Trapped Tale

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Trapped Tale Page 3

by Beth Hoyer

and walked out to see Greta standing with Jin next to her.

  Jin spoke “Greta wants to talk to Jon now.”

  Jon went to stand in front of Greta and he flinched feeling her hand slap him on the cheek.

  He narrowed his eyes as Greta spoke in an angry tone “Greta angry that Jon chose Seer as Jon’s mate.”

  Jon spoke as anger arrived “Seer is not Jon’s mate-“

  Jin interrupted “After Seer and Jon went in teepee Humanians heard a joining roar come from there.”

  Jon spoke “Greta should go in Jon’s teepee to join as payment for hitting Jon.”

  Greta to his annoyance turned and ran away as Jin spoke “Jin not happy with Jon choosing Seer as Jon’s mate. The girls have agreed together that no girl will join with Jon for what Jon did.”

  Jon narrowed his eyes as Jin turned and walked away. With a growl he stormed into his teepee and began to pace with his arms folded.

  He spoke out loud “Seer will pay for that joining making Humanians think Seer as Jon’s mate. Jon will kill Seer and assure people that Seer is longer Jon’s mate. Girls should accept Jon to join with Jon for the killing.”

  He paced some more and with a growl muttered out loud “Jon can’t stay here waiting for Seer to come back. Jon has feeling to go out and hunt. Perhaps find Seer out there and kill Seer for what Seer did to Jon.”

  Jon walked out of his teepee with a glare on his face. He walked towards the direction of the gunnery tent as a Humanian male walked in front of him to stand blocking his way.

  Jon narrowed his eyes recognizing Min who spoke “Min wants to know where Jon is going.”

  Jon spoke “Jon needs to go out and hunt. So get out of Jon’s way now.”

  Min spoke “No uh, Seer told Humanians to not let Jon go out and hunt until Seer comes back.”

  Jon spoke “Jon don’t care about Seer’s words, Jon must go out and hunt.”

  He walked around Min who to his annoyance moved to block his way as he saw out of the corners of his eyes Humanian males arrive to stand with glares on their faces boring at him.

  Min spoke “No uh, what Seer says, Humanians including Jon must obey.”

  Jon fisted his hands and brought a hand up in a fast motion hitting Min in the face that fell backwards hitting the ground. He heard growls from the males standing surrounding him and Min.

  Jon spoke “Jon wants Humanians to form party to leave to find Seer and bring Seer back here. Jon has words to say to Seer and is impatient to speak them.”

  He heard one of the males spoke “No uh, Seer told Humanians not to go out searching for Seer. What Seer says, Humanians including Jon must obey.”

  Jon looked at the speaker he recognized to be Yun. He charged at Yun roaring with his hands in fists as several Humanians ran and met his charge grabbing his arms and hands. Jon struggled in their grips as they hauled him towards the prisoner stocks and locked him in one. He growled loudly yanking on the wooden bars surrounding his head and wrists from a bent down position that were attached to two cylinders that parts of them were buried in the ground holding the wooden bars.

  Jon paused from growling loudly to hear Min speak “Jon not normal from joining with Seer as Jon’s mate, making Jon go through withdrawal of not having mate in Jon’s presence.”

  He bared his teeth as he heard Yun speak “Min is right on what Min says. Yun joined with Aria and feels the same way whenever Aria is not in Yun’s presence.”

  Jon spoke loudly “Aria promised Jon that Aria will join with Jon.”

  He heard Yun speak “Jon broke promise by joining with Seer so Aria doesn’t need to keep promise.”

  He snarled some small sound as Min loudly spoke “Min suggests Humanians leave Jon alone in stocks and free Jon once Seer comes back.”

  He growled a little louder as Yun’s voice was heard speaking “Yun agrees with Min’s words. Yun thinks Min and Yun should tell the Humanians this so Humanians won’t free Jon if Jon starts begging.”

  He roared some loud sound as yanking on the wooden bars holding him as he felt himself slowly rising from his bent down position. With a loud roar and a powerful yank he forced himself into a standing position while feeling the wooden bars crack apart freeing him. The wooden stock fell towards the ground puffing up dirt as he turned around from facing the wall. He fisted his hands as he saw himself surrounded in a semi circle by Humanian males with guns in their hands pointed at him.

  Growling loudly he narrowed his eyes boring at the Humanians as one of them spoke “Jon will go into medical cave to be put into dreaming state now.”

  He roared recognizing the Humanian as Yun and charged at him with fists waving in front of him. Jon felt prickly pain in this chest as he heard the guns went off firing at him and he stopped his charge to fall towards the ground. He landed on the ground with a groan and closed his eyes while feeling his limbs become heavy. He felt hands grab his form lifting him up carrying him which stopped as his back was laid on a bed. He felt the familiar medical monitor device’s thin rectangular scanner placed on his forehead as his senses went dim putting him unconscious.

  Jon came to hearing voices speaking loudly with his eyes too heavy to open.

  He heard a female voice he recognized as the Seer speaking “Speak Jan what ails you about Jon? I may prophesize but I can’t tell people’s thoughts.”

  This was followed by a male voice he recognized as Jan speaking “Seer, Jon’s joining roar heard from Jon’s teepee with Jon and Seer inside which Humanians think Jon chose Seer as Jon’s mate.”

  Seer spoke “My joining with Jon was to give him what he needs to heal from poisoning of the tech. Without the joining Jon would be dead and Humanians dead without another to take his place.”

  Jon groaned softly hearing the Seer’s words as Jan spoke “Jan feels upset that Humanians assumed Jon picked Seer as Jon’s mate.”

  Seer spoke “I get it what Humanians thought. Jon must have Humanian girl named Greta as his mate. Greta linked herself to Jon and him to her by touching him. She with Jon’s link inside her will hurt and kill any Humanian male who is not Jon if they touch her or try to join her.”

  He heard Jan speak with a groaning tone “Blast, Seer’s words explain Greta’s actions towards boys. Humanians along with Jan saw Jin touch Greta on the shoulder from behind that grabbed Jin’s hand and tossed him to the ground acting too strong for a girl while making gonoid like growling sounds. Other boys went to restrain Greta and were all knocked down by Greta hitting with fists. Girls there had to grab Greta and put girl in prisoner stocks.”

  Seer spoke “I suggest you get Greta in here to be with Jon. Her touch and presence will help him heal better. I must be going for I have business that’ll take me elsewhere.”

  Jan spoke “Cold ball is out now not safe with gonoids out stay and wait for hot ball.”

  Seer spoke “Jan, gonoids won’t harm me for they who need a job will work for keeping me safe from harm.”

  He heard Jan gasp out “Viper.”

  Seer spoke “One of them actually.”

  Jon frowned inwardly at the words as he lay on the bed with his breathing becoming harder as heaviness arrived in his chest followed by pain.

  He heard Jan howl loudly “Anna get in here now!”

  A female voice he heard spoke coming nearer to his form “Anna here, what Jan wants Anna to do?”

  Jan spoke “Seer says joining with Jon is to heal Jon from poisoning of tech for without joining Jon would be dead and Humanians dead. Seer also says that Greta is Jon’s mate who is linked to Jon and Jon linked to Greta from girl touching Jon’s face with hand.”

  Anna spoke “Jan’s words figured what Greta told girls when talking about joining boys. Greta talked about joining with Jon only and killing any boy who try to join girl form.”

  Jan spoke “Anna tell girls this and get Greta in here to be with Jon. Seer says that Greta’s touch and presence will help Jon with healing.”

  He h
eard Anna’s voice becoming faint spoke “Anna will do what Jan says.”

  Jon lay on the bed as he struggled to breathe with the pain becoming sharp. He sensed a presence of someone sitting on the bed next to his form as the heaviness in his chest abruptly left him easing his breathing. He breathed easily as he felt hands touching his cheeks followed by feelings of pleasure as the pain in his form eased. He jerked his form feeling lips touched his as his lips moved with the lips kissing. Then he felt one of the hands leave his face to touch his chest which he lifted his hand in a fast motion from his side to touch the hand gripping it in a tight grip. Jon felt the pain along with the heaviness leave his form and eyes as the kissing stopped. He forced open his eyes to stare at Greta in the face staring at her eyes as her hand on his face gently rubbed his cheek. Jon exhaled and inhaled air through his nose as he felt himself healed and back to normal and with his other hand took off the scanner attached to his forehead tossing it off. He kept his eyes on Greta as he sat up with her hands still on him.

  He heard Jan speak from his right side “Jan wants to know is Jon alright?”

  Jon spoke eyes still staring at Greta’s eyes “Jon feels fine and better. Jon heard words said between Seer and Jan. Jon’s upset that Humanians assumed thought of Jon choosing Seer as mate when Seer says that was to help Jon heal.”

  He heard a loud groan from Jan as he continued speaking “Jon wants to go to teepee now. Jon refuses to stay in Medical any longer.”

  He heard Jan speak

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