Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle

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Bad, Very Bad Shifters- The Complete Mega Bundle Page 120

by Daniella Wright


  I make no effort to hide my pseudo relationship with the two men. For now, it's fun seeing how heated my father gets when I mention that I'm going to hang out with the two of them. After our first little fling of sorts in the bathroom, I know that our meetings can only grow more intense from here. I find myself thrilled by the anticipation of meeting them over and over, the idea of them growing weary of me only crossing my mind on occasion. I know I should have more power over the situation, and I'm equally aware that the boys could spill our secret to the media at any given moment. However, I can only hope the fun we're having is enough to keep their mouths shut. They've given me no indication that they can't be trusted, but my previous experience with men is relatively sour. Still, my wariness isn't enough to stop me from seeing them as often as possible. We've not gone all the way yet, I'm not entirely sure I want to lose my virginity in a fling.

  Yes, I know it's a bit sad that I'm still a virgin. It's a rather unfortunate byproduct of an overprotective father. I've never had a real boyfriend, either. Hell, all the so-called friends I've had have only been using me for the publicity. My father is fine with me being used on an emotional level, but the moment I begin enjoying myself… it's unacceptable to him.

  I find myself growing increasingly angry at my own thoughts, getting a bit too distracted from my school work. I know I must seem like a petty brat with daddy issues, but anyone could see how unfair my situation is. All the same, I'm putting him in his place for the time being. I won't let him ruin my fun with the handsome football stars.

  Speaking of…

  My phone dings to indicate a text, and I fumble for it for a moment before managing to swipe and unlock the screen. The text is rather lewd, and I feel myself reddening as I read the words. There's an undeniable throbbing between my thighs, and I can only struggle to come up with some sort of response that will incite a similar response from the two men. However, before I can properly formulate a reply, my father bursts into my room. It feels as if my face will burst into flames, and I tuck my phone in my pocket before turning to face him. The arousal I had felt has turned to ice, and I can only glower at the older man as he levels a glare at me.

  "What do you want?" I inquire coolly, but it seems he's grown used to my attitude.

  "Those boys are only using you for one thing," he says coldly, and I feel white hot fury wash over me.

  "This again? Dad, we've had this conversation a dozen times. What I do with Jeremy and Jake is absolutely none of your business," I hiss, saving my homework and closing my laptop. He crosses his arms over his chest, eyes narrowed critically.

  "It is my business when a couple of horny college kids are taking advantage of my daughter! You know I could make it much more difficult for you to see them! I didn't want to flaunt my power, but you're making this more difficult than it needs to be," he grates out. I can only bark out a bitter laugh, rising up from my computer chair and stalking towards him.

  "Stop pretending this is because you care about me. Stop pretending to be a good father! The only reason you're concerned is because of your reputation! You did a good enough job ruining that yourself, anything I do is irrelevant at this point," I scream at him. He flinches, something akin to sadness flashing in his eyes before he steels himself.

  "Regardless of what you think my motives are, I'm your father. Not only your father but the president of this country! You think I can't stop you? I've been too kind, thus far. I'm putting my foot down this time. I forbid you from seeing either of those boys," he snarls. My eyes widen in shock, and I tense my fists at my side. It takes all of my willpower not to strike him, but even I know that would be going too far.

  "Get out of my room," I say icily, and he parts his lips to retort. I'm swift to interrupt him, however. "Get out," I shriek, and he seems resigned to the fact that his poster child of a daughter is no more. He turns his back to me, stalking to the door. He lingers at the door frame for a moment, speaking so quietly that I can barely hear him.

  "Whether you believe it or not, I'm doing this because I love you. I don't want to see you hurt. If that makes me a bad father in your eyes, then… so be it," he mutters, stepping out the door and pulling it closed behind him. I stare at the door for a moment before screaming in a blind rage. I lurch to my feet, grabbing my keys with the full intent to get out of this hellhole. I bolt out my door, quickly shuffling down the stairs and out the front door. I stalk towards my car, irritated to see one of my father's secret service agents watching my every move. I narrow my eyes at him, and though I can't see his expression past his dark sunglasses, he seems apathetic to my fury.

  "Am I at least allowed to tell them I'm no longer permitted to see them? It would be rather cruel to leave them in the dark, don't you think?" I say icily. He parts his lips to retort but straightens and falls silent as a shadow falls over us. Fully prepared for another fight with my father, I wheel around to face him. However, I'm only faced with the sympathetic face of my mother.

  "Claude, let her go. I know my husband gave you a direct order, but… for me?" She implores. He looks more than mildly uncomfortable, awkwardly shuffling his feet. "She just needs to let the boys that she can't be seen with them anymore," she says, meeting my gaze and offering me a sly wink that the agent seems to miss. He hesitates for a moment longer before breathing a resigned sigh.

  "Alright," he says, voice laced with defeat. I grin, blowing a kiss to my mother before slipping into my car. Her words wash over me, and I make note of how she phrased her statement. I simply can't be seen with the two anymore. If I were to continue seeing them privately, however…

  With that comforting thought in mind, I drive in the direction of the college campus, intent upon meeting them in their dorms. I have no idea how they'll react to the news and the fact that they can't go around telling their friend they've been fooling around with the president's daughter. Granted, I don't know how much of that they've been doing, but I can only imagine.

  I pull up to the college campus, checking my clock and realizing they'll be at football practice. I shut off my car, gathering my bag and slipping out of my car. I walk the familiar path to the football field, spotting them in the distance. Once I'm close enough, I wave to catch their attention. They exchange brief words with their teammates before approaching me, smiling warmly.

  " something wrong? It looks like you've been crying," Jake implores, reaching out to touch my arm. I draw away, offering him an apologetic look.

  "I actually really need to talk to you. Both of you. Can you blow off practice?" I inquire bleakly. They exchange an unreadable look before each of them takes me by the arm, leading me to their dorm. Once we're in the safety and privacy of their room, I choke out a cry. Their eyes are wide and uncomprehending, and I know they can only be wondering what has me so upset.

  "Tara…? Did something happen?" Jeremy asks carefully, and I avert my eyes, feeling foolish for being so upset. It's just a fling, but I have found myself growing more and more attached to the two men in the time we've been hanging out.

  "My father said I can't see you anymore," I begin, and their expressions drop immediately. "He could make all of our lives a living hell if we're seen in public together. I don't want the two of you to have to deal with him. It's bad enough that I have to," I mutter.

  "B-but Tara," Jake begins, an unexpectedly pained expression on his face.

  "That's why… if you're willing to try it, we could simply… avoid being seen in public together. On the surface, we've parted ways, but no one has to know what we do behind closed doors, right?" I say desperately. I can only hope they'll agree, in spite of how unfair the entire situation is.

  "...Is there even a question?" Jeremy grins, putting my mind at east. Jake smiles as well, rubbing my arm.

  "If we have to see you in secret, we will. As long as we get to see you," he murmurs. I draw both of them into my arms, nestling my face against Jake's shoulder. I spend a few hours at their dorm, but when it gets
a bit too late, I retreat home. My father is nowhere to be seen, so I can only hope my plan went off without a hitch.


  With school back in full swing, my father couldn't really ask that I remain home at all times. Not when I have classes, anyway. It makes it much easier to pursue my two athletic lovers in secrecy. Though my father is slightly more content with the misguided knowledge that I'm not seeing them anymore, he's still been rather harsh on me. I can only attribute it to the upcoming election cycle and though we exchange no words, it's an unspoken agreement that I'll behave while he's campaigning. Though he's not the best father in the world, I don't want him to lose the election due to my actions.

  It doesn't stop me from leading a double life, however, which is easier than one may think. It was a struggle to come up with a reason to stay late at school, but Jake came up with the idea of a ‘study group'. It's been a brilliant idea from the start, and when I told my father, he was thrilled that I had decided to focus on my studies once more. I count myself lucky that he didn't ask who I was studying with. I'd lost touch with most of my so-called friends in college, and though they had made an effort to get on my good side once more, I was not so easily won over. All the same, under the guise of the study group I've only grown closer to the two men who I'm beginning to realize I may like a bit more than I should. Though most of our time in their dorm room is spent fooling around or had initially been, they'd been treating me more like a friend. Dare I say, they were even beginning to treat me more like a girlfriend? I've struggled to ignore that thought, knowing it's a useless notion to fall in love with either of them, let alone both of them. I know it's not the most conventional of situations, but I can't see my future without either of the men.

  I sigh, curling closer to Jeremy's side as he snoozes on their beat-down sofa. Jake had mentioned something about going to fetch dinner for the three of us, which I suppose I might expect from Jake. He's always been the more outwardly caring of the two. He has a romantic streak a mile long, something I could find myself getting used to. Not to say Jeremy doesn't have his charms. I lean up pressing a kiss to his cheek. He wearily blinks his eyes open, glancing at me with a faint smile.

  "Food here?" He inquires sleepily, and I chuckle warmly.

  "Not yet. Was just loving up on one of my boys," I grin, and he reddens faintly. He's always somewhat embarrassed by my more affectionate side but never seems to mind it too much. He tangles a hand in my hair, drawing me in for another kiss just as the door bursts open. Startled by the sound, I jolt away from him and nearly fall off the couch. Jake offers me an apologetic look from the door, standing with two armfuls full of takeout bags.

  "Sorry, love. I could barely get the door open," he manages with a small smile, stepping inside with our food. I know that the two eat enough to feed an army, but even this seems extravagant. Jake sets one of the bags aside, busying himself with sorting through it. He sets several candles on their small dining table, lighting them while humming under his breath. Jeremy watches with a faint smile, and I feel my heart swell as he Jake turns to smile tenderly at me. "I thought a bit of a romantic dinner was in order. To treat our little princess," he grins, and I roll my eyes as I redden in embarrassment.

  "Does president's daughter really equate with a princess?" I inquire softly, rising up from the couch to meander into their dining area.

  "Seems better, in my opinion," Jeremy pipes up, offering me a wink as he begins to sort through the food. It's from my favorite Chinese takeout place, and I can't help but feel more than a little charmed by the effort Jake had put into this little dinner. Jeremy pulls my chair out for me, and I take a seat. The two sit on either side of me, and we quietly enjoy our dinner. Jake seems lost in thought, and I clear my throat to catch his attention.

  "Penny for your thoughts?" I murmur, and he quirks a tender smile.

  "Though I'm sure you can spare more than a penny…," he trails off, setting his fork down. "It still surprises me how easy it was to turn a good girl bad," he says teasingly, pausing for a moment before continuing. "It's just a wonder we got so lucky," he grins. I feel myself growing slightly flustered at his words, and though I know this is nothing more than a sex thing for the two of them, I can't help how much my heart longs for the two men.

  "Maybe I was never a good girl. Maybe I just needed a couple of bad boys to show me how much more there was to life," I murmur softly. The two exchange a glance, seeming a bit flustered as well. However, the moment soon passes and it grows nearer to time for me to leave. I pull my chair back from the table, hesitating as I consider my words. "I appreciate the two of you being so kind to me. I know this is just… well, I'm not making it more than it is. I just appreciate the two of you," I say weakly. Jake smiles, looking as if he wants to say something but remains quiet anyway. The two rise from their seats, standing at either side of me and pulling me in for a sort of group hug. I smile at the attention, feeling my heart throb painfully in my chest.

  As I slip out of their dorm and make my way home for the evening, I can only wonder how long it will be before this ends in heartbreak.


  Each day that passes, my anticipation only grows. I know something has to come to a head eventually, that someday the two athletic men will get tired of our little fling. However, I can only enjoy what time I have with the two of them for the time being. Though I know it's the worst possible thing I could have done, I realize that I've foolishly fallen for the two men. It's not something I want to confront them with, as I'm sure once they realize I'm getting too attached they will try to bail out. I've managed to keep my cool, for the most part, being affectionate without risking being overly so.

  I'm planning to meet the two after classes today, and truth be told, my thoughts remain with the two men throughout my daily schedule. It seems like our little study hour can't come soon enough. I only vaguely pay attention to what my teachers are saying, just managing to keep up enough to take notes. I'm sure the notes will make little to no sense when I look at them later, but for now, they seem to suffice. When the clock strikes the hour to end my final class, I gather my books. My heart pounds in my chest, and I'm nearly overcome by just how excited I am. I make my way through the hallways at a swift pace, nearly shrieking when an arm reaches out from what I had thought was an empty classroom and draws me inside. I stumble into the classroom, struggling against my assailant, only to calm down when I realize it's Jeremy. Jake sits on the edge of the desk at the front of the classroom, watching us with a faint smile.

  "You jerk, you scared the life out of me," I hiss, lightly slapping Jeremy on the arm.

  "Oh, you love it," he says teasingly. I find myself reddening at just how much truth lies behind those words, though he can never know that.

  "Well," I reply, drawing out the word as I draw him in for a kiss. "I plead the fifth," I whisper against his lips, shifting to smile at Jake as he approaches. Soon I'm sandwiched between the two, and their hands are roaming my body as they've done so many times. This time feels different, however. This time, I'm certain that I'm ready to go all the way with the two. I hesitate for a moment, wondering how to voice the thought. "I was thinking we could try something different," I begin, uncertainty lacing my voice. The two offer me a confused look, and I steel myself before speaking once more. "I think I'm ready to lose my virginity," I murmur shyly. The two look shocked, and I begin to stammer, red setting my cheeks alight as I try to come up with some explanation for my sudden change of heart.

  "Are you sure? With us?" Jake inquires softly, pressing his lips to my temple.

  "Y-yes. If you two don't want to," I begin, but they're swift to shut me down.

  "Of course we want to, boo. It's just that… that's a big step to take. I thought you always said you were waiting for someone you love…," Jeremy trails off, glancing to Jake who reddens in embarrassment.

  "And though we've managed to come to terms with the feelings we're developing for you," he pauses midway throug
h his sentence, mistaking the shock on my face for something negative. "We didn't want to say anything because we know this is just a sex thing for you. Regardless, Jeremy and I… we've come to the terms that we're falling in love with you," Jake murmurs. I look to Jeremy for confirmation and he mutely nods his head.

  "I-I love you too," I say weakly, feeling as if I'm in a waking dream. Their eyes nearly bulge from their heads, and they glance at each other before turning to face me with matching smiles. Jake steps towards me, nudging me to a long desk at the front of the classroom. He swipes his arm across the desk, knocking off the various documents and editing pens that are strewn across it. It's not the most romantic setting in the world, but my ache for them is so strong that I don't think I can wait until we make it back to their dorm. I sit on the edge of the desk, feeling suddenly shy in spite of the numerous times they've seen me in the nude. Jake moves carefully, leaning in for a sweet kiss as Jeremy slips towards the desk as well. I reach out, slipping my hands under Jake's t-shirt to feel the expanse of his abs. His skin is warm, just barely damp with sweat. He shakes with anticipation, and while I know neither of the two are virgins, there's something special about this moment. I would be a fool not to see it.


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