The Dragon's Ambivalent Sacrifice: a Dragon Shifter Romance (The Last Dragons Book 2)

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The Dragon's Ambivalent Sacrifice: a Dragon Shifter Romance (The Last Dragons Book 2) Page 12

by Ines Johnson

  Why was it so hard to approach his brothers? Beryl knew what he wanted to say to them. At least he thought he did. He was going to take Poppy's advice and apologize to them. He'd forgiven himself for his part in their birth, and their upbringing, and their current state. He lifted his foot again, only to choke one more time and step back.

  "What are you doing?"

  Beryl jumped at the sound of Kimber's voice. The male stood in the doorway, watching him with a quizzical look on his stern face.

  "Nothing." Beryl kicked at a pebble in the grass.

  Kimber stood patiently, watching his younger brother. Though he didn’t say a word, his features spoke volumes. Kimber was the only parent Beryl had known. It was the same for all of them. Their father only cared about procreation, not his actual progeny.

  It was Kimber who’d tended their scrapes, bruises, and bone breaks. He taught them to mine for their treasure. He made them eat their veggies alongside their raw meat.

  “Hey, Kimber. I just want to say, you know, thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “You’re a good big brother, that’s all.”

  Kimber arched one brow. “You claimed her, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, but that’s not why—”

  Kimber roared his brothers’ names. Beryl grimaced as they came over. Rhoyl licked his hind leg, his mouth came away crimson red. Ilia rolled his shoulder. The bones cracked before snapping back into place.

  “I’m going to need you two to pull your full weight from now on in the mines,” Kimber began. “We need to get production up. Now with three new mouths to feed and more on the way. Plus, there's the matter of Beryl's upcoming fight."

  "Why does the fight matter?" asked Ilia. "It's not as if Beryl will lose. He never loses."

  Ilia rubbed at a bruise on his neck that Beryl had given him a few days ago.

  “He already lost,” said Kimber. “He claimed Poppy last night."

  “Yeah,” said Ilia. “We heard them.”

  "She claimed me." Beryl cringed. He hadn't meant to say that out loud. "Well, she did. She wanted to decide for herself. And she chose me."

  "Lucky you," said Ilia, but jealousy dripped from his tone. "You got yourself a good one there."

  "You're next," said Beryl.

  Ilia shrugged. "If the Valkyries find anymore with fire in their blood. Who knows how long it will be."

  “I’ll contribute some of my gems,” Beryl offered.

  "I don't need your hand out," said Ilia.

  "It's not a handout," said Beryl. "It's help."

  "Why would you help me?" asked Ilia.

  Now it was Beryl who shrugged. "I haven't been a good brother. Not to either of you." He lifted his gaze to include Rhoyl. "I thought being the biggest and the strongest was the most important thing. But Poppy showed me that it wasn't. She taught me how to be tender and how powerful that is."

  Beryl took a step toward Ilia.

  The male put his fists up.

  Beryl sighed and opened his arms. “I was only going to hug you.”

  “Why?” Ilia didn’t drop his guard.

  "I'm trying to apologize and be an evolved man."

  "I've been evolved all my life," said Ilia. "Way before you."

  "It's not a competition." Beryl’s fists clenched in frustration.

  Ilia looked skeptical. So did Rhoyl. Hell, so did Kimber.

  "All I'm saying is that I’ve been a beast all of my life. I’m trying to learn to be a better man. And a good man apologizes for his mistakes.”

  “What mistakes?” asked Kimber.

  “The first one,” said Beryl. “Killing our mother.”

  “No.” Kimber gripped Beryl’s shoulders. “That was not your fault. That is not any of our faults. We each would’ve saved our mothers if given the chance. And I know for a fact that your mother loved each one of you. I was there.”

  “I ripped her open,” said Beryl.

  “Ripped her open? No. She passed away before you each took your first breath. Her body wouldn’t give you up. Father ripped each of you out of her before she died.”

  “He did?” Beryl’s eyes flashed emerald. He’d always hated his father, but this new knowledge stoked those flames. “Why did you never tell us this before?”

  “I knew.” Ilia raised his hand.

  “I didn’t know that’s what you believed,” said Kimber.

  “Still, I took most of the sustenance in the womb,” said Beryl. “Even once out.”

  “Have any of you lacked for anything in your life?” asked Kimber. “Not enough food? Water? Wine? Shelter? You’ve had everything. You chose to get stronger. And as you did, you made your brothers stronger.”

  Beryl wanted to believe his elder brother’s words. He just wasn’t sure if his younger brothers saw it that way too.

  “I knew father ripped her open when I was a fledgling,” said Ilia. “He told me so. Said he considered leaving me inside of her to rot.”

  “You were clinging to them both,” Kimber said to Beryl. “You wouldn’t let them go. I know I told you this before.”

  He had. Only Beryl remembered it differently. He hadn’t been holding his brothers back. He’d been trying to bring them forward. All this time, Beryl thought he was the bad guy in the situation.

  “Your dragon has always craved to protect something, someone.” Kimber rested a strong hand on Beryl’s shoulder. “And now you have her.”

  “Hopefully, he’ll keep her,” said Ilia. “Unless all this apologizing is a sign of weakness and he can no longer beat Ari.”

  “Ilia, that’s enough,” Kimber warned.

  One thing that would never change between him and his brothers would be the constant jabs they threw at each other. They might not be huggers, but they certainly weren’t pushovers. And just like at the cage matches, like at the bar when Ari had tried to claim Poppy, his brothers would always be there for him. Ready to start or end fights.

  “Maybe I can talk to Leona?” said Kimber.

  “You’ll have to beat Poppy to it,” said Elek.

  They all turned as Elek materialized from the shadows, munching on an apple.

  “She and Cardi left for the lion’s den a while ago.”

  “Why didn’t you stop them?” said Kimber.

  “Seemed right for women to talk amongst women.”

  Kimber and Beryl looked at each other. Then they dropped their flesh and took to the skies.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Mama, this isn’t fair.”

  “Life isn’t fair, sweet cub.” Leona patted Ari on the cheek, but he came away with scratches on his flesh.

  She sounded like a concerned mom the way she spoke to Ari, but the tight grip she had on Poppy’s arm held tones of Evil Stepmother. Down a long, dark hallway they went. The lions’ den was much like the caves where Beryl mined his emeralds. Only these rocks were barren. There were no gems gleaming from their depths.

  The first time Poppy had been carted off after her mother was taken, she'd gone along. When Bruce had decided she'd make a good domestic servant, she had been limp too. She'd come to Beryl without protest. But somewhere along the line, she'd grown a backbone. Probably when Beryl had pleasured her so hard that her back bowed.

  Orgasms could be lethal if given to the right girl.

  Poppy tugged her arm away from Leona. Unfortunately, it didn't do much. Maybe the lioness had been gifted lots of orgasms in her lifetime? She had six children, after all.

  Though she was physically weaker than Leona, Poppy’s spirit was undaunted. She would not go quietly. She'd finally gained a sense of self. She was not about to give that away to some big-maned brute.

  "I won't be docile," said Poppy.

  "Good," purred Leona. "I don't want my grand cubs to be born of a weakling. A mother with spirit will ensure they're strong."

  "I already had sex with Beryl. I'm probably pregnant with his dragon babies now.”

  That made her skip a step. Her lip curled,
and she flashed her incisors.

  "I'll take my chances," said Leona as she pushed Poppy into a room.

  "What the-? Boundaries, Mama. We talked about this."

  Poppy had thought Izem and Ari were big. The male scrambling off the bed was so tall he ducked his head a bit so that it didn’t hit the ceiling. If he reached his arms out, he might touch both sides of the room. Just one side of his chest was as big as her body.

  “I brought you something, Leander. Or rather, someone.”

  Leander’s pants hung low on his hips. There were dark marks all over his fingertips and a few spots around his mouth. He lifted the blanket to hide something beneath the covers. Then he turned to regard Poppy.

  Poppy took a step back. Leander’s face was set in a permanent grimace. But looking into his eyes, she didn’t see the simmering malice that had been in Bruce’s or her molester’s.

  “Why does she smell like Beryl?” said Leander.

  "The dragon forfeited the covenant,” said Leona.

  "Forfeit? You mean he claimed her."

  "She is ours now. As eldest, you’ll claim her."

  Outside the door, Ari mumbled something about the birth canal and big heads.

  "I'm not claiming her,” said Leander. “She reeks of dragon."

  "Hold your nose. Just diddle her with your stick and get her pregnant with cubs."


  “Hurry.” Leona had already backed out of the room. The door slammed closed. Followed by the sound of something slamming in front of it.

  Leander threw up his hands. When he did, his pants slipped a little lower on his hips, exposing his happy trail. Poppy averted her gaze.

  "Oh, sorry about that." He reached for a shirt and shoved his head into it. "And sorry about my mother. She can go overboard when it comes to her cubs.”

  Leander was not a cub. Neither was Ari or Izem.

  Poppy backed into the corner, looking around the room for something to fend him off with.

  Leander held up his giant paws. “Hey, hey, calm down, little girl.”

  “Don’t call me little. I’m not a little girl. I’m a grown woman.”

  “Sorry, that was a bit misogynist of me, wasn’t it?”

  Poppy didn’t respond.

  “I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m not sure how you got here, but I know Beryl will come after you and be here at any moment. You want some tea while we wait?”

  He walked over to a tea set in the corner of the room. Was this some kind of trick? Was he trying to lure her into a false sense of security and then he’d pounce on her?

  “On second thought,” he said with the dainty teacup in his hand, “it might be best if we keep to separate sides of the room. When Beryl comes, he’ll be looking for blood, and I’m just not up for it tonight. I got a massage from a couple of fairies after our fight the other night, and my muscles are nice and languid.”

  “That’s right,” she said. “Beryl is coming for me, and he will kick your ass, so you better stay away.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Even though this is my mother’s fault. But I doubt Beryl will take the time to reason that out.” Leander sighed, putting the teacup meant for her on the bed between them. “I really just wanted a quiet night at home.”

  He picked up his teacup. His pinky went into the air like a proper British gentleman’s. His lips pursed as he took a sip and sighed in contentment.

  “I’m a pacifist. A lover, not a fighter. But I’m also a mama’s boy. I fight to please her. You know how it is with moms.”

  “My mother is dead. She died in a jail cell after killing the man who touched me when I was a child.”

  “I’m so sorry.” The lion of a man actually looked sad for her. Then his brows rose to his hairline. “Does Beryl know that?”

  Poppy nodded.

  “And now you’re trapped in a room with me, against your will, after he’s mated you. Great, he’s going to come here, Hulk out, and totally harsh my vibe. I’m in no mood for Wrestlemania IV.”

  Poppy had no idea what the giant of a lion-man was talking about. But it sounded like he knew Beryl and what Beryl was capable of. It was clear from how he made himself appear smaller, and his manners that he truly meant Poppy no harm. She decided to trust her gut and label Leander a friend and not foe.

  She took a seat on his bed. As she did, a sheet of paper fluttered out. Poppy made out some of the words.

  “Don’t read that.” A low growl came from Leander. The once docile giant turned menacing.

  Looks like her bully meter was still getting it wrong.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Beryl pumped his legs as he flew. He knew that his legs were ineffectual in the air, but he would do anything necessary to get to her faster.

  What had she been thinking going to the lion's den? Hadn't she learned her lesson of going off on her own? He couldn't fathom what her purpose was?

  Unless she preferred Ari over him? Although Beryl couldn’t see why. The shifter didn’t even wrestle or box. He liked karate.

  Perhaps Poppy had had her eye on Izem? Izem had an adventurous streak. He was always off in the far reaches of the Veil and spending the night out in the wilderness. Beryl knew Poppy wanted to explore.

  Or maybe she’d be interested in Leander. Leander was almost as big as Beryl. But he knew the lion shifter had a softer side that he only showed those he trusted. Maybe Poppy craved that? Maybe she wanted the cuddly lion over the brute of a dragon.

  Deep in his heart, Beryl knew that was wrong. He'd believed her when she'd professed her love for him. Still, there was a part of him that doubted.

  The canopy of trees of the lion’s territory came into view. He hit the ground running when he reached the lion's den. He'd expected to come face to face with at least two of the cubs outside the entrance. But it was unblocked, completely unguarded. In fact, the door was opened.

  Was this a trick?

  Kimber was at his side. Along with Ilia. The other three had stayed home to protect Chryssie and her hatchlings.

  Beryl kicked the door off its hinges. It was an unnecessary move since it was open and unguarded. But he was so full of aggression, he needed some way to let it out. Professor Hulk went out the door in favor of World War Hulk who would decimate everything in his sight.

  She was here. Her heady scent filled the entryway. There were no signs of force anywhere. Whatever she had come here to do, she'd done it willingly.

  Perhaps it was as Elek had said, that Poppy was trying to reason with Leona and get the fight called off now that she was claimed. Unfortunately, Beryl knew things didn't work that way. Especially not with Leona who was still steeped in the old ways.

  The lioness would take one sniff of Poppy, smell that she was claimed, and call a forfeit. If Leona brought it to the Valkyries for a decision, they would decide with her. That's why Beryl had to reclaim his mate and then pummel Ari into the ground so that no one would ever challenge him again for Poppy.

  She was his. Now and forever.

  Voices carried from the den. Beryl knew the way, having been here many times as a fledgling, rough-housing with the cubs. A trill of feminine laughter alongside a deep masculine chuckle came from the inner room. Laughing? Beryl's blood went cold inside his hot veins.

  He spied a redhead bent close with a blonde mane. Too close for comfort. This wasn't negotiations. It was flirting.

  A roar tore through his throat. The lion turned, eyes glowing yellow-gold looking for the aggressor. Another pair of eyes flashed him, looking indignant and not the least bit frightened.

  "Cardi?" said Beryl.

  "Dude, take a chill pill," said Cardi.

  Beryl looked around for Poppy. She was nowhere to be seen.

  "Cardinal, what are you doing?" said Kimber.

  “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m having a private conversation with my friend.”

  Izem waggled his eyebrows at Kimber, then turned back to Cardi. “You have the most beautiful lips. Has anyon
e ever told you that?”

  “No,” Cardi giggled. “Someone has told me that I have the most annoying mouth, but I don’t think that is the same.”

  “Izem,” growled Kimber, “move away from her.”

  Izem looked to Cardi. Cardi glared at Kimber.

  “He doesn’t have to move anywhere,” said Cardi. “He’s asked me on a date.”

  “He did what?” shouted Kimber.

  “And I’m going.”

  “You are not. You’re my …”

  “Your what?” Cardi jumped up and squared off with Kimber. “I’m not your mate. You never claimed me. I don’t think you ever will. I don’t think you want to. So, I’m breaking up with you.”

  “Breaking up with me?” Kimber sounded out each word individually.

  “You heard me.”

  “Hey!” shouted Beryl. “Where is my mate?”

  “She’s in Leander’s room,” said Ari.

  Ari leaned against a wall. He was wearing his white karate uniform with the belt loosely tied at his waist. His grin was that of the Cobra Kai sensei in that Karate Kid movie when he challenged the untried Daniel to a fight with his champion.

  “But you’ll probably want to knock first.”

  Everything went green. Beryl put his feet into motion, leaving behind the shouting match happening between Cardi and Kimber about the status of their relationship.

  Beryl followed Poppy’s scent down the hall. He knew where Leander’s room was, having come to this den many times in his youth. After that fight a few days ago, he doubted he’d be invited here again.

  But here he was. In the belly of the lions’ den. His claws out and fire scratching to get out of his throat.

  He knew he couldn’t go into Leander’s room, flames blazing. Poppy was in there. Beryl also knew that, unlike Ari, Leander was respectful of others’ things.

  Except, Beryl had nearly killed the man a few days ago. What if Leander hadn’t forgiven him? What if he decided retribution was in order? Beryl’s life, namely Poppy, for the life Beryl had nearly taken?

  As Beryl stood before Leander’s door, locked in uncertainty, he heard voices murmuring behind the door. Those voices didn’t sound like signs of duress. They didn’t sound like sounds of aggression either.


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