No Where to Run

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No Where to Run Page 5

by Raven K. Asher

  Taking in a deep breath, I relax. It feels like I finally came home. His body against mine, his touch and his smell is everything familiar. He holds on to me tightly and runs his fingers through my hair. He gently grabs my hair in his hand holding me against him almost as if he never wants to let me go.

  I feel his body shaking as he sobs into my neck, and I begin to cry along with him.

  “I missed you so damn much. It has killed me to stay away from you. Please don’t ask me to do it anymore, I don’t think I can last another day without you right here in my arms.”He pleads as he continues to sob.

  “I’m so sorry, Lucca. I don’t think I can tell you enough how sorry I am for pushing you away. I have missed you every minute of everyday......... I still love you, Lucca.” I confess.

  He pulls back just enough to look into my eyes. “I love you too, baby girl. I never stopped.” He whispers and then slowly leans down to kiss me, his eyes darting from my lips to my eyes as if asking permission.

  I smile and he takes that as his queue to crush his lips to mine.

  His kiss is filled with so much raw emotion. I run my tongue alone his bottom lip and taste his tears.

  I gasp as he does the same to my lips, and then he abruptly deepens our kiss.

  It feels so good, he tastes even better, and it leaves me wanting more.

  I hear a horn honking in the background but try to ignore it, unfortunately Lucca doesn’t. He pulls back panting and smiling while wiping his tears from his face. My legs are like jelly and I find myself panting just as hard as he is. I hold onto him as he looks over my shoulder.

  “About time you two made up!” Kale yells. I wipe away my own tears as I turn my head back to see him hanging out the driver’s side window of his car.

  I blush with embarrassment and flip him off as he laughs out. “Really monkey, where’s your manners. You’re supposed to be a lady.” Kale gasps dramatically, holding his hand to his chest as if I wounded him.

  I can’t help but laugh. Lucca is laughing too, as he spins me around so he can hold my back to his front.

  He rests his chin against my shoulder and nuzzles my neck.

  “Do you love birds want to hang out with us, or are you going to find a room to do the nasty. Because I’m all about the nasty” Kale squeaks as Lucy pokes him in the ribs, he grunts, then continues, “but we would still like you guys to hang out with us for a bit.”

  “Yeah, we will come with you guys. I’ll follow you in my car.”Lucca says over my shoulder before spinning me back around to face him again “If that’s ok with you, that is?” He wipes his thumbs over my cheeks, wiping away any remaining tears.

  “Yeah, I haven’t spent much time with them.” I agree with a nod. “But we will have some us time later.” I state with a wink and a smirk.

  He kisses me quickly, and then grabs my hand to pull me along toward his car.

  We needed to hurry to get in before Kale drove off without us.

  I stop as we reach his sleek black 1970’s style Trans Am, to run my hand along the hood as I make my way around to the passenger side. I look back to Lucca who is watching me closely. He bought the car off my father back when we had first started dating.

  I climb into my seat and rub my hand over the soft leather seats and smile as the memories it triggers flood my mind.

  “What are you thinking about, pumpkin’?” Lucca asks me with a knowing grin as I buckle my seatbelt.

  “Judging by that grin on your face, you know exactly what I’m thinking about.” I state and he lets out a sexy growl.

  “I’m tempted to take you home, instead of going out with everyone else, but we have a lot of talking to do before that happens.” He pauses while I nod in agreement then continues. “Do you have any idea where we are going?”

  “Not a clue.” I knew we were going to hang out after we ate at The Diner, but we never got to discuss where or what we were going to do.

  He reaches over the center console and holds his hand out.

  I slowly slip my hand into his and lace our fingers.

  I smile, I am beyond happy that things seem to be changing for the better.


  I’m completely surprised as we pull into the long driveway leading to my own house.

  Turns out that Kale, Kane, and Duncan had already been planning to get everyone together.

  Dad had made a huge game room in our barn for us kids to all hang out. It had everything a teen could ever want a pool table, fuse ball table, huge flat screen TV, along with every gaming system and a ton of games, most of which an avid gamer would kill for.

  There was also two large black leather couches near the TV.

  We had all spent so much time in that room growing up.

  Our house had been the place to be during the summer or on weekends.

  I take in the room as I walk around the pool table. It had been so long since I had stepped foot in here.

  Lucca silently wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. I’m so close I can feel the heat from his body, and it instantly relaxes me.

  I let out a small happy sigh.

  “Who’s up for a game of pool?” Duncan shouts, carrying in two cases of pop past us.

  Everyone agrees to a game, except for me and Lucca.

  I had a few plans of my own.

  Grabbing Lucca’s hand I pull him out into the area where the horse stalls are located, so we can talk for a few minutes in private.

  He on the other hand, must have other ideas because he swings me around and crushes his lips against mine.

  He pours his heart and soul into the kiss, so I do the same.

  Slowly he backs us up until my back is pushed against the wall of one of the stalls.

  His kisses become more demanding and his hands skim just under my shirt. I moan softly at his touch and he deepens the kiss.

  I place my hands on his chest and start to push him away a bit.

  We were going way too fast, we needed to talk first.

  Reluctantly he slows and pulls away, but keeps his hands on my skin. His lips are swollen and his eyes are still dark with need.

  I take a deep breath and smile. He smiles back, shaking his head and closing his eyes. When he reopens them I can see that he is more in control of himself.

  “I know we are going to fast pumpkin’, but I’ve been dreaming of this for months now.” He runs his hands through his hair and groans.

  “I’m sorry pumpkin’ I’ll slow down. I know we really need to talk all of this out first.” He sighs softly and tilts his forehead against mine, our breaths mix together.

  “Yes.” I pant out. “We definitely need to talk, but I do love kissing you.”

  I reach for his face and rub my knuckles against the rough stubble on his chin. Even with a five o’clock shadow he looks good. He leans his face into my hand and closes his eyes, letting out a small sigh.

  When he reopens his eyes he slowly grins, before pulling away slightly.

  I grab onto his hand, and then slide down the wall so I can sit on the floor. He moves to the wall beside me and does the same.

  Both of us have our legs spread out before us.

  “Where do we start?” I whisper unsure, as I squeeze his hand lightly.

  “I don’t know.” He replies with a deep sigh as he runs his free hand through his hair and stares off into the distance.

  I pause for a few moments, and then grab his chin to turn his face toward mine, like he had done so many times before to me.

  Looking deep into his eyes I decide to start off by apologizing. “I guess I should start by saying how sorry I am that I pushed you away. I didn’t do it to hurt you. It was never my intention to hurt you in any way.”

  “That’s a good start.” He laughs quietly looking down at our hands, and gives mine a gentle squeeze. “But I know why you pushed me away, and I also understand why you kept me away for so long.”

  I open my mouth to say something, but he continues on. �
��I know you’re scared to let anyone in, even now.” He pauses and looks deep into my eyes.

  “You loved your dad and you tragically lost him. It was completely out of your control.” He pauses once again, before continuing. “I also think that you’re afraid that since you love me that you might lose me, too.” He looks away as he confesses this.

  Tears were rapidly building in my eyes.

  He was right.

  I was afraid.

  He knew me better than anyone else, and he even figured that out before I ever could.

  “You’re right, Lucca, I am afraid.” I whisper. “I didn’t even realize that till just now.”

  He turns his face back to mine, his eyes look weary. “I know pumpkin’, I don’t want you to be afraid. I’ll be by your side, no matter what. Even if we don’t work out, I’ll always be around. That’s a promise I can make. Just don’t push me away again. I need you as much as you need me.” He stands and grabs both my hands in his, tangling our fingers, he pulls me to my feet.

  As soon as I’m up I put a bit of distance between us, my head bowed.

  I still have one last thing to get out.

  “You know, I thought for sure that you were going to hate me for pushing you away.” I look up wanting to see his reaction.

  “I know I broke your heart because mine had broken as well. I really hope that we can get back to where we were in our relationship.” My eyes start to tear up again as I continue. “I don’t think I could last another day without you.”

  “I could never hate you pumpkin’, no matter what, there is not a thing you could do to make me hate you.” He says sternly, and then adds. “I don’t want to live another day without you by my side either.”

  With a smile he grabs my hips in his strong hands and pulls me closer, and as I look deep into his eyes I am stunned to see so much love for me showing in them.

  I only hope that my eyes mirror the same emotions as his.

  I love him so much and I want to stay by his side forever.

  Before I can say another word his lips are crashing into mine. I gasp with surprise and he takes the kiss deeper, our tongues dancing together. My hands swiftly made their way to his chest.

  “” I say reluctantly between kisses.

  I really didn’t want to go back with the others.

  I’d rather drag him back to the house and up to my room.

  He chuckles softly. He knew exactly what I was thinking because he was probably thinking the same.

  He pulls away and grins at me.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He states, and then rubs his thumb across my lower lip. I smile back at him. Leaning away with a grin on his lips, he whispers in my ear. “Later babe, I promise we will finish this. We have at lot of lost time to make up for.”

  I lick my lips wanting more now, but he just chuckles, grabs my hand and starts pulling me back to the game room.

  Just as we reach the door we hear a horrifying scream come from the other side.

  We share a wide eyed look then quickly Lucca pulls me behind his back.

  “Stay behind me.” He whispers as he slowly pushes the door open, quickly scanning the room for any danger.

  Not sensing any danger we slowly walk in, I barely notice Duncan brush past me on his way out the door.

  My eyes are glued on the scene that’s unfolding in front of me.

  To my right Mel is holding Katie tightly and both are crying silently in the corner.

  Kane is pacing to my left, and is speaking on his phone frantically while waving his free hand in the air. I take notice of all the blood he has on his hands and the panicked look on his face.

  Taking a deep breath I try to prepare myself for what I’m about to see.

  Glancing to where Kale is kneeling on the floor.........with Lucy I gasp. She’s bent over, coughing up blood.

  Like an insane amount of blood.

  It’s a horrifying sight, the blood is literally pouring out of her mouth.

  “Oh, my god, what happened?” I cry out and push my way past Lucca who is frozen in place, in shock.

  As I move closer, Kales gaze meets mine with a pleading look for me to help him.

  Kneeling down on my knees I rub Lucy’s back to sooth her, whispering that everything would be ok, even as she gags and cries harder.

  I had a feeling it was a lie.

  I had no idea what was going to happen.

  After a few minutes, Kane runs over to us and kneels down.

  “They said an ambulance would be on its way as soon as possible. They said to just keep calm.” Even though he looked calm, his eyes gave him away.

  He looked frantic and helpless.

  Lucy looks up at Kane and we all gasp, there is a steady stream of blood now coming out of her eyes, replacing the tears that she was crying. The whites of her eyes are also tinged red with blood.

  It looks like a bad scene in a horror movie.

  I knew I would be having new nightmares about this scene later on.

  Kale quickly looks away, but I can see the tears streaming down his face.

  Kane jumps to his feet and starts pacing again.

  “Help me...please, help me, it hurts.” Lucy cries out. “God please, help me.....Please.”

  “What hurts baby, you have to tell me what hurts?”Kale asks frantically as he kneels back down to her.

  She doesn’t even acknowledge him.

  She just stares straight ahead and starts rocking back and forth holding tightly to her stomach. The look on her face alone shows that she’s in a lot of pain.

  “What do we do, Lexi....what do we do?” Kale whispers anxiously to me as he wraps his arms around Lucy to stop her rocking. I shake my head, unable to come up with anything we can do.

  I felt so helpless.

  I stand and step into Kane’s path.

  I needed more answers, now.

  He stops abruptly, then grabs my arm and pulls me swiftly out of the room. I look back to see Lucca following close behind us.

  Kane doesn’t stop until we are halfway between the house and barn. Letting go of my arm he turns his back to us, running his hands roughly through his black hair.

  Lucca silently wraps his arms around my waist and I lean back into him. Kane turns back around shaking his head and lets out a loud growl.

  “There’s no one coming.” He huffs out.

  “What..... What do you mean no one is coming?” Lucca demands in disbelief over my shoulder.

  “I don’t know, the lady on the phone said that all the rescue personnel are busy. She also told me not to even try to go to the hospital, something about them being overrun.” He lets out a rough sarcastic laugh.

  “What’s even crazier is she told me that Lucy is as good as dead. Said that a lot of people have been having bad reactions to the vaccine they gave out. They never tested it before giving it out. Can you believe that shit?” He pauses taking another breath before continuing. “I begged for her to get us some sort of help, anything, but she just wouldn’t listen so I just hung up after all that bullshit. I don’t know what to do. I can’t tell my brother that no one is coming to help her.”

  “What can we do? We have to do something...... anything.” I state to no one in particular.

  “There has to be something we can do, Kane. We can come up with something together.” Lucca encourages.

  We didn’t get to say anymore because Duncan comes running out from the house, his hands filled with towels and a bucket.

  He silently runs past us and into the barn.

  I glance back to Kane then pull away from Lucca’s embrace to follow Duncan, and as I walk away I hear Kane and Lucca talking rapidly, hopefully to come up with a plan.

  I hope they come up with a good one quick.

  As I walk through the door I pause in my tracks, the scene had gotten so much worse.

  I had no idea that someone could lose so much blood.

e was an even larger puddle of blood in front of Kale and Lucy. My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach.

  No one could lose that much blood and live.

  She was now lying on her side, her head in Kales lap and he was chanting to her. “Baby, please don’t die. I need you here.” over and over.

  I could almost feel his heart shattering.

  Duncan carefully makes his way over to them. “Kale, why don’t you go out and talk to your brother for a few minutes. Lexi and I can handle things while you step away. Lucy will be fine.”Duncan suggests.

  Kale looks sadly up to me.

  “Kale, she will be alright with us. She looks pretty stable now.” I agree. He looks down to Lucy’s face and rubs the back of his hand across her cheek.

  He nods to himself coming to his decision, then looks back up to me.

  “Ok, I’ll go talk to Kane. Promise me you’ll come get me if anything changes?”

  “I promise, Kale.”

  I slowly move toward Kale. I quickly position myself so I can place Lucy’s head in my own lap. Kale silently watches me move her.

  He nods to himself when she is settled. Just then she suddenly opens her eyes a little and smiles up at him. “Love you.” She coughs out then closes her eyes again.

  He looked so fragile in that moment. He begins to cry again, frantically wiping away the tears. “Love you too, baby girl.” He whispers back to her.

  “Go Kale, she will be fine.”I promise.

  He takes a few more moments, and then slowly rises to his feet. His pants are soaked with blood, but he doesn’t seem to notice.

  As he reaches the door he turns back to take one last look before disappearing out the door.

  “Mel, Katie I could really use some help getting Lucy cleaned up. We need to make her as comfortable as possible till help comes.” Duncan commands.

  I am relieved he is taking charge of this situation.

  I could barely keep my emotions in check.

  I look up as Duncan puts a hand on my shoulder. “Lex, do you have any clothes we can change her into?” He asks.

  I nod “I have a bag of clothes in my room that should fit her.”

  “Katie, can you go get that bag for us? Can you also grab a pair of jeans out of my room to give to Kale?” Duncan asks.


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