Dangerous Daddy Box Set

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Dangerous Daddy Box Set Page 30

by Blake, Zoe

  She submitted.

  Licking her lips, she whispered. “You.”

  “Louder.” His cock pressed in deep.

  “You,” she cried out. “You are.”

  “Say it. Say I’m your daddy,” he ordered as he thrust harder.

  Bracing her palms against the mattress, she pushed up, pressing her body into his…pressing his cock deeper. Reaching her arms up, she wrapped them around his neck.

  “Fuck me, Daddy.”

  Cupping her breast, he pinched her nipple hard as his right hand slapped her ass.

  “Oh, babygirl. You’re mine now.”

  * * *

  She pretended to be asleep when he left the next morning. He had left a note saying he was securing transportation out of the country and to be ready to go when he got back. She had already arranged her own way out.

  She left before he returned.

  She wasn’t dumb enough to think she was anything to a man like Paine, despite his possessive nature last night. Best to spare them both the awkward, morning-after conversation.

  He would probably forget all about her…after all, this was a one-time thing. It was not like they would ever cross paths again.

  Chapter 8

  Present day

  The rustic smell of wood burning and the feeling of being surrounded by soft warmth awoke Mirage from her dream.

  She had been remembering her time in Istanbul, the moment she first met Paine, wondering if she could have known how much he would later change her life, that he would tap into a part of her she didn’t know existed. A dark and scary corner of her soul that liked to have her careful control taken away from her…by force. Mirage pushed those deep and troubling thoughts aside to take stock of her situation.

  She knew better than to just spring open her eyes. Keeping her features calm, her breathing still, all her senses were brought into play. The smell of the fire and the heat on her cheek reminded her they’d moved back in the living room. Soft wool caressed the bare skin of her legs and arms.

  Correction, naked in the living room.

  The feel of strong thighs under her own told her she must be on Paine’s lap. There was a small, tingling flip in her chest at the thought. Mirage stopped breathing…to listen. Above the muted crackling of the fire, she could hear his soft, even breathing. Slowly, she opened her eyes to look at him through her thick, black lashes.

  His features were smooth and even, lacking their usual angry animation. He was asleep.

  Her dark eyes took in every detail. The slight scruff on his jaw. The lock of hair falling onto his forehead. The tiny tick in his left cheek as if he stirred in his dreams. She saw the thin silver chain around his neck. It hadn’t been there earlier. He must have put it on after she passed out from…from the most intense sexual experience of her fucking life. Jesus Christ, the way he manhandled her. Forced her. Even now, she had to fight clenching her inner thighs in response.


  The blanket he had her wrapped in covered the lower portion of his chest so she couldn’t see if there was the outline of the Raj Pink diamond. In addition to its thirty-million-dollar price tag, she had a strange, rather morbid, sentimental connection to the diamond. It was a talisman. A reminder to never let her emotions get the better of her. She wanted it back.

  In one smooth motion, she pulled her right arm free of the blankets. Her left was pressed against the warmth of his body. With only the slightest whisper of a touch, she hooked the chain with her middle finger and gently pulled upwards.

  “Like you…this diamond is mine now.”

  Paine’s voice was thick and rough from sleep.

  Her startled eyes connected with his amused ones as she dropped the chain.

  “What makes you think I’m yours?”

  One raven eyebrow quirked up over his left eye. “Do you want me to prove it again to you, babygirl?”

  Mirage lowered her gaze, unable to match his intense, knowing one.

  She played with a loose yarn in the wool blanket. “Why?” she whispered.

  Paine brushed a curl back behind her ear, caressing her cheek as he did it. “Why what, baby?”

  “Why do you want me? Why are you doing this? Why haven’t you kil—”

  Paine pressed a finger to her lips.

  “I have told you. You fascinate me.”

  Mirage’s eyes widened in disbelief. “I fascinate you? I fascinate you? Do you have any idea how insane that sounds? I…I…ruined your reputation with that very pink diamond you wear around your neck. I…I…tried to kill you! We are in the middle of….of…where the fuck are we?”

  “Wales,” offered Paine helpfully.

  That threw Mirage off her rant for a moment. “Seriously? Wales?”

  Paine shrugged. “Pearly’s been to my London safe house for poker night.”

  She raised her hands in frustration. “Yes! Yes! See? Exactly that. Pearly. I took out a contract to have you killed! And now we are hiding out in the middle of fucking Wales.”

  “What is your point, Mira?”

  “Why on earth would I fascinate you? Why would you want me?”

  “Sweetheart, if you don’t know the answer to that, then any man who came before me should be shot.”

  Mirage bit her lip at the bitter reminder. Paine had shot Dev. Dev, the man she’d thought she loved. The man she’d risked it all to avenge. She would love nothing better than to throw Paine’s words back in his face, but in her heart of hearts, she knew the truth. The truth which had always been there. Hiding in the dark, willfully ignored. Dev had never loved her. He’d just been using her, and worse, she had never truly loved him…just the idea of him.

  It was a hard lesson to learn and one she was not going to forget.

  Raising her chin, she said, “Listen. If all this is just some charade because you want something from me, some job you need done, I would rather you just come out and tell me what it is rather than pretend…pretend…that we’re in some kind of…fucked up relationship.”

  Paine stood up with Mirage in his arms and tossed her back down onto the sofa. The blanket about her dislodged. She could feel the scrape of his jeans against her soft skin as he straddled her hips. Placing his hands on the armrest, he loomed over her. His crystal blue eyes lit with anger.

  “I want you to listen now and listen closely. There is nothing I want from you but this beautiful body and that even more beautifully fucked up, amazingly intelligent mind of yours. This is not some kind of pretend anything, baby. This is the real thing. You think you’re the first person who has tried to kill me? Logan, the closet thing I have to a friend has tried twice. So I got news for you…it’s not a deal breaker for me. Hell, that just makes me want you more. Let’s just say I like your kind of crazy.”

  “I won’t love you. I’m warning you now. I am absolutely determined never to fall for that trick again.”

  Paine threw his head back with laughter before lowering his lips to hers. Giving her a hard kiss, he said, “That’s it. Just keep throwing those challenges at me.”

  “If you aren’t the most exasperating, hard-headed—”

  Her rant was cut short when she saw three crimson beads of light start to dance across his chest. Gun sights.

  “Paine!” she screamed.

  Throwing her body forward, Mirage knocked him off balance. They both tumbled to the floor just as the wood mantel over the fireplace exploded in a shower of splinters. Paine grabbed the blanket and threw it over her form to protect her from the wood shards. Covering her body with his own, he reached out with his right arm to flip the sofa on its side, dragging her behind its protective bulk. The crimson laser sights danced around the room searching for their target. Another bullet took out the only lamp in the small cottage’s living room.

  Mirage stayed low to the ground. “It’s Pearly. He found us,” she gasped, her breath short from shock.

  Paine’s brow wrinkled as he stared at the laser dots. He shook his head. “I don’t think so. P
early works alone. There are at least three shooters.”

  There was another volley of shots. A vase on the bookshelf at the end of the room shattered.

  “He’s also a hell of a better shot and doesn’t waste unnecessary ammo,” drawled Paine.

  Mirage helped him turn over the heavy, mahogany coffee table and place it in front of the overturned sofa. They crouched behind its smaller surface.

  “Maybe he brought help because it’s you?” offered Mirage right before she covered her ears as another round of bullets lodged in the wall and broke the glass on a simple daisy print by the front door.

  His mouth quirked up in a smile. “Why, Mirage, the threat of death does wonders for your disposition. I do believe that is the first time you have complimented me.”

  “Will you please be serious? Someone is shooting at us!” threw Mirage over her shoulder as she crawled on her knees to peek around the sofa’s edge.

  Paine gave her a slap on her bare ass. “I knew you’d start to soften towards me.”

  “If you don’t knock it off and come up with a plan, I’m going to throw you in front of one of those bullets,” stormed Mirage even as her cheeks pinked from his teasing remarks and the feel of his hand on her ass.

  “The plan is you crawl over to that door there. It leads down into the root cellar where it will be safer. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Paine crouched low and made his way to the kitchen. Mirage fumed. I guess he assumes I’m going to obey without question, she thought as she followed after him on her hands and knees, staying low, as she awkwardly clutched at the blanket over her shoulders.

  As she rounded the corner, Paine was fishing something out of a kitchen drawer. She figured he would go for the knives, the only possible weapon, which made it all that more confusing when he drew out a corkscrew. It was the kind with a small wooden handle which ran perpendicular to a vicious looking silver screw.

  “What are you going to do with that?”

  “God dammit, Mira. I thought I told you to go down into the root cellar,” he barked.

  “Yes, and I’m marvelous at taking orders. What are you going to do with that?” asked Mirage, unfazed by his anger as she nodded toward the corkscrew.

  “Take care of business.” His voice a dark monotone.

  “Don’t you want a knife?”

  “No. Now do as I say. I won’t be worried about you while I go out there.”

  “You’re not going to kill them are you?”

  After a long pause, there was another spray of bullets. This time more sporadic. It was as if they were getting impatient and decided to just pepper the whole house with bullets and hoped the occupants inside died of lead poisoning.

  His blue eyes seemed to darken and harden. “They shot at you. Put my woman in danger. Yes, I’m going to kill them.”

  Mirage was startled by the possessive fierceness of his words. He almost had her believing he actually cared for her. More unsettled by that thought than the bullets whizzing by her head, Mirage turned to find the door to the root cellar just as he was unlatching a window by the side of the house. She watched as he slipped one leg over the sill, hugging the wall, then rolled over the other side, slipping away into the darkness.

  “Be careful, Paine,” she whispered to the dark shadows beyond.

  Unable to bear being down in the cold, dank root cellar without knowing what was happening, Mirage dragged the coffee table in front of her as she huddled in the corner between the wall and the heavy sideboard. She thought about trying to make her way into the bedroom to retrieve her clothes but then thought better of it. As a point of grim humor, she wondered what would be worse, being found dead naked or being found dead in that stupid cat t-shirt. Definitely the cat t-shirt.

  For what seemed an eternity, she watched the macabre dance of three lights across the walls and furniture. There were long pauses and then sometimes a hail of bullets and other times just a single shot or two.

  Then one light disappeared.

  In horror, Mirage looked down her front, expecting to a see the crimson bead of light shining on her. A mark of death.

  There was nothing.

  Then a second red laser dot disappeared.

  Paine was slowly taking the shooters out…one by one.

  Trying to still her ragged breathing, Mirage strained to listen, hoping for a hint of what was taking place outside in the darkness.

  There was the sound of shouting. Then a few shots but none hit the house. It sounded as if the shooter was aiming at something outside. Paine.

  Mirage’s chest clutched at the thought of Paine lying dead in the mud outside. What a dizzying turn of events. Not two weeks ago, she’d wanted nothing more than that man cold in his grave. Now the very thought of it struck her cold.


  Nothing but silence.

  Mirage waited and waited.

  Her head tilted to the right when she heard the soft scrape of a boot outside. Then a metallic click as the front door knob turned. Belatedly, she realized she should have grabbed a knife to use as a weapon of her own. Too late now.

  The door opened.

  Mirage pushed against the wall. Willing herself invisible.

  There was a cautious step inside.

  The creak of an interior door opening, probably to the root cellar. The click of a light switch. A long pause.

  Mirage held her breath.

  The footsteps moved into the living room.

  She ducked her head, trying to curl her body in, to hide behind the overturned coffee table.

  “Here, kitty, kitty.”

  Mirage came flying out of her hiding place and ran straight into his arms. Uncaring as the blanket dropped to her feet, the warmth of his flannel enveloped her as his strong arms closed around her body, she buried her head in his shoulder. The scent of his cologne and the feel of his arms calmed her. One of his hands slipped into her hair as he pulled her closer.

  “Paine. I thought you were dead,” she mumbled against his shirt.

  Paine pulled her away and looked into her eyes. He gave her a reassuring wink. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily, baby.” He then gave her a kiss on the forehead. Leaning down, he tossed a small black duffel bag to her. “Put these on. We have to get out of here.”

  Hurriedly taking the bag, Mirage looked inside. It was a change of clothing. And a gun.

  She picked up the .38. “You had a gun?”

  Paine just nodded.

  “Then why the hell did you use a corkscrew?”

  Paine shrugged his shoulders. “It seemed more sporting that way. Give em a fighting chance.”

  Mirage just shook her head at his arrogance as she gratefully slipped into the yoga pants and top, both in her signature black.

  She watched as Paine surveyed the damage to the cottage. There wasn’t a single wall that didn’t have bullet holes in it. They also seemed to have shot every delicate piece of glass or porcelain in the entire place.

  “Pearly’s going to be pissed.”

  “Because someone jumped on his contract?” asked Mirage.

  “Nope, this was his house.” Paine laughed, throwing an arm over Mirage’s shoulder as they walked to their car hidden off to the side in some brush. Leave it to Paine to do something arrogant and outlandish as breaking into the house of the person who was hunting him down, thought Mirage.

  * * *

  She watched as his phone cast an eerie glow inside his car. The contact he chose said only, Logan.

  The phone started to ring.

  Mirage looked at him quixotically. “Is that the Logan?”

  Paine nodded as he steered the car around a dark curve with one hand, holding the phone with the other.

  That was the Logan he meant? His closest friend who had tried to kill him twice?

  “Hello, my friend. Still after your little black widow?”

  “My little black widow is here with me now. You’re on speaker. What have you learned?”

nbsp; “Mirage? Hello, beautiful. Pleasure to make the acquaintance of anyone who tries to kill Paine,” quipped Logan good-naturally.

  “It’s nice to meet you as well,” responded Mirage awkwardly.

  “I always wondered. Was that you who made off with that lovely little 200 carat sapphire and diamond necklace from that private bank in Germany?”

  “I…uh…well…” Mirage cast a glance at Paine. “A lady never tells, Logan.”

  Logan laughed. “I knew it was you. We should plan a heist together sometime. I’m sure it would be a successful partnership.”

  Mirage watched as Paine frowned. Taking Logan off speaker phone, he growled, “The only person she will be partnering with is me, you got that?”

  Mirage could still hear Logan’s chuckle. “You want to keep the little gem all to yourself. I understand.”

  “What have you learned?”

  “Pearly dropped the contract. He’s currently in South Africa. Said he couldn’t kill you because you still owe him twenty bucks from our last poker game.”

  Paine smirked. “He might change his mind when he finds out what happened to his house.”

  Paine related to Logan the events at the cottage.

  “Well, that brings me to my next point. You have yourself in some hot water, my friend. Remember my warning about The Syndicate?”

  Paine had already suspected who was behind the hit crew. He should have known The Syndicate would find out about his and Mirage’s…disagreement. They had eyes and ears everywhere. It was of no surprise to him that they would try to eradicate both him and Mirage, despite their usefulness to them, before it became a problem dropped on their doorstep.

  Paine nodded. “I thought as much. Not a crack group, though.”

  “They’re scrambling. Not many want to take someone of your reputation on. Figure it’s a suicide mission. So they are sending newbies into the field who don’t know any better.”


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