Trapped Tale

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Trapped Tale Page 1

by Beth Hoyer


  Edenia Series

  Copyright Beth Hoyer 2014

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  Dalton floated in his tube letting his mind wander while hearing voices of the others contained in tubes with him chattering away. He ignored their chattering complaints of being bored contained till he felt like he had an enough gave up a loud roar shutting them up.

  Dalton heard from one voice loudly "What's up with you and your noises anyway Dalton boy?"

  His body he sensed remained froze in the tube as he heard the voice of a Meritanian belonging to Shadan aka Planet Aire, he figured was its actual name.

  He mentally spoke in response "Get out of my mind you stinker!"

  He heard the voice of Tank the Meritanian speak "Just tell a story while you're contained in there. It should shut up the others who can hear you and you can hear them. It's not just known as the Hall of one thousand voices by those High Council members. They claim they can hear the voices of each person tube while in there and so can you and whoever contained. So amuse them by speaking a story while you're at it. It'll shut them up enough to be quiet for awhile."

  Dalton groaned softly only to hear from Tank again "How did you come to Shadan in the first place anyway, Dalton?"

  He spoke in response the story sensing himself eavesdropped.

  Dalton's Arrival

  Dalton howled into the intercom yelling “Shut off the internal defense system now! Aitoro is ignoring my summons!”

  He removed his hand clawed from the button and went to the door to peer into the hallway as he saw the internal defense system machine heading towards him down the hallway with its rifle rising aiming towards him. He grimace eyes on the rifle as the machine with a squealing whine stopped its motions with the gun weapon dropping on top of it.

  Dalton darted out of the quarters running into the hallway grumbling to himself “Aitoro, where are you and why aren’t you answering my summons?”

  He ran several hallways till he rounded around a corner and bumped into a Human male he saw who appeared shocked to see him. Suddenly the lights from above went out blinding the Human who he saw waved his hands in front of him with eyes darting all over the place. Dalton curled his hand into a fist and punched the Human hard in the face that crumbled onto the floor going unconscious. He darted with his eyes seeing clearly, with night vision, through the hallways pass corridors till he reached a set of double doors that slid open. He darted inside to pause from his walking to see a manoid appearing to have a Human like body but furry with a twitching tail and a head having ears folded back on the top of the head with eyes that appeared to be all gold and large with fanged teeth as the manoid opened the mouth. He frowned as it dawned to him what the manoid was a Ghost Walker which he frowned as he saw others in the room looking at him then at their consoles.

  He heard one of them spoke “Drainer Aiden is sighted walking on the roof of the ship. What are we supposed to do with him?”

  Dalton eyed the Ghost Walker standing not in front of consoles who gave off a meow like sound sounding annoyed.

  He walked up to the Ghost Walker to speak “Just cover yourself up with a robe and have a frank talk to him about the High Council and War Master Avi.”

  He saw the Ghost Walker turned to look at him with ears still folded against the head he assumed was a male who spoke “Reeow, Dalton, should we really do that after what happened here?”

  Dalton shrugged and spoke recognizing the Ghost Walker “Aiken, at least we’ll find out what the Drainers or should I say Skyans know of the High Council for its rumored they have a base here on Shadan.”

  Dalton frowned as Aiken’s ears remained flat and watched the Ghost Walker bent down picking up a piece of clothing putting it on his form covering him entirely then left the room. He looked at the wall to see the familiar figure sitting on a monitor screen appearing to be asleep by its position leaning against the wall. He clapped his hands and gave off a howling sound aimed at the figure he saw was bony with muscles jutting from it appearing to be a male with a Human like face and hair which woke up with a jerk.

  Dalton spoke “About time you woke up, Wiser. We arrived at the planet and now I guess you’re free to go.”

  He stared at the Wiser that spoke “You’ll find him here on this planet in an unexpected place.”

  He frowned as the Wiser faded from view and he heard the doors slide open and closed followed by a meow sound sounding irate in Aitoro’s voice.

  He looked at the Ghost Walker who growled out “Whose idea was it for us to go around as Drainers anyway? I don’t find it amusing getting sick from drinking like one, yeeow.”

  Dalton shrugged and spoke “I don’t find it amusing being love sick with a Human female while pretending to be the Drainer King. Your right its awful sucking on those Humans like a Drainer, made me sick in my stomach-”

  Dalton was interrupted by a voice speaking "Just tell another story than that jokey status of pretending to be Drainers. Disgusting subject!"

  He groaned mentally and spoke in response to the voice he recognized was a fellow Humanian like he was but had a different name "What story do you want me to say other than this joke in question? Just tell me something."

  Dalton again heard voices chattering complaints of being bored and trapped in their tube status till he gave up a loud roar and quieted them.

  Dalton spoke in response "Shadan, what do you know of it involving Humanians like I am anyway?"

  He heard in response "Jon knows of Humanians for Jon is a Humanian self."

  Dalton spoke "Just say a story, Jon and amuse us trapped with boredom!"

  He heard Jon sounding twin to him in Humanian terms speaking in response "Jon prefers Dalton to translate Jon's gibberish language to ears outside tube listening with some device."

  Dalton spoke firmly "Jon what are you babbling about?"

  Jon spoke "Jon sees High Council servant sitting down in room, near trapped and busy making noises with that thing a device via hands. Jon figures that the servant is a girl via form from what Jon can see and sense. Anything else Jon knows from girl's mind that Jon is speaking gibberish girl is hearing and can't translate. So translate Dalton boy!"

  Dalton groaned softly and recalled the language of Summeran and used his mind to see what Jon was seeing finding a female mind nearby him but couldn't see what she was doing.

  He read her mind "I can't understand this gibberish this Jon is blaring at me. I can understand various talks around here while typing it down onto the laptop. All I get is complaints of boredom. Don't they have a story to tell me?"

  "Dalton, translate!" He heard from Jon which he obeyed speaking in Summeran while sensing the female mind was typing his words down.

  Jon's Story:

  The four Highlanders stood in the two room apartment in the darkness. They wore Seeing Eye wear goggles helping them see in the darkness clearly. One stood up from drawing blood of the frizzy blonde haired Human female who sat in the chair unconscious with a needle like syringe. The Human female had eye wear covering her eyes and her arms were tied to the chair. The Highlander leader slowly walked behind the chair with his hand out his mind searching telepathically as his companions looked watching him.

  The Highlander spoke in Hammarabbi language in a male tone “We mean no harm to you.”

  His hand settled on something and the group heard a soft squeal like sound as three figures appeared standing a head taller in front of the Highlander whose hand was on the shoulder
of one of them. The figures had Human like appearance on their faces but had golden Human like eyes and golden colored dirty blonde hair. They wore clothing that appeared metallic that had a dull sheen of silver and black colors.

  The Highlander spoke “Who are you and your interests here?”

  The figure with the Highlander’s gloved hand on the shoulder picked up the hand and removed it with clawed hands.

  The figure spoke in a male voice in Hammarabbi “Jon says Humanians who are here to convert this Human girl as one of own girls.”

  The Highlander spoke “Your mind says she must abandon life to do that.”

  The Humanian spoke irately “Stay out of Jon’s mind, Highlander, mind walker.”

  The Highlander spoke “I like to make a deal with you-“

  The Humanian interrupted “Jon does not make deals.”

  The Highlander held up a hand and spoke “Allow us to help you find girls you need to convert if you will allow one of us in your nest medically.”

  The Humanian folded his arms as his two companions gripped their long guns in their hands tightly.

  The Highlander continued speaking “Your mind says you need someone who is medically advanced to help you with your problems involving your girls. They abandon life after giving life, all boys from their forms.”

  The Humanian leader growled some sound and spoke “Deal agreed Highlander. Since Highlander reading Jon’s mind, Highlander should know where the nest is

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