No Where to Run

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No Where to Run Page 14

by Raven K. Asher

  It had been a rough day for me.

  Everyone leaves the table as they finish until only Lucca, Kale and I remain.

  “I’ve got to go meet Hunter for the final round for the night. Are you going to be ok, Lex?” Lucca holds my hand till I silently nod and take another bite of my cold food.

  He stands and exits the house leaving only me and Kale.

  I play with my food, still not knowing what to say or how to talk to Kale.

  “I’m sorry, Lexi.” Kale whispers.

  I look up at him surprised by his apology.

  “You don’t have to be sorry, Kale. I understand. I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was hurting you.”

  “I’m still sorry for walking away from you. That wasn’t a good “friend” thing to do.”

  He sighs. “Kane talked to me earlier.”

  “He said he would. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “I was afraid. You were always happy with Lucca and I never wanted to come between you two. I did love Lucy, but not in the same way as I’m in love with you.” He tips his head back looking up at the ceiling.

  “God, this is hard to tell you. I feel like my heart is being ripped out.” He looks back down to me. “I’ve loved you for years, Lexi, years. I think I’ve loved you since that first time you beat me up on the playground.” He laughs out sadly.

  “I don’t know what to say, Kale. I love you too, but it’s always been more of a brotherly love. I never even thought you felt that way about me. I’m sorry if I led you on in any way.” I whisper.

  “None of this is your fault. I was a coward for not actually going after you.” He sighs and points to me. “I swear to God though, if either of those guys breaks your heart, I will kill them myself.” He flashes me a naughty grin before adding. “Then I’ll make my move.” I laugh as he raises his eyebrows up and down.

  “If they mess up Kale then I’ll give you your chance.” I laugh out as he stands dramatically and kneels next to me.

  “Really, milady, will you let me woo you?” I laugh harder.

  His face goes serious. “Promise me I won’t lose you, even if I can only have you as a friend.”

  “I promise, but you can’t be all broody and jealous.”

  “Deal, can I at least make faces behind their backs?”

  “Whatever makes you happy, Kale?”

  He stands and pulls me up out of my seat into a hug. The kitchen door opens and closes. Hunter and Lucca’s voices come to a stop as Kales hands travel down to my butt.

  I pull back and playfully smack his chest. “Are you trying to make Lucca beat you up?”

  “Hey, I’ve got to at least try to make him jealous.” He kisses my forehead, nods to both Lucca and Hunter, and then walks off into the living room.

  I watch him go and then turn to face Lucca and Hunter.

  “Everything better between the two of you now, Lexi? I could tell earlier that something was bothering you.” Lucca asks concerned.

  “Yeah, everything is better now, we just needed to talk things through.” I answer with a small smile.

  “That’s good to hear, sweetheart.” Hunter comes up to me smiling mischievously. He looks back to Lucca and laughs as he begins to tickle me once again.

  “Come on Hunter, I’m going to pee myself if you guys keep this up.” I laugh out as Lucca joins in tickling me.

  “Alright Lex, we will stop. Let’s just head up to bed.” Lucca yawns and I find myself yawning.


  I wake in the middle of the night and glance over to the clock.

  We’ve only been asleep a few hours.

  I snuggle into Hunters warmth and comfort. He slept with us most nights when I had trouble sleeping. It was a bit odd, but Lucca didn’t mind, since having Hunter there calmed me.

  When he didn’t sleep in our bed he slept on a cot in the corner, always wanting to be near me, just in case.

  He took his promise to protect me to heart.

  I jolt up in the bed when I hear someone shouting outside.

  I shake Hunter awake.

  “Hunter, wake up. Someone’s outside yelling.” He groans but doesn’t open his eyes.

  So, I shake Lucca trying to wake him instead.

  “I don’t want to get up, mom?” He groans with his eyes still closed. Damn it.

  “Lucca damn it, wake up. Something is wrong.” I shake him again, nothing.

  I turn my attention back to Hunter.

  “Hunter, please wake up. Something is really wrong.” I shake him and he opens his eyes slowly.

  “What time is it?” He asks as he looks over at the clock.

  He groans as he sees the time.

  He listens for a few moments, but the yelling has stopped. “Just lay back down, sweetheart, it was probably nothing.”

  A few moments later we all jolt up in bed as we hear two gunshots.

  “What the hell?” Lucca asks, as him and Hunter both hurry out of bed and throw on their boots.

  I scramble out of bed and reach for my own boots.

  They both look to me.

  “No Lex, you stay here. Let me and Hunter find out what’s going on.” Hunter nods and I give in and climb back into bed. They look at me in shock.

  “What?” I ask as they both shake their heads.

  “Nothing, we just thought you’d give us more of a fight.” Lucca states and Hunter nods.

  “I’m tired and I would rather not go out into the cold.” I whine.

  They both laugh and make their way out of the room.

  I toss and turn not able to get comfortable in the bed, so I decide to head downstairs anyway. Tossing on a shirt and pants and run down the steps.

  I walk to where everyone else is gathered on the front porch. I try to push my way through, but Kale grabs my arm and swings me around so my face is buried into his chest.

  “What the hell, Kale? What is going on?” I ask while trying to get out from his grasp. When he doesn’t answer I look up into his red ringed eyes.

  Tears are slowly pouring down his cheeks. “Kale, please tell me what’s going on.” I demand in a whisper.

  He shakes his head and holds me tighter.

  “Kale let her go, son. There isn’t anything you can do to keep her from this.” Tank grabs Kale and pries me from his grip.

  “What’s going on out here, Tank?” I turn to him as he grabs Kale in a bear hug. Kale begins to sob loudly.

  Tank points to the front yard. I turn to see Hunter walking towards me with blood all over his hands and arms.

  The look on Hunters face alone tells me that something was definitely wrong.

  “Sweetheart, you don’t want to see that down there.” He grabs my arm and pulls me back into the house.

  He motions for me to sit on the couch, so I do.

  “What’s going on, Hunter is Lucca ok?” I ask with a shaky voice.

  “Lucca is fine. He’s helping Ruby with Kane.”

  “What happened to Kane? Tell me what’s happening, Hunter.” I demand standing to my feet.

  “Mel shot herself, Lexi, but before she shot herself she shot Kane.”My hands fly to my face as tears fall freely from my eyes. “Ruby is trying her best to save Kane. She was a nurse before all of this.” He sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

  “What about Mel? Can’t Ruby help her?” I whisper.

  “She can’t be helped, Lexi, she’s gone.” I cry harder as Tank brings Kale in, I open my arms to him. He sits next to me as Hunter stands. “Will you be ok?” I nod.

  “Tell Lucca I’ll be ok. I’m going to take him up to our room. Let us know what’s going on please.” I beg before grabbing Kale and pull him up the stairs.

  We lay down in bed and I stroke Kales hair as he cries into my chest. “Everything is going to be ok, Kale. I’m not going to leave you.”

  A while later, his crying stops and his breathing evens out. I look down to see that he is sound asleep. I close my eyes and pray that Kane will make

  An hour later, I get the horrible news that I was hoping and praying not to hear.

  “Kane’s gone.” Lucca states coming into the bedroom door.

  “No.” I say sternly. I push Kale off of myself and stand up. “No, he’s not, he can’t be gone.” I state louder pointing at Lucca.

  “He’s gone.” Lucca repeats.

  Kale wakes up and runs out the door.

  Lucca walks towards me, but I don’t want anything to do with him.

  I can’t take the hurt anymore. “Come here Lex, Its going to be ok.”

  “Go to hell, Lucca, nothing is going to be fine, nothing has been fine since the day you left me alone.” I push past him and he grabs my arm to pull me back to him.

  Instead of going with him I punch him in the face.

  All my anger comes out with it, and he drops to the floor.

  Hunter runs in.

  “Lexi, sweetheart what’s wrong?” He asks hesitantly.

  “Don’t, Hunter. Just leave me alone.” I push past him and run down the stairs and out to the barn.

  Grabbing my saddle I quickly saddle Tornado up. I mount up and make my way down to the front gate near the road, and exit without anyone knowing.

  Heading toward Lucca’s old home, which I hope is still standing. I figured it will be a good place to hide out for a bit.

  When I reach his old house I guide Tornado to the attached garage and leave him in there while I head up to Lucca’s old room.

  The house still looks the same as when I was there last. I climb the stairs and enter into the room and climb into his bed.

  I snuggle into his old covers and quickly fall asleep.

  Chapter 12

  Day 27

  It’s been five days since I left home.

  I’ve been staying the nights at random homes.

  I don’t know where I am now, since I have been riding pretty much nonstop other than to sleep and eat during the days.

  Luckily, I hadn’t seen any living or dead people.

  I’m completely numb to everything around me, and even if I did find someone, I don’t think I would even remotely know what to do.

  I did find two hand guns in the last house I slept in, so at least I was armed.

  I stop Tornado at a driveway that leads up to a huge old farm house.

  I watch the house and the surrounding area for a few moments, looking for any clues that someone is there.

  Only spotting a few cows scattered in the fields, I walk Tornado slow up the driveway to the house.

  I’m halfway down the driveway when a man dressed in all black steps out from behind a bush.

  Figures that’s where he would be hiding.

  “Stop right there.” The man commands, I ignore his command, and walk closer slowly with my hands held up above my head.

  “I’m armed, but I’m not looking for a fight. I just need to rest my horse for the night.” The man walks toward me, so I stop.

  As he gets closer I notice he’s not much older than I am.

  His hair is black with red tips and he has a lot of piercings. I take count of them quickly, there’s one in his lip three or four in his eyebrows, and in his ears they are countless.

  I look to his eyes which are a startling blue. I’m caught off guard by the caution I see in them. I couldn’t understand why he would feel the need to fear me. He was taller than me by only by a few inches, but he looked strong.

  I watch as he cautiously comes closer.

  “I need to check you for weapons, is that alright?” He asks. I nod spreading my arms as he checks for my weapons which I had foolishly left in the saddle bags.

  I mentally kick myself.

  “My guns are in the saddle bags, if that helps.” He grins at me and two dimples wink at me. He glances to Tornado and then back to me.

  “As long as you promise not to kill me, I’ll let you keep them.”

  “I can’t promise not to shoot you, but I will promise not to kill you.” I grin and he laughs.

  “Fair enough, can I ask you one question though?” I nod knowing he’s going to ask why I’m alone.

  “What the hell is a girl like you doing all alone?”

  “I’m not alone, I brought my horse.” I point to Tornado.

  He shakes his head still grinning. “I didn’t take you for a smartass girl. I take it your running from something or someone?”

  “Both.” I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. He nods.

  “I’m Jax, by the way, and you are?”

  “I’m Alexis, but I mostly go by Lex or Lexi.”

  “How about I just call you Rebel? The guys I’m with aren’t exactly the nicest kind, and the less they know about you, the better.”

  “So, are you going to protect me then? Be my knight in shining black armor.” I point to his leather pants and jacket. He laughs.

  “Yeah, I guess I am. Now let’s go and meet the others so you can get some rest. Just stay by me and I’ll make certain they won’t hurt you.” I nod and we walk side by side up to the farm house.

  There are three other guys sitting at the back of the house drinking.

  One of them stops mid-drink as we approach.

  “Holy shit, look at the fresh meat Jax brought back. Damn, she’s hot as hell.” He has a similar look to Jax, but his hair is long and greasy. His nose is a bit crooked too, like he had broken it in a fight, or something.

  “Where did you find her?” Asks another who has blonde spiky hair, brown eyes and has a goatee. He has a softer look to him than the others.

  “I want her.” The third stands and stumbles over to me.

  He wreaks of beer, but he looks so much like Hunter it takes me a few seconds to realize it’s not really him, but they could have been brothers. That’s how closely they resemble one another.

  “Back off guys she’s mine. I found her first”. Jax grabs my arm tightly.

  “Damn it, you get to have all the fun.” They all whine as the guy stumbles back to his seat.

  “What’s her name?” They talk as if I’m not even there, but I don’t move or make a sound.

  “Her name is Rebel.” Answers Jax for me. “Rebel, I’d like you to meet the guys. That over there is Ax.” He points to the dark haired guy. “The blonde is Ryder, and last but not least the drunk over there is Striker.” I give them a small wave.

  “Hey Ryder, can you take her horse to the barn and feed it and water it for her?” Ryder nods and stands, holding his hands out for the reins, but I can’t hand them over.

  “I can’t.” I look to Jax. “He’s all I have left. I’ll take care of him and make sure he’s safe for the night, just point the way.”

  “Never mind, I’ll show her where to take him. Save me a drink?” Ryder nods then sits back down.

  Jax leads me to the closest barn and I quickly get Tornado comfortable for the night.

  I check and recheck the barn to make sure nothing will get in.

  “He will be alright for a night in here. If you want I can have one of the guys watch out for him.” Jax lays his hand on my shoulder. I sigh and nod. “Come on, let’s find you some fresh clothes and find you a good bed.”

  “Any chance you know how to cut hair and color it?” He laughs at my odd question but nods.

  “Yeah, I might be able to help you out, but why do you want to do that?” He fingers my long golden blonde hair.

  “I need a change. I don’t want to look in a mirror and see myself anymore.” I state honestly.

  “I get it.” He grins and his dimples flash again.

  We walk the rest of the way to the house quietly.

  Once we get back to the back porch where the rest of the guys are, Jax sits and Ryder hands him a beer.

  Jax pats his lap and I hesitantly sit on it. Ryder hands me a beer and I practically chug it down. Ryder quickly hands me another and I chug it down just as fast.

  “Damn girl, slow down.” Jax laughs from behind me.

  I down my third
beer and lean back into him and he wraps his arms around my waist. I close my eyes as the beer finally hits me.

  “What was so bad that made you run, sweetheart?” He whispers in my ear.

  “I lost almost everyone I ever loved, and I’m running from the two guys who still love me. I’m a coward for running, but I can’t watch them die.” Ryder hands me another beer and all the guys get quiet as I chug it down then continue.

  “I killed my dad, and then I had to see my mom and brother, come back as the dead. They are buried in my back yard. I’m in love with two different guys, and I just lost two of my best friends five days ago, so I left. I just left. Of course I knocked my boyfriend out before I left, but I didn’t want him stopping me.” I laugh out and look at the guys shocked faces, and it makes me laugh harder.

  “You really knocked out your boyfriend?” Striker asks with a slur.

  “I sure did. He never saw it coming, but I had to get away.” They all nod.

  “Well, hot damn, your one badass girlie, aren’t you?” Ax says with a laugh.

  “My badass girl, don’t forget that, Ax.” Jax states from behind me. “You ready for that hair cut?” He whispers in my ear and I nod.

  He picks me up and carries me to the door. He looks back to Ryder.

  “I’ll watch the horse for her, brother. Take care of her.” Jax nods and carries me inside to a bedroom on the first floor.

  He lays me down on the bed, and then starts rummaging through a few bags on the floor. I watch as he pulls out a pair of black leather pants like his.

  “So, is Ryder really your brother?” I ask as he pulls out more clothes from his bags.

  “No, he’s not my brother by blood, but he’s the closest to me having a brother.”

  “Ah, I get it. He seems pretty cool. Not like the other two.”

  “That’s because the other two are way more dangerous than Ryder or me.” He holds out the clothes and I laugh.

  “You really want me to wear your clothes?” I sit up and take the clothes from his hands.

  “They aren’t exactly mine.” He rubs the back of his neck. “A few towns back we raided a store and we pretty much grabbed whatever we could. Lucky for you, I accidentally grab women’s clothes.”


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