Original Sin

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Original Sin Page 8

by Lydia Michaels

  “You have an accent. Where are you from?”

  “I come from Lancaster.”

  Not too far. “I never realized people from Lancaster had such a different accent.”

  “My family speaks old Deutsch, a form of Swiss German. We are Pennsylvania Dutch.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you Amish?” He didn’t look Amish. His clothes were normal street clothes and he didn’t have a beard—not that a beard made a man Amish these days. Hipsters were everywhere.

  He smiled. “Yes, I am.”

  Disappointment deflated a bit of her interest. Figures. All the good ones are ether gay or Amish—said no one ever.

  She frowned. Amish, yet he was drinking beer in a bar. Weird. “What are you doing in Bensalem?”

  The way he watched her made it impossible to look away. “I’ve come to collect something that belongs to me.”

  That sounded cryptic and all sorts of Amish-espionage-like. Maybe he had a meeting with the Amish people that owned the market in Bristol.

  A sharp whistle cut across the bar. “Anna, you got other tables.”

  Adam scowled across the bar at Kyle. She gave him an apologetic smile. “I gotta go take some orders. I’ll be back to check on you in a few.”

  “Don’t take too long.”

  Holy moly. If she had a bucket of ice, she’d dump it down her pants. It should be illegal to look at a woman like that.

  She rushed back to the bar and got to work refilling the glasses she grabbed along the way, making sure not to look in Kyle’s direction.

  “Friend of yours?”

  Yeah, she figured he’d notice the guy she’d been panting over for the last five minutes. “Just a customer.” She wanted him to finish his beer, so she had an excuse to go back to his booth without looking needy.

  “He’s watching you like he knows you.”

  He was watching her like he could see through her clothes. And she liked it. “I hadn’t noticed.”

  No way he was Amish. Not with those eyes. That left only two possibilities. He was a liar, or he was the excommunicated ex-Amish sort that didn’t follow any of the churchy rules. She didn’t know much about the culture, but she knew enough to know that such a sexy specimen did not equal any sort of simple. This man radiated complicated.

  It should have been repellent, but instead it drew her in. She wanted an excuse to keep talking to him, a reason to find out exactly what brought him into her workplace. What had he traveled so far to collect and how long did he intend to stay in town?

  She did a quick circuit around the bar, her sole objective to fill everyone’s orders and buy a few undisturbed minutes to find out more about Amish Adam and the horse he rode in on. But when she went to visit his table again, he was gone.

  Disappointment gutted her on an irrational level. Tears threatened to prick her eyes as she searched for him. Maybe he went to the bathroom.

  She checked the men’s room. Empty.

  There wasn’t a logical excuse for her feeling upset that he’d left without saying goodbye, so she channeled her emotions into anger, now pissed he’d made her care in only a few minutes. He was just some guy passing through. Why should she care that he left?

  She collected his glass and stilled. Unfolding the bill, he’d left for a tip, her jaw unhinged.

  Was this a mistake or some sort of joke? She scanned the bar again. He was definitely gone.

  “What’s the matter?”

  She jumped as Kyle spoke directly behind her. She slid the hundred-dollar bill into her apron pocket. “That guy...”

  “Did he stiff you or something?”

  “Or something.” Were the Amish rich?

  “Don’t sweat it. He probably won’t be back. You up for another movie tonight?”

  She needed her own bed and a solid eight hours sleep. “I’m beat. How about a rain check?”

  He hid his disappointment well and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “How many days until graduation?”

  The closer it got the slower time seemed to move. “Too many. But I promise we’ll do another movie night this week.”

  “I’m holding you to that promise.” Giving her ponytail a tug, he returned to the bar.

  Her eyes roamed the bar again, but the man she wanted was nowhere to be found.

  Chapter Eleven

  Adam waited patiently in the shadows as the last patron exited the bar, leaving only Annalise and the fair-haired male inside. The evening had cooled considerably, yet Adam’s skin burned, his blood pumped too fast to remain still.

  The neon light flickered off, casting the walkway in inky shadows. Voices drifted from the back of the buildings, luring Adam’s silent footsteps toward the alley. A growl rumbled in his chest as the male followed Annalise into the dark lot.

  Thick, masculine desire radiated from the other male. Adam gripped a nearby metal signpost, fighting the urge to shred him to ribbons. A growl purred low in his gut as his eyes shifted with a predatory glare and the metal beam folded under the pressure of his grip.

  “You sure you don’t want to watch a movie?” The male lay his hand on her arm and the tendons in Adam’s hands contracted, his nails hardening into claws and elongating into lethal razor-sharp blades.

  “Get in the car,” Adam whispered. “Get in the car and drive away.”

  His knees bunched, ready to spring as the man leaned even closer. His claws sliced into the flesh of his palm, awaking the air with the heated scent of blood while his incisors stabbed through his gums. His dilated pupils expanded into diamond slits, and his vision shifted to that of a nocturnal predator.

  He could kill the man without unveiling who he was. It would be so simple. But Annalise showed a certain fondness for this man, and while her affection seemed the root of this hideous jealousy, it also appeared to be the only thing holding him back. Strangely, he did not want to risk upsetting her. But it cost him.

  “Thanks, but I really need to catch up on sleep.”

  Shoulders quaking with restraint, breath punched through his nostrils. Every ounce of his self-control poured into holding himself back. Though the threat could disappear with only a swipe—No. Too risky.

  “I’ll see ya around.” All physical contact broke as the man finally stepped back from her car.

  Relief nearly toppled Adam as the male retreated to a nearby vehicle seconds before possibly having his arms ripped from the sockets. The clunking rattle of her car’s engine broke the silence. Fumes of exhaust masked her scent. He had no mechanical experience, but even a novice would diagnose her car as borderline rubbish.

  His concern for her safety penetrated the haze of jealousy. His claws and fangs retracted as a cloud of smoke remained in the car’s wake.

  Did she not have a more reliable means for transportation? She wouldn’t need a car once they left this place.

  He followed the smog for several miles—surprised the vehicle made it that far. The motor rattled and pinged as she exited the car, parking in a mix of other vehicles outside of a tall building with a thirsty lawn.

  A baby cried from within the building. Covered windows showed little light. Annalise entered the third door on the right as he followed her emotions. Her silhouette illuminated a moment later as she entered the unit that likely belonged to her.

  He approached the door, prepared to follow, and frowned at the gutted wire box. Was this meant for security?

  The metal plate on the door didn’t align with the frame. The teeth of the lock were engaged, preventing the door to click securely shut. He pulled it open and followed her scent up the stairs.

  A baby continued to cry as voices hummed from television sets. Occasionally an actual person would talk, but most the residents were sleeping at this hour.

  An overall feeling of discontent emanated from within these walls. He’d sensed a similar emotion from Annalise when she arrived, which boded well for him. If this place made her unhappy, she might not mind him taking her away.

  Reaching her
door, he brushed her mind, a gentle probe too light to interrupt or distract her. She seemed to be preparing for sleep. He could sense her exhaustion.

  There were less than four hours until dawn, not enough time to explain the circumstances to her and complete the blood bond. He wanted her clear headed when he told her of her destiny.

  She might be weakened after the bonding, unable to travel. There were too many possible mishaps to consider changing her and returning home tonight. That meant leaving her for another day.

  It wasn’t what he wanted, but it made the most sense to wait until tomorrow evening to approach her. She’d be rested and better suited for travel. He only hoped his mate proved an agreeable female, otherwise more complications could arise.

  Backing away from the door, he scanned the hall. It wasn’t ideal but it would do. Folding his arms over his chest, he leaned into the wall and settled into his post for the next several hours.

  When her heartbeat slowed and he sensed her sleeping, he turned the knob only to find the door locked. Good girl.

  Splaying his fingers wide, he focused on the lock until the metal teeth retracted and the door gave way. Her scent washed over him, embedded in every fiber and surface of the apartment.

  The furnishings were basic. Books filled shelves and piled up on chairs and tables. He scanned the title of one lying open on the sofa, Clinical Competencies.

  These were medical texts. Why so much literature on the human body? Was she ill or studying to help others?

  The familiar fragrance of honeysuckle intensified in the washroom. Lifting a towel from the basket in the corner, he shut his eyes and inhaled, pressing the fabric to his nose. His body instantly hardened, his instincts driving him to her bed where she slept soundly.

  She lay in the center of the bed, dwarfed by the large mattress. Her limbs twisted in the white sheet. Waves of copper and gold splayed across the pillow. So still. So delicate. So ... his.

  Satisfied with God’s selection, he studied his prize. His salvation. His future. His beautiful Annalise.

  Hooking a finger into the sheet, he slowly drew the blanket toward the foot of the bed. A simple undershirt, covering little more than her breasts, gave a transparent picture of her curves.

  Narrow ribs tapered into a tiny waist he’d be able to span with his hands. Her hips flared, as a healthy woman’s should. His head cocked as the sheet fell to the side, exposing her legs. A wisp of material, too small to be considered a garment, covered her sex.

  “What evil is this?”

  He inhaled deeply, wondering at the strange covering. Females of the order wore handmade undergarments, loosely fitting with ties. The men wore nothing under their clothes. But this...

  Lowering to the bed, he sat gingerly beside her hip and studied her. The overwhelming need to touch her, mark her, stole through him hard and fast, leaving all other instincts second.

  He wanted to feed from her vein as his body throbbed inside of hers, filling her with his seed. He wanted to possess every part of her—mind, body, and soul.

  “Beautiful, Annalise,” he whispered.

  Unlocking his fists, he traced the back of his finger along the soft white expanse of her thigh. Goosebumps prickled her flesh, and a small moan escaped her throat.

  “You will know my touch and feel it often.”

  Drawing slow whorls over her hip, his fingertip treaded lightly across the elastic of her minimal undergarment. Her skin showed like ivory in the moonlight. Silver pools of blue painted her pale skin. She was a masterpiece. Hard points formed under her shirt as he dragged his exploring finger up her arm. He ached to trace his touch over the turgid tip but refrained.

  A soft moan slipped past her plump lips and her legs shifted, her hips burrowing into the mattress. Could she sense his desire?

  His need to touch and possess her left him shaken. Withdrawing his caress, his gaze traveled over her torso. Each breath expanded her ribs and lifted her breasts. His inspection climbed the narrow column of her throat and stilled at her fluttering pulse.

  Arousal slammed into him. A bone deep hunger ached inside of him, begging him to claim her. His tongue traced under his fangs as he leaned closer, breathing in her delicate fragrance, feeding off the scent of such a vulnerable offering. So small. So fragile. So in need of a mate. His jaw widened—

  He sprang off the bed, startled by the powerful trance she held over him. It was as if she had him under some sort of spell.

  Forking a hand through his hair, he paced silently. He wanted her now, consequences be damned. How long would he have to wait? Would it really matter? Their futures were decided. Why not now?

  Battling with his conscience, he crouched at the foot of the bed, his greedy stare traveling up her legs. His thumb dragged along the inside of her ankle, gliding upward to her knee and pulling her legs apart. Her scent intensified.

  Closing his eyes, he breathed her in. This was his mate, his one and only, his ainsicht.

  The beat of her heart seemed to complement his, like the tease and retreat of the ocean waves beating back the banks of the shore. The rush of blood pumping through her veins rattled his concentration. It sung to him, a siren’s call that compelled an answer.

  His skin burned like the tongues of a fire, licking at his insides, his burning desires heating his blood to volcanic degrees. He needed to leave. Now.

  Taut as a bow, he forced himself away from the bed for her protection. Never had he fought such temptation. Carnal images assaulted him. Her body clinging to his, flesh gliding over flesh. Nails digging into muscle. Fangs piercing skin.

  His cock throbbed, pleading that he take her and claim what was rightfully his. Heart hammering against his ribs, he staggered back from the bed. His control was slipping. If he touched her now, he’d break her.

  But to taste one sweet nipple between his lips...


  He stilled, his eyes opening and staring at her still sleeping from as his hand mopped the perspiration from his brow. He cupped his fingers over his mouth and studied her. A soft brush of his mind to hers showed she still slept soundly.

  Perhaps she was dreaming. Perhaps they were so connected that she shared his arousal.

  What he wouldn’t give to spread her body out beneath him and drive into her—


  He stared, in shock. Her heart rate leapt, and her fingers balled into a fist. Still unconscious.

  His nostrils flared as the scent of fresh arousal teased the air. His eyes widened. She had to sense his nearness. There could be no other explanation.

  She’s yours. Take her. You have every right.

  The insistent command had his hand reaching for her but then he stilled. He wanted her to come to him.

  She would be his salvation, but what would he become to her? Certainly not some predator who took from her without consent. Such high handedness, no matter how rightfully his, could change the way she viewed him.

  How did she view him? He didn’t know. They hadn’t had enough time together, away from interruptions and others. His desire for these things, this ... closeness, complicated matters. It would slow their courtship and delay the bonding. But he sensed an emotional connection was necessary. And if it wasn’t, he wanted it anyway.

  Dawn was gaining on the night and he needed to seek shelter. The longer he stayed here, the more danger he invited. Dangerous for him and dangerous for her.

  His grandfather’s warnings echoed in his head. There came a precarious brink between hard-earned control and natural instinct. He felt the animal inside of him battling the gentleman and he wanted her to know he would always be gentle with her.

  Fighting back the ache of desire, he swept the hair away from her face and stared at her angelic mouth. The mental tug of war ripped him in two, a physical sting to pull away from her, but he took pride in his ability to do so. Denying his own personal satisfaction to ensure her trust would prove that an honorable male still existed inside of him, more than a
ny beast.

  He forbade himself to fall beyond redemption. Soon enough, their time would come, and his patience will prove him deserving of her sacrifice to save him.

  “Sleep well, my sweet Annalise.”

  Leaning close, he brushed his lips to her ear and stilled. The flutter of her pulse jumped at the contact and she moaned against his cheek. His eyes closed, regret pouring through his veins as he felt his resolute determination to leave her, shift into something greedy and uncontrolled.

  Sit up. Leave her now. You must.

  “Your heart calls to mine.” His hand chased down her side, closing over her hip and his body hardened. Keeping his weight off her, he dragged himself down her front, the tease of her hardened nipples pressing through the cotton of her shirt and dragging along his nose as he pulled his face past her breasts.

  “I feel your desire the way you feel mine, ainsicht.”

  He slid lower, until his hands cupped her hips and his lips hovered over the swatch of material covering her sex. A spot of arousal dampened the material. Her femoral artery called to him.

  His body throbbed. “Open your legs for me.”

  Her skin rasped against the bedding as her thighs slowly parted. Warm breath hissed past his fangs as he watched the delicate flutter of her pulse dance beneath her skin.

  “This will only hurt for a moment.” His jaw unhinged a split second before his fangs plunged into her thigh, piercing her flesh and embedding deeply in the artery. Her soft gasp added to his arousal as hot blood flooded his mouth, seeping from her vein as her heart pumped frantically.

  He tasted her adrenaline, the razor thin slice of fear cutting into her blood like a drug and lacing her ecstasy with pure endorphins. Her blood flowed like wine. The unrefined, hot press of nectar feeding his soul and awakening dark hungers from within.

  His hips pressed into the bedding as his tongue lapped up her taste. Until now, he hadn’t realized how weak he’d become, but no more. Sweet euphoria poured down his throat as his lips sealed his mouth to her supple flesh and pulled with greedy need. His rock hard cock wanted inside of her, but the fraying thread of his conscience refused to take her while she lay unconscious.


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