The Wizard

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The Wizard Page 7

by Whiskey Flowers

  Devin learned that although the bow was slow to fire, the arrows flew far faster than the bow he was using yesterday. The arrows were thicker and the arrowheads better made. Devin had another of the thick arrows sighted when the fighting became up close and personal. A Savian had his sword raised at Knight Soler and Devin took him in the face. Knight Jeffries had just cleaved a man with his axe and made Devin pause. The little swords the enemy had couldn't do much to the heavily armored Knights, the best thing to do would be to swarm them and grab hold of a limb. The enemy started doing just that and Devin could see both Knights being swarmed. The men around them started trying to hack into the Savians and Devin started letting his arrows fly.

  Devin lowered his bow down as Knight Jeffries and the others started backing away. A spout of flame bathed the entire area, men from both sides were screaming and dying except for the Knights who held their shields held out in front of them. Devin was right behind Knight Jeffries when the man tripped over a fallen man as he walked backwards. Devin was able to bring his bow up and fired into the inferno and then ducked. Flames licked his back but were out quickly. Devin looked up to see the same Wizard now had an arrow going completely through the hand that held the crystal, making him drop it. Devin nocked another arrow and the Wizard dove to the ground and pulled out another crystal. Devin had just missed him and was ready to fire again as a strong and concentrated wind blew him off his feet and into the air at least twenty feet. Devin got his feet under him and landed softly as the Wizard started retreating. Devin sighted his bow but lost his shot because of the men screaming and running around. Devin lowered his bow for good this time, the enemy that were not yet dead met their end from the unaffected Knights who cut through the injured men. Devin looked around and could see that was not the case everywhere.

  “We are being surrounded!” Knight Soler shouted.

  “We should press forward,” Knight Jeffries said. “The field in front of us is clear.”

  “Grab a shield and a suitable weapon, long pikemen,” Knight Soler said.

  Knight Soler raised his big mace up and then pointed it at the enemy as the remaining men gathered around him. They began their march and Devin could see they were correct, there were none of the enemy in front of them. The two Knights led the way, their heavy armor making them slower than everyone else. The slow march across four hundred meters did not go unnoticed, the Savian reserves started forming up and Devin used that time to get to the front of the march and fired off an arrow. The arrow struck a man two hundred paces away and left him with a shocked look on his face. Devin had another one nocked and let it fly but noticed this one was harder to pull back.

  “Toss that bow down, we will get it later,” Knight Jeffries said. “Quiver as well, someone give him your bow.”

  Devin did just that as a man he had traveled with to war gave him his bow. Devin frowned when he didn't remember the man’s name and continued forward. Devin noticed the Savians were ready to fight, each of them had a pike ready but Devin noticed something else, none of them had any shields. Knights Jeffries and Soler recognized this as well, they formed up in front of Devin with their tower shields held high.

  “On two and be prepared to loose,” Knight Soler said as he started counting.

  Devin loosed an arrow and had another one knocked as he heard the impacts of arrows on the Knights shields. They were still moving forward and the count changed every time. Some times Devin had three seconds, sometimes four and sometimes one. Soon they were up on the pikes and the Knights went right through them without slowing. Devin found his targets easily, the enemy started pointing him out as he fired his bow as quickly as possible. Devin looked back and could see other Knights were crossing the field and had their men, they ignored the larger battle and were coming to reinforce them. The Savians had thought about surrounding the small group but now started pulling their men back.

  The battle ended soon after. The Savians started backing away and the Royal Army, not content with defense, started charging after their foe and pushed them off of their campsite. Everyone was sent, even those not in the rotation and the Savians had no answer for the charge except fall back and regroup. Many of their supplies were left during the retreat, the Royal Army made sure they would have no time to retrieve them or their sleeping gear. Devin was told to grab all his items which weighed a bunch. He had grabbed his warbow and quiver, then he had to return to his tree to grab his other items. Devin was tired when he finally finished, the Knights were all there and were talking to what looked like important members of the Army. Devin waited with the other Squires he saw standing around.

  “Well if it isn't the archer,” a dark haired boy said. “Anyone can be fancy with a bow, try getting up on your opponent where they can strike you back.”

  “We are all on the same side,” Devin said. “If you forgot, the Savians are the enemy, not me.”

  “He is just jealous,” said a boy with dirty blonde hair. “So am I. You were really laying it down out there.”

  “Thank you,” Devin said.

  “Don't fill this runt’s head,” the dark haired boy said. “So what he is good with bow, we don't fight with bows.”

  “Are you serious Simon?” the dirty blonde haired boy said. “He ran off a Wizard and stuck him twice with his bow. You came in the back end of the fight, I was there to see it happen.”

  “He got lucky,” Simon said.

  “And all of these crystals around my neck are also luck?” Devin asked. “You are just jealous.”

  “You take that back,” Simon said as he faced Devin.

  “Or you are going to do what?” Devin said meeting the larger boy’s eyes.

  “We can handle this,” Simon said.

  “Yes we can,” Devin said.

  “Enough of it you two,” the dirty blonde haired boy said. “If you want to pay him back, do it on the battlefield. You know those Wizards are not going to be happy they are finally being killed. I wonder if they are going to attack tonight? After last night I know they have to be hurting.”

  “I know the one I shot will not be back,” Devin said as he stepped away and then frowned. “They are more gifted than we are.”

  “Traitor!” Simon yelled.

  “You go fight a Wizard then,” Devin said. “Show me what you got.”

  “They are tough,” the dirty blond haired boy said. “Festus tried to take one on a few days ago and got his throat slit, disemboweled and his left hand cut off.”

  “They gave Knight Jeffries problems,” Devin said. “They are quick with their little swords and tough to get off of you. If you back up out of their reach then they could use their little magic. Did you see that one I shot dodging and smacking down arrows?”

  “I did,” the dirty blonde haired boy said. “I even saw one catch two arrows out of the air, one after another.”

  “Why are you talking to this guy, Evan?” Simon asked the dirty blonde haired boy.

  “Why not?” Evan said. “He seems like good people and he took out a few Wizards. This is the first time since we have been here that we have actually pushed the Savians back. They have a lot more people than we do but we still handled it.”

  “Our nobles are coming soon,” Simon said. “Then you will see a real fight. This guy is just some archer. There are tons of them around, not everyone has what it takes to Squire to a Knight. What is he going to do when the fight is up close and personal? You can't have an archer when that happens.”

  “I will get along,” Devin said. “But out here in the thick of it, with the enemy in my face and men dying all around me. I am showing my worth and not you or anyone else can match it. You choke on it, you choke on it good and long until you are red in the face.”

  “Are those Wizards?” Evan asked.

  “Where?” Devin and Simon asked simultaneously.

  “Right there and there are a pit lot of them,” Simon said. “And they brought their Acolytes.”

  “Oh pit,” Devin said as h
e looked at the three Wizards and their Acolytes. “I know that bunch and they already hate me.”

  “How do you know an Acolyte?” Simon asked.

  “They were at a party I was at when I tore into a knobber trying to get in my face,” Devin said and then stopped as he thought about it.

  “A Wizard got into your face?” Simon asked.

  “Not exactly,” Devin replied. “It was a Squire. He was huge, even bigger than the Knight Commander. Anyway a brawl happened and I tore into that one on the end pretty good.”

  “You met the Knight Commander?” Evan asked. “As in the Knight Commander?”

  “One milky eye and looks like he could fight a bear?” Devin asked. “Yeah I met him, he don't like me.”

  “Even the Knight Commander hates your archer Evan,” Simon said.

  “Silence both of you,” Evan said. “They are coming over here and we will show our unity. Man, their women are fine though.”

  “And barren,” Simon added. “Like a desert thanks to their magics.”

  “What are you doing here?” the Acolyte said with a sneer as Devin could see his brown eyes flare. “And where did you get that necklace?”

  “He got it off a Wizard before we gutted him,” Simon said with a smile. “You should have heard him rolling around and crying on the ground.”

  “Liar!” a brown haired girl said. “You didn't take down any Wizard. You must have stolen those.”

  “From where?” Evan asked. “We do not have any Wizards or Acolytes on our side.”

  “I knew the Knights were pathetic but they accepted you to join,” the male Acolyte said.

  “I beat the pit out of you,” Devin replied. “You didn't do enough of your fancy jumping and you bobbed when you should have weaved. Last time I saw you, they were helping you up to get you away from me.”

  “Ha!” Simon said. “Beaten up by the smallest Squire around.”

  “That was you?” the other female Acolyte said as she walked over towards Devin. She was shorter than he was, more than a head and was petite. “That was you. You started the whole thing when you punched out that blond boy. You were not a Squire then.”

  “My Da taught me to not take shine off of anyone,” Devin replied. “He asked for that when he put his hands on me. I didn't see you backing away from a fight either. Now that I am remembering, all of you were there with your little crystals laying people on the low.”

  “Of course they need magic to do anything,” Simon said as he looked over the Acolytes.

  “Well we have done our posturing,” Evan said. “Why are you lot here? I thought you were neutral?”

  “None of your business,” the blond girl said looking at Evan.

  “So this is how it is, is it?” Evan said. “We can continue this if you want, snapping and yelling at each other. Or we can pretend to be civilized. All of us are in training to become peacekeepers or am I missing something?”

  “There is no way you beat a Wizard,” the male Acolyte said. “Not even a fallen one would lose to someone like you.”

  “They would if they didn't see me coming,” Devin admitted. “When my bow starts singing, not even their fancy magic and slapping arrows out of the air helped them. Well that and my Knight is huge and armored. In an unarmored duel I have little doubt of who would win. You lot are too fast and shifty to lay into properly. In war though, well Knights are built for this sort of thing.”

  “An archer,” the blond girl said as the rest of the Acolytes nodded. “You have to watch out for the archers. They are sneaky and can get the drop on you.”

  “My name is Devin and I am done with this fighting,” Devin said as he held his hand out to the male Acolyte.

  “As if I would,” the male Acolyte said as Devin shrugged his shoulder and held his hand out to the brown haired girl.

  “Acolyte Viper,” the brown haired girl said as she returned the handshake.

  “Viper?” Devin said as he broke the handshake.

  “What, are you poisonous?” Simon laughed.

  “Yes,” Viper replied which made Devin take a step back. “But only to those who break the law.”

  “Well none of us plan on doing that,” Devin said. “So what brought you all here? Isn't this going against your neutrality?”

  “None of your business,” the male Acolyte said. “And I want a rematch.”

  “In the middle of a war?” Devin asked. “I think I’ll pass. You had your chance.”

  “Acolyte Cobra,” the blonde girl said as she stuck out her hand.

  “Devin,” Devin replied with a shake and a confusing expression.

  “What is wrong Squire Devin?” Cobra asked.

  “Why are you all named after snakes?” Devin asked.

  “It is self explanatory,” Simon said. “You should trust them as much as you would an actual snake.”

  “No you oaf,” the male Acolyte said while rolling his eyes. “It is just the level of training they are in. They will get new names when they complete it and become full Wizards.”

  “Who you calling an oaf?” Simon asked as he got up on the male Acolyte.

  “You,” the male Acolyte replied. “Now what are you going to do about it?”

  “Not worth it,” Evan said as he got in between the two. “This is the first time any of you have gotten to meet your counterparts. Maybe you should spend this little time getting to know each other in case your paths ever cross again.”

  “Sounds like wisdom,” Devin said as he got between the two. “Can any of you show me how to work this thing?” Devin finished as he held up a throwing knife.

  “Where did you get that?” Cobra said as she snatched it out of his hand.

  “Got it from the man I killed,” Devin replied. “Had a bunch of them but I never saw him use it.”

  “You aren't meant to use it,” the male Acolyte said.

  “Then it is a contest,” Devin replied. “I know you are supposed to throw this thing but I do not know the technique. Teach me and I will give you one of my crystals.”

  “I am not teaching you anything,” the male Acolyte snapped and fixed his face into a frown as he looked at the crystals. “I will show you the basics but one such you will not have real skill in it like we all do. I am also not going to be teaching you all day, you either get it or you don't.”

  “Deal,” Devin said and stuck out his hand. The male Acolyte reluctantly accepted it. Devin followed him over to a tree. The Acolyte produced his own throwing knife and looked over at Devin.

  “Real throwing knives have no edges and a thick sharp point,” the male Acolyte began. “The edges of the blade should be dull and not able to cut. Fancy blades mean nothing, no designs or any other foolishness you see others with. Anything over half a pound affects your accuracy, any holes in the blade means it will not last as long as others. As a beginner, you should watch your toes, these are sharp and will puncture skin.”

  “Good to know,” Devin said with a nod.

  “Your grip is on the blade itself, handle towards the sky” the male Acolyte said. “There are many different throws you can make depending on your distance to the target. I am going to show you the spin and a half throw, it is good for targets about four paces away.The main thing is to have the correct throwing motion, the accuracy and power comes later.”

  Devin watched the male Acolyte toss the knife. The first time he had an overhand throw, the motion was fluid and stuck into the tree he was aiming at. He pulled another throwing knife and repeated the same movement. Devin paid close attention to his grip and his release and could tell the Acolyte had thrown many times before. After the fourth throw Devin stuck out his hand to get back the throwing knife that had been taken. His first throw felt awkward, the knife left his hand and managed to stick in the tree but it was off from where he wanted it. Devin grabbed another of his knives and tried again, it was still not where he wanted it.

  “Bring your elbows in more,” the male Acolyte said.

  Devin br
ought in his elbow a bit and let the knife fly. It was closer than it had been and Devin was moderately happy. Devin untied one of the crystals which felt weird to his touch and gave it to the male Acolyte. Devin retrieved his three throwing knives and tried throwing again. He was getting closer to where he wanted it but it was not a crisp throw. Devin thought back to the throw he saw the male Acolyte do and snapped his wrist a bit harder. It was three fingers away from where he wanted it and Devin noticed it left his hand a lot faster. Devin kept snapping his wrist and putting more power into the throws. He was hitting very close to his target so he decided to back away a little. Devin kept up his throwing and was getting better with his accuracy. The power he could put into the throw was sizable and Devin thought he was reasonably accurate at thirty paces.

  “Your Squire has talent,” Devin heard a female voice say. This was the voice of a woman instead of a girl. Devin ignored it and continued with his knife throwing, he was now at forty paces and thought he did a decent job of finding the target.

  “I can't believe you admitted that,” Devin heard Knight Jeffries say.

  “I do not hate you Gerald,” the woman said in a soft tone that Devin was sure he wasn't supposed to hear. “But you broke my heart.”

  “And you left me looking like a monster,” Knight Jeffries said angrily.


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