The Road Trip At The End (Book 2): Border

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The Road Trip At The End (Book 2): Border Page 22

by Wood, J N

  I reached the alley and glanced behind me. They were still chasing us, but were far enough away to make me think we could make it.

  They’re definitely slower. Two weeks ago they’d have easily caught me. We can fucking make it. We are gonna make it.

  The alleyway was clear, so I just ran, forcing myself to only look ahead.

  We were soon nearing the end. I could see the inner fence. It felt like Ali was getting heavier with every step. I started shouting for the people at the gates to unlock them, my panic starting to increase. The hissing was getting louder behind us.

  Shapes appeared at the end of the alleyway as the hissing surrounded us. The shapes were zombies. They were running towards us, more and more following them into the alley.

  Give us a fucking chance. I can’t run through that many, not while I’m carrying Ali.

  Resigned to the fact that we were trapped, I stopped and gently lowered Ali down to the ground. I grabbed my trusty Smasher. Jack’s gift had been an excellent replacement for the bat I had lost. When I stood up straight, I felt lightheaded and had a bit of a wobble, having to concentrate on not collapsing.

  I glanced over my shoulder to see which group was closer, trying to blink away the fuzziness that had suddenly fallen over my eyes.

  I’ve no fucking idea how far away they are.

  I placed a foot on each side of Ali, who was much too still for my liking, and waited for them to reach us.

  I’ve just fought my way out from the middle of them a few times. I can do it again.

  ‘Hey fuckers,’ a Lithuanian accented voice shouted out.

  Behind the zombies running towards us from the inner fence, three huge figures appeared, more than head and shoulders above them. Bodies started to fly in all directions, slamming into the walls surrounding us. The three figures were now roaring as they ran. It echoed down the alleyway towards us.

  Filled with hope and immense gratitude, I placed my bat down on Ali and picked her back up. She let out a faint moan.

  The zombies behind me were closing in. The zombies in front had turned at the sound of the roaring. I ran towards Gee, Andruis, and Matis. They were crashing through the zombies like three wrecking balls, shoving them into walls and crushing their frail dead bodies.

  Gee’s expression quickly changed to a look of concern as we neared him. All three Lithuanians ran around us, moving towards the zombies at my back. They each carried a long scaffolding pole in their hands.

  Without turning, Gee shouted, ‘Run Chris. It is clear to fence now.’

  The sound of steel slamming into dead flesh, and then dead flesh thwacking into brick walls, rang out behind us.

  We made it to the car park, turning right when I remembered where the gate was. I looked up to see two people now peering over the top of the fence. Upon seeing us, they both quickly looked down to the ground behind them. By the time we made it to the gates, they were already being opened for us. All my energy left me once we were safely inside, and I fell to my knees once again.

  Chapter 18: Smile

  Two people appeared from nowhere and took Ali from my arms, my blood encrusted baseball bat rolling to the ground in front of me. They carried her off somewhere, quickly disappearing into the crowds. I tried to see where they went, but there were too many people.

  I felt hands under my arms.

  ‘Come on, we need to get you to a medical tent.’

  I was lifted to my feet.

  ‘No,’ I said, shrugging off the hands and reaching back down to pick up the Smasher. ‘I need to go back out. I just need to rest a minute.’

  I turned to see white teeth surrounded by a huge ginger beard.

  ‘You look like shit. You ain’t going back out there.’

  ‘I am. My friends are out there.’ I walked around him, heading towards the gates.

  A hand gripped my shoulder, sending a wave of pain down my left arm. ‘Wait, just wait,’ Ginger Beard said. ‘Let’s get you bandaged up and get some fluids in you at least.’

  I didn’t have the energy to pull away from his grip.

  ‘Come on, the medical tent is just over there.’ I turned to see him pointing down H Street. He handed me a plastic bottle of something orange coloured.

  I struggled to remove the cap, before downing it in just a few thirsty gulps. ‘Okay, but just a few minutes,’ I said. ‘Then I have to go back.’

  We passed by a group of people, just standing there in the rain. They all had blue strips wrapped around their arms. I spotted Fanny Fart Girl amongst them.

  I stopped alongside them. ‘What’s going on?’ I asked the few closest to me. ‘Has Caleb come back? Has anyone told you what they’re planning to do?’

  They exchanged glances, before Fanny spoke up. ‘We were told to wait here. Nobody has told us anything. We haven’t seen Caleb since you left.’

  A short man stepped towards me. ‘What is it like out there? Are we clearing the dead out?’

  ‘No, there’s fucking shitloads of them, far too many. It’s been a fucking disaster from start to finish.’

  ‘What should we do?’ one of the group shouted.

  Ginger Beard stepped to my side, grabbing my arm. ‘We need to keep extra quiet now,’ he told them. ‘They’re just on the other side of that fence.’ He tried pulling me away, but I resisted.

  ‘Do not go outside the fence,’ I said. ‘Whatever any so called boss says to you, do not go outside.’ I went to walk away, but paused. ‘That being said, I am gonna go back out to help my friends. So if anyone wants to join me in about ten minutes, it would be very much appreciated.’

  ‘Come on now,’ Ginger Beard said, gently pulling me away.

  I twisted around to look back at Blue Team as we walked away. They continued to stand there, looking lost and just staring at each other.

  The medical tent was full. Every bed was occupied. People rushed back and forth, none of them wore scrubs, or anything else that made them look like medical staff.

  I looked around for Ali, but she wasn’t in there.

  ‘They’re full,’ I said. ‘I’ll go.’

  ‘No, just wait,’ Ginger Beard said, quickly glancing around. He sat me down on a chair just inside the entrance. My back was to the side of the tent.

  He handed me another drink. ‘Wait here. I’ll go and get someone to help you.’ He spun around and walked away, stopping people and talking to them, before moving on to another.

  There was a clock hanging from one of the supporting posts inside the tent. Ten minutes had passed since Ginger Beard had sat me down. I was just about to get up and walk out, when he reappeared, having to fight to get around the walking wounded. He had a woman in tow.

  She very briefly hesitated when Ginger Beard pointed me out, but then took the last few steps to stand before me.

  She ordered me to strip down to my underpants.

  ‘All of these need to be sutured,’ she said, seeming to point at my whole body. ‘You probably need a blood transfusion. Jordan here says you only want to be patched up, so you can get back out there.’

  ‘That’s right,’ I replied.

  ‘Okay, just making sure that’s what you want.’ She handed me some pills in a little plastic cup. ‘Here, take these. They’re painkillers.’

  I threw them into my mouth, and swallowed them with my drink. ‘Not gonna try and stop me from leaving?’ I asked.

  She shook her head, inspecting the multiple bites and scratches on my arms. ‘No I’m not. But if you don’t mind, I’d like to put a few stitches in these ones.’ She gestured to my arms. She could have been pointing at any of the many cuts and bites. ‘Won’t take long,’ she continued. ‘Your face though, I think I…’ She paused as her eyes roamed across my face. ‘Doesn’t matter, they’re only superficial. It will be fine.’

  ‘Okay, thank you.’

  Just get on with it.

  I stared at the clock on the wall, willing the medic to speed up. The minute hand seemed to be flying around much
faster than normal. Thirty minutes later she was finished. A few incredibly painful stitches, and a lot of bandages, meant I felt I was ready to leave. I was desperate to get back, but also terrified to go back out there. I’d loved to have collapsed somewhere and fallen sleep. It would have been so very easy.

  The medic handed me a Snickers and an energy drink. I started to pick up my dirty, blood splattered clothes to get dressed, but she placed a hand on my arm.

  ‘I’ll get you something else,’ she said. ‘Two minutes.’

  She returned, carrying a neat little stack of folded clothes in her hands.

  Jeans, t-shirt and a thick denim jacket. Perfect.

  ‘The stitches might, or probably will fall out if you start running around anytime soon. But I’ve at least done my job for now.’ She turned and walked away.

  ‘Thank you again,’ I called after her.

  I’ve been gone far too long. Jack is gonna fucking hate me. If he’s still alive.

  I quickly got dressed, picked up my baseball bat and started to walk back to the gate. I considered checking on Ali, but I didn’t know which tent she was in, and I couldn’t leave them out there any longer.

  I ate the Snickers, and quickly knocked back the energy drink as I walked.

  I was definitely not feeling one hundred percent.

  The sun was starting to set on this terrible rainy day. Grey and angry clouds still rolled across the sky above me. The rain wasn’t as heavy now, but not looking like it was stopping anytime soon.

  I again passed by the half of Blue Team that had been left behind. There was a lot more activity surrounding them now. They were handing out torches. I spotted Caleb, standing apart from them. He looked like he was involved in a heated discussion with another member of Blue Team.

  My spirits lifted, I jogged over to him. ‘Caleb, what’s happening?’ I asked. ‘Is everyone back?’

  He shot me a glance before looking up to my face, his eyes briefly widening. He then glared at me, annoyed that I’d interrupted him.


  ‘I was just out there,’ I said. ‘Where is everyone Caleb?’

  ‘I don’t know for sure. We’re waiting until nightfall. Then I’m taking the rest of Blue Team out. We’ll kill the fuckers when they’re asleep.’

  I stared at him, waiting for him to tell me he was joking. ‘You’ve left them all out there?’

  The guy he’d been talking to stared at the ground, looking ashamed.

  ‘Yes, I’ve…erm…’ Caleb stuttered. ‘They’re fine, some of them are fine. They’re on top of a building.’

  ‘On top of a fucking…’ I took a deep breath to try and calm down. ‘The zombies aren’t gonna go to sleep you fucking moron. What are the bosses of the other teams doing? Where are they?’

  The deep breath didn’t help.

  He shoved me in the chest, forcing me to take two steps back.

  ‘Fuck off and wait with the others.’ He turned away from me and continued his conversation with the other guy.

  What the fuck is going on here? This stoner dude is a fucking idiot. Fuck him.

  I looked to the rest of Blue Team and pointed at Caleb. ‘Do not follow this fucking idiot anywhere. Ignore everything he says.’ I turned and walked to the gate. Looking up to the people on the ladder, I said, ‘Hey. Is it safe to go out?’

  They both looked downwards, their eyes lingering on me for a moment, and then looked back outside the fence. The woman on the left ladder turned back to me and said, ‘Not safe in the slightest. But we’ll let you out.’

  ‘Who was playing the music?’ I asked her.

  ‘It’s the sheriff. He’s still going strong. What is that he’s playing now Tanner?’ She looked to the guy on the other ladder. ‘Sounds like Live and Let Die. McCartney or Guns N’ Roses?’

  ‘Is that a serious question?’ Tanner scoffed. ‘It’s obviously McCartney.’

  Thirty seconds later, I was out and running across the thankfully, empty car park again.

  Bolts slotting back into place sounded behind me. Then someone was shouting my name. I stopped and spun around. Royston Gayter was jogging towards me, a machete in each hand.

  Where the fuck has he found them?

  ‘Alright Roy?’

  He hesitated slightly, staring at my face. ‘Hi Chris, thought I’d come down and lend a hand. Who knows what’s going on back there?’ He gestured behind him with one of the machetes. ‘They’ve been sitting around, doing nothing at all. I just spotted you when they were letting you out.’

  ‘Have you seen anyone?’ I asked, stepping towards him. ‘Jack, Michael, Shannon, Gee or Pete?’

  ‘I think I saw Pete. He’s related to Sandra isn’t he?’

  ‘Yeah, where was he?’

  ‘He was back there, hanging around with a load of other people.’

  ‘Good. Hopefully he stays there.’

  ‘Am I going to regret coming out here Chris?’

  ‘Maybe. Come on, follow me.’ I turned and headed towards the alleyway.

  Roy chased after me. ‘Chris, you look terrible. Are you sure you’re okay.’

  ‘Yep. I’m fine,’ I lied.

  ‘I’ve got water bottles in my bag. Do you want one?’

  ‘No thanks. Hopefully we’ll find some people still alive that’ll need them.’

  ‘They wouldn’t tell me how bad it is,’ Roy said.

  ‘It’s really fucking bad,’ I said, stopping and turning back to face him. ‘If you don’t want to come with me, then I’ll understand. But I could really do with the help.’

  ‘I don’t need the speech thanks Chris. Beth would never forgive me if I didn’t come back with Jack.’

  ‘Good. We’re just gonna get him, and a few others, then get back inside the camp.’

  Inside the alleyway, body parts were strewn across the path. Dark stains were splattered over the brick walls of the school buildings. Apart from the decimated zombies we were now running through, the alleyway was clear. I’d assumed the swarms would be right up to the inner fence by now. I could still hear Paul McCartney singing. That must be attracting a lot of the zombies still.

  The hissing was getting louder as we got closer to the end of the alley. I remembered that having a height advantage had fared us well so far today.

  I stopped and turned to Roy. I raised my left hand and placed my finger to my lips. Then I pointed with the Smasher to the roof next to us. He looked up to where I was pointing, and then glanced down the alleyway. He slowly nodded in agreement.

  Roy walked up to the wall, placing his machetes into his belt. He spun around to face me, crouched down, and interlocked his fingers in front of him. I stepped into his hands and he stood up straight. I reached up and grabbed the edge of the roof. With Roy pushing, and me pulling, I just about managed to clamber up. There were a couple of seconds when I was sure I was gonna slip, and come crashing down to land on him. Once I was up, I spun around on my belly and stretched my hand down, taking the Smasher from him as he passed it up. He stepped backwards a few paces, and then ran at the wall. We missed each other the first, and the second time, but I managed to grab his hand on the third attempt. He scrambled with his feet while I pulled him up, so he could grip onto the roof’s edge. Then I got up onto my knees and heaved him up onto the flat roof.

  We were both out of breath at the end of all that.

  We kept to the flat parts of the roof, not wanting to slip on the wet tiles on the steeper, more angled sections. From this vantage point, I could see the damaged fence. There didn’t seem to be as many zombies streaming in through the gaps. When we reached the edge, and looked out over the American football field, and the car park beyond, we both stopped and stared at the sight in shock and awe.

  The reason there weren’t as many zombies trying to get through the fence, was because every fucking zombie in America was already through. It looked like a massive ant migration. They were all being funnelled in the direction of the quarantine area, and the sheriff’s co

  ‘That’s a lot of zombies,’ Roy whispered.

  I quickly scanned the area where the car park was situated, now completely covered with the shuffling dead. Before I’d left there was a lot of Blue Team on the building in the corner of the car park. That was now empty. Nobody was stood on any of the vehicles. I looked right, towards more of the schools buildings. There wasn’t anyone in sight, not from any of the teams. That didn’t mean people weren’t in the buildings. Jack and everyone else would have been hard pressed to get all the way over there though. When I looked to the other side of the swarming zombies on my left, there was just some kind of lorry park, a field with what looked like a disused runway, and then the heavily damaged east outer fence.

  I hope Michael and Shannon got out long before I carried Ali out of that field. There was no way anyone could have survived around there all this time.

  The sheriff was now playing Whole Lotta love, by Led Zeppelin.

  I pointed over to the building on the other side of the alleyway. ‘Let’s see if we can get closer to the sheriff. Hopefully everyone made it to him. If they’re not with him, we’ll have to get into the school somehow, and check in there.’

  ‘Okay, good idea,’ Roy said.

  The edge of the swarm was definitely getting closer to us. There must have still been some zombies coming in through the outer fences, and forcing them closer to the camp. It would only be a matter of time before they were at the inner fence. The sheriff couldn’t keep the music going forever.

  We walked back to where we had climbed up. The distance between the two buildings wasn’t as far there. I crept over to the edge of the roof.

  ‘We can jump that,’ Roy said. ‘It’s only eight or nine feet to the other side.’

  Standing at the very edge and looking at the gap, it seemed too far to me. I wasn’t sure if Roy’s extra couple of inches in height made any difference to his perspective.

  ‘Really?’ I asked him. ‘Why not just drop down and climb back up the other side?’

  ‘Because that other side is a little bit higher than this side, and we only just managed to climb up here. Also, the zombies are just at the end of the passage. Now that I know that, I’m really hesitant about going back down there.’


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