Rapture Advent of the Last Days

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Rapture Advent of the Last Days Page 20

by Jocolby Phillips

  Christopher’s device was correctly identified and provided the encryption algorithm to decrypt the incoming message. The security on each phone was ensured by limiting the time quantum information could be stored on the device. Christopher knew it would be impossible to penetrate the network as long as no one got to the actual human sender, which made him wince as he thought about one of the owners—whom he knew and cared about—of this technological marvel being discovered in her role as a spy.

  Gabriella’s now decrypted message read, “Draven is a frigid and power hungry person. I am not saying he is the AntiChrist, so don’t say ‘I told you so’ just yet. Make sure you and Jackson watch the U.E. press conference in about an hour. Big announcements to be made today. Take care. I will be in touch.”

  U.E.? What does that mean? Christopher wondered. He typed out a brief message telling Gabriella that the team would be flying out to Alaska later that night and that he would watch the U.N. meeting, assuming U.E. must be a typo. He headed back to the planning room to finish up so he and Jackson could tune in to the press conference in Gabriella’s old office.

  “Everything all right?” Jackson asked, observing his boss through narrowed eyes.

  “Yeah, I think so, but let’s wrap this up and get everyone out of here. We have a press conference to watch,” Christopher replied.

  “Oh, man, don’t tell me that was a message from Gabriella. Every time, I mean every time we hear from that woman, it leads to something crazy, like me wearing a suit or babysitting the devil.”

  Chuckling, Christopher responded, “You’re ridiculous. I can’t believe you’re still going on about wearing a suit. You would think a country boy like you would enjoy dressing up.”

  Jackson laughed, saying, “Dressing up where I grew up did not require a suit, just a clean button-up shirt, jeans, and maybe a pair of boots if you’re feeling sexy.”

  Christopher belly laughed before replying, “I’ve got nothing to say to that.”

  * * *

  Evan Mallory took the podium in the now U.E. press room to deliver his first address as the U.E. deputy. Surrounded by story-hungry journalists, Evan exuded more confidence than he did in consultation with Draven. He needed this moment to be flawless in order to show his new boss that the Prince of This World was right for causing their paths to cross.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, I want to begin today’s press briefing with an essential administrative note. Effective immediately, the United Nations will be known as the Unified Earth Organization, or U.E. for short. This decision centers on Secretary-General Cross’s vision to bring the world together under the banner of peace and harmony in the wake of the global disappearances.

  “The first official resolution passed under the first U.E. secretary-general’s tenure, signed just this morning, is ratification of a seven-year peace treaty with Israel by all U.E. countries, an extension of the EU peace treaty with Israel. Additionally the secretary-general has formed an exploratory committee to expand the Interfaith spiritual movement toward a unifying organized faith that encompasses all religious beliefs and several other economic initiatives to be discussed with world leaders early next week.

  “Lastly, the headquarters of the U.E. will relocate from New York City to a yet-to-be-determined location. Mr. Cross feels that for too long the Western world has benefited from and corrupted this organization while failing to help the truly needy of the world. I will provide further details on the relocation of the U.E. at a later date.”

  Evan closed the press briefing by fielding questions from the “U.E.” press pool with a confidence Gabriella had not seen in the man before. The reporters seemed enthralled by his message, in a manner that was similar to the reception Draven received when speaking. As she watched Evan exit the press room with a renewed vigor, her only thought was that it appeared this odd duo was destined for greatness.

  * * *

  Evan was the last member of the fledging U.E. secretary-general’s staff to enter Draven’s office, and he was greeted by unexpected applause from Draven.

  “Bravo, old man. You have a rare gift to be brilliant when it counts, which is on a big stage,” Draven complimented as he replayed the press briefing.

  Evan beamed with pride as he took his seat at the eight-seat conference table that had been recently placed in the vast office space.

  “Gemma, please bring up the Project Babylon presentation,” Draven directed as he moved in front of the conference table where Gemma, Evan, and Gabriella were seated. A large screen dropped down behind him from the vaulted ceiling. “Well, my dear colleagues, we are off to an excellent start to making the world indeed a global village. I plan to fill out my senior staff next week during the leadership conference to help finalize Project Babylon, my plan for a one-world government,” he said with a prideful smile.

  “Project Babylon will be executed in three phases. We are currently in the first phase, consolidation of the world’s power. The disappearances helped push my agenda and leadership to the forefront, speeding my process of gaining control of the world. What I imagined would take years to complete has been accomplished in just a little over a month. Evan, I want you to solidify Interfaith as the ‘social balm’ for an ailing world. I need you to get this done within the next three months. In our current phase, I want you to push the world toward one religion, centered on my political objectives.”

  “Great idea, sir. I will have a plan on your desk before the leadership conference,” Evan responded.

  “Phase 2 will be eliminating rivals. This elimination will focus not only on competing leaders but also governance systems. Evan’s moving toward a one-world faith is but one element to ensure the leadership of the world is headed by me. In the days ahead, I plan to move the economic system to a single currency and consolidate each nation’s government under the authority of the U.E., and ultimately myself.”

  “So what rivals to this plan are you expecting, sir?” Gabriella questioned.

  “A simple question you should be able to answer, Dr. Costa. However, I’ll entertain your query. My rivals will come in the traditional fashions—political, economic, and the conservative religious sects. If the world is to have peace, we must plan to marginalize any resistance to our plans,” Draven stated firmly.

  “That’s an interesting vision, but it doesn’t come across as peaceful, but rather authoritarian.” Gabriella drew deep stares from the others in the room.

  “Gabriella, I take your challenging naivety as a symptom of your American upbringing. The bottom line is, as the first and only world leader that can bring universal and lasting peace to this planet, I am willing to take stern measures to bring humanity to its full potential. I suggest you come to support my plans rather than second-guessing them,” Draven expressed with a sharp-edged tone that stilled the room.

  Gabriella merely nodded in agreement, fearing she might have been dragged out of the room by security had she spoken another word.

  “Now, where was I? Oh yes, governance of the world reborn in my image is the final phase. I plan to lead from a new global headquarters built upon the ancient ruins of Babylon. This resurrected Babylon will be a city that the merchants of the world will swoon after, making the financial district here in New York City a distant memory. Babylon City will become a pilgrimage, a spiritual destination for the peoples of the world. Just imagine all of humanity finally worshipping together with the supreme power of this world, physically manifested in a city like no other.

  “In closing, I will ensure that nothing stops this grand strategy from becoming a reality. This is the world that everyone has dreamed of. I am the leader that the world has always sought. We will rule the world and bring humanity to its destiny with an iron fist wrapped in a velvet glove,” Draven declared with a decidedly fiendish flash in his green eyes.

  When the others in the room clapped—either from fear or genuine zeal—Gabriella joined them to keep from arousing Draven’s suspicion, but she felt nothing. She had long
dreamed of a world united, not blinded by differences. However, the cost the world was about to pay seemed steep. Draven would rob the world of freedom while being praised by the masses. As she headed to her office more confused than anything else, she had the thought that perhaps President Rodgers and Jackson were right about the man whose presence she had just left.


  As they packed the final “tough boxes” full of equipment for the Alaska mission, Christopher could tell by Jackson’s constant huffing that the U.E. press conference was bothering him.

  “What’s up? Why all the sighs?” Christopher asked, his hands stilling over the box he was packing.

  “Oh, nothing, I’m okay. Just thinking about what Mallory said,” Jackson returned dejectedly.


  Jackson inhaled loudly then sat down opposite Christopher on a desk in the now-empty Omega Team room. “For starters, Draven’s signing of a covenant for seven years of peace with Israel will satisfy the prophecy found in Daniel 9:27, marking the official start to the tribulation.”

  “I’m listening,” Christopher encouraged.

  “It is also interesting that the U.N. headquarters is moving—”

  “You mean, the U.E. headquarters,” Christopher interrupted.

  “U.E., U.N., whatever. I want to know what’s behind the move,” Jackson asserted.

  “That’s easy enough. Remember, we have an insider on Draven’s staff.”

  “I realize that, but each message Gabriella sends puts us all at risk. I think for now it’s best to wait for her to contact us,” Jackson said, crossing his arms and staring off into the emptiness of the room.

  “So we are at the beginning of the timeline for the end-times, right?”

  “You need to—”

  “I know—study. But just tell me,” Christopher said, cutting off a visibly irritated Jackson again.

  “I was going to say study, but who knows when you will study the Bible? Well, I suppose we, or better said I, know that Draven is the Antichrist already. However, he won’t be fully manifested as the Antichrist until the midway point of the tribulation. We have forty-two months before the great tribulation, which Jesus described in Matthew 24:21: ‘For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.’ Jesus was describing the forty-two months after the abomination of desolation, mentioned in Matthew 21:15, that will take place under the leadership of the Antichrist in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem.”

  “So we are in the first forty-two months of the tribulation.”

  “You got it, slick,” Jackson confirmed. “As we’ve already discussed, according to Revelation 6:1, Jesus has opened the first seal, which is where John saw the Antichrist on a white horse. Draven is conquering the world with peace, but it’s all a setup. But this is just the calm before a massive storm. The opening of the second seal in Revelation 6:3–4 will unleash global war. Then the best we can hope for is survival until Christ Jesus returns. You really should crack open a Bible, college boy.”

  “Wow, you have really been studying all of this,” Christopher said thoughtfully.

  “There is a ton of information regarding the tribulation, a term that’s now our reality. I’ve been reading not only Rev’s journal but articles on the Internet and the ultimate guide, the Bible itself, on the topic. It’s sad to see how much truth was available but deemed nonsense by folks like me.” Jackson dropped his face into his palms.

  “Nothing we can do about that now. We just have to focus on survival. Do you think this Alaska mission will play a part in the coming war,” Christopher inquired?

  “I don’t know, but we need to have a plan. Our days in the U.S. military are likely numbered. I know I won’t serve Draven Cross as a solider,” Jackson replied, grabbing a sizeable black rifle case as he moved to the team room exit.

  “I’m with you there. I might not see the Antichrist in Draven Cross yet, but I can’t see serving him, either. Alaska may prove to be our final U.S. government assignment,” Christopher said sadly, turning off the lights as they went out the door.

  * * *

  Gabriella was exhausted after yesterday—her first day as a double agent. Thankfully it was Saturday. She donned her robe and stood to stare out the floor-to-ceiling windows in her luxury apartment bedroom with a Sutton Place address, mere minutes away from the U.E. building. The view should have been an exhilarating testament to her professional ascension. However, across the East River, Roosevelt Island was being transformed into a collection point for disappearance victim’s vehicles, reminding Gabriella of how she had acquired the job.

  She watched the endless trailers of ownerless cars being brought to large lots of land being cultivated to hold relics from a world that was lost. She saw the reality of the situation where millions had been taken by God or some alien power, leaving the world and her search for answers and hope in one man, Draven Cross. What a difference a month can make in a person’s perspective on career success, she thought bleakly.

  Departing her apartment for a casual working weekend at the U.E. building, Gabriella was confused but focused on finding a way to stay ahead—at least, as best she could—of Draven. While a part of her was awestruck to be working for arguably the most brilliant mind on the planet, she also saw in Draven characteristics that elicited fear in her heart. She couldn’t shake the suspicion that her friends might be right about Draven Cross being the Antichrist and, even worse, that God did exist and she had missed a chance to have a relationship with Him.

  As Gabriella completed the half-mile walk and entered U.E. plaza, she saw the same group of Hasidic Jewish men dressed in what could best be described as burlap overshirts protesting near barricades. The tall wisp of a man she presumed to be the leader of the burlap gaggle was intriguing. The leader seemed to be calling out to bystanders, angering most, but persuading others to talk with his followers nearby. She drew closer to find it was not protesting but rather preaching projecting from this man with the penetrating tone and clear enunciation.

  “Brothers and sisters, hear the words of the true and living God—the God who sent His only Son, Jesus the Christ, into this world to die for our sins. It is not too late to come to know the one true Prince of Peace, the wonderful counselor, who is named Jesus. You should not trust the promises of peace that come from the institutions of man. Look instead to the assurances of the Bible.”

  While some cursed the man, it seemed to Gabriella that his words drew many to his colleagues who appeared to be praying and weeping with those who heeded his voice.

  “That is a strange message coming from a Hasidic Jew,” Gabriella said as the preacher took a break and passed her as he moved toward his friends.

  “I was blind, but now I see. Jesus was the Messiah. Yahweh has shown my brothers and me the truth, and we have felt compelled to tell the world without ceasing about Jesus. My name is Samuel, and your name is?”

  “Gabriella Costa. I work at the U.E. You know, that institution you’re bashing out here.”

  “Well, I am sorry for that Gabriella, as the U.N. is becoming a perversion of the principles it supposedly represents. The world will suffer under the fist of the man who now leads the organization,” Samuel replied confidently.

  “It’s U.E. now, but those are strong words about an organization and man you know little of,” Gabriella retorted, surprised by her defense of a man she didn’t trust.

  “I am part of a voice that cries out to the world from the wilderness. My brothers and I call the world to Christ Jesus in this final season. You, Gabriella, have questioned the character of Mr. Cross. You have wrestled with trusting your intellect and reason over the evidence of the living God of Heaven rapturing His Church. It is not too late to accept the gift of salvation that Jesus offers. Know that your position places your very life and soul in danger. Choose wisely where you place your faith. It’s either Jesus or your belief in Draven Cross.”

  “What? H
ow did you know? I mean, what are you saying to me?” Gabriella shouted at Samuel’s back as he walked back to his position and began preaching again, leaving her shaken and unanswered.

  * * *

  Jackson was mesmerized by the rugged beauty of the Canadian Rockies displayed below the commercial jet streaking toward Anchorage, Alaska, the gateway to the remote nuclear black site. While he was grateful to have found the saving grace and mercy of God through His Son Jesus, he struggled with how he had failed his family. Hot tears streamed down his face as the snow-capped peaks brought his wife Sarah to mind, as she had asked him a thousand times to take her to Alaska. Despite his quiet sobs, Jackson still heard the soft, peace-filled voice of the Holy Spirit as it flooded his mind, saying, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”

  “It is so hard, Lord. I let my family down. I lost them because my priorities were others before them,” Jackson said as he sensed the presence of God in his mind.

  “Oh, my son, who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his lifespan? Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own. Remember, Jackson, the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and his ears are open to their cry.”

  “Hey, are you all right?” Christopher asked, dropping into a nearby seat and reaching over to touch the shoulder of his friend, who was slumped over in his chair.

  “Yeah, man, I’ll be fine. I was just thinking about my family and talking with the Lord,” a red-faced Jackson said, sitting up to face Christopher.

  “I am sorry, man. Do you want me to leave you alone for a while? I just had a thought for a plan to survive the next seven years, but we can talk later,” Christopher offered, getting up to return to his seat.

  “No, please stay. I could use a good laugh and some distraction.”

  “Laugh? What? Do you think I can’t come up with a good survival plan?” Christopher asked, feigning offense.


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