The Artist's Provocateur

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by Fine, L. J.


  The Artist's Provocateur














  Review Request

  About the Author

  Excerpt from The Remedy

  THE ARTIST'S PROVOCATEUR (Serano Brothers, Book 3)

  By L.J Fine

  [email protected]

  Cover by: Gaffney Printables

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


  12:17 a.m.

  The digital clock on the nightstand glared the time at Marie O'Shea in harsh neon white, reminding her that she should have been fast asleep two hours ago. She rolled onto her back with a frustrated growl and piled a pillow over her head. It didn't help. She still heard them. The woman's shrill voice sailed right through the drywall separating her apartment from the one beside it and permeated the down stuffed pillow with ease.

  "Ohhhh my God, Adam! Yeah, just like that!"

  This one was louder than most of the others, taking the gold for sheer volume and ability to project.

  Her neighbor's many conquests had kept her up on more occasions than she could count. Typically, she either tuned them out or shrugged it off and moved to sleep on her sofa. But not tonight. Tonight was so not the night for this. Representatives from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia would be at the high school at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning to see Devon's work and she needed to be sharp for that meeting.

  Of all the students that had ever entered Marie's art classroom, Devon showed the most promise and this scholarship would mean that his parents wouldn't have to make the heartbreaking decision to send him somewhere else. She and Devon had spent every study period this week going through his portfolio, picking the pieces to show them with painstaking care. Devon's talent would speak for itself once they got a look at his work, but it would certainly help if Marie – his teacher and mentor – showed up clear-eyed and mentally coherent enough to further his cause.

  She would need sleep to accomplish that.

  "Fuck, you're so deep!" The euphoric exultation rang out into the air followed by a chorus of cries and moans that, try as she might, Marie simply couldn't block out.

  Throwing her pillow and covers off with an annoyed grumble, Marie jumped out of bed. All she wanted was to get a good night's rest. Excuse the hell out of her if she wanted to be able to do it in her own bed. But the shenanigans going on next door turned what she considered a reasonable expectation into a pipe dream. Well, if they wouldn't let her have what she needed then she wouldn't let them have the satisfying finish she knew they both wanted.

  Pulling on her robe, she tied her strawberry blonde hair up on top of her head, stuffed her feet into her purple, fuzzy slippers and marched down the long, narrow hallway to the front door. Hot anger, coupled with nerves, jittered through her body as she flung her door open and walked the two steps to get to his.

  The loud smacks of her fist pounding against the hard, wooden surface rang out into the stillness of the hallway, making her momentarily wince. She hated to contribute to the raucous her neighbor caused but if she wasn't loud, he wouldn't be able to hear her over the ear-splitting moans of the porn star he had in there with him.

  At first, he didn't answer. Nothing she didn't expect. So, she kept up a steady banging on the door until, at last, she heard a curse and then the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the hall. She lifted her hand to knock again when the door flung open.

  "What the fu –, oh, Marie." His brow furrowed. "Don't you know what time it is?"

  The question got temporarily lost in her brain as she took in the sight of Adam Serano standing half-naked in his doorway. She had only ever seen him twice without a shirt on, this being the second time. The first had been back in high school when she had stumbled into the gym during boys' basketball practice. It had left her a little dazed back then, but the effect now practically immobilized her. And this time she stood a hell of a lot closer to him than the first, drinking in all the differences between a boy and a man.

  Long, muscular arms braced his weight against the doorframe. To stop the natural inclination of her eyes from traveling downward would be akin to telling gravity to go screw itself. Her gaze traced every defined muscle that made up his abdomen until she got to the enticing v-lines at his narrow hips, his jeans partially obstructing her view. Jeans that had the top button undone. In fact, the zipper was still down telling her that he'd thrown them on in haste. That observation violently yanked her back into herself and the reason for her visit.

  "Oh, I know exactly what time it is," she bit out. "Do you?"

  He quirked an obsidian eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back against the doorjamb. "And you thought now would be a good time to finally come over for a social call?"

  "What?" His random question took a little of the wind out of her sails. "And what do you mean 'finally'?"

  "We've lived beside each other for, what, two, almost three, years now? Every one of our other neighbors have stopped by during that time to introduce themselves or to visit and bring muffins or pie over." His eyes narrowed as he assessed her. "But not you."

  She felt confusion etch itself deeper into her expression. While they definitely weren't friends, they'd known each other forever. She hadn't thought an introduction was necessary. "You want me to bring you pie?"

  He snorted. "Actually, no. I'm already getting a gut from all the shit people keep bringing me," he said slapping his flat and completely ripped stomach. "But the point is, our other neighbors are much friendlier than you."

  That's more than likely due to the fact that most of our other neighbors are single women, she thought with derision.

  "Well, you certainly aren't lacking in neighborly goodwill. Or company for that matter." Her gaze drifted passed him to the hallway leading to what she knew was his bedroom, and finally, she got back on point.

  A small pug lifted his head in a gesture of inquiry from where he had been sleeping in a pillowed bed at the edge of the hallway. His curiosity lasted for only a moment before he snuggled back into his bed. Apparently, the poor thing was so used to all manner and variety of women coming and going at all times that this nonsense didn't even faze him anymore.

  "I'm sensing you have another reason for coming by, then. Other than to appreciate the view." He opened his arms wide and once again braced his weight on the doorframe.

  Anger – definitely not embarrassment – that she'd been caught caused heat to suffuse her cheeks. And she had been caught. The way his full lips tilted at the corner gave it away. The anger spurred her on and had her ignoring how swollen his lips looked and the tussled way his dark hair fell to the nape of his neck in disarray. She knew what he'd been up to before she got here. She didn't need his rumpled deliciousness to spell it out for her.

  She opened her mouth to let the rage fly when a disembodied voice floated down the hall, interrupting her. "Adam? Who is it?"

  Marie pinned him with a pointed stare. "That's the reason I'm here. Look, I know you always have women coming in and out of here like a revolving door at a 7-Eleven, but you have to admit this one has a set of lungs. Normally, I don't care what you do, but I have an impor
tant meeting tomorrow morning and I need to get to sleep. Can you please tell Debbie Does Dallas in there to lower it a few decibels?"

  Once again, his brow furrowed as though somehow, they weren't speaking the same language. "I'm sorry. Did you just make a porn reference? Didn't think you knew what porn was."

  Great. There was no way to answer that without coming off as either a perv or a celibate shut in. So, she danced around it.

  "Oh, you'd be surprised by the things I know. For instance, I know exactly how long it takes you to get off. I have to say, it falls laughably short of all the rumors I've heard. And by the grand performance of over-acting I've heard tonight," she leaned in to whisper, "I'd say she's faking it."

  He actually laughed. "Have you ever even had an orgasm, honey? Do you know what it feels like?" He shifted his weight in the doorway, moving closer to her and she steeled herself against the enticing heat radiating off his body. "See, you aren't the only one who notices the comings and goings of their neighbors' visitors." He raked his gaze down her body. "Or lack thereof. You probably haven't used what the Good Lord gave you in so long, you aren't sure if it even works."

  The words stung, but no way she'd let it show. Couldn't give him any sign of weakness or he'd pounce. "Why are you all of a sudden so interested in what I got? Been thinking about it for a while, huh? Maybe I don't bring my lovers home with me. Maybe I always go home with them."

  This time when he laughed, he threw his head back and gave it a full-throated effort. "Riiiight."

  Did he really think she was that dateless and pathetic? Oh, who gives a shit what he thinks? "I didn't come here to talk about my sex life. I –"

  "That's because you don't have one," he interrupted with a self-satisfied smile.

  The glare she gave him should have been withering, but he remained unfazed, only grinned. "I came here to ask you to please have some consideration for all of your neighbors. At least fuck her with her face down into a pillow or something, so I don't have to hear it."

  The world would never know what Adam's response to that would have been. As soon as the last words left her mouth, she heard an outraged gasp coming from behind him. Marie barely had time to register the features of the woman who came at her, but she did catch a blurry glimpse of a tall, skinny brunette dressed in one of Adam's t-shirts.

  "Who the fuck do you think you are, bitch?" The woman screamed and damn if the sound didn't make Marie's ears ring. Adam caught her just as she made to launch herself out the door.

  The pug's head lifted once again before he let out a soft, singular bark, but he made no move to leave his comfortable spot. More than likely, he figured that his master could get himself out of his own mess, once again underlining that this ridiculousness was not an uncommon occurrence.

  Marie shifted her eyes from the dog to Adam with the struggling woman in his arms.

  "Seriously, how can you stand how loud she is?" She made the comment mostly to be annoying, but this woman's octave range did boggle the mind.

  Despite the furious feminine growl echoing through the room, Adam grinned and winked at her. "Believe me, I've been trying to tune it out. Next step woulda been ear plugs."

  Marie caught herself at the last second before the laugh escaped her lips. But wait. He agreed with her? Then what the hell had been the point of their entire argument?

  His date apparently didn't find him amusing. She stopped trying to claw Marie's eyes out and shoved Adam away from her. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  He rolled his eyes and turned to Marie. "You better go. Looks like the show is over tonight, so you should be able to get your beauty sleep." Then, without another word, he slammed the door in her face.

  As she made her way back to her apartment, she could hear their muffled arguing through the thin barrier that separated them. Thank God she made it safely inside and shut the door before she heard his apartment door burst open then slam shut. The thud of high heels thumping on carpet sounded as the vociferous brunette stomped down the hall to the elevator.

  Removing her slippers and robe, Marie had a moment to feel a little bad for ruining their night and causing them to get into an argument. But then, she remembered tomorrow's meeting, how loud they had been and all the insulting things he'd said to her. Her remorse instantly died and satisfaction over the night's events took its place.

  Still, though. She didn't want to be that crotchety neighbor that made everyone's lives miserable. Typically, she tried to be as unobtrusive as possible. Made evident by the fact that they'd lived beside each other for a few years and this was the first she'd confronted him. But he had pushed her past her limit tonight, getting under her skin to bring out the worst in her.

  With a heavy sigh, she trudged back down the hallway to her bedroom. Out of all the apartment complexes in this town, why did Adam Serano have to move in right beside her? She'd known him all her life – everyone in Allensville knew everyone else – but up until now, she'd been able to avoid being in close proximity to him. Until tonight, they'd mostly stayed out of each other's way. Maybe she ought to start thinking about ditching the apartment life and settling down somewhere in a house she could turn into a home. These stupid, immature issues with Adam might well be the catalyst that propelled her forward into taking that leap.

  Entering her bedroom, she crawled back into bed and willed her mind to stop racing so she could finally get some sleep. A gentle knock sounded through the wall above her headboard along with a muffled male voice. "Now, you definitely owe me some pie."

  This time she couldn't contain the soft laugh as it escaped her. He wouldn't hear it anyway. She lifted her head from the pillow and called back, "I hate to tell you this, but I don't bake."

  No response, but she could have sworn she heard a gruff curse followed by low laughter.


  The final bell of the day rang, interrupting Marie's conversation with a student and startling her a bit. She glanced up at the clock on the wall by the door. 3:45 p.m. Time had gotten away from her again.

  "We can finish this tomorrow, Jess. You're doing really good work here," Marie said laying down the pencil she'd been using to flesh out her student's drawing. Jess smiled, closing her sketch book and gathering her things before joining the other students filing out of the room.

  The majority of the hall traffic had subsided when Devon appeared at the door. His dark eyes danced happily behind his thick-rim glasses as he smiled and came into the room. "Hi, Miss O'Shea. I won't keep you long, but I wanted to stop before I left for the weekend to say thank you. The representatives from the university said they would be in touch soon, but even if nothing comes of it, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all your help. I wouldn't have been able to do any of this, let alone get it all organized, if it weren't for you. So," he rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his weight, "thank you."

  "You are most welcome," she said returning his smile with a warm one of her own. "I know you were too nervous to tell this morning, but they seemed very impressed with your work. They wouldn't have made the trip the whole way here if they weren't already interested. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll hear from them. Keep me posted, okay?"

  "I definitely will. I gotta catch my bus so I'll see you on Monday. Thanks again, Miss O'Shea," he said then darted out the door and down the hallway.

  That kind of thing right there was why she loved her job, why she couldn't imagine doing anything else with her life. She knew Devon would go far and she couldn't wait to see how it all turned out.

  Still smiling, Marie rounded her desk to start gathering her own things to get out of there, when she picked up her cell phone and saw a new email waiting for her. Noticing the sender and subject, she set aside the folders in her other hand and sat down at her desk to read.

  From: Allensville Art Museum

  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2019 3:52 PM

  To: Marie O'Shea

  Subject: Allensville Art Museum Spring Art Exhibit and Auctio

  We would like to start off by saying thank you for your continued patronage and generous donations to the Allensville Art Museum. Last year's auction was a great success, pulling in $350,000 with all proceeds going to The American Association for Cancer Research! This year's auction will no doubt surpass even the astounding number brought in last year.

  Now, without further ado, we are pleased to announce the theme for this year's auction:

  Life in Allensville

  This year's theme is dedicated to the character and essence of our small, sleepy town. Things that demonstrate and epitomize what life is like living in Allensville. This can be the good, the bad and everything else in between. We want to see our beloved home represented through your eyes, the eyes of our wonderfully talented local artists.

  As always, the medium in which you choose to create this year's piece is up to you. All visual art forms: painting, sculpture, ceramics, drawings, crafts, photography, video/filmmaking etc., are accepted.

  The art exhibit and auction will take place on April 5th. The deadline to submit your piece is March 22nd. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to the museum's administration office.

  We look forward to seeing what creative pieces you come up with this year!


  Paige Roche

  Director of Acquisitions

  Allensville Art Museum

  Marie sat back in the chair, her mind digesting the contents of the email while various ideas in their infant stage vied to be fleshed out and groomed to fruition. She had lived in this town all her life. So much of it as familiar to her as the back of her hand and taken for granted. Like a vase that lived on a hallway table, there for so long that the eye didn't perceive it any longer. Out of all her years living here, what had impacted her the most? When she thought of home, what came to mind, the first thing?


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