The Wizard

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The Wizard Page 12

by Whiskey Flowers

  “You see something?” Tasha asked.

  “It is almost like you both are doing a rehearsed dance or something,” Gerald said. “There are some variations to the dance but it is the same moves over and over. When I have fought a Wizard it is hard to follow. Now that I have seen you fight Devin twice and I saw Dontrell fight I think I am correct. You may be good at reading your opponent but more than that is going on here, you know what moves Devin is going to do whether you realize it or not. He upped the intensity but you were already moving out of the way before he even threw the strike. He needs more feints and more double moves. His body realizes what strikes you are going to throw as well, I can see him wince when he knows he is about to get hit.”

  “I can't comment on that,” Tasha said. “But do you see a way he could become better than he is right now?”

  “Feints and double moves,” Gerald said. “You lot are used to moving at a blistering pace so hardly anyone ever avoids any of your blows. Even against a Knight you can land at will, we rarely move out of the way. You also strike in such a way that you can only be attacked from one area, you often protect yourself from that. Those jabs he throws out could easily be shortened into an elbow. The knee he raises to protect himself could be changed into a kick. There are a lot of different things he can do to give himself a chance. To be sure though, I need to see you both fight in slow motion and I can go over what his counters might be.”

  “You know I cannot do that,” Tasha said.

  “Tell you what,” Gerald said. “I am going to teach Devin some moves. Do you mind if I ask him questions about where he normally takes the most damage from and what kind of hit it is?”

  “That would be acceptable,” Tasha said.

  Gerald had Devin throw different strikes and punches. He rolled a mattress up and tied it into a cylindrical shape with rope and had Devin strike it. Devin was amazed that he could attack from off balance angles and still have enough power on it to back people up. Tasha went and helped him with some moves. When they fought again Devin thought he did a lot better. He was still losing the fight but Tasha couldn't run in on him like she had been and had to really pick her spots to retaliate. When lunch was called, Devin was happy. He couldn't wait to go inside and eat real food.

  “You seem excited,” Gerald said.

  “I finally get to eat something other than mush,” Devin said.

  “Training food is always tasteless,” Gerald laughed.

  “I ate at the Citadel,” Devin said. “The food was a lot better and a lot more of it than where I am at.”

  “Because you are a big boy who needs his calories,” Gerald said. “But I am sure they feed you until you are full.”

  “The people that cook there are the worst cooks anywhere,” Devin said. “I know you don't eat like that and will feed me real food.”

  “That I can do,” Gerald said.

  “There is something I want to talk to you about,” Tasha said. “Something you have tried to keep hidden but is pretty obvious.”

  “What is that?” Devin asked.

  “The way you do magic,” Tasha said. “I have progressively given you the um, crystals with less and less magic inside of them. Twice I have given you crystals with no magic inside of them. When that happens, I have noticed you cast two different spells from them.”

  “That obvious?” Devin asked.

  “Obvious enough that no one has seen it fit to start preparing you to take less pain,” Tasha said. “Gerald already knows how the crystals work, the Knights figured that out through you. When I cast my magic, the crystal has to recognize my mind and body as being part of it. The magic circulates through my body and then back out through the crystal. That part doesn't tickle, it is mostly through the upper half of my body which feels far less pain than the rest. I have seen you cast and you are not affected at all.”

  “I don't know how I do it,” Devin said. “I just do.”

  “Well you both can talk shop after food,” Gerald said.

  “Do you want me to make it like all of the other little wives in your Kingdom?” Tasha said.

  “I don't want you to make it,” Devin said quickly, causing Gerald to laugh. “I know how to cook, my Da taught me.”

  “Well then whenever you get a new name Fox,” Tasha began. “You can ask to cook your own meals.”

  “Why haven't I gotten a new name?” Devin asked. “I am not the worst Acolyte there.”

  “You can fight,” Tasha admitted. “But your knowledge of the laws of different Kingdoms is lacking.”

  “I do need more study,” Devin admitted. “I wish I could just shut the other boys up. They keep getting the better of me. I have won a few times and landed some big punches, but even stumbling around they are still in the fight enough that they could hurt me.”

  “Then there is a series of base moves,” Gerald said. “They strike quick and hard. The breastplate will stop a lot of boys, they will still be able to hit you but it will not feel the same. The Vambraces will help out a lot as well. I think the feints is where you will make your money. Especially if you can get up on them and grab. Pain or not, the body can only be bent so many ways and you can out muscle an Acolyte, even if they are stronger than they look.”

  “In a real battle I am not worried about anyone there,” Devin said. “Not that we would ever fight each other. My axes are nothing to play with and I have throwing knives and when I get my bow back, well I don't see anyway that anyone could survive that thing.”

  “That bow of yours is tough to fight,” Gerald said. “That sergeant gave you the biggest, toughest bow in the kingdom. You were still able to make it sing.”

  “I got tired from the draw weight,” Devin admitted. “I want to keep practicing with my bow, it was a good back and chest workout and I have talent there.”

  “You will get it back,” Tasha said. “But Wizards are made to work up close. We rarely see an enemy out in an open field somewhere.”

  “Tasha,” Gerald said as he faced her. “You know I travel away from here sometimes to buy things, like actual furniture instead of the heavy wooden stuff you have.”

  “I know,” Tasha said. “Hard to miss the giant horse outside.”

  “What are Black Wizards?” Gerald asked. “I have heard some things, but I want it from the source.”

  “Wizards who have left the order,” Tasha replied. “There are not many of them.”

  “Well then I am going to let you in on a secret that I am not sure I should,” Gerald replied. “But I think it is something you and your order should know.”

  “What is it?” Tasha said, confused.

  “The Knights know of a small place where your crystals grow,” Gerald said. “I can guess your fortress is so big because it is sitting on a lot of the stuff. There are two other places that I know it grows.”

  “Where?” Tasha asked seriously. “Where have you heard of this happening?”

  “Savia,” Gerald said. “I can tell you the town and give you the location that we think it is located.”

  “How do you know this?” Tasha asked.

  “Because I know what started the disagreement to get the war started in the first place,” Gerald said. “The Savians know we have spell books and have tried prying any secret we can out of you Wizards. By we I mean the Knights, after all, we were made to replace you. They wanted that knowledge in exchange for magestone, yes I know the name you use. My King wanted the magestone but wanted to know about the training you all go through even more. Knight training is rigorous and we used to only take the rich. It should have been impossible for a man to get beaten up by a woman, yet the Wizards did it often. Eventually we started picking the largest men we could find and hoped strength could overcome your speed and skill. It worked a little but the best success we had was with our armor. We learned where you liked to strike and made sure our armor covered those points.”

  “That is why you always picked fights!” Tasha said excitedly. “You never thought
you could win the battle.”

  “Partly,” Gerald admitted. “But it allowed us to protect ourselves and a Wizard would always have to resort to using their magic or just vacating the field. A large Knight in full armor is a hard lad to face one on one. You will score the most hits but our armor is hard to ignore. We didn't care about the secret of magic, that was a good way to get the other kingdoms to come after you. The only thing we cared about was your training. Could you imagine a man my size moving like you all do? Your men are taller than normal but look at my size. I would be an unstoppable force, especially if I were in armor. The Savians only wanted to us to share how to cast spells in return for magestone, your fighting techniques would not be a part of the deal. So my King declined the trade which brought war.”

  “Why wouldn't you want magic?” Tasha asked. “I know Knights are jealous of our magic.”

  “How would we cast it without magestone?” Gerald said. “We first thought the magestone was a focus of some type. Why would the Savians give us anymore after getting the knowledge they wanted. Of course now that they have their own Wizards, I do not think they need the knowledge anymore. I think your order is in danger, these Black Wizards are going to be more dangerous than you are giving them credit for.”

  “So what if they learn a bit about magic,” Tasha said.

  “Tasha I want you to listen to what I would do if I were in charge of Savia,” Gerald said. “I know Wizards can be killed by a boy with a bow. Imagine if the Savians unlock the secret of magic? How long do you think it would take to train some of their men? Ignore your fighting styles, your knowledge of law and anything else you have going on in your fortress. How long do you think it would take if I was in a hurry and wanted to train people right away.”

  “The men would never agree to what needs to be done,” Tasha said.

  “Then they could use criminals or women,” Gerald said. “Now how long do you think if I focused on nothing but casting one spell. How long would it take me?”

  “The Grey Fortress is large because we have lots of magestone, of all different types,” Tasha said. “They may only have one type of magestone.”

  “You still haven't answered my question,” Gerald said.

  “I have to go,” Tasha said. “Stay here Fox and do not leave. I may return with some elders and Gerald I want you to tell them the story you told me.”

  “Whoa now,” Gerald said. “I have given you a lot of information that maybe I shouldn't have. What do I get in return?”

  “I already know what you want,” Tasha said. “And you will meet your child in a few days. Tests have to be run to see which children are not suitable for the training.”

  Devin watched Tasha go and his stomach was rumbling. Lunch was a nice slab of perfectly seasoned deer along with potatoes. Devin thought it was the best thing ever, especially the ale that he washed it down with. Devin’s Da didn't let him drink ale that often so Devin thought it was a treat. Tasha came back with the three old women that Devin met when he first came to the Fortress. He was ordered out of the house while they talked, Devin didn't care since he had his bow and went to shoot. The bow was perfect for him, he could really put his power behind it and was striking targets at will. Eventually he went further and further away, he was still on target and thought that perhaps his vision had gotten sharper. The few times he missed, he was able to make immediate corrections to adjust for the distance and was soon on target.

  A few Wizards who lived in the area came out to watch him. They hated archers but appreciated skill when they saw it. Eventually Devin went to his throwing knives, it was a weapon Wizards loved and Devin was keen to show off. Devin went from static targets to throwing things in the air and trying to hit them twice before it landed. He was successful most of the time but before he could do anymore, the old women came out. Tasha was right behind them and beckoned Devin to gather his things and join her. The women came in a huge carriage, they climbed inside and Tasha and Devin climbed in after them.

  “Gerald knows some things we didn't know,” Tasha said as she looked at Devin. “It answers some questions we didn't even know we needed answered.”

  “What your master is telling you is that we are going to speed up your training,” Senior Wizard Ashley said. “Any of you that can pass a physical test will be deemed acceptable to start learning magic and can then go out into the world. Your apprenticeship will be longer but we need to find out if what we have heard about Savia is true.”


  Devin was amazed at what he was doing. The test the elders were talking about consisted of fighting an unarmed opponent, an armored opponent, and an armed and armored opponent. After this they would have to test their skills against an actual Wizard. Devin was fighting unarmed against a rough looking man who was paid a lot of money to take part in the fight. It was obvious he wasn't a Wizard but looked to have been in a bunch of brawls. The man couldn't lay a hand on Devin. Devin had not been practicing long with the Wizards but what he did learn was sticking. The stinging kicks and other strikes were landing, Devin could have ended the fight a long time ago but was having too much fun. Against other Acolytes he was upper mid tier, against this man he had too much speed, too much length and too much power. Devin backed up from his opponent and could see the man was in a bit of pain.

  “I have won this fight,” Devin said as he looked at Senior Ashley. “I know it, my opponent knows it and you know it.”

  “He isn't even facing a real opponent,” Krait said as he looked over at Senior Ashley.

  “Then come show me what a real opponent can do,” Devin said as he loosened up.

  “You think that stupid breastplate is going to save you?” Krait asked. “I am the top fighter in this school.”

  “You are?” Senior Ashley said. “Well then get in there.”

  Devin waited until Krait got into the fighting area, there were some things about Krait that Devin already knew. Krait was a little taller than he was and had more length. Devin was faster, stronger and Devin thought he was more perceptive. Gerald had let Devin know that he was predictable and Tasha thought so as well. Tasha had already known some of the moves Devin used but when they fought again it was a bit different. Wizards were taught to strike fast and target sensitive areas, Knights were big and targeted whatever was in front of them. Devin had used this to batter Tasha and if it was a fight to the death with weapons, Devin thought he could have possibly won. Krait didn't know Devin now had a few tricks and intended on using them, if Krait had better reflexes and perception, now was the time his opponent would need them.

  “You want unarmed against me?” Devin asked.

  “So now you are scared,” Krait said.

  “I have beaten full Wizards before if I catch them by surprise,” Devin said. “Come bring it.”

  Krait came right at him and Devin decided he would attack first. It was a simple front kick aimed at the knees. The follow up was a strike at the throat with the hand opposite to the kicking leg followed up by another kick to send your opponent tumbling. Devin was correct when he thought Krait would stop before the kick, dodge the throat strike and then rush in before Devin could set up with the kick. What Devin did though was kick, throat strike and went for a reverse spinning elbow. Krait was almost hit with it and had to duck into Devin. Devin grabbed Krait around his back and started into him with punches and knees. Krait was trying to back away but Devin wouldn't let him get far, to beat Krait Devin knew he had to keep the distance close. Devin had stepped on Krait’s foot and in return Krait started striking Devin in the sides and was trying to get a liver or kidney shot. The breastplate Devin was wearing soaked up the blows and made Devin smile as he continued his assault against Krait’s body. Krait might have felt no pain but his body was still in shock, Devin noticed Krait’s punches were not coming as strong or fast while Devin continued to pound away like a smith on some metal.

  “Time,” Senior Ashley said.

  “He is cheating,” Krait said
as he was breathing heavily. “He is wearing armor under his uniform.”

  “No rule against it,” Senior Ashley said. “It is looked down upon because you would not be as quick. Acolyte Fox would have eventually won this battle. He was fresher and has more stamina, your body would have eventually given up on you. Your only choice was to attack his body and he was doing enough to stifle any of your attacks.”

  “Then with swords,” Krait said.

  Devin picked up a sword and knew this was his weak point. In a brawl he wasn't worried but in a sword duel he was. Devin waited for Krait to pick up a sword and was confused when Senior Ashley took off her necklace. It was loaded with thick magestone and she slowly walked over and put it around Krait’s neck. Devin knew the magestone upped speed, reflexes and strength. The little Krait had on him already would be nothing like what he would get now. Krait looked as if he was magically healing, that was something Devin couldn't recreate. Devin would rather not have any magestone, it didn't work for him the way it did for others anyway.

  Krait smiled at him and beckoned him forward, Devin did a forward thrust and almost got Krait who had to almost throw himself down to avoid being scored against. Krait went for a leg sweep to get himself on his feet and Devin backed away. As Krait got on his feet Devin struck again, Devin knew his first strike was quick and Krait knew it to. Krait had scouted it and rolled backwards and to the side. Krait was able to get on his feet and Devin went at him, Krait was able to block all of Devin’s strikes but Devin didn't open himself up for riposte.

  “You think you are something?” Krait smiled. “How about this?”

  Krait came at him fast and Devin had to roll backwards and then put out his foot. Krait ran right into the big boot but bent forward to roll towards Devin. Krait had his sword out and scored across Devin’s breastplate. Devin reached up and grabbed the wrist holding the blade as a small wooden blade took him across the throat. Devin wanted to curse, his own small wooden blade was unsheathed and in his hand but Krait was quicker.


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