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Sacrilege Page 11

by Nicole N. King


  Another screamed sounded and it was enough to snap me out of my daze and into action. I threw on my clothes as fast as I could and grabbed my demos and my jugest. I rushed down the stairs in my quarters as the sound of the battle got closer. Kicking open the door to my quarters, a servant ran passed me in the hall with a Lamia chasing her. It was Gilda. I unsheathed my demos and sent its blade into the tail of the Lamia cutting it cleaned off. The Lamia fell to the ground screaming as it tried to hurry and reproduce its tail. I didn’t give it any chance of reproducing as I sent my blade across its neck removing its head.

  Gilda turned to me and cried. “Thank you, young lord.”

  “Where is the Queen?”

  “I do not know. I think still in her quarters I’m not sure.”

  A slight wave of fear went through me as I thought about Kiowa being all alone in her quarters without anyone to defend her. Dyos I did not worry too much about because I knew he could handle himself in combat. Kiowa couldn’t.

  “Find her and get her out of the palace. I will find you, do you understand. This is an order!”

  She nodded. “Right away your highness.”

  Gilda ran off towards Kiowa’s quarters as I turned back to jump in the fight. If I wanted to make it to Kiowa, I would first have to clear the way. The Rogue seemed to have doubled since the last time I seen her which meant her influence back in Pearu was working. The citizens must have learned of her return and decided they would not want to be on the opposite end of her wrath.

  I turned my attention to a couple more Lamia that had entered and were heading in my direction. I sent my jugest over my shoulder as the rope circled around one trapping it. The hand holding my demos went flying towards the other Lamia, the blade removing its head in one swipe. While the other Lamia was trapped in my jugest, I sent fire through the rope torturing it before silencing the Lamia forever.

  Yanking my jugest back to me, it wrapped around my shoulder as I turned to face three creatures entering the hall. I found myself distracted at the sight of the hellhounds standing in our hallway. They were creatures that were a myth in our land that parents told their children to keep them from angering the King. They were creatures I never knew to exist. But like every creature, I knew these could be killed as well.

  The hell hounds seemed to make some kind of communication with each other as they formed a battle sequence around me. The one in the middle leaped at me disappearing into thin air. I stared around in confusion when all of a sudden I felt the ring on my hand heat up. My right hand lifted in the air rising higher and higher. A thought came to me as I tossed my demos to my right hand gripping the hilt and sending the blade through the air. The hell hound reappeared just in time as the blade connected with its neck sending the head towards the floor as its body landed next to it. The other hell hounds growled with rage at their fallen leader as they lunged towards me pulling the same disappearing. The ring burned again as my hand lifted off towards the right. My blade went towards the right killing, the second hell hound and then in the direction to the left where the ring was turning me. The last hell hound fell to the ground at my feet blood splashing on my boots.

  I stared down at the white moonstone ring. The ring had never showed any source power until now. It protected me by showing me where the hell hounds were. I found myself thankful for a gift from my mother. Without it those hell hounds would have killed me. A screaming Minotaur waving a battle axe seemed to bring me back to the fight. The blade of the axe came towards me as I threw my demos in front of me blocking it. The Minotaur possessed an insane strength as I struggled not to let the axe cut me. The Minotaur seemed to know that he had the upper hand as he smirked down at me, snot and goo coating around his nose. The smirk on his face suddenly change to one of shock as his whole body weight fell down on me. I let out a yelp as we both tumbled to the ground. I felt the sharp end of the axe slice into my chest as the weight of the Minotaur pushed down on me.

  The weight suddenly lessened, as I felt the Minotaur being pulled off of me. The Minotaur’s body fell off to the side as a bloody Dyos came into view.

  “Aristaeus!” He shouted. He knelt down beside me and grabbed the hilt of the axe and tugged it from my chest. Dyos was a warrior like me and knew that when it came to a weapon being lodged into your body, the best thing to do is remove it, than sitting around preparing someone that you are going to remove it. Blood gushed from the wound as I found myself groaning in pain. “The cut isn’t that bad. Can you stand?”

  “Yeah.” I pushed up from the floor to stand. Dyos was right. The cut wasn’t that bad and the pain wasn’t too unbearable. I’ve been cut before. I could handle it.

  “What is happening? I awoke to screams and the next thing you know I got creatures trying to kill me.”

  “Lilith is here.” I said. “I need you to find Kiowa and get her out of here. I sent a servant for her but I don’t know if she reached her in time. Please friend, I am begging you.”

  “You don’t even need to say anymore. I’ll find her and keep her safe.”

  Dyos patted my shoulder and ran off in the direction of Kiowa’s quarters. I just hoped he got her before Lilith did. I moved further into the battle slaying any and every creature that got in my way. Throughout it all I received a number of slashes on my body. The wounds weren’t that deep, but they were enough to make me faint. I had to force myself to keep going. Kiowa depended on me. My citizens depended on me.

  As I made my way through the battle I began to notice that some of my father’s guards had joined Lilith. I’m sure they had a reason for it seeing how their friends’ bodies lied around us everywhere. However, I had would not sympathize. They signed their loyalties with Eris so they signed their deaths. As my sword slashed through those of my father’s guards, some of their faces had a look of remorse. They’d realize too late what they had done.

  The last body in the hallway dropped to the ground as I stood over it. Glancing around me I saw the bodies of The Rogues, the guards, and the innocent servants of the palace. I didn’t have time to stand and grieve over them. I had yet to see Lilith since I arrived downstairs. She was somewhere in this palace but where. I gave another glance around before running in the direction of Kiowa’s quarters. Bodies lined the hallway as I ran pass them. There were clunks of debris on the ground coating my boots in gray dust. Ahead of me I could hear the sound of weapons clashing and prayed that Kiowa was somewhere safe.

  Rounding the corner, I bent in the nick of time as an axe flew towards my head. I threw my jugest at the creature in front of me, the rope circled its neck and I pulled. I yanked the jugest back to me and stared at the scene. Gilda lay slain on the ground as Dyos fought Lilith. Dyos sent his sword at Lilith who dodged it smoothly. Her foot connected to his chest sending him flying into wall behind him. His head knocked against the stone wall as he fell over crumbling to the floor unmoving. Kiowa screamed in rage and pulled a weapon off a nearby guard and started to attack Lilith. I took a step about to race towards Lilith when I felt myself being lifted.

  A giant held me in his arms as he lifted me up in the air. His hands clutched around my thighs that were tiny compared to his fists. With a roar of pleasure, he sent me flying across the room. I tried to stretch my limbs out so I would land safely, but the force behind the giant’s throw was too powerful and my head collided into the wall like Dyos did. I landed on the ground as blood rushed into my mouth coating my teeth. My head was pounding as I slowly pushed myself up. The blood in my mouth seemed to rile the Pearu side of me as I felt my true self pushing forward. I turned to face the giant as the heat that accompanied a Hell Demon, wrapped around me encasing me, trapping me.

  Two guards raced to the giant side and started to poke at its legs. The giant glanced down at the two guards and laughed. With a wave of his hand, he sent the guards flying in the opposite direction. Taking u
se of his slight distraction, I raced forward with demon speed. I pushed off the balls of my feet thrusting myself into the air. I landed on the giant’s shoulder and sent my blade down into the side of his neck. The giant hollered in pain as his hands reached up to swat at me. I dodged his hands and sent the blade again into his neck. Unlike the Lamia and Minotaur, a giant was difficult to kill. Removing their head took a lot of work, but it could be done.

  The rage of true form seemed to rile with blood lust every time I stuck the giant. The blood loss was beginning to take its toll as the giant stumbled around. Calling forth all the anger and blood lust in me, I raised the sword high and sent it down at the giant’s neck. The head fell cleanly off and landed loudly against the floor. A few of The Rogue stopped their fighting and stared over at the dead giant. They stared at me with a slight hint of fear. I stood on the giant’s body as it fell to the floor not once falling over. I turned to stare at Lilith who seemed shaken at the fact I’d taken out one of her giant’s as well.

  Kiowa tried to take advantage of Lilith’s distraction. She sent the axe at Lilith aiming for her head. Lilith however snapped back just in time. She blocked the axe knocking it from Kiowa’s hand. She waved her finger at Kiowa. Too quick before my eyes, Lilith slashed Kiowa across her stomach. I stared in horror as pain radiated through my body. It felt as if I’d been struck myself. Kiowa fell to the ground clutching her stomach as her eyes closed.

  “No!!!” I yelled out.

  I leaped off the giant’s body and ran towards Lilith. I was seeing red now. I wanted to kill Lilith. I was going to kill Lilith. Lilith turned to face me with a smirk on her cruel lips. I would wipe that smirk off. I leaped up off the ground with my sword and swung it at Lilith. Lilith blocked the blade from my demos as her hands clutched the blade. The two of us stared at each other as I tried to force my sword from her hands.

  “What’s the matter Aristaeus? Upset that I hurt your mommy?” I didn’t bother to reply to her. My attention was on getting my demos out of her hands so I could kill her and get Kiowa some help. Lilith seemed oblivious or better yet unfazed to any of this. “But she’s not really your mother is she? You’re no one’s child. Not hers and definitely not the King’s.”

  “Shut up!” I growled.

  “Who exactly are you Aristaeus? Better yet, what are you?”

  “Your Reaper!” I shouted finally getting my blade out her hand. Gripping the hilt of my demos tightly in my hand, I slashed at Lilith.

  She jumped back but not quick enough. The blade cut through her gown as blood showed through the cut. She stared at me in anger and it was now my turn to smirk. That wouldn’t be the only cut she would be receiving tonight. I brought my demos up again ready to strike her down, but I didn’t get the chance. Lilith reached forward as her hand rested on my chest. A coldness shot through my body as my demos dropped to the ground. It felt as if I’d been dipped into ice as the coldness spread through my body freezing me into place. My eyes stared at her as she sent her fist into my chest.

  I flew back from the force of her punch. My body collided against some glass shelves as I slumped to the floor. I lay paralyzed to the ground with the pain of slight stinging over my body. Lilith took a step towards me to finish me off when a loud thunder sounded and a bright light filled the room. Everyone turned their attention towards the bright light. My eyes were the only thing that I could move as I turned to stare in the same direction. The light was a blinding one and I wanted to shield my eyes but I couldn’t move.

  The light disappeared leaving behind a kneeling figure. The figure suddenly stood as everyone in the room suddenly backed up. The head of the figure turned in my direction as I stared in surprise. Astraea stood in the center of room dressed in the armor the Gods had worn when I first saw them. Her eyes stared into mine not caring that she was in a room full of creatures that wanted her dead. I wanted to ask her what was she doing here, but I already knew the answer. She was here for me. I felt a stirring in my chest as emotions clouded me. She was being stupid again. She’d risked herself by coming here. But even as I thought that, another thought came to me. I was glad to see her. I missed her.

  The creatures of Pearu stared at the God in awe. This was their first time ever seeing a God, especially one in the world of Pearu. Even Lilith wore a shock look on her face. I’m guessing she had not counted in the Gods coming to the world of Pearu. Astraea’s sudden surprise had caught her off guard. The creatures of Pearu seemed to get over their shock quicker than I thought. The enemy was no longer each other. Both The Rogue and the King’s guards raced towards Astraea ready to strike her down. Astraea turns back and stared at the creatures running at her. She barely blinked as she raised her hand knocking the creatures off to the side.

  She then turned to face Lilith who had taken the time to compose herself again.

  “I should have known you would come for him Astraea.” Lilith said with amusement. “I just didn’t think you would come all the way to Pearu for him.”

  “This war of innocent blood ends here.”

  “How does it feel to betray your father Astraea? You’ve known him you entire life and yet you turn your back on him for someone you’ve just met not even a few weeks ago.”

  Astraea ignored Eris. “Lilith, creature of Baba Yaga, you are ordered to return with me to seek punishment for your actions in both the world of Pearu.”

  “Punishment you say. Will you be receiving punishment as well for your disobedience against the Great Zeus? I’m sure once you tell him that you love Aristaeus, he will take pity on you. I mean surely your father must understand your feelings.”

  “This is your last warning.” Astraea said. I could tell what she was saying was getting to her. I tried to force my limbs to move, but they wouldn’t. Whatever Lilith had done to me was keeping me frozen. I had to get out of this.

  “Why is it that you have fallen for Aristaeus? I overheard you say you found him to be interesting. I guess I can agree with that, because I too find him to be quite interesting.” Lilith said glancing over at me. She turned her attention back to Astraea. “But I did not notice how interesting he was until I finally got a big whiff of him, yet you seemed to know way before the two of you met. Why is that? Is it because you felt sorry for the King to be, or is it you know what really lies in his blood, and that is not all demon blood.”

  Astraea stared across the room at Lilith. Her head dropped at those words as she darted a glance over at me. Was what Lilith saying true? Did Astraea know something about me?

  Lilith laughed seeing the same thing I did in Astraea’s face. “You know don’t you! Tell me!” She gave a wave of her hand at Astraea. Astraea’s attention turned from me as she stared at Eris. A slight tremor of fear went through me at what she could be doing to Astraea.

  “Where did you get that?” Astraea asked suddenly her voice fierce.

  Lilith hand dropped as she stared at Astraea confused. It didn’t work. Whatever she’d been trying to do to Astraea didn’t work.

  Astraea took a step towards Lilith and removed her sword. “I asked you where you got that power!”

  She didn’t reply to Astraea. With a growl of rage and somewhat fear she shot her hand forward as blue lightning shot out. Astraea dodged the light her eyes confused on what she was seeing. Lilith ran at her and threw her fists at her knocking her sword out her hand. Astraea got over her confusion as she blocked Lilith’s fists. She swatted her hands to the side as she punched her in the face. The sound was similar to that of a rock dropping and it vibrated around the whole room. Lilith flew back into a painting that had been hanging on the wall. Lilith and the painting fell to the ground with dust all around it.

  Once again I tried to force my limbs to move. I thought with Lilith down, her hold on me would drop. Yet she was still holding on strong.

  Astraea runs over to me and gripped my arm. “Are you

  “No. She’s…got me…paralyzed.”

  I barely managed to get the words out. I felt suffocated as if I couldn’t breathe. Astraea gripped my arm tighter and closed her eyes. She mumbled something in a language I couldn’t understand. It sounded like a incantation. She held my arm a minute longer before opening her eyes. Confusion was on her face again as she stared down at me.

  “I don’t understand. It should have worked. You should be able to move now.”

  The confusion and worry in her eyes made me want to try to move again despite the pain I was feeling. I tried with all the strength I had to try and break the spell Lilith had me under but it was still no use. I sighed and looked up at Astraea.

  “I...can’t. Just…get…out of here.”

  “I’m not leaving you behind.”

  Astraea tried once more to break the spell focusing all her attention on me. My eyes had been staring at her when a figure behind her began to stand. I moved my eyes past Astraea to see Lilith standing up. Her body seemed to be unharmed. Even the scratch I had put on her earlier was gone. She turned to face us, a deep scowl set on her face. I opened my mouth to warn Astraea but with a twist of her hand, Lilith stopped me. Like a statue, I was frozen into place as I watched her creep up on Astraea who was kneeling in front of me unaware. I tried to force any kind of sound to alert her, but nothing would come out. I finally remembered that she could feel when I needed her. Closing my eyes, I mentally shouted at her “Astraea behind you!”

  Our eyes opened at the same time as we stared at each other. Astraea turned in time to dodge the blue light Lilith had shot at her. The light crashed into the stone behind me, knocking debris down on my head.

  “I see why your father never allows you out. You’re a pain.” She seethed. “No worries. I will do this one favor to Zeus by ridding him of the responsibility of having a daughter like you.”

  “The only one who’s disappearing will be you. Elysian Stone!”

  A gold light shot from Astraea’s outstretched hands. The light shot through the air towards Lilith who didn’t bother to move. The light was heading for her yet she wouldn’t move. As the light finally neared her, Lilith outstretched her hands, catching the light in them. Astraea and I stared at Lilith in shock as the ball of light hovered in her hands. She stared down at the ball as her eyes slowly drifted back up to Astraea, a smile hinting at her lips.

  Suddenly the gold ball of light began to change to a black color. Astraea backed up as the once gold light was completely taken over by the black light.

  “Silly God.”

  Lilith pushed out her hands as the black ball left her hands. Astraea raised her hands to block the ball but it was no use. The ball collided with Astraea’s chest as the light resembled shock waves. Astraea’s mouth opened with a scream as her body lifted off the floor. The scream was one filled with abysmal pain as the black light moved all over her body. The pain finally became too much for her as her body dropped to the ground, the black light still moving on her body. I stared across the room at Astraea’s limp form, her eyes close and a touch of gold running out the corner of her mouth. She wasn’t moving. She’s not moving.

  I looked over at Lilith who was staring at her, the gleam of pleasure in her eye for taking out a God. Closing my eyes, I kept hearing Astraea’s scream in my head, I kept seeing her limp form before my eyes. With a growl of rage, I felt my body tremble as I forced myself to move. My limbs shook as I slowly lifted from the floor. Lilith turned to face me a look of disbelief on her face.

  She waved her hand giving a twist— a wave of pain hit me dropping me a little. However, it was not enough to keep me down. Once again I pushed myself up from the ground, not once taking my eyes off of her. I finally had enough strength to push to my feet. I felt a new wave of power shoot through me as the moonlight ring on my hand once more lit up. The power was much stronger than when I felt it before. It wasn’t painful, it was actually peaceful. It felt as if it had been a part of me all along. All of a sudden I didn’t feel just like a Hell Demon, but something much more powerful.

  Soft whispers of a woman’s voice vibrated through my head. At first I could not understand them because the voice was moving too fast. I could see the voice line in my head as a white string that shook fiercely. With an invisible hand, I reached into my mind and smoothed out the line until was straight and moved softly. I could hear the voice now. It was a woman’s voice. It was her voice. The woman I’d dreamed about. The woman who’d been with Kithara.

  “Aristaeus, it is time. Reveal Yourself.”

  Closing my eyes, I felt a new wave of skin wash over me as the wounds I’d endured during battle, reattach itself until my skin was completely new. My skin felt tougher but yet softer. Somewhere I could feel my Hell Demon side behind the thick layer. I was still me. But now, now I was something more powerful.

  My eyes opened as I stared across the room at Lilith who’d begun to back up.

  “Impossible.” She breathed out. “Impossible!” She said this time with much more force. She screamed with rage as she ran at me withdrawing a small scythe.

  I stood in front of her and waited patiently. Once she was three feet in front of me, I shot my hand out to the side and said, “Demos!”

  My demos flew from across the room to my hand. Lilith’s scythe slashed at my head as I lifted my demos to block it. Our weapons held against each other as we stared into each other’s eyes. For the first time since meeting Lilith, I sensed fear. She was scared of me now. I had changed into something she wasn’t prepared for, something she hadn’t expected. Her eyes darted nervously back and forth as she tried to put more force behind that of her scythe. Had I still been a Hell Demon, she probably would have succeeded in knocking me down on the floor. But now, I barely moved from her power.

  The creatures that had been unconscious slowly came to. They stood and stared over at Lilith and me. Some of them inch forward to come to her aide, but stopped once she raised her hand.

  “No! I can handle him!”

  I smirked at that which seemed to anger her even more. More power raided through her body into her weapon as she continued to try and push me back. Out the corner of my eye I watch Dyos come to. He stared over at us and leaped up to his feet ready to jump in if needed. I could see his eyes roaming over me every now and then as if he was seeing me for the first time. In a way, he was.

  I decided to end this game with Lilith. Calling forth the power from the ring, a white light shined from eyes. The light was bright enough to distract Lilith as she dropped her power level and reached her hand up to block the light. Everyone in the room raised their hand to block the light coming from my eyes as it filled up the room. Drawing back my fist, I sent it forward, colliding with her. Lilith flew back colliding with her minions as they all tumbled to the ground.

  Thunder roared from above as a different color of light entered the room. The golden light shined from in front of me as it slowly disappear revealing Zeus, Poseidon, and Athena. The three Gods stood from their kneeling position as they withdrew their weapons. Athena’s attention turned to Astraea who lay unconscious on the floor. She ran to her side and held her sister, calling her name. It was strange, even though she was speaking in another language, I understood it.

  Zeus stared over at his daughter as a wave of emotions flew past his face quicker than his changing eyes. His eyes moved from Astraea and settled on me. Inside his head, I could hear him say “Impossible.” Poseidon and Athena turned hearing the same thought as I did. They stared at their King before following his eyes over to me. The shock that radiated through them seemed to cloud my head.

  “This can’t be.”

  “Zeus is this possible”

  “We have to kill him! It is our duty!”

  I shifted my stance as I stood on guard against the other Gods. If it was a battle they wanted, than it’s a battle
they get. Astraea moving in the corner took our attention off of each other as we turned to her. Her eyes opened and I felt a tension that I hadn’t noticed, leave me. She stood to her feet with the help of her sister Athena.

  “Are you okay sister?” Athena spoke into her mind. As if remembering that I was there, she flicked her eyes over at me in anger. I was protruding on their thoughts and she didn’t like it.

  “I am fine, Athena.”

  Astraea’s eyes roamed the room searching for someone before landing on me. Her eyes seemed to resemble mine as her thoughts broadcasted, “Thank you, he is okay.”

  “I’m okay.” I answered back to her.

  Astraea blinked and finally got a good look at me. Unlike everyone else, she didn’t seem to be shock to see that I’d changed. It was as if something had just been confirmed for her.

  The boom sound of someone teleporting brought us back to the fact that there was another enemy in the room. We turned where Lilith had been standing to see that she was gone. She’d taken advantage of our slight distraction and used it to escape. She’d left her minions behind as they stared at the spot she’d been standing. Their eyes turned to the Gods in fear. Some of them began to teleport away while others who needed Lilith to teleport were left trapped in the room.

  “Take care of them” Zeus said to Poseidon not once taking his eyes off of me. Poseidon nodded and turned towards the remaining enemies. There screams became a background soundtrack to what was happening at the moment. The fear I felt towards the Gods had disappeared. Ignoring them, I walked pass Dyos over to Kiowa who lay unconscious on the floor. I kneeled beside her and touched her forehead. She was losing blood. She needed to get to the medic soon.

  “We must get rid of him father.” Athena’s voice ranged in my head.

  “No!” Astraea shouted. “Father please, don’t!”

  “What do you mean no?” Athena yelled at Astraea. “We have to keep to the bylaws. We must destroy him.”

  Astraea ignored Athena as she made her way over Zeus side. “Father he’s not like what we’ve heard. Father please, just let me explain.”

  “We don’t need an explanation. I shall eradicate him” Poseidon said twirling his staff.

  Dyos stepped in front of me to block me. It was enough to bring a smile to the Poseidon’s lips. I moved Dyos to the side as I shook my head. I was thankful for his bravery and loyalty, but he would not last against the God.

  Astraea made her way over to us as Zeus eyes followed her. She stood in front of me as if shielding me. “I’m sorry Poseidon, but I can’t allow you to do that.”

  “You will choose this creature over your own kind.”

  Astraea turned her eyes to her older sister. “I’m not choosing him over my own kind. But I will not stand by and let you hurt him.”

  “You talk as if you have feelings for this him”

  Astraea didn’t reply. Athena’s eyes widened as she took a step backwards in shock. Throughout it all, Zeus remained quiet.

  “So it’s true.” Poseidon said staring at Astraea. “You like this demon!”

  “You don’t have to answer that” I said suddenly. I wouldn’t stand here and let them force her to admit her feelings in front of me like this.

  “You have no part of this!” Poseidon’s eyes turned towards me. His staff glowed as his eyes flipped fiercely. “This monstrosity of your creation is already at stake, if I were you I would remain silent until we ask you to speak!”

  “Don’t speak to him like that!” Astraea shouted.

  Booms sounded behind them as our attention turned towards the hallway. The hallway was dark for a moment before the figure of my father stepped through. At the sight of the Gods standing in the room, he came to a stop. His eyes moved around, staring at the Gods one by one. His eyes moved over to me and Astraea who stood next to my side. Anger was in his eyes, but as he stared past me, it changed to grief. He stared at Kiowa’s crumpled body in the corner.

  “She needs a medic.” I said.

  My father’s eyes turned back to me. His eyes roamed over me. There was a look of disgust as he stared at me. With a snap of his fingers, one of the guards who was known as a medic, moved over to Kiowa.

  “What are you doing on our land? You have not asked permission to enter our world.”

  “We do not need to ask you for any permission incubus!” Poseidon said to my father. “We can enter any world that we please. We are not breaking any rules here.”

  My father growled as his true face came forward. The guards behind him mimicked their King as they took a step forward ready to protect and die for him.

  “Lilith was here.” I said trying to diffuse another battle. “She attacked the palace.”

  “Where is she?”

  “She escaped.”

  My father scoffed as he stared at Zeus in disgust. “Some Gods you are. You let her escape when she was right in front of you. I’m starting to think you enjoy letting The Rogue run loose in our world. That way they can exterminate us all without you having to step in and intervene.”

  Zeus whom had been quiet since his arrival finally spoke. “I assure you King Priam that is not our intent. I came for my daughter, not to exterminate anyone.”

  My father’s eyes turned from Zeus and looked over to Astraea and the way she stood blocking me. “Your daughter has been causing a lot of problems as of late. I do not want her in my world and I do not want her associating with my son.”

  “I assure you she will not return to this world and she will pay for her disobedience. However, I will be taking your son with me. His species is in question and he will need to appear before the courts.”

  “Father!” Astraea cried.

  “Be silent Astraea” Athena said.

  “You will not be taking my son anywhere.” My father said taking a step towards Zeus. “If anyone is going to question him, it will be me. He still has demon blood in his system, of that much I can be sure. As following the bylaws, he is to be questioned by the courts in Pearu.”

  “He’s coming with us!” Poseidon argued.

  The feel of Astraea latching onto my hand made me turn my attention to her. She stared at me, her eyes portraying that she was once again about to do something stupid. As if hearing her plans the Gods turned to her.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you have him!”

  “No!” Athena shouted, but it was too late.

  Astraea’s veil formed around us blocking us from the view of the Gods as we teleported from the room.



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