “These great minds have established a few theories that are plausible.

  “I will expand today on what I believe is the best explanation and touch on the cause for why only select individuals were taken. Today marks the start of a journey that will allow us to overcome challenges of the past for a better future.

  “The EU took a hard look at the disappearances from a scientific standpoint. We believe a physical explanation must exist for millions of people dematerializing without a trace. The best scientific answer we were able to formulate was…we don’t know what happened.”

  A burst of almost nervous laughter erupted once again, but Draven continued his speech.

  “The lack of a scientific answer forced my team of top scientists and advisors to search beyond the tangible. It was in this expanded search that we discovered we are not alone. The theory of alien visitation causing millions to vanish is, in my humble estimation, the most plausible answer.

  “While alien visitation to Earth has been reported throughout history and increasingly in the last century by nations around the world—even the esteemed United States Department of Defense released files detailing unexplained encounters—this event almost a week ago was the first indisputable proof of a force beyond our world. At the time the disappearances were reported, the EU space consortium detected an overwhelming ray of light emanating from deep space and enveloping Earth, leading us to the conclusion that the vanishings have alien origins.

  “Now, before you run me out of this revered hall, understand that I am not saying little green men stole our friends, coworkers, and loved ones.” He paused as laughter erupted again. “No, I believe this is an alien-like power, or better said, a greater power that lies outside our boundaries of time and space.

  “Now to answer the deeper meaning of this tragedy as I see it, I view religion as the greatest enemy of peace, and peace was the catalyst for this removal of millions from our world. Yes, I know this may seem to be a harsh statement in such a tragic time. I want to say for the record that I see nothing wrong with people finding balance, harmony, or self-guidance for growth through a spiritual medium that may come in the form of religion. Religious expression by an individual is a universal right of all humanity. However, when one religion espouses that it is the only way to spiritual enlightenment and mandates the private lifestyles of individuals are wrong, history illuminates the sorrow religion has brought the world in such cases.

  “Religions like Christianity predicate judgment of others and have critically labeled science as wicked where it proves their beliefs wrong, and individuals outside of its dogma as ‘sinners.’ Humanity has been plagued by warfare and ethnic genocides and denied scientific advancement all in the name of human-created gods. Unified humanity working in peaceful harmony has more ability to produce greatness in this world than all of the well-meaning, but human-derived, religions could ever dream of having.

  “It is humanity, not a distant and arbitrary God, that has solved the challenges the universe has presented. We evolved to be the dominant species on this planet because all of us, not just the religious elect, are endowed with divine greatness, intellect, and beauty that are without comparison to a fabricated God. Throughout history, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that God was either willfully neglectful or, more accurately stated, unable to help us due to the fact that he doesn’t exist.

  “I believe we have been given a glimpse in the last few days
of a power superior to humanity—spiritual in the sense that this power is beyond our comprehension, but more real than any imaginary God from human-created religion. I speak of what I view as the real Power of This World that helped humanity evolve and discover many of our greatest scientific and philosophical advances throughout our long existence.

  “The achievements of antiquity, like the Great Pyramid, that defy our understanding in how they were contemplated and then built provide evidence of this supreme power that has been watching our world from the shadows of time. This entity, for reasons we have yet to fully comprehend, decided mere days ago to reappear to the modern world and remove persons deemed to be currently under the delusion of religion as well as those who would one day fall under that spell—and this Revelation was provided to me by the real power of this world in such vivid clarity that I almost dared not share the message with the world. To be honest, I feared being perceived as mentally ill.”

  Laughter rose once again, but Draven proceeded.

  “Humanity has missed the mark before, failing to appreciate all the peace this power had to offer. Instead we yielded to the feeble trappings of human-derived religion. Every great civilization and generation before us have all missed the message of peace that our benevolent hidden friend from beyond our universe has presented. However, I have humbly received this message from our peace-loving friend, as an ambassador for all of humanity.

  “Peace is the only way for humanity to exist. Peace is the only way for us to evolve beyond the pettiness of ethnic and nationalist divisions. Peace has always been at war with humanity’s insistence on religion setting the moral compass in our society. Yet time and time again, religious leaders used their power to manipulate and use the masses for their own selfish desires, even to the point of starting wars. It was religion and the division that religion creates in a society that ultimately led to the demise of many of our greatest civilizations.

  “We have the opportunity ahead of us to change the course of humanity. I sincerely believe that this great and powerful force could no longer sit idle as humanity struggled with the division’s religion created. I offer that we put religion, the desire of producing weapons of war, and ethnic and nationalist hatreds behind us once and for all. I urge us, the leaders and people of the world, to lead from this tragedy with the mind-set of seeking peace above all other political objectives. We have the ability and power within us to rule this world with unity and in one accord. Thank you for your time, and may peace reign on Earth.”

  Gemma watched as Westminster Hall erupted in thunderous applause. Reporters and TV cameramen rushed the lectern to get the perfect picture of the man of the hour. It was sickening to watch Draven humbly bowing while knowing he was pridefully relishing the swooning of the world leaders in response to his appeal for unity and peace. She didn’t want to answer her phone, which was ringing nonstop with calls from celebrities and political leaders around the globe, nor did she want to see the social media sites alight with praise for Draven Cross. As she watched him appear to wipe what she knew to be nonexistent tears from his eyes—solely for the benefit of the cameras—as he left Westminster Hall, bile rose to her lips.

  “Gemma, I expect the world will be calling any moment. Ensure you’re ready,” Draven ordered as he walked past her.

  * * *

  Christopher was grateful that securing the stolen nuclear materials had turned out as well as it had, considering that he had watched Jackson’s helicopter crash and also lost three of his men as a result. Thinking over the last few weeks and in particular the latest mission, his experiences were starting to resonate as he began paying attention to the mounting evidence of God’s pursuit of him.

  While the gap between Christopher’s pain and God’s relentless efforts to reach him were closing, he knew the filler was trusting everyone outside himself, including God. He regretted that he had not listened to the Holy Spirit or Jackson before the mission. He sensed that if he had trusted God, perhaps things would have turned out differently.

  After spending the first night in his new corporate apartment, Christopher sipped a soothing cup of coffee while watching the sun from his sixth-floor apartment balcony in Crystal City. Gratitude filled his heart. He was awed by the place the Executive Support Office had found for him, despite being extremely short-staffed. Christopher’s new home was a nice pick-me-up, which Gabriella likely had a hand in setting up after a hectic week.

  “Hey, man, thanks for letting me stay here in your new apartment,” Jackson said as he slid into a recliner next to Christopher on the balcony.

  “Good morning, and it’s no problem. I couldn’t let you keep living in that hotel. Plus I didn’t want to live alone.”

  “You afraid of the dark?” Jackson joked.

  “Yep, and now I’ll have to kill you because you know my secret,” the major responded with a laugh. Then his face became serious. “Actually, I just feel like you can help me get through the days ahead,” he added soberly, pouring Jackson a cup of coffee from a stainless steel carafe.

  “Thanks for the confidence that I’ll be helping you, but I think we will be helping each other. The road ahead of us is long and treacherous, I’m afraid,” Jackson asserted grimly, standing to look out from the balcony. “I slept last night, but it sure doesn’t seem like it. I feel like somebody put me in a sack with a bunch of cats and rolled me down a hill. I think the only thing that helped me get a few hours of rest was the pain meds for my cracked ribs.”

  “Cats and sacks and a hill…that sounds painful,” Christopher said with a smiling grimace. “I was wondering how you slept last night—now I know. But even if you’re in pain, I’m just glad you’re here, man. I thought I had lost you…”

  “Christopher, I would be lying if I said I didn’t think I was a dead man when that chopper started down. Yet here I am, bruised but alive. I remember waking up inside the bird, and after getting my bearings, just thanking God because, for the first time ever in my life, I realized that every day, every moment is a precious gift God gives us to use for either good or bad. I walked out of that crash site committed to honoring God with this new life I’ve been given.”

  Christopher had to admit to himself that he was impressed with the passion and determination Jackson had put into seeking God’s direction and purpose for his life since his recent conversion. However, the light that God was shining into Jackson’s world also made Christopher’s war with God even more pronounced. He got up and went to start breakfast in an attempt to avoid the topic of God. “You hungry? Seems like Gabriella had the support office fully stock this place for us.”

  “I don’t have much of an appetite right now, but thanks,” Jackson replied, moving to a plush sofa and turning on the sixty-five-inch flat-screen television that dominated the modest-sized living room. “Look at this guy! He’s a piece of work. He’s very well put together, but I am telling you, Christopher, this guy is the Antichrist,” he said confidently as he watched a rerun of the televised remarks from Draven Cross regarding the disappearances.

  “He’s a politician. That’s what they all look like in these moments. What did you expect, for him to give the speech from a couch wearing a flannel shirt and some tactical pants while sipping a beer?” Christopher called back as he fried bacon and cracked eggs into a bowl in the kitchen.

  Laughing, Jackson answered, “Well, if he had done that, I would have said he was a good ole Southern boy like me and not the devil.”

  Christopher rejoined Jackson in the living room to watch Draven Cross’s speech, carrying a plate of hot bacon and eggs.

  “So where’s my plate?” Jackson asked.

  “You said you weren’t hungry,” Christopher shot back.

  “I assumed you would make my plate anyway. You know, for later,” Jackson teased.

  “You’re ridiculous, and the kitchen is over there, by the way. I agree we should keep an eye on this guy. He is really pushing peace as the panacea for all the world’s troubles,” Chris
topher remarked thoughtfully.

  “Panacea…I am going to take these big words as disrespectful. Now what on earth is a panacea?” Jackson asked with an exaggeratedly quizzical look on his face.

  Christopher, choking on his coffee, replied with a smile. “You gotta stop. I almost choked to death. It means a cure-all, you country bumpkin.”

  “Well, college boy, just say that next time,” Jackson said with a roll of his eyes.

  Still smiling, Christopher made an abrupt shift. “Not to change the subject, but what should we do about John Barnes? I know he did well on the last mission, but between what happened in Brazil and his temperament, he just doesn’t seem like a good fit for Omega.”

  “I think he should be sent packing,” Jackson said very seriously. “The guy is trouble, Christopher.”

  “So what’s the story? Why such strong negative feelings about this guy?”

  Jackson got up from the sofa, muted the television, and moved into the kitchen to start making his own breakfast. He attempted to collect his thoughts on the problem named John Barnes before he spoke. “It was about eight years ago in Afghanistan where I saw the real nature of John Barnes,” he finally began. “We were a part of the same task force, just different teams. We were running a combined op to capture a high-value target who had been ghosting both groups. My team catches the guy, but we allowed Barnes and his men to do the interrogation.

  “An hour or so later, one of my guys runs up to me and says he heard gunshots and now the target is dead. But that’s not the worst of the story. Barnes had apparently lined up the man’s family and shot them one by one until the man told us what we needed to know, then he shot the man, too. I tried to get him investigated, but it turned into his people saw one thing, and my guys saw something else. John Barnes is a killer and has no moral compass.”


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