No Where to Run

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No Where to Run Page 7

by Raven K. Asher

  I take notice of the sky outside getting darker, so I glance at the grandfather clock in the hall and sigh.

  It was getting late so I decide to start dinner in hopes that everyone will be here when it’s finished. I’m positive they will all be hungry. I gather the ingredients I need to make spaghetti and get to work.

  When dinner is ready I set the table and walk to the front door, to see if I can spot anyone. It’s completely dark out now and it’s nearly impossible to see anything.

  My heart sinks that no one is home but then my stomach growls loudly.

  “Well Lex, you might as well go eat, they will be back soon.” I tell myself out loud.

  I hope they are coming back.

  As I reach the table and start dishing myself out food the lights flicker, and then go completely out.

  I stumble around the house and find a few candles.

  Bringing them into the kitchen I light them and sit down to eat my meal. I scoop a big bite of spaghetti onto my fork and open my mouth, but as I look around at the empty plates, I feel so completely alone.

  Tears fall down my face, but I continue to eat. “They are coming back.” I tell myself, gritting my teeth.

  I have to believe they are because thinking that they won’t come home, will break me.

  When I’m done eating, I dry my tears and clean up the plates.

  I head out to the barn to check on the horses.

  They are both back in their stalls and come to their doors to great me. “Hey, how are my boys?” I pat their noses taking some comfort of not being completely alone.

  I close both of the stall doors to the outside, and as make my way back out of the barn I lock it up. It’s something we never do, but I felt the need to lock it up tonight.

  I decide to lock the gate at the end of our driveway also.

  I knew Duncan and Lucca both had a key, so I wasn’t worried that they wouldn’t be able to get in.

  Dad had built a heavy duty six foot high fence that enclosed our entire property. He had always said that it would make us safer and that it would keep any wild animals from coming after the horses.

  As I shut the gate, I realize just how much safer it makes me feel. Dad was right and at that moment I really miss my daddy.

  I sigh sadly as I look out to the road, hopeful to spot headlights, but yet again I’m disappointed.

  I turn and slowly make my way back walking along the winding gravel driveway back to the house.

  I’m halfway there when I hear some sort of low flying aircraft cut through the sky. I turn in the direction they fly towards. A few moments later the ground shakes and loud booming noises come from where the town is located.

  I gasp and cover my mouth in horror.

  “Oh, God no.... No..... no...... No......” I shake my head in disbelief and I back up.

  They wouldn’t, would they?

  The sky lights up and smoke pours up into the sky. I fall to my knees still looking to the sky. “They couldn’t have.........” I mumble to myself. I hear more loud booms in the distance, but I don’t move as the ground continues to quake.

  Oh, my God. What do I do?

  The aircraft fly back overhead and I take note that they are in fact military fighter jets. My heart sinks.

  They just blew up the town, just killed everyone, Lucca, Kane, Kale all of my friends gone......... and, Duncan. Oh God, not my brother. Why would they do that?

  “Why?” I scream into the night.

  I stand not knowing what to do, but honestly what can I really do.

  I don’t cry as finish walking to the house. I don’t really know how to feel.

  I most likely just lost everyone I love.

  My world just fell out from under me, just when I was getting it back.

  Walking into the house numbly I climb the stairs quickly and climb into bed. I lay staring at the ceiling, and I’m not sure how much time passes before I fall asleep, but somehow I do.

  Thankfully I don’t dream, at least from what I can remember.

  Chapter 5

  Day 1

  Morning comes too soon.

  I lie awake in bed wishing that what happened last night had just been a bad dream, but deep down I knew it all really did happen.

  I gradually get up, still in the same clothes from the day before, and make my way down to our basement. Dad had put a generator there in case we ever lost power, and I was thankful for it now, because I had a feeling I was going to need it a lot.

  I eat breakfast and tend to the horses while I wait for the water heater to heat the water so I can take a hot shower.

  My mind feels numb as I work in the barn cleaning the stalls.

  Returning to the house, I undress and jump into the shower. I scrub my skin raw and stand in the hot water, willing my body to relax.

  When the water finally runs cold I step out, wrap the towel around myself and head to my room.

  I dress in boot cut jeans and a black graphic tee that says “Zombies, They Love you for what’s On The Inside.” I take a quick look at myself in my mirror and laugh. Lucca had bought me the shirt after we saw some crazy zombie movie.

  I had joked around afterward saying that exact line and a few days later Lucca brought me the shirt.

  He had always done things like that.

  I tie my hair up into a ponytail and take one last look, and give myself a sad smile.

  I hope everyone is alright.

  I make my way down to the kitchen and fix myself a quick sandwich before I head back downstairs to turn off the generator and to raid my dad’s gun stash.

  I felt that I should at least go into town to see the damage for myself. I had to see if maybe there was someone out there that needed my help, or if I could find my loved ones.

  But I wasn’t about to go off without some sort of protection.

  Dad’s gun stash is actually a large room. The walls are full of hanging guns and boxes filled to the brim with ammunition.

  I silently thank daddy as I take in the rooms contents.

  I walk over a wall of guns that I’m familiar with. They are the guns my dad had taught me to shoot over the years. I run my fingers along each one before I notice an envelope pinned to the wall with my name on it in daddy’s handwriting.

  I take it down and open it.

  I read it out loud to myself.

  My sweet Alexis,

  If you are reading this I must not be around. I’m sorry I’m not here physically, but remember I’m always in your heart.

  If you’re down here looking at the guns, I’m hoping it’s just to reminisce or to practice, but if it’s for some other reason, there are a few things you need to know.

  All of the guns on the wall before you are guns that you personally will know how to use. Remember all the times I pulled you and your brother to the shooting range with me?

  I was preparing you in case you ever needed to defend yourself.

  There is plenty of ammunition below the tables for each gun.

  On the tops of the tables I have set out different knives and such. Always carry one with you, just in case.

  There are even plenty of arrows for the crossbows you love so much.

  I have packed a backpack full of supplies you may need if you ever have to flee the house. Hopefully it never comes to that but always keep it near you.

  If you need any more supplies there is a room that is hidden under the barn. The opening to the door is beneath the carpet in the game room. You will need to rip up the carpet to find it.

  Don’t cut the carpet away though; you may need it intact to keep the supplies hidden.

  I hope that I have prepared enough to keep you safe. I love you and your brother so very much.

  Tell Duncan that he better watch out for you, and if for some reason he’s not there standing next to you............ then I want you stay strong, baby girl.

  You can survive whatever life is throwing at you.

  Always be smart, don’t trust anyone,
and listen to your gut. It will tell you if something’s not right.

  Shoot straight and aim to kill.

  Be the survivor I taught you to be.

  Love always Dad

  I reread the letter over and over to myself.

  I always knew my dad was a preparing for something, but I never knew the extent he had went to. Mom would have killed him if she had known.

  I giggle and smile and read the letter once more.

  I really wished Duncan was here to read this.

  Tucking the letter into the pack dad left me, I grab two hunting knives and strap both to my thighs, then I grab a pistol holster that holds two pistols and strap it around my shoulders and back. I snatch my two favorite pistols off the wall and load them.

  Last I grab my pistol crossbow and strap the holster that holds the arrows, around my waist.

  After getting my weapons I head back upstairs, and then head up to my room to retrieve my hiking boots.

  I slip them on and lace them up quickly, before running back downstairs. I then proceed out the door and towards the barn.

  Guiding Tornado out of his stall and swiftly saddle him, before leading him toward the house to go back inside to retrieve my crossbow.

  The bow has a strap at one end so I secure it on the horn of the saddle.

  Once I have everything in order I set off down the winding driveway.

  I dismount as we reach the gate, unlock it and lead Tornado through it before locking it back up again.

  Jumping back up into the saddle I head off in the direction towards the town.


  As I make my way into town I pass a few cars parked along the sides of the road. I search each one for any clues as to what happened to the occupants.

  Unfortunately all of them are empty, no keys or any other personal effects, and no clues of any kind, so I continue on.

  When I reach the road leading to Main Street, I stop and dismount.

  I gasp out loud, in shock.

  Nothing could have prepared me for what I see.

  The whole town is gone. The only thing left is ash and a few charred walls. Bodies and burnt car parts litter the roadway.

  As I walk closer to the nearest body I cover my mouth in horror, its torn open like some kind of animal attacked it.

  What the hell could have done that? I wonder to myself.

  I’m at a loss as to what has really happened.

  I mount back up and ride through the decimated town.

  As I slowly ride down what was once Main Street, I look down at each of the bodies and notice that almost all of them have some sort of bite marks or have gunshot wounds to the head, some even have both.

  The whole scene is disturbing.

  I quickly turn my attention back to the road and make my way to where the hospital should be.

  But when I reach it there is nothing left of it, other than a deep charred hole in the ground. That’s where the bombs must have hit first. There are burnt vehicles still in the parking lot and the air is thick with the horrid smell of smoke and burnt flesh.

  I quickly turn Tornado around and head off next to where The Diner should be.

  Amazingly The Diner is still standing.

  On the farthest edge of town, it somehow survived practically unscathed. It looks empty as I ride past but there are still a few cars parked in front of it, none that I recognize, thankfully.

  Passing The Diner I slowly make my way through the rest of the town.

  Everything is gone.

  The school, all of the houses, the stores, everything is in ashes.

  It looks as if no one could have made it out alive.

  I find more bodies, but again they either have bites, gunshot wounds or both. I try my hardest not to cry as I recognized most of them.

  They were people I knew from school, people from town, neighbors and friends.

  I decide to take a different route on my way back to The Diner making a complete sweep of the town. I slow as I ride past what remains of the bar my mom would have been at.

  Only the front wall is still standing.

  I spot Max’s body lying on the sidewalk. Poor Max.

  I look away and continue on, but a slightly burnt truck to my left quickly catches my attention. I stop Tornado, dismount and run towards it.

  It’s Duncan’s truck.

  I open the driver’s side door not knowing what I’ll find but I have to know if he’s dead or if maybe there is a chance he’s still alive somewhere.

  I had to hold on to some hope.

  Thankfully, he’s not in the truck and I sigh in relief. I then search through the truck trying to find any evidence of what happened or where he might be.

  I curse when I don’t come across anything helpful. I leave the truck reluctantly and lead Tornado away. Taking one look back at what’s left of my brother’s truck, I wish I knew where he was.

  I take my time walking back toward The Diner and as we get closer Tornado starts getting antsy. He’s pulls against the reins before coming to a complete stop.

  He doesn’t want to go any further and I know something has him spooked.

  “What’s wrong, boy?” I ask as I stroke his neck, trying my best to calm him down.

  I suddenly hear a crash come from inside The Diner, and I move to get a closer look but again Tornado pulls back and stamps his feet. I decide quickly to trust his instincts and I mount back up.

  I watch from his back as a shadow passes by a window.

  “Hello, is someone in there?” I yell out, and listen for a response, nothing.

  “Hello?” I yell out again.

  Tornado is getting even more anxious, so much so that he begins trotting in place.

  I unexpectedly hear a snarl from behind, and Tornado turns rearing up on his hind legs.

  I can’t completely comprehend what I’m seeing. Before me stands Max, the bar owner, and I could swear I had just seen his body laying dead in the street.

  “Max, what the hell is going on?” I yell.

  He doesn’t respond normally, he just growls out at me.

  What the hell is wrong with him? I look closer and notice he has a huge bite mark on his neck and I can clearly see torn strips of his flesh. The blood around the bite is dry and his skin is a pale gray.

  Something was definitely wrong here.

  Suddenly, Max charges toward us, Tornado turns and runs, taking me along for a bumpy ride. I look back as Tornado flees and see other bodies starting pull themselves up to stand.

  “Holy, shit.” I curse as I look forward.

  I don’t even dare to slow Tornado as we make our way quickly out of the town.

  Soon we are back on a different road heading back towards home.

  Tornado slows to a trot and I pat his neck, proud of how he saved us from danger. “Good job boy, I think you just saved us.”

  I take a look around at where we are.

  Thankfully we are alone, I can’t see any more.......What the hell do I call them Dead, Undead, or Zombies?

  “I can’t believe this shit is really happening.” I mutter and shake my head as I turn Tornado toward Lucca’s house at the end of the road.

  We reach his house quickly, and it looks relatively untouched, except for a few broken windows and the front door is hanging wide open.

  His mom and dad must have left in a hurry.

  As we approach the house slowly I dismount Tornado, and then tie him to the hand rail at the bottom of the steps leading up to the front door.

  I stop at the door waiting and listening for any sounds. Not hearing anything I proceed inside. Everything inside has been turned over, broken or torn apart. I walk from room to room scanning for anything that might tell me where everyone might be or what happened to everyone.

  As I near Lucca’s room I hear scratching at the closed door. I pull one of my pistols from its holder and hold it out in front of myself as I slowly nudge the door open.

  I’m stunned when Lucca’s large gray
Irish wolfhound comes bounding out of the room. She leaps on top of me and licks my face.

  “Jesus, Cookie. What are you doing locked in Lucca’s room? Where’s Lucca at, huh?” She stops licking me and whines.

  I check Lucca’s room. His bathroom door is open and the tub is full of water and in the corner is a huge bucket filled with dog kibble.

  Someone must have been planning on having to leave her here for awhile.

  I gather as much of the food as I can into a bag and tie it to Tornados saddle before going back into the house to leave a note just in case Lucca or someone familiar returns.

  “Come on Cookie, let’s go.” I yell to the dog as I walk out and untie Tornado. She runs out of the house and starts to follow as I lead Tornado back down the road.

  We walk halfway home, and it’s late in the evening when I find myself yawning.

  My feet have started to hurt and my body and mind are exhausted.

  The sun is close to setting soon, so I mount Tornado and ride the rest of the way.

  Once home I take Tornado to his stall and unsaddle him. I brush out his fur and give him and Cutter both food and fresh water, before I put away the saddle and brushes, and then grab the bag of dog kibble, locking up the barn as I exit.

  Cookie follows me inside the house and I search around the cupboards for bowls to feed and water her in.

  Once I finish taking care of her I head downstairs to the generator and turn it back on. I need a shower badly.

  I could smell the lingering stench of death and smoke on my clothes.

  Just then my stomach grumbles, so I head back up to the kitchen to make myself a good meal.

  After I finish eating and cleaning the dirty dishes I head up to the bathroom to get a shower.

  I stop and take a good long look at myself in the mirror.

  I’m dirty and sweaty and I let out a sudden laugh as I read my shirt.

  “Oh, now that’s irony.” I state dramatically, before stripping my clothes off and getting into the shower. I scrub and wash my hair. Still feel numb to it all.

  I have no clue what I’m going to do, other than just survive.


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