Secret Millionaire for the Surrogate

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Secret Millionaire for the Surrogate Page 4

by Donna Alward

  “Maybe. Someday.” She couldn’t keep the wistful note out of her voice but hoped he didn’t hear it. Someday certainly wasn’t today and she wasn’t sure it would ever be the right time. She tended to go on first dates, but not so many second or third ones, and she’d never had a real long-term relationship—not that she’d ever admitted that to anyone. She was twenty-eight years old, had had exactly two sexual partners, and wasn’t confident that she’d ever have that life-partner-and-kid thing.

  She had thought it—once. The attraction had been instant and had swept her off her feet. It had been a magical month of bliss on Caicos, an utter whirlwind that carried her away. Jared had pulled out a ring as they walked the beach beneath the stars, and she’d accepted, a 100 percent buy-in to the fairy tale. A week later he was gone, with nothing but a note explaining he’d gotten caught up in the moment and it had been “fun.”

  She’d been falling in love and he’d been enjoying falling into bed until he got bored—or scared. Didn’t matter which. The end result was the same.

  After that horrible pseudo-relationship, she’d vowed never to let herself get so carried away again.

  She was far better off focusing on her business. So much so that she was considering using Juny as more than an assistant in order to train her up to take over a lot of the wedding and other photo shoot duties. The girl had a keen eye for balance and showed promise in creativity and innovation.

  So she didn’t say it out loud but knew deep down that this wasn’t altruistic. In her heart she felt it might be her only chance to experience a pregnancy, and then when the baby was with Adele and Dan, she could be Fun Aunt Harper who got to run around in the mountains taking pictures of marmots and bears and elk and all kinds of things.

  “You do want kids, then.”

  His voice interrupted her thoughts and she realized they’d kept walking and were only a block and a half from her house. “Oh. Well, I suppose. If the right guy and the right time were to come around.” Standard response.

  “How about you?” she asked, wanting to divert the attention away from herself. “Do you want kids down the road?”

  He shook his head. “Uh-uh. I don’t like being tied down, you know? I’ve got the business and that’s enough. And I can pick up and travel when I want. It’s not that I don’t like kids. I just like my lifestyle better.”

  She got that. And she also understood what it meant to move kids from place to place all the time. Her dad had been in the air force and they’d moved frequently when she was little. More than anything she’d wanted to stay in one place and have the same school friends for more than two years in a row.

  She rather respected Drew for owning his choice and not apologizing for it. They didn’t feel the same way about children, but then, they didn’t have to.

  “Besides, I have nieces and nephews and apparently another on the way. My parents aren’t hurting for grandkids.”

  Hers were. Though they never said a thing about it. She was an only child. Yet they refrained from any pressure to get married or start reproducing. Instead their conversations revolved around her studio and photography. She really appreciated that.

  She paused and pointed at the little bungalow on a corner lot. “This is me.”

  “Cute place.”

  She laughed a little. “It’s tiny and I can hardly turn around in my bathroom, but it’s mine. I’d rather have a small spot to live and better space for my studio, so...”

  “Cool.” They stopped by the walkway leading to her front door and the silence grew slightly awkward.

  “I should get in. Thanks for walking me home.”

  “No problem. I did have a question, though.”

  “Oh?” She turned to look at him, his dark eyes nearly black in the twilight. One thing hadn’t changed about Drew. He was still delicious. There was no sense denying it. But she wouldn’t have to worry about any more propositions. Not while she was pregnant. What kind of guy wanted to date a woman pregnant with another man’s child?

  “The next time you go out on a hike, can I come with you? I’m guessing you know some good spots off the beaten track that I don’t.”

  She frowned a little. “You realize that when I hike, I go to a spot and then sometimes spend a crazy amount of time waiting, right? For the right light, or to get the right shot. It’s not really a heavy-duty workout. You might be bored.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “I’m off on Thursday morning and thinking of going to Stewart Canyon early, before the tourists go crazy. It’s not off the beaten track, so to speak, but it’s a nice walk with some good photo opportunities. Have you done the Bankhead trails on other visits? Bear in mind these are easy, popular trails. But they’re interesting.”

  “I’m up for whatever. Just name the time.”

  “Then I can pick you up at the hotel at six.”


  He gave a wave and started back the way they’d come, whistling lightly. No long look, no hand touch, nothing to suggest this was anything more than platonic and based on mutual interests.

  So why was she feeling as if she’d gotten herself into a whole lot of trouble?


  THE DAY DAWNED CLEAR, but the sun wasn’t quite up past the mountains when Drew stepped outside at five minutes to six. He was used to being up this early, either to work or get outdoors. There was a reason why he’d chosen to keep a condo just north of Sacramento. He loved the climate and the abundance of opportunities for outdoor activities in the Northern Californian forests and parks. Hitting the trail for a few hours before starting his workday was a common occurrence.

  But he often hiked alone. Today he’d be with Harper, and she’d cautioned him that it wouldn’t be high on the physical exertion scale. That was okay. He could do that on his own time. Instead, he was interested in watching her in action—taking pictures, that is. Pretty as she was, he wasn’t interested in her romantically. How could he be, when she was carrying his brother’s child? He liked her. Had, ever since the wedding. She challenged him somehow, even while being sweet as pie and as unassuming as a daisy nodding in a summer breeze.

  He bent to retie his boot and gave a chuckle as he remembered her informing him that she wasn’t a challenge or a trophy. That had been the moment, he realized. The moment he’d started to really admire her. The fact that she was also willing to put her life on hold for nine months to give Dan and Adele a baby only raised her in his estimation.

  Though he expected if he asked her, she’d deny that she’d put her life on hold at all.

  She pulled up in a tidy little SUV crossover, an all-wheel drive that would be handy in bad weather and rugged enough it would tolerate slight off-road situations. He opened the passenger door and slid inside. “Nice wheels.”

  She was looking a little paler than the last time he’d seen her, her freckles standing out on her nose and her cinnamon hair pulled back in a ponytail. “Thanks. I bought a lease-back so I could get something I could carry equipment in and that would handle some bumps and dirt roads.” He’d barely buckled his seat belt when she started down the hill from the hotel.

  “It’s nice. A little more cozy than my pickup.”

  “You drive a truck?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I spend a lot of time in the outdoors, and needed something rugged. Plus, you know, I needed enough room to pack some of that gear that I’m selling.”

  She made a turn and headed past a sign that said Minnewanka Loop. “Well, I’ll say this for you. You believe in your product.”

  He laughed. “I like to think of it as walking the walk.” He looked at her again and frowned. “Are you okay? You look a little pale. We didn’t have to go this early, you know.”

  She kept her eyes on the road. “It’s only a little bit of morning sickness. I’ll be fine by ten or so.”

�s four hours away.” And what exactly did a “little” morning sickness mean?

  “Yep.” She exited off the highway and started up the left side of the loop. “I’ll eat some crackers, drink some water. It will probably only last another few weeks. At least that’s what the doctor and all the books say.”

  He shifted in his seat. He’d missed out on the “peculiarities of pregnancy” conversations with his sisters, since he’d moved away from Ontario. He had no idea how long morning sickness lasted or anything else to do with having babies besides what he’d seen on TV, and that was terrifying enough.

  “We could have waited to go later.”

  She looked over at him briefly. “Oh, no we couldn’t.” She laughed a little. “In two or three hours the tourists will be out in full force, and I like playing with the early morning light. The nausea is an inconvenience more than anything, and I work through it.”

  He was glad, too. He wanted to spend the majority of his time today looking around town. In particular, the property that had recently been listed. He’d contacted a real estate agent and was anxious to get a look inside.

  He enjoyed the scenery for a few moments, but it wasn’t long until she pulled into a nearly empty parking lot. “It’s a bit of a walk from here to the trailhead, but it’s all easy. Another day I’ll take you to my favorite alpine meadow, if you like.” She smiled as she took the keys out of the ignition and hopped out of the car.

  She was still pale, but it wasn’t any of his concern if she thought she was good to go. She knew her body far better than he did, and he’d learned long ago not to presume anything when it came to women’s strength and capabilities.

  He’d worn jeans and a light windbreaker over his T-shirt. Last night he’d had a quick look at the trail thanks to a Google search and knew he’d be fine without his customary pack of water and snacks. It was less than five kilometers total, and since Harper hadn’t mentioned going farther onto the other joined trails, he’d kept it to just the jacket, which he could fold and zip up if he got too warm.

  Then he turned the corner by her back bumper and his jaw dropped.

  “What the heck is that?”

  She grinned up at him, a camera slung around her neck and with a huge zoom lens on it. It had to stick out eight inches, probably more like twelve, and looked heavy as hell. “It’s my camera. Wow. We really will be starting at the beginning.”

  “Ha, ha.” He grinned and shook his head. “Seriously, how do you not have neck and back issues carrying that thing around?”

  “I would if I did it all the time. And Banff isn’t exactly hurting for spa services. I do get a massage now and again.” She pulled another black padded bag out of the back and prepared to shift it onto her shoulders.

  “No way. I’ll carry that.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “I carry my own equipment all the time.”

  “Sure, but seriously, I have nothing and you have a huge camera around your neck.”

  “Maybe I use it for counterbalance.”

  He snorted, then grinned. “Maybe you like making it difficult for me.”

  When she smiled back, his heart lifted. “I consider that a side benefit.”

  But she handed over the pack, with instructions to be careful because there was equipment in there. As well as her water and cracker stash.

  The world was still and quiet as they made their way out of the parking lot and down a trail leading to the Stewart Canyon trailhead. There was nothing Drew liked better than crisp, fresh air and the smell of everything green and alive. It was far preferable to days in his office or shut up in a boardroom. Birds chirped in the trees; jays, chickadees and awkward-looking magpies with their long tails and raucous call. Occasionally Harper stopped, looked above and around her and lifted her camera to take a quick few shots. Warm-ups, she called them, but he doubted she did anything like a warm-up. Those photos were considered and shot with purpose.

  They met another couple coming out of the trail, and they greeted them with a quiet hello. “There’ve been some bear sightings lately,” the man advised. “Trail’s not closed, but be on the lookout.”

  “Thanks,” Drew replied, and frowned. He hadn’t thought of it before, but Harper went into the mountains alone all the time. There were bears and mountain lions to consider.

  “I can see the look on your face,” she said, laughing a little. “If you’re afraid, there’s a can of bear spray in the bag.”

  He stopped, and there was a look of surprise on her face as he took the pack off his back, opened it and rooted around for the spray. He hooked it onto his belt loop and zipped up the pack again. “Not afraid. Smart. The last thing I want to do is turn a corner and find an ornery mama bear staring me in the face.”

  She lifted her camera. “It’s one reason for the lens,” she explained. “I don’t have to get too close.”

  “Lead on, then,” he said, but kept the bear spray on his hip. Chances were they wouldn’t see anything, but he’d rather be prepared.

  It didn’t seem to take any time at all before they were at the bridge, a short expanse with the Cascade River beneath. The river ran downstream into Lake Minnewanka, and Harper stopped at the other end of the bridge and started setting up shots. He stayed back and watched, enjoying the concentration on her face, the way she adjusted a setting and tried again, or moved her position slightly. Her colour had returned, giving her cheeks more of a rosy glow, and he thought again how stunning she was. All lean legs and strong shoulders, creamy freckled skin and beautiful eyes that didn’t require any makeup to make them brighter.

  She stood, stretched her back a bit and sent him a grin so big he was dazzled by it.

  She lifted the camera. “Oh, no,” he began, lifting a hand, but she balanced the camera on her hand and put a finger to her lips, then looked over his shoulder. He half turned and nearly jumped when he realized a bighorn sheep was on the rock above and behind him, horns curled, face impassive.

  When he turned back to face Harper, she was already snapping wildly, her face split with a smile that was pure fun.

  He turned around and looked up at the sheep. “Good morning,” he said. “Sorry to disturb.” Then he backed away and crossed the bridge to join Harper. Maybe she wanted some pics of the sheep without him in them.

  He waited quietly, and then the sheep moved on and Harper lowered the camera. “Sorry,” she finally said. “I couldn’t resist. All of a sudden there he was, standing right behind you, and you had no idea.”

  “He might have hurt me with those horns,” Drew said, teasing.

  “More like he wanted the crackers in the bag. Tourists aren’t supposed to feed them, but they do. There are so many sheep that they wander through the parking lot all day long. People love it.”

  “Well, I’m glad I could entertain.”

  “Speaking of crackers, I could use a couple of mine.”

  He looked at her and his face blanked with alarm. Her pink colour was now pale and slightly greenish. He rushed to take off the pack but it was too late. She swung the camera around to her back, rushed to the bushes beside the path, and gagged.

  Drew wasn’t grossed out, but he did feel sympathy. He took out the crackers and a bottle of water and, when she was done, uncapped the bottle and offered her a drink. “Here. You can swish that around and then drink some.”

  She took the bottle and swished and spit, then held out her hand for a cracker. “Could I have four, please? Now that I’ve got the dry heave out of the way, I can eat something.”

  “And so begins my education into pregnancy,” he said calmly, handing over several saltines. She bit into one and attempted to smile, but she looked embarrassed. “Don’t worry about it,” he assured her. “I’ve seen much worse from dehydration or heat stroke. Do you need to go back or do you want to keep on?”

  She ate all four crackers and straightened. �
�We can go on. It’s not that far anyway, and I want to get some pictures of the lake and beach. If we wait, the lake will fill up. It’s the only lake in the park that permits motorboats.”

  “I’m game if you are.”

  They carried on through the woods, heading toward the lake. Drew admired her stubbornness, particularly since she’d barely eaten anything this morning. He’d at least had a shake and a protein bar before he left the hotel, and he was still hungry. What surprised him even more was when they reached a spot she liked, with a view of the shore, and she stopped and sat down on a large rock.

  “Now we wait,” she said. “Find a seat.”

  “Wait? For what?”

  She grinned. “For whatever comes our way. Wildlife, a cloud that gives some fun shadows, eagles over the lake... I wait for opportunity, and when it comes, I try not to waste it.”

  He perched on a nearby stump and watched her adjust her camera settings. Her last words...he understood those. At least the part about not wasting opportunities. He didn’t wait for them, though. He went after them. He wouldn’t be here otherwise.

  But he could be patient. For a while. So they sat in the quiet and waited.

  Harper got up a few times and shifted position, snapping pics of the lake. A whisky jack squawked nearby, and she found it and adjusted her lens, stealthily moving and getting the bird from a few different angles before it flew away. She leaned against a tree for a moment, and he saw her brow wrinkle before it cleared. She lifted her camera and focused on the shore of the lake.

  He couldn’t see what she was taking pictures of, so he got up and moved as quietly as possible to within a few feet of her. What he saw made him catch his breath.

  A solitary grizzly was at the water’s edge, lumbering along the shoreline. He could see the varied shades of brown in its coat, feet damp from the water, the signature hump on its back, just behind the neck. “Wow,” he said, and heard rapid shutter clicking as the bear obligingly turned its head to look over its shoulder and right at them...even though they were well over a hundred meters away, looking down.


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