Radley's Home for Horny Monsters

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Radley's Home for Horny Monsters Page 22

by Annabelle Hawthorne

  “I don’t... I can’t...” Mike gasped as the tail moved in and out. He realized that he was moving slightly against it, enjoying how it felt against his prostate. He was having trouble processing this new sensation, his own words lost to him.

  “You can, you will, and you’ll like it.” Lily looked back at him again, all signs of her impending orgasm gone. “Anal beads were designed after succubi tails, after all. And you’re the one who started with the butt stuff. This, however, will feel a whole lot better than a finger.” Her tail pushed forward, in turn driving Mike’s cock deeper inside her.

  “Oh shit!” Mike pulled out of Lily, backing into her tail, which slid further into his ass. Moving forward to relieve the pressure put him deep back inside of her, where her inner mouth licked his urethra and sucked on the head of his penis.

  Unable to help himself, Mike grabbed onto her hips, thrusting his own back and forth, the sensation in his ass competing with the one from his dick. Pushing into the succubus triggered the start of his orgasm, but pushing back put a halt to it, the pressure on his prostate sending pleasurable chills up his spine.

  Lily flexed her tail, forcing him to move back and forth, and Mike could no longer resist. Lily drove Mike into her. His hands slipped free and his hips moving of their own accord.

  “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” His entire groin tensed, ready to spray Lily’s insides with cum, but the stinger expanded, startling Mike and causing his orgasm to recede. Lily teased him this way for several minutes, ensuring that Mike’s mind was no longer on their wager. The pressure inside him was building, much as the giant storm clouds on the horizon fought to climb over each other.

  “I said I didn’t peg you for an idiot,” Lily told him, flames igniting in her eyes. “Now I’m just pegging you, plain and simple.” Her body temperature spiked, her pussy clamping down on the base of his dick, squeezing him tightly. “Now come for me, you little bitch.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!” Lily’s tail penetrated him deeply, Mike bottomed out inside of Lily, then he exploded. Torrents of semen flowed from his dick, and he fell backward, spraying cum all over both Lily and himself. Her tail throbbed inside his body, pushing more and more of it out, impossible quantities that coated the stony bed.

  “Did you know that it’s possible for men to have multiple orgasms?” Lily rolled over with a grin. “It’s all about pressure and timing.” Leaning forward, she sucked on his dick while she slowly withdrew her tail. The pressure inside him vanished, and Mike’s body tensed up, a second load filling Lily’s mouth so much that she gagged and cum ran out of her nose. She leaned her head back and swallowed.

  “Wow, that really was a lot. The Dreamscape is weird like that, isn’t it?” Lily sat up, wiping cum off her lips. “I warned you that I was better at this than you are. A mere human doesn’t stand a chance against an experienced succubus. The score is now two to nothing, and I’m in the lead.” Lily picked up her bikini top. “I’m not really in a hurry to finish this, and you seem a little spent. You let me know when you are ready for round three, Romeo.” Her wings expanded, and with a downward shove, she was airborne. After circling the house, she flew back toward Mike. Hovering above him, she laughed. “At least the rain will clean up the mess.”

  With that, she was gone.

  Mike stared at the sky, a mixture of emotions flowing through him. While he hadn’t thought he would lose quite so easily, he figured he stood a better chance than he had. After all, with his soul on the line, his dick should have been on his team. He was going to need a better plan, and soon. Regret mixed with the afterglow of his orgasm, forming a small pool of shame for him to marinate in along with the approaching rain. In that moment, he realized that he had nobody but himself to blame. He had tried to pull one over on a demon who could read him like a book, and she had used that knowledge to not only win, but humiliate.

  Sitting up to watch the storm roll in, he realized that Lily had, however, been right about one thing.

  Not only could he do it, he had liked it.

  Soul Survivor

  Lily sipped at her cocktail, smiling at the ocean waves that crashed into the shore, scattering sand along its edges. Technicolor crabs that looked like they had been drawn by a toddler scurried in every direction, a remnant of a childhood memory seeking shelter from the crushing surf. While the drink was good, Lily was a little sad that it had no bite to it — it was impossible to get truly drunk from a dream.

  “Hey!” Lily held up her drink. One of her beach minions ran forward to refill it. Truth be told, while she couldn’t get drunk, she also couldn’t get full. She would drink until the stars came out, and then watch them wander in random directions across the sky until day broke again. She was content to wait the contest out, more than happy to live in the simulated time of Mike’s mind.

  “You ...How long have we been sitting here?” She turned to the minion closest to her, a soul she had consumed once upon a time, long ago. She had forgotten who he was, and so had he. Once properly consumed, a soul was little more than an automaton-no memory of its former self coupled with unwavering obedience. They would do absolutely anything for her, no questions asked.

  “Nine days.”

  She had tasked this one with keeping track of the time. A silly task, but to a being that had lived for so many centuries, it was easy to lose count of something as small as a day.

  “Nine. Wow. Romeo must be going nuts.” She looked at the soul, dressed in white shorts and a tux jacket. He was blond, with hazel eyes, clearly a young man once upon a time. He didn’t respond to her — the souls of the Damned rarely did. Social cues were beyond such creatures.

  “Hmm. I wonder what he’s up to.” Lily sipped her refilled drink. Her infernal magic had been directed outward, waiting to sense a new challenge from Mike or, if he was stupid, his third orgasm. So far, he was lying low, probably trying to prolong what was left of his existence.

  She grinned. Maybe she would let him wake up and go about his life. The next time he boned one of his monsters, she could claim him on the spot.

  Lily’s smile faded from her face. No, she wouldn’t do that. When Elizabeth had first contracted her to go after Mike, she had been under the impression that he was just like every other man whose soul she had been sent for. Eager to fuck anything with two legs, cocky, arrogant, the list went on. His lack of desire for sex with her in any of her human incarnations had been profoundly mind blowing, until she realized that he needed something more ... outside the norm.

  Yet, when she had appeared as Naia, all he really wanted was to hold her. There had been no demand for sex, no position of power between them. Despite appearing to him as a horny water spirit, Mike had shown respect for the nymph that extended to what could only be described as romantic affection.

  “Bah.” Lily threw her glass on the ground. It bounced twice, spilling its contents across the sand. Glaring at the unbreakable glass, she lashed out with her tail, snapping the tip like a whip. This time the glass shattered, sending tiny glowing embers into the sky. Affection was a farce, a mask worn in the name of love, but only as a means to an end.

  Or was it? There had been a time when she hadn’t thought so, but it had been so long ago that she couldn’t remember how she was supposed to feel. Staring out at the waves, she wondered what Mike had been up to. Did he spend his days plotting? Or maybe screaming at the visage of his mother? He was taking his time doing something.

  Suddenly, there was a flash of light along the water’s surface, a wave of energy that sparkled along the sky above, tickling Lily’s senses: Mike had called to her, and it was time to go. The Dreamscape folded itself around her, like the turning of a page, and she was suddenly back at the house.

  “Okay, so this is clever.” Lily stared at the large maze around the house. Stone had been pulled up from the earth beneath, forming a labyrinth that led to the house. Long, slender vines clung to the stony walls, vines with tiny thorns. “You’ve built a maze. Good for you. Did y
ou put traps in there? I love a good trap.”

  “Come and find out.” Mike’s voice came from somewhere within the maze.

  She rolled her eyes. Clearly, the man had snapped. Best case scenario, some dream contraption he built could actually kill her, driving her out of the Dreamscape and back into the real world. It would take her all of a minute to get back in, and their game would resume. Lily sighed — the last thing she needed was to spend all night trying to seduce a man who had lost his mind.

  Walking into the maze, she was immediately assaulted by a winged figure made of stone. In the real world, such a creature would have a fighting chance. Here, however, Lily was the queen. She whipped her tail, cracking the stone figure in the head. When it shattered, the pieces turned into fluttering butterflies.

  “Cute.” Lily navigated the maze. Every few turns, a new stone guardian sprang from the shadows, and Lily quickly dispatched each one, her tail destroying them with relative ease. The maze itself was intricate, but she was far too curious to simply fly over the top. Mike had spent his time mastering the Dreamscape, but to what end?

  Moving ever deeper, she couldn’t help but laugh at the childish traps he had set for her: A deep pit full of water, spikes that came out of the walls, and even a rolling boulder which she swatted with one hand, making it float away like a balloon. Just when she thought she was near the center of the labyrinth, she was surprised to emerge back where she had started from.

  “Wow. Nice job, Romeo.” Chuckling, she turned around to walk back in. She was in no hurry.

  This time, the stone warriors were short men with spiked knuckles. She made short work of them, casually breaking them into dust. Spike pits, logs, and even a pit of paper tigers were no match for her, but she kept going. She found the whole thing rather amusing.

  The stone walls suddenly became smooth, with giant letters carved into them. Lily laughed. Clearly Mike had attempted to write something in the maze, hoping the large letters would remain in place. While true, the letters shifted back and forth between similar shapes. Lower case “a”s transformed into curvy “e”s, and Lily had to hold her stomach when she found nearly half a mile of stone with poorly spelled iterations of the word “penis.” What the hell had Mike been up to?

  Soft music played ahead, and the sky grew dark. She had fucked around in his maze for so long that she hadn’t even noticed the passage in time. She made the final few turns before stepping into a lavishly-decorated room. In the middle of the room was a table lit with candles, and a large vase of roses. Sitting at the table was Mike, who flipped casually through an old, leather-bound book.

  “Hey there, Romeo.” Lily sauntered forward, her hips swaying. “This is super cute. Did you spend all week making this?”

  Mike held up a finger in response as he scanned the rest of the page. He wore a button-down dress shirt over his jeans, and his bare feet were in the sand. The rest of the room was empty, though tiny waterfalls along the edge of the room filled water troughs.

  “Oh, please. We both know you can’t be reading anything in there.” Lily smirked. She was dying to know where this was going.

  “On the contrary.” He flipped the book over, revealing the word CAT in giant letters. “You can call it an exercise in concentration.”

  “Is that why you wrote “penis” so many times?”

  “Oh. Yeah, that was an exercise in frustration. Please, sit.” He gestured at the seat across from him, which slid away from the table. “Would you like something to eat?”

  “Sure.” She sat across from him. Gone was the man she had left defeated on the beach. He now radiated confidence in such a manner that she felt like she was in the presence of an Elder Demon. She chalked it up to his fragile mental state. “I was under the impression that you were ready to continue our little game.”

  “We have plenty of time. You taught me that.” Mike clapped his hands gently. Plates and cutlery with wings flew in from outside the room, circling briefly before landing on the table between them.

  “Now this is impressive. What are we having?”

  A giant serving platter landed between them, and massive wings carried the lid away. Through the steam coming from the dish, a large silver bowl was revealed. Looking inside it, she laughed.

  “I’m still learning,” Mike said, grabbing a ladle. He took a large serving of the oatmeal in the bowl and poured it on Lily’s dish. “This was a childhood favorite of mine. I learned that sense memories are powerful here, and therefore easier to conjure.”

  “Yes, but oatmeal? C’mon. A lady deserves better than that.”

  “You are quite right, but you aren’t a lady, aren’t you?” He winked.

  “You have me there.” Lily smelled the food. She could make out the sweet tones of cinnamon and maple. “Speaking of which, how’s your ass?”

  “Ah. Well, I couldn’t sit for nearly a day until I remembered that this was just a dream, then it instantly stopped hurting.” Mike spooned some oatmeal onto his platter. “I must admit, that gave me some mixed feelings. I was so angry at you for doing that, and even angrier at myself because you made me come with it.”

  “Your ass is an erogenous zone. And that sensation I gave you was no different than a finger in your ass, which I know you love. Just much, much bigger.” Lily stuck her finger in the oatmeal, then tasted the mash in front of her. Surprisingly, it was good. “You’d be surprised what you like.”

  “Well, you would know, right? I remember thinking how well things were going when you made fun of me and I got turned off. Now I know you did that on purpose to ensnare me with false confidence.”

  “You’re absolutely right. I can see all that your body desires, even the things you have yet to try, but I didn’t want you to know that quite yet.” Lily took another bite. “This is really good. Where is it from?”

  “My grandma made it for me. When I was three, maybe? That part is fuzzy. Every time I smell oatmeal, I remember her face. She’d sit across from me, both of us eating big spoonfuls as we watched cartoons on the TV in her apartment.” Mike smiled, lost in a memory. “She died when I was five. My father took it hard, I do remember that.”

  “Thanks for sharing with me.” Lily meant it. Every bite made her slightly nostalgic for a time long ago lost. Each smell and taste took her back just far enough that the sharp edges of her memories spared her broken heart.

  “So if I could see your desires, what would they be?” Mike licked the back of his spoon, picking up some oatmeal that got stuck on the handle. “If I could see into your soul, what would your body like the most?”

  “Interesting question. I don’t know what I physically desire — I have seen and experienced so much that it’s hard for me to experience those feelings anymore.”

  “That sounds awful.” Mike leaned forward. “A being built for pleasure who experiences none of her own.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” She shrugged, her breasts rippling. “I just don’t experience sex like mortals do. It is a necessary act to feed.” Though it didn’t used to be. “My turn. You seem awfully cocky for a man who is one orgasm away from losing his soul.”

  Mike laughed. “Oh. That. I’m no longer worried about it.”

  The music grew louder, and Lily laughed when she saw the source was a coatrack playing a violin. It had stepped out of its hiding place behind some bushes at the edge of the room. “You have to explain that one to me,” she said, pointing.

  “Oh. Yeah, I saw that in a movie once. Can’t remember what. He follows me around, keeps me company.”

  “You mean he keeps your mother away.”

  “That too.”

  Mike’s eyes glinted. For a second, Lily felt a seed of doubt in her gut. He was hiding something from her, something important. She thought that maybe his mind was cracked, but the longer she spoke with him, the faster she was realizing that he was all there. What was the catch?

  She replayed the deal they had made in her mind. She rarely missed any mistakes — he
r capture by the Society was a result of the last play on words that had screwed her over. It had been a similar arrangement to Mike’s, but the wording had been different. The result meant that she had become a slave to her current Master until she could take his soul from him, a deed that soon proved to be impossible upon discovering that he had given it to a far more powerful entity in exchange for magical abilities.

  Lily fumed silently. The deal with Mike was impossible for him to win, but a loophole in her last agreement did allow her to transfer ownership under the right conditions, namely that an actual soul was on the line. Such a deal would supersede her previous one, allowing her a twisted version of freedom. Looking at Mike, she had a tough time believing he would be any different than the multitude of owners she had been forced to serve at her Master’s command.

  And if she did lose her bet, the Society would come for her. Her Master would come personally. There was no escaping that, and she doubted Mike would survive. She wondered if Mike had somehow discovered a loophole in their arrangement.

  “So, is this just a social call, or are you ready to do business?” Lily had finished her plate, her tail twitching off to the side. “I have all night, so to speak, but would prefer to do it somewhere nicer.”

  “I don’t see any reason to wait.” Mike licked his spoon again. “The Dreamscape seems interesting and all, but there are people on the outside that I miss. They occupy my thoughts, all the time.”

  “You won’t get to see them again when I win.” Lily stood, bending forward to press her breasts together with her arms. “If you wait, then you can at least think about how much you miss them.”

  “I’ll be seeing them again.” Mike tossed the spoon away. He stood too, and the table spun in place. It expanded, filling the room until it became a king-sized bed. Mike’s clothes transformed into a silk robe. “You have my word on that.”


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