Forever Kisses Volume 1

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Forever Kisses Volume 1 Page 36

by Angela Knight

  Morgan chuckled in her ear, the sound wickedly suggestive. “Why don’t you get in? We’ll start exploring them right now.”

  As the tub filled, Garret toed off his shoes and stripped out of his pants and underwear, then helped her down into the water while Morgan undressed. It was deliciously warm, and the jets beat gently against her aching body. She settled down on the low seat and closed her eyes with a tired sigh. She felt so rotten, she wasn’t sure even her own private pantheon of sex gods could rev her up.

  Water splashed as the men sank down in the huge tub on either side of her. Strong male hands caught her by the shoulders and pulled her upright. “I’m going to wet your hair,” Garret murmured. He eased her back until only her face remained over the bubbling water. When she sat up again, her hair clung to her back in long, wet strands.

  She sat slumped as he spread something deliciously cool over her head, then started working it into a lather. A second set of soapy fingers caught her breasts and began stroking over her skin.

  Beth surrendered herself, eyes sliding shut, content to let them wash her. Distantly, she was aware of building arousal. It took her a moment to realize not all of it was her own. Her eyes popped open. “I’m feeling you,” she whispered. “I’m feeling what you feel.”

  “Yes.” Morgan knelt in front of her on the bottom of the tub. His soapy fingers found her nipples, pinched gently. Stroked. The pleasure made her catch her breath. “And we feel what you feel.” This time when he spoke, his lips didn’t move. She’d heard his thoughts. “We’re linked.”

  “Yes.” Now she could feel the anticipation thrumming in Garret’s mind. “And as sweet as it was making love to you before, it’s going to be even better now.” He drew her back against his chest and slid one hand down between her thighs. She moaned as he found her clit and circled it with just the right pressure.

  Morgan’s hot eyes half-closed like a purring cat’s. “I feel it when he touches you.”

  “Yeah? How about this?” Beth reached below the bubbling water and found the jutting length of Morgan’s cock. She closed her fingers around it. Both men inhaled sharply.

  So did Beth. It felt as if her clit had suddenly grown incredibly long and thick. Delicate fingers brushed along it -- her own. “Wow,” she breathed. Gently, she began to explore, stroking her hand up and down Morgan’s thick shaft. It bucked under her fingers, the echo of his pleasure making her groan.

  With her other hand, she found his heavy balls and cupped them. It seemed she could feel them there between her own legs, as delicately sensitive as her breasts. The pleasure was dazzling.

  Fascinated, Beth cuddled his balls in one hand while she caressed the length of his shaft with the other. Running a thumb across his glans made them all gasp.

  “Stand up,” she said hoarsely. “I want to taste you.”

  Beth heard Morgan swallow as he obeyed. Water streamed from his powerful body, rolling down his braced thighs to drip from his flushed and eager cock. She leaned forward. Through the link, she felt the two men tense in anticipation as she opened her mouth.

  When she sucked him in, she felt wet heat and the caress of lips and tongue around that huge, phantom clit. Beth paused, absorbing the sensation. Morgan murmured in incoherent demand.

  Gently, carefully, she began to suck, swirling her tongue over the velvet head as she closed her lips snugly around his shaft. The sensations echoing up the link seemed to burn with white-hot intensity, and she moaned. Even the movement of her own lips felt delicious, a tender humming around her phantom clit.

  And beneath that, coming through the link, she could feel the men’s enjoyment of both Morgan’s pleasure and her own. Each lick, each nibble, each movement of her head caused a wicked jolt of erotic feedback. Each built on the one before, the pleasure intensifying, increasing with dizzying speed.

  The orgasm hammered into them without warning. Morgan threw back his head and roared, Beth crying out around his cock as he shot into her mouth, the sounds blending with Garret’s hoarse shout.

  Morgan’s knees gave, and he fell back in the water with a splash, pulling his softening cock from Beth’s lax grip.

  For a long moment, they just sat there, dazed.

  “Damn, I’ve missed that.” The thought came from one of the men, but Beth wasn’t sure which.

  Morgan sprawled against the rear of the tub, both massive arms flung wide across its marble lip. His head was thrown back, and a thick vein throbbed beneath his jaw. In the silence, she could hear his heartbeat. Beth wanted to press her mouth to that banging pulse, hungered to feel it throb against her lips just as his cock had. She moved through the water toward him as if in a trance.

  Lifting his head, Morgan watched her come, his dark eyes knowing. He opened his arms.

  She went into them, her attention fixed helplessly on his pulse. But as she started to bend toward his throat, a thought pierced the hypnotic haze. “What am I doing?”

  “You know exactly what you’re doing.” It was Garret, moving up behind her as she straddled Morgan’s thighs. “You’re taking what you need.”

  Blood, she thought. He means blood.

  Something in her recoiled at the thought, but the rest was lost in the first rise of the Hunger. As she lowered her head to Morgan’s throat, she felt the men’s anticipation rise. They wanted this as much as she did.

  I’m about to drink his blood. She looked down at his throbbing pulse as the Hunger coiled in hot knots in her belly, demanding and fiercely alien.

  Morgan tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Now, Beth.”

  She swallowed as saliva flooded her mouth. “What if I hurt you?”

  “You won’t.” Garret caught the back of her head and gently pressed her face against his cousin’s neck. The Hunger clamored, demanding she bite. Her fangs ached savagely, sliding to full length in her mouth. She could taste her own blood. Hesitantly, she licked his throat. He tasted delicious.

  Unable to hold back any longer, Beth bit down. Morgan gasped, his body arching under hers. She’d never heard anything as erotic as his groan of surrender.

  He liked the sting of her fangs in his skin.

  Encouraged, Beth began to suck, but only a trace of blood rewarded her Hunger.

  Frustrated, she drew harder. Garret laughed softly and used his hold on her head to turn her back and forth a fraction. Morgan moaned. “You’ve got to widen the openings, or you won’t be able to get anything past your fangs.”

  Sure enough, blood began to flood her mouth as the cuts widened. It tasted delicious -- burning and sweet, more like some dark liquor than the familiar salt and copper she’d known as a mortal.

  With a low groan of pleasure, she stretched out along his hard body, loving the way he felt, loving the way he tasted. As she drank in hungry swallows, Morgan reached up to caress her breasts with skilled fingers, teasing her nipples, tugging and twisting.

  Arousal spilled out of nowhere like a gout of flame, still fierce despite the mind-searing orgasm they’d just enjoyed. Beth ground her hips against his hardening cock, hungry to feel it thrusting deep inside her.

  Something slick and hard touched the lips of her cunt from behind. “Will this do?” Garret asked in a velvet purr as he began working his way inside.

  Fangs buried in Morgan’s throat, she could only groan.

  “I think that’s a yes.” There was laughter in Morgan’s voice.

  “Sounded that way to me too.” Garret began to thrust in slow, seductive digs. Beth gasped against Morgan’s pulse, loving both the hot pleasure of his cousin’s cock and the way her slick inner sheath gripped him.

  The delight was so intense, she felt seared. It poured into her from every side -- the hot taste of Morgan’s blood, the steady plunges of Garret’s cock, the tight, slick heat of her own cunt. And each sweet sensation made the pulses in her core strengthen and pick up speed.


  The climax hit like a fireball, flinging her out into a long, endless tum
ble, the men roaring with her, so tangled she couldn’t tell where she left off and they began.

  She’d never known anything so exquisite in her life.

  Chapter Nine

  Beth opened her eyes. She was in bed, snuggled against a broad male back. A heavy arm curved across her waist from behind. Body parts that obviously belonged to two different men.

  Imagining Val’s reaction to this -- probably along the lines of “You go, girl” -- Beth stifled a giggle. Then she grimaced. “Ugh.” Her mouth tasted like the bottom of a bird cage. I have got to brush my teeth. Preferably before somebody woke up and wanted to kiss her.

  Propping herself up on her elbows, she realized the only problem with sleeping sandwiched between two handsome studs is that you couldn’t roll out of bed without waking one of them. With a sigh, she flipped off the covers and scooted her way off the end of the bed.

  Morgan made a grumbling sound when she moved his arm, but neither man roused.

  Peeking through the thick blackout curtains that shielded the window, Beth saw the sun was setting in glorious shades of salmon and gold off beyond the trees that surrounded the house. It wouldn’t be long until everybody was awake -- and probably horny, if recent events were any guide. Better take care of the teeth while she could.

  When she emerged a few minutes later tasting of mint, the men were still deeply asleep. Beth gave thought to waking them, before spotting her cell lying on the nightstand. It was a damn good time to make another attempt at calling Val.

  Scooping it up, she retreated into the bathroom. Judging by the phone’s date and time app, she’d been out for a couple of days or more; she’d lost track. With any luck, Cade and Val were somewhere with cell service by now.

  No such luck. Despite calls to each of their phones, there was no answer. Frustrated, she decided the check her voice mail.

  And there was one from Val! She ignored the ones from a gallery owner and clicked it.

  “Beth, pick up!” Val snapped. “Dammit, call me if you get this message.” Her usual easy drawl had morphed into a snap of frustration and worry. “We’ve been going insane for the past week, chasing all over Africa trying to find where that bastard Ramirez took you. Cade finally got his hands on one of his thralls and made the little prick talk. The flunky said Ramirez plans to take you to his headquarters in the Georgia mountains. It sounds like the back ass of beyond. Cade and I are going to hit it, but I thought I’d call on the off chance the bastard was lying when he said Ramirez still had you. If you’re not being held captive by El Fang, leave a message on the cell and sit tight. We’ll come to you… Oh, it’s 3 p.m, Tuesday afternoon.”

  Shit. Beth wasn’t even sure what day it was. She lifted her voice in a shout. “Guys!”

  * * *

  Morgan and Garret listened grimly as Beth played the message on speaker.

  “Did you try the cell?” Garret asked.

  “Called it before I got the message. No dice.”

  Morgan frowned deeply. “Mountains of Georgia.” He glanced at Garret. “Didn’t one of the staff dig up something about some property Ramirez owns on a mountain called Cherokee Leap? I think it’s in east Georgia.”

  “You have a staff?”

  “Yeah,” Morgan said. “After we started waging war against him, Ramirez started stashing his properties under holding companies to keep us from finding and destroying them. Luckily, Elena’s foundation employs people who are pretty good at ferreting out that kind of information.”

  Garret nodded. “In this case, the house was squirreled away behind half a dozen holding companies. I’ll double-check, but I think it would be about an hour away, if I’m remembering the map right.”

  “Not far at all.” Beth clenched her shaking fists anxiously. “And today’s Tuesday, right? We could back them up, if you…” She broke off.

  “We promised we’d help them, Beth,” Morgan told her, reading her anxiety. “We meant it.”

  At that, she felt tight muscles relax in her shoulders. She blew out a breath. “Good. What now?”

  Garret’s eyes went flat and hard. “Now we get ready to fight.”

  * * *

  The three of them dressed hastily, Beth putting on the jeans, T-shirt, and undies one of them had picked up from a nearby Wal-Mart sometime during her bout with the vampire virus.

  Then, as she fidgeted, Morgan and Garret put their heads together over a laptop they’d had in the car, checking paperwork scans their employees had found -- deeds and financial records from a dozen states.

  “It’s his, all right.” Grim anticipation lit Morgan’s gaze. “

  “Looks like it,” Garret agreed. He glanced over at Beth. “I was right -- his place is an hour from here.”

  “So we can go now, right?” The thought of what Ramirez might be doing to Val and Cade in the meantime made her want to jump out of her skin.

  Morgan looked up from the map with a frown. “Not so fast. We’ve got to draw up a battle plan, and you need a quick lesson in amplifying our powers before we leave.”

  Beth was already familiar with the latter concept. It was the same technique Val and Cade used to defeat Ridgemont, who was far too powerful to take down any other way. By sharing her consciousness with Cade, Val had been able to use her power to increase his strength and speed, making him a match for his ancient sire. Except… “We don’t have time for that, Morgan. Val told me how she’d had to work for hours to learn how to merge her power with Cade. We need to get to Ramirez before he kills them.”

  “It’s not going to do us any good to rush to the rescue if we get ourselves killed,” Garret pointed out. “Besides, I think both of us can teach you how to merge your power with ours more quickly.”

  “I certainly hope so,” Beth said grimly. “Because we don’t have time to waste.”

  * * *

  Wide-eyed, Beth lay on the bed as Garret got in beside her. The thought of what he was about to do made anxiety coil in tight knots in her belly.

  “It’s not going to be like it was with Ramirez,” he told her, reading her fear as he took her hand in his. “This isn’t going to be a possession, just a sharing. I can show you what to do more easily this way.”

  “I know.” Too bad such logic didn’t seem to mean anything to her jangling instincts.

  “This isn’t going to work if you don’t trust us.” Morgan watched her from the foot of the bed, his sword in his hands.

  She lifted her chin at him. “I’ll be fine.” It was an outright lie. Her fear was spiraling in intensity until she wanted to leap up and run out of the room. She kept remembering what it had felt like to look on helplessly as Ramirez used her body like a puppet.

  Garret rose on one elbow and looked down into her eyes. “Look, if it scares you this badly, you can stay here.”

  That stung. “Sit on the sidelines while you risk your lives fighting for Val and Cade? Not likely. If I can help you rescue them, I’ll do it.” Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to meet his stare. They won’t hurt me. I can trust them. “Let’s get this done.”

  He smiled and lay his head back down on the pillow. “That’s my girl.” His eyes closed and his body went limp.

  The next instant, Garret flooded her consciousness like water rushing past a dam. Yet where the touch of Ramirez’s mind had felt cold and reptilian, Garret felt warm as sunshine. “Hello, poppet.”

  It was impossible to remain afraid in the face of such kindness. “Hello, yourself.”

  He wrapped himself around her like a sunny cocoon. “You ready to go visit Morgan?”

  Testing, Beth took a deep breath. Her lungs obeyed, and she relaxed still more. “Let’s go.”

  “All right. Meet his eyes. That’ll make it a little easier.”

  Morgan was standing beside the bed looking down at them. He caught her gaze with his hot chocolate stare. It seemed Garret’s warmth intensified, and she felt him streaming toward his cousin, pulling her along. And…

  She was standing bes
ide the bed, looking down at Garret and a slim, dark-haired woman whose face she’d only seen in mirrors. Herself.

  Beth almost lost her grip and tumbled back into her own body, but Garret caught her close in that wonderful warmth of his. “Hang on, poppet.”

  “Damn, this is weird.” Beth said it out loud, but the words emerged in Morgan’s deep voice instead of her own. She winced, realizing she’d taken control of his body. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s all part of the process of learning how to merge,” he told her. His mind was a little cooler than Garret’s, but there was something pure and shining about it -- a confidence and easy strength she found far more attractive than she’d expected.

  “Glad you approve.” Morgan turned, planning to head outside where they could practice.

  They needed a little more room to work. He stopped in his tracks, the sword dropping from nerveless fingers.

  Elena stood looking at him, her delicate face transparent, her expression hopeful. At his flabbergasted expression, a pleased smile lit her face. “I thought you might be able to see me once all three of you melded.”

  Beth felt the shock roll through both men, almost shattering their mental link. Automatically, she clamped down, trying to hold them together. It worked, though she had no idea how.

  “Elena,” Morgan breathed.

  The love and pain the cousins felt seemed to batter at Beth, but she held on anyway. “If we lose this connection, you won’t be able to see her!” She felt them realize she was right and coil tighter around her, reinforcing the link.

  Morgan reached out a hand toward Elena. “I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry.” He said the words in a pure, rolling Castilian Beth shouldn’t have been able to understand if she hadn’t felt what he was saying.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, my angel,” Elena told him, drifting closer. She started to reach out to him too, then dropped her hand as if afraid. “You did all anyone could. Ramirez was just too strong.”


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