Disarming My Destiny: Sulfur Springs Book 5

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Disarming My Destiny: Sulfur Springs Book 5 Page 8

by Taylor Rylan

  “Tomorrow works. My normal time is eight. That okay?”

  “Sure. That works. I’ll be tagging along. You remember that part, right?” I asked before taking another drink of water.

  “Yep. Just bring Oreo here around seven thirty and we’ll head on over in my truck. By the way, what size do you wear?”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Size. What size do you wear?”

  I looked down at my suit and thought about the question. What the hell? “Umm, I wear an extra-large shirt and a large bottom. Why do you ask?” I heard a bunch of noise through the phone and then heavy breathing followed by what sounded like the phone on the other end being dropped.

  “Shit,” Xander mumbled and then there was more loud noise before he was talking in my ear again. “Hey. Sorry about that. I’ve got something for you. I’ll see you in a bit,” Xander said, and then he was gone. I pulled my phone away and looked at the screen and yes, he had indeed hung up on me. Wait, he said he’d see me in a bit? What the hell did that mean?

  I got up from my barstool, and after I put the bottle in the recycle bin, I went upstairs to change out of my suit. Since I fully expected to get called into work this evening at some point, and who knew what the hell Dr. Dreamy meant, I pulled on a clean pair of jeans and a cable-knit sweater. I pulled on a pair of boots and tied them before I ran back downstairs. Oreo was certainly asleep, because she didn’t budge until I got closer, and then to only roll over onto her back and into the dead cockroach position.

  I shook my head at my dog and went into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. I just knew I’d either have late-night visitors, meaning Adrian, Alex, and Kirk, or I’d be going into the office for a bit.

  Once the coffee was brewing, I opened the freezer, hoping to find something that was appealing for supper. Yeah, nope. I’d just gone shopping, too. But nope. Nothing. I closed the freezer and went to the pantry. Maybe I had soup? I really didn’t want to go back out. It was cold.

  “Hmm, nope, no soup. Damn,” I said out loud to my empty kitchen. And now I was talking to myself. That wasn’t good. I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed the pen off the counter and added soup to the shopping list that was on the fridge door. I added salad, fresh fruit, and OJ as well. A quick open of the door let me know I’d better grab milk, too.

  Shaking the gallon of milk, I discovered I had enough for a bowl of cereal. After a quick peek, I discovered that on the top shelf was some Special K Red Berries, so I pulled the box down and did a little dance when I realized it was almost full. Score!

  Just as I set the bowl on the counter, my doorbell chimed. That was odd. I wasn’t expecting anyone until later, but it was possible that they were swinging by before they went to the feedlot to check things out. I placed the box on the counter and rushed to open the door.

  Never did I expect to see Dr. Dreamy on the other side of my door, standing in the freezing cold holding a large pizza from Frankie’s in one hand and a bag in the other.

  “Doc? What are you doing here?”

  “Can I come in?”

  It took my brain a second or two to process his question, but then I quickly stepped back and let Oreo’s doctor into my place. No. He wasn’t really here. That was just me imagining things earlier when I thought I heard him say he’d be by soon.

  “Did you not hear me earlier when I said I’d see you soon?”

  “Umm, yeah, but I thought…yeah, I guess I didn’t realize it actually meant you were coming here. How did you know where I live?”

  “I was incredibly unprofessional and looked at your chart. Sorry. I do have a reason though.”

  I stared at Xander and fought with myself. I wanted to be upset about him getting my address that way, but I couldn’t. But at the same time, I honestly didn’t know why he was here.

  “Okay, so, why are you here?”

  “Can I put the pizza down first?” Xander asked, holding the box up a little higher.

  “Oh. Shit. Yeah, sorry. Here,” I said as I pointed to the counter. “Umm, you brought pizza?”

  “I did, yes. I didn’t know how you liked your pizza, so I got it with pepperoni and extra cheese. I figured most people like that, so I took a chance.” Xander set the box down on the counter and the bag beside it. Once his hands were empty, he started fidgeting.

  “Doc, why are you here? Not that I’m not grateful. I was about to eat cereal, actually,” I said as I pointed to my dinner that was sitting on the counter.

  “Oh, I didn’t even think. I can go if you need me to.”

  I shook my head, hoping he would stay. And talk. Mainly tell me why he was here. And what was in the bag. I raised an eyebrow at him, hoping he’d get the hint.

  “Yeah. So you said you’re going with me tomorrow. Rick usually goes if I need someone to go with. But you’ll want to blend in. So I brought some scrubs with so you won’t really get noticed. Although, I can’t see you not getting noticed.”

  I was surprised. I was almost positive that Dr. Dreamy hated me. “Doc, careful. I might start to think you like me or something. We don’t want that now, do we?” I joked, but the look on Xander’s face said he was anything but joking. “Oh. I’m sorry. Truly, I am. I honestly thought you couldn’t stand me.”

  I watched as Xander sighed and blew out a deep breath before he looked back at me. “I don’t hate you. You’re a frustrating pet owner at times, but you’re a damn good one. It’s obvious you love your dog. I just don’t understand why you have one when you’re so busy.”

  “She was my dad’s dog. Now she’s mine. It’s as simple as that,” I said as I walked around the doc and into the kitchen. I grabbed the milk and put it back into the fridge and the cereal back in the pantry. “So you want me to what? Try on scrubs?” I asked.

  “You said what your size was, so I grabbed your size. They’re baggy and comfortable, so they should fit with no problems.”

  “All right. And the pizza. Did you want to stay for pizza? You brought it so we’re having dinner?” I asked as I pulled down two plates and set them on the counter.

  “If you don’t mind. I thought…maybe we could talk? We really seemed to get off on the wrong foot, and I feel that I’ve greatly misjudged you.”

  “Well, Doc, take your coat off and stay a while. Although, the only place I have to eat is right there on the counter. It’s that or the couch. Up to you.”

  “Umm, either works. I usually eat at the table, but whatever you’re most comfortable with,” Xander said while looking around. I nodded and handed him a plate before I turned to the fridge. “I have coffee, water, milk, and beer. Which would you like?”

  “Water is fine. And then maybe coffee after?”

  I pulled two water bottles out of the fridge before I turned and handed one to Xander. “You’re planning on staying for a while if you’re wanting coffee after,” I joked. Xander shook his head but smiled at me as he put several slices of pizza on his plate. I did the same and then moved the box to the small island in the middle of the kitchen before I went to sit down on the barstool beside Xander.

  “So, Doc, what do you want to talk about?” I asked, then took a bite of pizza. Xander sat beside me and did the same. He swallowed before responding.

  “I know you can’t tell me a whole lot. But it’d be nice to know a little about what to expect.”

  “That’s understandable and simple enough. It’s easy. You just have to do what you normally do. That’s it. I’ll need you to take me to where you saw the horses before, but honestly, it’s that simple.”


  “Yep. I just need visual confirmation that they’re there. Once I have it, we’ll watch the place until backup arrives,” I told him.


  “As in me. You’ll be out of the way. Under no circumstances are you to leave your truck after we leave the building, understood?”

  Xander nodded before he opened his water bottle. He went back to eating his pizza, and I glanced at the bag.
“So you need me to try on the scrubs? Are you going to be wearing them?”

  “No. I’ll be dressed as I am now. But Rick always wears scrubs, so you should consider it,” Xander told me. I shrugged and reached for the bag and pulled out a pair of blue pants that looked a lot like pajama bottoms and a matching top.

  “Seriously? I’ll freeze in these,” I said as I fingered the thin material.

  “You don’t have to. It was just a suggestion.”

  I thought about it for a moment and pulled off my sweater so I could try on the top. It looked too small. When Xander coughed beside me, I turned and stared at him. He grabbed for his water and took a big drink before he looked back at me. When he did, there was absolutely no mistaking the fact that he was checking me out. None. He couldn’t hide it.

  “Everything okay?” I asked, innocently. Xander just nodded.

  Xander — 10

  Holy mother of all that is…fuck. He had tattoos. And muscles. That bulged. Even just sitting there. And his skin was sun-kissed even in the middle of winter in Wyoming. Why? Why did someone so damn attractive have to be a client? Why? After I stopped coughing, I downed my entire water bottle and refused to look at Bishop. If I did, I’d end up saying something stupid like “can I lick your tattoos?”

  I watched as he struggled to get into the scrub top, and when he had it on, it was indecently tight across his shoulders. Then, of course I had to help him remove it because he couldn’t get it over his head. And oh my god. He smelled so fucking good. We got him out of the scrub top, and I didn’t even want to stick around to see if the pants fit. I hightailed it out of there as fast as I could.

  I told him to not worry about the scrubs. Jeans and a button-down would work. Hopefully nobody really noticed.

  I drove home to my place in Sulfur Springs, and by the time I parked in the garage and shut off the engine, I was ready to explode. I wouldn’t though. No matter how good he smelled. No matter how beautiful his eyes were and how smooth his skin was when I accidently grazed it while helping him get the stuck shirt off, I wasn’t going to rub one out to thoughts of a client. I wasn’t.

  So what did I do? I stripped and climbed into an icy cold shower. When that didn’t completely work, thoughts of my mother catching me with Ryan Smith our senior year did. Finally, my cock gave up and started to deflate. I was able to turn the water from freezing to nice and warm, something the rest of my body greatly appreciated.

  I sighed, frustrated, yet more. I couldn’t quite tell you what, but I knew I wanted Deputy Bishop Jones. More than I’d wanted anyone in a long time. I was almost forty-two and I hadn’t had a steady boyfriend in over a decade. When my cock thought about trying again, I quickly washed and rinsed before I got out of the shower and dried off.

  After I threw on some sweats and a long-sleeved shirt, I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed a six-pack of beer. I’d only had a few bites of one slice of pizza, and I knew I needed to eat something, but I simply didn’t care. I plopped down on the couch and turned on Animal Planet. I needed something to distract me, and watching the hunky Bondi Vet named Chris always put me in a good mood. A lot of times, it put me in a great mood.

  When I reached for another beer, I didn’t think anything of it; I just continued to watch Chris in action. He was certainly easy on the eyes, but for whatever reason, my dick wasn’t cooperating tonight. I reached for another beer, only to discover the carton was empty. Damn. Did I drink all six already? I looked over at the end table and saw six empty bottles on it. Well fuck.

  I tossed the carton onto the floor and stared down at my dick. It wasn’t working. I looked up at Chris, an image that used to always get me hard and nothing. Nothing at all. Dammit.

  Frustrated, I turned and lounged on the couch with my head back on the arm of the couch and closed my eyes. When I did, icy blue eyes and a perfect smile immediately filled my mind, and damn if my dick didn’t start to plump up. No! No, no, no! Not him. He was a client!

  Pissed off, I shoved my hand into my pants, and before I realized what I was doing, I was fucking my hand while imagining I was thrusting in and out of those beautiful lips I’d love to get a taste of. I gasped when I realized what I was actually doing, and not thinking, I grabbed my phone.

  Me: Damn you! You broke my dick!

  Deputy Hunk: Doc?

  Me: Fuck! Want you so bad.

  Me: But can’t.

  Me: You’re a client.

  Me: Even Chris doesn’t get me hard.

  Me: Fix it. Come fix it. I need you.

  Deputy Hunk: Doc? Are you drunk?

  I stared at my phone and dropped it on my chest. Fuck. When was the last time I’d gotten laid? Seriously? I couldn’t remember, which meant it had been way too long. I closed my eyes and thought of icy blue eyes and golden skin as I drifted off to sleep as my phone kept vibrating on my chest.

  I jerked awake as my alarm went off below me. Below me? Huh? I groaned when I tried to open my eyes. They felt like they were glued shut. That was never a wonderful feeling. And why was I on the couch? I glanced at the TV and saw that when I didn’t respond in the middle of the night, it had turned itself off. That was certainly a function I was fond of.

  “What the fuck?” I said to myself as I looked over the side of the couch and grabbed my phone. Finally silencing my alarm, I looked at the clock and saw it was just after six. It was certainly time to get up, but why was I on the couch?

  I pushed up from my temporary bed, and when I glanced at the end table, I groaned. That explained the reason why my mouth felt like it was full of cotton. I got up from the couch, and after I quickly put the empty bottles back in the holder, I carried them into the kitchen where I tossed the entire thing in the can I used for recycling.

  After checking the coffeepot for fresh grounds, I saw that I hadn’t set it up and let loose another round of cursing. That got me nowhere, and I quickly dumped yesterday’s grounds and rinsed everything before I reset it and started a fresh pot of coffee.

  I picked up my phone and unlocked it to check for missed calls and saw I had several missed texts. I dropped my phone when I saw the texts and who they were from.

  Oh no. Fuck me. No. Please no. I looked back at the texts and yep. I did indeed tell Bishop Jones that I needed him. He sent several messages after I’d obviously fallen asleep, and that made me feel terrible. I was an adult, even if I didn’t act like one last night, and I was going to message him and let him know I was okay.

  Me: Damn you! You broke my dick!

  Deputy Hunk: Doc?

  Me: Fuck! Want you so bad.

  Me: But can’t.

  Me: You’re a client.

  Me: Even Chris doesn’t get me hard.

  Me: Fix it. Come fix it. I need you.

  Deputy Hunk: Doc? Are you drunk?

  Deputy Hunk: Are you okay?

  Deputy Hunk: Should I be worried?

  Deputy Hunk: Doc?

  Deputy Hunk: Xander?

  Deputy Hunk: Okay, I’m going to assume you’re asleep. Fuck, I hope you are. But we’re going to talk about this in the morning.

  Me: I’m sorry. I apologize. I was indeed drunk. Something that I rarely do, but the lack of food and six-pack I’d drunk did me in. I was very unprofessional, and I do apologize. I didn’t mean anything by it, and I am honestly sorry.

  I watched as the dots waved at me as Bishop started typing. Shit. He was already up. Of course he was though. He had a dog, and he had to go to work.

  Deputy Hunk: That’s all good and well, but we need to talk about this.

  Me: No, we don’t. I’ve apologized. I meant it. I honestly didn’t mean anything by it. It’s been a while since I’ve been with…

  I stopped and stared at my screen. The easiest way out of this was to lie, but I couldn’t do that. I had to face him in a little over an hour, and I couldn’t lie to him, so I erased my last text before I sent it and then continued.

  Me: No, we don’t. I’ve apologized and I honestly mean it. I think
because you were the last person I’d talked to, that’s why your name was the one I picked. I’m so very sorry. Please forgive me.

  I didn’t wait for a response. I tossed my phone onto my bed as I walked by on my way to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, and deciding to not shave, I stripped and climbed in. After a quick but thorough scrub—I was in the shower more to get my hair to lie flat than anything—I climbed out and quickly dried off.

  I brushed my teeth before walking out into my bedroom and got dressed in a clean set of clothes. After pulling on my boots and picking up my phone, I walked back to the kitchen and poured myself a large travel mug of coffee.

  I opened the fridge and pulled out two water bottles and downed one with a few Motrin before going back for a couple of hard-boiled eggs. They were quick and easy, and this morning they were about all I really had time for. Once those and the other bottle of water were gone, I picked up my mug and left for work. I had a good twenty- or thirty-minute drive to think about my texts to Bishop last night.

  What the fuck had I been thinking? Note to self…until my unresolved feelings for the deputy were sorted, no more drinking. Or, at least limit myself to just one or two.

  I followed the familiar roads until I was pulling in behind my clinic and smiled when I saw Ezra’s car and Rick’s SUV parked there already. I had the best employees, and I knew it. I removed my coffee from the cupholder and jogged over to the back door and inside. Dogs were barking and when I peeked into the kennel room, I saw Rick surrounded by two of our regular daycare dogs and I smiled.

  “Mornin’,” I said before taking a sip of coffee. It was just starting to get to the level of cool enough to drink.

  “Hey. You’re early,” Rick said, glancing at the clock on the wall.

  “Yeah. Change of plans. I’m headed over to Grady’s today, and I’ll need you to cover any appointments this morning for me. I’m going to let Ezra know to reschedule anything that I need to be present for.”

  “I thought we were going tomorrow?” Rick asked as he put the two dogs inside the play area. They immediately started chasing after the balls we’d placed in the play area.


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