Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle Page 41

by Daniella Wright

  I smirk. “That’s mighty kind of you.”

  Hudson shrugs as he rips my thong in two. I gasp at him, pissed that he ripped my favorite silk thong apart, and he chuckles with amusement. The caveman. “It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it.”

  “Is that the only thing that’s hard right now?” I ask, as I reach down and grab the belt on his pants, tugging him to me. I unbuckle it and have his pants off in less than a minute. He helps me remove his pants and I reach inside his boxer-briefs, grip his stiff swollen shaft, and proceed to massage his long and thick length in my hand. Hudson groans and I smirk, loving the power I have over him right now. “It seems that something here is hard as well, but I think I can fix that. Would that be okay, Hudson?” I ask, blinking at him with fake innocence. “Would you like for me to make the ache go away?”

  “Fuck yes.” Hudson grinds out through his teeth and makes a weird growling noise.

  It’s the same sound I’ve been hearing him make from the moment we finally started talking to each other. It’s animalistic, raw, and for some reason, it’s turning me on. Damn, I didn’t mean for that thought to rhyme, but at the same time, it’s a pretty good one. I can probably write a poem about how nice Hudson’s shaft is, but I think that would be a little weird.

  I go to the edge of the bed and climb off, making sure to give Hudson my back so he can admire my magnificent ass. When he makes that growling noise again, I grin and get onto my knees on the floor, and turn my body around so I’m now facing the bed sheets. “Come and sit on the edge of the bed, Hudson. I’ll kiss your ache and make it go away.”

  Hudson comes over to the edge of the bed and his beautiful chocolate brown eyes heat up once I settle myself between his legs and grip his shaft into my hand again. “God, I love when you touch me.” he mutters out, eyes glazing over with need. “Hopefully that sexy as hell mouth of yours has another use besides being a smart-ass.”

  I smile. “Challenge accepted. I hope you’re prepared to scream my name, Hudson. I promise it’s going to be the only thing you remember in a moment.” I say, echoing his words from earlier.

  I tilt my head down and take Hudson fully into my mouth until the tip of him hits the back of my throat. I make sure to breath through my nose, so I don’t gag, and I relax my throat—loving the feeling of him in my mouth.

  Hudson groans, grabs my long, red hair into his hands, and pulls hard enough to make me whimper. But the pain is causing my body to grow wet with pleasure, so I endure his tugging, moaning my need every time he tugs on it roughly.

  Hudson guides my head up and down his swollen shaft and when his body begins to shake with his upcoming orgasm, he pulls my head back, and his swollen shaft leaves my mouth with an audible pop. He pulls me off my knees and throws me once again on the bed.

  I’m about to chew him out for throwing me like a rag-doll when my eyes meet his and widen. His eyes are dilated and are focused solely on me. He’s no longer smiling and has a serious expression on his face. When he climbs onto the bed, he grabs my right ankle, and pulls on it until my body slides down the bed towards him.

  He has a condom in his hand now—probably grabbing it after he threw me on the bed—and he rolls it on himself, slowly, so I enjoy the show. He nudges my legs apart and grabs one of my legs from under my knee, bringing my leg up to my chest so he’s spreading me wide enough my wet core feels the chill in the air.

  Then, after he has me waiting with desire for several long moments, he thrusts his swollen shaft inside of my wet channel and, as he predicted, he makes me scream his name over and over again, until my voice is hoarse from that action alone.

  “I’ll save my voice, if I were you, Fay.” Hudson comments as he thrusts into me brutally and passionately. “I intend to make you scream my name many, many times tonight. And once you’ve had time to relax and come down, I’m going to fuck you again. And again.” Hudson’s eyes darken as he speaks and he’s beginning to growl again. Why the hell is that sound so fucking hot? “And then, after I’m done with you, we’re going out to get some breakfast and I’m going to know everything about you. Every. Fucking. Thing.” He pumps into me hard after he grinds out each word and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

  All too soon, I’m coming around Hudson and he speeds up his movement until he’s falling over the edge with me with a loud cry. We collapse on the bed and Hudson kisses my forehead before he goes to dispose of the condom. When he comes back, he pulls the blankets up—until we’re both covered—and then he grabs me from around the waist and crushes my back against his front.

  We relax for a few minutes in silence, but it’s not an awkward one, it’s actually pleasant.

  My eyes nearly jump out of my head when I feel his thickening member behind me. “You’re ready to go again? just came.” I say, breaking the silence.

  Hudson chuckles and begins nibbling my sensitive neck, causing me to arch my back against him, my bottom brushing against his aching member as I do. I’m out of breath in less than a minute and Hudson parts my legs, pushing his shaft back inside of my already wet center for round two.

  “You’ll figure out soon that I have a very good stamina.” he bites my neck, hard, and I know he left a mark on me. Again I say, what a caveman. Pushing in and out of me, he slows his movements and kisses my neck again. “And you seem to have a spell on me because my dick won’t stay down when you’re around. So, enjoy the ride.”

  I close my eyes, smiling, and do as he says.

  I enjoy the ride.



  I watch as the girl leaves the estate in the same clothes she was wearing last night, her heels dangling in one hand, while some kind of ripped article of clothing is in the other. She glances around the grounds, checking to see if anyone is around to see her do the walk-of-shame, and when she’s confident no one is watching her, she runs towards the gate and leaves the grounds.

  Stupid girl. She was so confident that no one was around to see her leave, but she was wrong.

  I quickly follow the girl off the property and when she’s safely behind the wheel of her car, she speeds away, not even checking to see if anyone is following her, which I am currently doing. Humans are such weak and pathetic creatures. They never know when they’re in danger until they’re staring at death in the eyes, begging for mercy, before they’re slaughtered like pigs.

  Although, this woman is pretty enough that I wouldn’t kill her quickly, like I do the others. No, this one I would play with for a few days. And then, only when she begs for me to kill her, would I grant her, her last wish and slit her throat with a sharp blade.

  I smirk at the thought of Royce’s face as we kill the one woman who could give him everything he has ever wanted in life. Too bad for her, she’s definitely his mate, which means she needs to be taken out and soon.

  An incoming call comes and I click the button on my Bluetooth earpiece to answer the call. I might be a bear shifter, but a bad enough car accident can kill me, depending on where I’m wounded. I’m a psychopath, but I’m not an idiot.

  “Keith.” I bark out in greeting.

  Javier, my boss and leader, is the one that responds back. “Is she his mate?”

  I chuckle. “She has to be. I’ve never seen Royce so bend out of shape for a girl. I bugged the room they fucked in last night and overheard him say that after they were done he was going to take her out to breakfast so he could learn everything about her.”

  Javier laughs and I can’t help but join along. “That’s rich, but are you sure this girl isn’t just some random girl Royce is smitten with? I don’t like humans, but at the same time, there’s no need to piss him off unless this girl is actually his mate.”

  I smirk, amused that my boss hasn’t found out about the other human girls I have taken out in the past when they slept with Royce. “Royce doesn’t do relationships, boss, so she has to be his mate. That, or she was a fucking good lay. And from the sounds of them going at it last night, she
has to be. Which brings me to this topic: when I capture the girl, can I have a few hours to play with her? I promise to leave a big mess for Royce to find when I do. He won’t know what to do with himself when he finds her and realizes he wasn’t able to keep his precious mate safe.”

  Javier hums his approval. “You’re one sick bastard, Keith, but what the fuck? You have my approval. Just make sure you clean up after yourself so Royce doesn’t find out it was our clan who killed her, understood?”

  “Got it, boss. Later.”

  I hang up and watch as the girl stops at a beautiful brownstone house and exits her car in a rush. I continue to examine her as she enters her place and locks the door behind her. Memorizing the street address and her house number, I turn my car around and drive home. I have a few things to do before I can come for the girl. Plus, it’ll be good for Royce to get closer to the girl before I come take her away.

  That way, when I kill her, it’ll hurt Royce that much more.

  Revenge is sweet.



  “Are you excited about today?” Gavin asks as he holds the door open for me to walk pass. I turn my thoughts away from Hudson, and my guilt for leaving him that night, and glance around at where we are.

  I stare in awe at all the amazing clothes in the store. Bare Essentials is one of the biggest fashion boutiques in Chicago. I’ve been dreaming of having my clothes featured here, or even showing a collection in one of their fashion shows that they have every year and this year is finally my year.

  One of the co-owners of the boutique, Mr. Royce, has a sales associate who so happens to be my best friend, Gavin. Gavin showed Mr. Royce my designs and then called me the next day saying that his boss wanted to meet with me and was interested in my clothes. Can you believe it?

  I should have Googled the man, to learn all I could about him so I know what I’m up against, but I felt weird looking up a potential boss. I don’t think it’s fair that I can Google him and know all about him and his life but he can’t do the same for me. Doesn’t seem right, so I’m taking a chance to learn about him the old-fashion way, meeting him and getting to know Mr. Royce the person and not Mr. Royce, my maybe future employer.

  I nod my head at Gavin, realizing I have yet to answer his question. “I’m extremely excited, but I’m also about to piss on myself.” Gavin laughs and I sigh. “I’m serious, Gavin. I’m freaking out and, thanks to that lemonade we picked up on our way here, my bladder is about to explode.”

  Gavin scrunches his nose and shakes his head. “Eww! That’s too much information, Fay.” Gavin laughs. “Go to the bathroom before Mr. Royce comes in for the day. It’s down that hallway and it’s the first door on the right.

  I nod my head and run to the bathroom. When I get to the hallway, however, I forget which door Gavin told me is the bathroom. I glance at both doors and sigh. “Let’s see what’s behind door number one.” I say in my best game show voice and open the left door. I instantly know I chose the wrong door when I see a man sitting behind a desk, staring off into space. His eyes glance in my direction when I open the door and my mouth falls open. “Son of a bitch.”

  Hudson raises his eyebrows at my outburst. “I have been called that on occasion, yes, but I mostly go by Hudson. To what do I owe this visit, Fay? I thought you couldn’t leave me fast enough a few nights ago, so I’m shocked to see you here today.” Hudson stands up from his desk and comes around it, stopping until he’s standing in front of me. He’s pissed, that much I can tell from his tone, but I’m shocked when I see the hurt in his eyes. He averts his gaze from mine and grinds his jaw. Yeah...he’s really pissed. “I didn’t expect to ever see you again. How—” he pauses and clears his throat. “How did you find me?”

  I frown. “What do you mean? I didn’t even know you’d be here. I’m here for a meeting with one of the owners of this boutique.”

  Hudson’s frown quickly transforms into a surprised smile. “You’re Gavin’s talented friend?”

  I swallow hard and nod. “I’m assuming you’re Mr. Royce?” Damn it. I should have Googled him. Hudson inclines his head and chuckles. “Damn it…this can’t be happening.” My eyes meet his and I quickly glance away mortified that I had sex with my potential client. “I didn’t know who you were that night, I swear to you I didn’t. I don’t want you thinking I’m unprofessional because we…you know.” I stutter out and Hudson has the nerve to grin at my obvious discomfort. “Can we forget that night ever happened?” I say, still not being able to meet his eyes. How embarrassing. I came in dressing my best to impress my potential boss, just to realize it doesn’t matter what I wear, considering the boss in question has seen all of me more than once.

  “No.” Hudson says, his eyes darkening. “I want to discuss what happened that night. I thought we had a good time, Fay. I thought I made myself clear when I said I wanted to get to know more about you. What did I do to make you flee the bed as soon as the sun came up?” I hear the pain in his voice and my throat thickens. He gently runs a finger down the side of my face and closes his eyes sadly. “Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?”

  My eyes widen and I shake my head rapidly. “You didn’t do anything, Hudson. You were perfect.” Hudson eyes tell me he doesn’t believe my words and I can’t blame him for thinking that. I’m telling him he was amazing, but me leaving him before the sun could rise says a different story. I cup his cheek with my hand and decide to tell him the truth; no matter if that makes me look like a smitten idiot. “I was scared, Hudson. I don’t get attached to people, not after my mom abandoned me and my father died of heartbreak.” I blink back the tears that always popped up when I talk about my father. It’s been years and I still miss him like crazy. “But...when I was with you, I felt alive for the first time in my life. I wanted to know more about you. I wanted to see were our crazy chemistry could go. I—” I look away from him, embarrassed. “I wanted to get close to you, but when morning came, I realized that if I stayed, there was a chance I could get hurt again. Losing my mother hurt, but when I lost my dad, my heart felt like it was fucking being ripped out of my chest.” the tears fall down now, but I refuse to wipe them away. I hate crying, and when I do cry, I don’t acknowledge them. Hudson wipes them away for me and kisses my face. I close my eyes and enjoy his touch. “Your hands on me bring me back to life and when you kiss me, I’m lost. And that feeling, the feeling of falling for someone, terrifies me more than anything in the world. And that’s why I had to leave, Hudson. I’m too scared to take that risk with you.”

  “I’m sorry about your father, Fay. I lost my mother when I was seven and she was killed in a car accident. She was coming to pick me up from school that day, since I was sick and wanted to come home, and some drunk driver hit her before she could reach me, so I know what it feels like losing a parent. And when my mother passed on, my father couldn’t process her death so he dealt with it in the only way he knew — by drinking. So I also know what it’s like having a parent who’s absent from your life. It sucks, to put it simply.” I laugh humorlessly but nod my head in agreement. “I know you’re scared, Fay, because I’m scared too. I’ve never fallen for anyone before, not even close, but I knew from the moment I saw you that you were it for me.” What? Is he serious? Hudson smiles and answers me, as if reading my mind. “I am serious, Fay. In my family...let’s just say, we always know when our true mate comes into our lives. And you’re it for me, beautiful. I know you’re scared, and I’m probably making it worse by saying you're my soul-mate.”

  “No shit?” I ask, still trying to process his words. He thinks I’m his soul mate? Is he crazy?

  Hudson chuckles and surprises me when he kisses my lips softly. “I see your mouth is still sassy as ever, Fay. Is it still talented?” I grin, despite the worry going through my mind, and laugh. He kisses me again and sighs. “There’s that sexy smile. For a moment there, I thought you had lost it.”

  I roll my eyes. “You’re such a doofus.”

Hudson smirks and nods his head. “As long as I’m your doofus, Fay.” His face becomes serious once again and he crushes me against him. I press my face against his chest and take a deep breath, taking in his woodsy scent. “No more running from me, Fay. I’ll always find you, no matter where you hide, and although I didn’t chase after you several days ago, you can be assured I will not be making that mistake again. You’re mine.” I shiver at his tone and swallow pass a lump in my throat. “And I refuse to let something like fear stand between us. I intend to steal your heart, no matter how long that might take.”

  You already have a piece of it, I say in my head but out loud I say, “Let’s take this one step at a time, handsome. It takes me more than a few days to fall for someone.” I say and laugh when he growls at me. “You growl a lot, do you realize that?” He stiffens in my arms and I wonder if I said something wrong?

  “I guess I’m animalistic at heart.” he responds back, sounding off now. But before I can question him, he pulls back and grins. “Let’s go outside and join Gavin. If we don’t leave now, I’m going to throw you on my desk and ravish you until you’re screaming my name again. I doubt Gavin would like that very much.”

  I raise my eyebrows and laugh. “You’ll be surprised. Gavin is into some freaky shit.”

  We leave his office, hand-in-hand, and Gavin’s eyes widen when he sees us. Thankfully, he doesn’t question why I’m holding hands with his boss—when I’m supposedly never met the man—and I know from Gavin’s expression he’s going to nag me later tonight, until I tell him every juicy detail.

  You got to love best friends,

  Hudson, Gavin, and I talk about my designs, discussing which pieces they believe would work well in the store. I brought a few of my favorite pieces with me and when I show Hudson, they impress him. He tells me he runs the business side of the boutique, while his little sister mostly deals with the designers and bringing more merchandise into the store, but since his sister is on vacation, he decided to do this interview with me today, since he liked the designs Gavin showed him before.


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