Queen Of Twilight: Dauur Mates Book One

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Queen Of Twilight: Dauur Mates Book One Page 17

by Octavia Kore

  Ettrian takes a seat next to us as I lower myself and Xia to the rock. “There is something bothering you.”


  “Is it the ceremony? Do you not wish to take part in it?” Ettrian rattles softly and rubs his face against her bare shoulder.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that I’m scared of certain parts. If I’m being honest, I’m scared of what it means to actually be mated.”

  “What parts?”

  “Like drinking from a poisonous flower that has killed people?”

  “The bloom will not kill you. The Sun Father has already blessed us. This is just-”

  “Tradition?” She quips with a raised brow.

  I shake my head at her, running a finger over the tip of her nose. I love her strange features. “What else is bothering you?”

  With her lip clamped between her teeth, Xia climbs from my lap, wedging herself between Ettrian and I as she pulls our hands into her lap. “I was almost married once, mated I mean. I thought I loved him, but he wasn’t a good person. I wanted babies, lots of them, but we tried for a little while and nothing ever happened. There was an orphanage, a place where children without families are taken, and I met Kareen there during a community service event.” Her face brightens at the mention of our kit. “I fell in love with her that day, begged Trent to fill out the paperwork to adopt her, to make her ours, but we didn’t even make it halfway through the process before I realized he wasn’t someone I wanted to share a child with.”

  Something possessive grips at my insides. I cannot imagine the kit ever being this male’s daughter. “She is ours.” The growl rumbles along the bond before I can stop it.

  “I know she is, I know I am. There were so many things I had to work through after leaving him and I’m just… scared.”

  Ettrian catches my eye over her head before nodding. “Inoxia,” She glances up at me and I can see the tears that have collected in the corners. “If you do not wish to complete the ceremony, we will not ask you to.”

  “Aquilian, I’ve already committed to you two. If I really wanted I could have asked Lief for a ride back to Earth, been gone before you guys even knew I was missing, but that wasn’t what I wanted.” Her hand brushes the side of my cheek as she reaches behind my head to bring her lips to mine in a soft kiss, before she turns and does the same to Ettrian. “I swore I wasn’t going to get myself into another relationship again after what happened with Trent and then I woke up here and met the two of you and I’ve been terrified this whole time of what I’ve been feeling. I want to do the ceremony because I’ve finally decided to stop being afraid.”

  “So, who gets to be there for the ceremony?” Xia has been trying to find out as much as she can from my mama before it is time to begin. They sit together with Kareen snuggled into our mate’s lap as she attempts to make her mama a gift.

  “If you would like, I can help you prepare, but the Lightborn and Darkborn Taenovs will be the only ones with you on the journey.”

  “Can me and Bunnyfly stay with you, Grandma?”

  “Who is Bunnfly?”

  Kareen’s mouth drops open dramatically as she blinks her eyes rapidly. “Who is Bunnyfly? Oh, Grandma.” Wiggling her way off of Xia, our kit hugs Mama and smiles in her strange way. “Let me tell you a story. It’s about Bunnyfly the Great.”

  Chapter 27


  The ground is soft beneath my feet as I walk across the forest floor. Nervousness has my stomach twisted into knots and I can feel it crawling up my throat, threatening to choke me as I swallow. The fact that I’m naked for this little jaunt through the woods is doing nothing to calm my anxiety. The Dauur obviously have no issues with nudity seeing as most of them choose not to wear even the simple skirts I’ve seen on some of the women, and while I normally am not a shy person, I’ve also never traipsed around in the nude where anyone with eyes can see.

  While I might not be wearing clothes I suppose I can’t say I’m completely naked. I’m wearing the shoes Ettrian and Aquilian’s papas wove and around my neck is the pretty necklace Azila was making when we met. Before gifting it to me earlier during my preparation she added a quill from each of my mates and I would absolutely be lying if I said it hadn’t made me a little teary to get to have something from them with me while I try to navigate. The quills hang just low enough that they brush teasingly over my nipples anytime I move and I’m slowly working myself into an agonizing state of arousal. Barely started this whole thing and you are already close to combustion.

  Mama, as Azila insists I now call her, told me about the cursed twins’ mate while she helped me get ready, but I’m not sure recounting a story of love and then a horrible death was a great way to start out a mating ceremony. Still, having her there for support when I can’t have my own mom with me meant more than I could ever tell her. When the preparations were finished and I was sufficiently naked and afraid, I was brought to the edge of the forest, pointed in the right direction, and then pretty much told to walk until I find the temple. I have no idea if I’m still going the right way or if I’ve wandered off the path. All around me are the sounds of the creatures that call this place home. I can hear the smaller creatures as they scurry through the underbrush, their little paws snapping twigs and crushing scattered leaves. According to Mama, there is nothing in this part of the forest large enough to want to eat me, but I’m still wary.

  My fingers glide over the top of a large fungus type plant as I walk by. A smile tugs at the corners of my lips when the top lights up beneath my touch. Everything around me is beautiful, but none of it looks like the temple I’m supposed to find. I reach up and rub at one of the quills distractedly. This one is Ettrian’s, I grin as I run my fingers over its red tip, remembering the way it feels to have them clutched tightly in my hands while he’s kissing me. I shiver in anticipation as I wonder what being with him will be like. Is he just as dominant and demanding as my normally docile Aquilian? I am looking forward to finding out once this is all over. The other quill brushes my nipple and I moan before I bite my lip to quiet myself.

  Up ahead of me, a small rammit, as I am told they are called, steps out hesitantly from a bush and I stop to watch. The creature and I stare at each other for a moment before it leaps into the air and uses its large feathered ears to glide away. Just as I take a step forward a massive wolf-like creature lunges across my path and I hear a commotion break out as it chases after its prey. Big, giant, fury nope. I bite back a scream as I take off running, my feet flying over the ground as I jump over rocks and branches. Where the fuck is this temple?

  As I burst through a row of smaller trees I come to a stumbling halt within a large clearing. Sitting in the center is the biggest tree, or group of them, that I have ever seen in my life. The tree homes in the village and throughout the forest remind me of much larger versions of the giant sequoias back on Earth but this is something new. It looks like a living building has sprouted from the ground, as if the planet itself gifted it to the Dauur. Beautiful, tiny flowers bloom along every branch, reminding me of cherry blossoms, only these are glowing a soft yellow, lighting up the entire area. There is a massive archway that welcomes me inside and I trail my fingers along the rough wood as I enter.

  The same yellow flowers illuminate the interior and as my eyes adjust to the dim light I am relieved to see Safia waiting for me. She steps forward, wrapping me in a tight hug. “Welcome, Inoxia.”

  As nice as it is to see her and as relieved as I am to know that I have finally made it to my destination, naked hugs between friends are still on my list of things that make me feel awkward. “Thank you.” I haven’t seen her since the day she found out Ayku was her mate. We were all surprised when he agreed to join her at her tree, but it seemed like the best choice for Akai, who took to Safia right away. “How are you? Did Ayku and Akai get settled?”

  “I am wonderful and they are both getting used to their new surroundings… and me.” She pulls back with a
soft rattle. “I will tell Ayku you asked after him.” I’m ushered away to the spot where Lirseas is waiting patiently.

  “Are you ready, Inoxia?” The Lightborn Taenov asks as we approach.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  With a swish of her skirt, Lirseas leads Safia and I to what looks to be a hot spring that sits in the center of the massive chamber. I don’t recall anything about this part of the ceremony, but after my hike through the cool, shady forest I’m not going to argue against taking a warm dip. I can get down with this tradition. Safia nudges me gently, “Step in and submerge yourself.”

  Slipping off the woven shoes, I step up to the edge of the spring and look down. The first touch of my foot into the pinkish water makes me sigh. Heat envelops my legs and lower half as I step down inside the spring. Gods, this is wonderful. A sudden rush of bubbles erupts beneath me, running up and between my legs, caressing my hips and belly. “What the hell?” I screech as I rush back to the side.

  “Calm, Inoxia.” Lirseas soothes as she crouches down next to the edge. “The cleansing pool will not harm you.”

  The calming emotions she sends along the bond help to ease my fears and I sink back down, slowly submerging more and more of my body. As I go, the Taenovs begin a quiet prayer, whispering things along the bond that I can’t quite make out as the bubbles reach my ears. I have learned over the last week or so from living in the village that, while the bond has taught those connected through it how to speak my language, it has not taught me that of the Dauur.

  Taking a deep breath, I squeeze my eyes shut and duck my head beneath the water. Bubbles rush over my face and into my hair that has been pulled up and wrapped into a bun. It feels as if there are fingers raking gently over my scalp, pressing into tense muscles, brushing lovingly over every part of me. This is far more lovely and intimate than I ever imagined it would be and I’m so wrapped up in the experience that I don’t realize I’ve been down for too long until my lungs begin to burn. Fresh air rushes into my lungs when I break the surface, gasping loudly. As I’m wiping the water from my face I notice something strange. The spring is now longer just pink, it’s glowing, pulsing softly as I move through it. Even more startling than the water is the fact that there is a glow coming from me as well. Every tiny freckle on my body is illuminated, making me look like a snapshot of the night sky.

  “What in the world?”

  Both Lirseas and Safia are looking on in wonder as I run my fingers over my skin, but only the Lightborn speaks to me. “It seems you have been given a gift. Perhaps the twins felt you needed reassurance that this was your path.”

  She nods slightly to Safia who retrieves a closed bloom. I take it from her hands, cupping it carefully in mine as I stare down at the pretty, blue glowing flower. As I watch, it slowly begins to open, revealing the liquid in the center. This bloom looks similar to something we have on Earth, a flower, oddly enough, that I was named after. There is a saying among the gardening communities that goes, “You’d be madder than a hatter to take a moonflower.” Ingesting one can cause all sorts of horrible things including crazy hallucinations, and yet here I am. Most humans would consider me mad already for deciding to stay here and spend the rest of my life raising a kid with two aliens. Ettrian and Aquilian told me they would love me even if I decided not to do this, but I’m ready to find my place here among these people.

  Bottoms up, I whisper to myself as I put my lips to the petals and sip from the nectar that is pooled in the middle. My body immediately flushes with heat and everything around me blurs for a moment. I feel like I’m stuck in some kind of dream, my body moving in slow motion as I reach up to allow the females to pull me from the spring. They lead me from the tree and back into the forest, their hands in mine as we go. Grateful for the company this time around, I sway on unsteady legs and lean my head against Safia’s shoulder. A flash of color catches my eye and I turn my head quickly to the right, but nothing is there. Again I see a flash, this time to the left and I stumble when I see that it’s another Dauur. Many Dauur, I correct myself as I look closer. They surround us, running through the trees, jumping over the large boulders and logs. They are wispy, like smoke; there one moment and gone the next.

  “You see them?” Safia asks, her eyes scanning the forest around us. “They are our ancestors, protecting you on your journey home. Those who have been fortunate enough to return to their mates say it is a site they remember all their lives.”

  Just before we reach the edge of the trees, the Taenovs come to a stop. Uncorking a clay jar, Lirseas dips her finger inside before she instructs me to open my mouth. Something sweet and thick, similar to honey, is placed on my tongue and I swallow like she tells me.

  “An antidote,” Safia winks at me and I have to stop myself from giggling at the human gesture. “Come, your mates are waiting for you.”

  A moment later I am standing in front of the tree we have taken as our temporary home, my head cleared of the fog. As we approach, the bark splits and I’m met with the sight of two incredibly handsome Dauur. The way their eyes are racing over my body makes me shiver in anticipation and I reach up to touch the necklace that rests against my chest, drawing their gaze to it. They may not have liked having the quills plucked from their heads, but they sure seem to like seeing them on me. With a shuddering breath, I step into the circle of Ettrian’s arms and let them sweep me away.

  Chapter 28


  She is glowing. Every tiny spot that is scattered across her skin is giving off a soft pink light. I had not considered that she could ever be more beautiful than she was when we left her to prepare, but the sight of her standing before us with our quills around her neck takes the breath from my lungs. She steps toward us and I hold my arms out, pulling her into me, rubbing my face against the top of her head. A tiny hand strokes my chest just before I feel the soft press of her lips on my skin and it sends a shiver through my quills.

  Turning slowly, I pull Xia into the tree, which is eerily silent since everyone has left us alone for the night, and lead her into our room. Where there was once a sling there is now a large flower. Its smooth petals unfurl with a gentle nudge along the bond, encompassing a good portion of the room.

  “Holy hell, that’s amazing. Where did this come from?” Xia asks as she leans down to touch the flower.

  “The pheromones of mated Dauur cause a tree to bloom. It is a gift so that we may share a resting place.”

  “This is seriously gorgeous.”

  “Not nearly as gorgeous as you are, Inoxia.” Aquilian runs his finger down the side of her neck before reaching out to uncoil her hair so that it cascades over her shoulders. “You accepted us.” As if speaking is too much for her she nods her head yes, moaning softly when Aquilian leans in to capture her lips in a fierce, fiery kiss.

  Stepping up behind her, I nestle my face into her hair and nip at her neck, letting my fingers trail over the necklace she wears that tells others she has our hearts forever. Another moan rumbles through her and she shivers when I circle the tip of her breast before squeezing and tugging the sensitive nipple. Thinking of the way she moaned the first day we met after I spanked her for wiggling in my arms nearly has me extruding against her back where my hips are pressed against her. I want to watch her cheeks flush in pleasure as she moans for me again. It was the first time she nearly brought me to my knees.

  “I love you.” I mumble first against her skin and then along the bond.

  Aquilian echoes the sentiment, breaking the kiss to nip at her neck. Head tilted back, our mate’s eyes find mine as she reaches out her hand to pull me to her lips for a gentle, teasing kiss. “I love you both so much.” Her tongue sneaks out to swipe over my lip as her hand slides down my stomach, grazing the top of my slit where I am barely holding myself in.

  Wrapping the silky length of her hair around my hand, I give it a sharp tug when I feel her fingers brush closer. “Do not, Xia.” The warning rolls along the bond. I have never los
t control before, but I am incredibly close to it at the moment.

  “Do not what?” By the time I see the mischievous glint in her eyes she is already moving her hand over me, rubbing the sensitive outer barrier until my cock extrudes into her palm. “Holy shit.” She spins around in Aquilian’s arms to stare down at my length as it jumps and wiggles, seeking her out.

  “Your males on Earth are not the same?”

  With a nervous laugh she shakes her head. “Not quite. They don’t normally have four heads, or wiggle, and they definitely are not neon colors.”

  I frown down at my cock, wondering exactly how different she is from our females, but I know it must work if Aquilian was successful. As I watch, her hand curls around my length and slides slowly up and down, pumping the shaft in long, languid strokes. My twin reaches around to cup her breast, gently tugging on her nipple until she is moaning, head thrown back against his chest as she arches against me. Everything inside of my screams to take her, to mate her until none of us can even crawl from the room. The scent of her sex perfumes the air and I drop to my knees in front of her. Lifting one of her legs over my shoulder, I run my tongue along her inner thigh, up to the source of her wet heat. Opening the bond with my brother so that he can experience everything I do, I slowly slide my tongue along the folds of her sex, drawing a whimper from her lips as she grasps my quills tightly.

  “Oh gods, Ettrian.” She whispers and grinds her cunt against my mouth.

  Aquilian’s fingers continue squeezing and tugging at her nipples as she pants against his cheek. It is the most magnificent sight I have ever seen and I move my tongue into her slit, lapping at the slick that has gathered. As I pull out, I graze the small nub right above it and her legs nearly give out.

  “Again!” She gasps. “Please.”

  With the tip of my tongue I flick the swollen flesh and watch as she unravels. Her screams echo through the room and she pulls so hard on my quills that I am shocked none of them are ripped out. “So beautiful.” Aquilian is whispering to her as she thrashes against him. “Good, my light. Good.” I could stay between her thighs forever if she let me, just watching her in my twins arms as she takes the pleasure we are giving her. When she presses her lips against his I move my fingers to her opening, exploring her with soft, shallow strokes. I probe deeper and deeper, slipping in one finger, then two. My tongue curls around the nub before I press my lips against her and draw it into my mouth, sucking hard. Excitement courses through the bond as Xia breaks away from Aquilian, a scream of pleasure bursts from her as her cunt threatens to eject my probing digits.


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