Disarming My Destiny: Sulfur Springs Book 5

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Disarming My Destiny: Sulfur Springs Book 5 Page 17

by Taylor Rylan

  “I know he’s busy, and I’m trying to wait. I’m just impatient. I really like him, and I can definitely see myself with him. Like, permanently.”

  “Well good for you. I’m really happy and hope it works out. He seems like a nice enough guy. Why don’t you go ask him though?”

  “I will. I know we need to always talk to each other. Hell, I even gave you that advice with Cody.”

  Adrian chuckled but shook his head. “True, you did. But why don’t you go ask him. Isn’t that him standing right there?” Adrian asked and pointed out the windshield. Sure enough, there Xander was, standing outside Five Guys. I smiled and waved, and he did the same.

  “That doesn’t look like a guy that’s pulling away. I’ll go order us some food. You two talk out in the cold if you want,” Adrian said as he got out of the SUV and headed inside the restaurant. I got out at a much slower pace, but when I closed the door, the horn honked, letting me know Adrian was watching from inside.

  “Hey,” I said as I walked up to Xander with a smile on my face. He pulled me into his arms, and then his lips were on mine. Right there on the sidewalk in Jackson, Xander swiped his tongue across my lips and kissed me. In front of any and everyone that was there. I moaned into his mouth and grabbed his coat with my fists.

  “Damn, I’ve missed you. We’ll have to work out a schedule or something.”

  “Umm, okay?”

  I looked at Xander, still dazed about what the hell had just happened and what was going on.

  “I like this look on you. Especially knowing I put it there.” Xander ran his thumb across my lower lip and gave it a gentle tug.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just…confused.”

  “You look it. Want to tell me why?” Xander asked as he pulled me into the restaurant. He sat over at a two-person table but gave Adrian and Rick a “just one minute” gesture before he turned back to me. “What’s going on? Have I done something?”

  “Yes but no. I’m good. We’re good. I’m okay with talking later. Were you still coming over this evening for dinner? Or were we going out?”

  “I’m coming over. I’d hoped we could order delivery?” Xander said with a smile on his face.

  “We can, yes,” I said and nodded. That kiss on the sidewalk really went a long way to putting things into perspective.

  “Tell me what’s on your mind though, please?” Xander said as he reached for my hand.

  “It’s really just me being insecure. We spent so much time together, and then you stayed away. I know we each have our own lives, and we just started dating. It just threw me a little.” I gave Xander a smile the same time I gave his hand a squeeze.

  “Okay, well, you need to know it threw me, too. That’s why I mentioned a schedule or something. But I’m hoping for an invite to spend the night tonight? I even brought a bag with me.”

  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I was excited about tonight and nodded in agreement. Xander smiled again and stood up, extending a hand to me. He was going to be spending the night. That was a great thing in my book.

  I took his hand and together, we walked over to the table that Adrian and Rick were sitting at.

  “Everything okay?” Adrian asked. I nodded and watched as Rick got up when a number was called.

  “You haven’t eaten yet?” I asked as I looked at Xander. I’d assumed he was leaving, which was why he was outside.

  “No. I happened to see you pull up outside while we were standing in line. I had Rick order for me while I went outside to get your attention. I need to get a drink,” Xander told me just as Adrian held up my own cup.

  “So do you,” Adrian said as he waved the cup in my face. I snatched it from him and sent him a glare.

  “Thanks. I’ll get lunch next week.”

  “I know you will. Glad things are okay,” Adrian said as he picked up his own cup and took a drink. I got up and walked over to the fountain drink machine with Xander.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah. I just thought…” I looked around and made sure nobody was within hearing distance before I leaned in next to Xander’s ear.

  “You spent four nights and then you were gone. I thought maybe you got tired of me or something. I don’t want to move too fast, but I also want us to be open with each other. I realize we’re new as a couple and we’re still learning…things.”

  “We are. And trust me, I wanted to come over. I just didn’t want to jump into a relationship where we were full-on right away and it felt we were headed that way with me spending so many nights in a row with you. I want you to come spend the night at my place sometime, too. I think Oreo will love it outside there. Last time she was sick and I just carried her outside and then she came right back in the same way,” Xander said as he filled his cup. I filled mine while he was putting a lid on his cup. He handed me one, and once I had it snapped onto the cup, he leaned in and whispered in my ear.

  “Don’t worry about anything, Deputy. I want you and you’re mine now, so don’t think I’ll be gone that easily.” Xander gave my lobe a quick kiss before he stepped away and offered a smile. I visibly shivered before we walked back to the table. Adrian had picked up our bags of food, and I was incredibly grateful for him just then. More than I’d probably be able to ever tell him.

  I already knew Rick from the clinic, but Adrian hadn’t yet met him. By the time Xander and I had settled in at the table to eat our food, they were already chatting as if they’d been friends for years. Another thing we could thank Cody for. Adrian used to growl and glare at just about everyone. Not anymore. No, Cody hadn’t made him soft, but he had made him approachable and friendly.

  “So what you need is a dog. And we have the cutest little shih tzu at the shelter. She’s around two and such a love bug,” Rick said to Adrian. I laughed out loud at the look of horror on Adrian’s face. Rick turned his gaze to me. “Not a dog person?”

  “I’d say Cody is more the dog person than Adrian is. He’s okay with them, but I think they’ll be better off without a dog for a few more years,” I told Rick as Adrian nodded enthusiastically.

  “Maybe a cat, then?” Rick asked, hopeful. Adrian shook his head while cringing.

  “We plan on doing a lot of traveling in the next couple of years, so we’re going to hold off on getting a pet. But my sister has two kids. I’ll gladly send her your way,” Adrian said as he pulled out his phone.

  “Oh, they’re the ones who Oreo was staying with!” Rick said a little too loudly, and Adrian winced. I knew he felt bad about that still, and I reached over and gave his bicep a squeeze. He looked at me, and I offered a smile.

  “It’s okay. Really. She’s a Texas girl, and this is her second cold winter and this one is so much worse than last year.”

  Adrian sighed but nodded. “I know, but I still feel bad.”

  “What Bishop said is true though. She really is okay. Lots of dogs get colds, especially the little ones,” Xander told him. It seemed that coming from Xander, that helped because Adrian visibly relaxed.

  I sent Xander a smile and wink across the table and opened my burger. It was greasy and unhealthy and would require an extra few miles on the treadmill at the gym, but it was worth it, so I dug in. The large order of fries were just as good, and we all ate greasy burgers while talking about little things.

  When lunch was over, we parted ways but not before Xander pulled me in for another lingering kiss that promised wonderful things later on tonight.

  “I’ll see you later?”

  “Yes. I’m not working late, so I’ll be by early to get Oreo. Just come over whenever you want, and I’ll be there,” I told him before leaning in and giving his neck a quick nibble. He smelled like Xander, something I realized was just his soap.

  “I’ll be by a little after six, unless we have stragglers. Text me if you want me to pick dinner up.”

  “I’ll think about it, but that sounds good.”

  “Great. See you later. Good luck with your case,” Xand
er said before he gave me another quick peck on the lips, and then he was gone, walking off toward his truck. I walked over to Adrian’s SUV and quickly climbed in. He was on his phone, so I assumed he was texting Cody.

  “You ready?” Adrian asked as he set his phone in the cup holder.

  “Yep. Let’s see if we can figure out who all is behind this horse-theft ring.”

  Adrian put the SUV in reverse and backed out of the spot before he drove around the block and headed back toward our office.

  “Did you get everything worked out?”

  “Pretty much, yeah. I can see us talking about it more later, but yeah, it’s all good. And I know I really need to figure out how this relationship thing works.”

  “I cannot believe you just said that to me,” Adrian said while sending daggers my way with his eyes.

  “What? Why?” I looked at Adrian, shocked.

  “Why? Because it was you, silly, who gave me tons of relationship advice. Where did that person go?”

  “I’m not sure. It’s different when you’re so closely involved.” I looked out the window and watched the buildings go by. It seemed that was what I was always doing when I was with Adrian. Staring out the window in thought.

  “The best advice you’ve ever given me is to communicate. Just communicate with each other, and things will work out if they’re supposed to.”

  “We’ll talk more tonight. Xander was trying to not go from casually seeing each other to living with each other in a matter of days,” I said.

  “Bishop, do you want my honest opinion?” Adrian asked. He glanced at me as I was looking at him, before he turned back toward the traffic on the street.


  “I’ve seen the way the doctor looks at you. I don’t think you have to worry about anything. He’s into you, for lack of a better phrase. But like me, he’s older, and if you’re not really looking for something permanent, you might want to let him know early on.”

  “Not that everyone your age is looking for forever, but I want that. I want someone to come home to. Oreo is great, but she’s definitely not the same. I want someone to laugh with, cry with, just be with. And I can certainly see Xander as being that person.”

  “He knows about your dad, right? And your mom?”

  “He does. I’ve kept no secrets from him,” I told Adrian.

  “Good. Then I really hope you two make things work because you’ve been happier and that’s nice to see,” Adrian said as he pulled into the parking lot at work.

  “Thanks, Adrian. I appreciate that.”

  “No thanks needed, but you’re welcome. Besides, family is supposed to want what’s best for each other,” Adrian said as he patted me on the knee before he climbed out of the SUV. I had to take a few deep breaths to steady myself. It meant a lot that Adrian considered me something more than just a partner at work. That he considered me family? That meant everything.

  Xander — 22

  “Dr. G? I know you’re super busy, but do you have a minute?” I looked up at Ezra as he nervously stood in the doorway to the exam room I was still in. It had been a less than fun experience trimming Otis’s nails, but in the end, the pug left with much shorter nails and the owner with explicit instructions to not let them get that long again. But there was blood everywhere because we’d unfortunately clipped a few quicks.

  “I’ll always make time for you, Ezra. What’s on your mind?” I asked as I wiped up the mess of clipped nails and blood. When I had everything in a pile, I scooped it into my gloved hand and tossed it in the biohazard trash.

  “I owe you an apology. About your guy.” I’d been in the process of grabbing the bleach that was kept in a spray bottle, but at Ezra’s words, my eyes flew to his.


  “I mean, I’ll always think of him as Deputy Hunk on some level, but I realized I was rude when I asked about your personal life. But I’ve seen how much you smile when you see him. That’s special, Dr. G. Don’t let that one get away,” Ezra said while giving me a sad smile before he turned and left.

  “What the…” I said to the empty room just as Rick walked in.

  “I got that, Dr. G. Mrs. Light is in exam two.”

  I nodded at Rick and set the spray bottle on the table before I pulled off my gloves and tossed them in the trash.

  “Rick, have you noticed anything…odd…about Ezra?”

  “He’s been quiet since after lunch, but with him, who knows. He’s been moody for a few days, but today it’s more than that.” Rick pulled on his own pair of gloves and sprayed down the table.

  “Okay, thanks,” I said as he started wiping up the mess. I walked to my office before joining Mrs. Light. I was starting to regret the butt plug I’d put in after I’d gotten back from lunch. I was horny to begin with, and the damn thing had been massaging my prostate all afternoon. Wrestling with dogs while your ass had a plug in it and your dick was as hard as granite wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again.

  Once I readjusted myself again and made sure my lab coat was completely buttoned, I left my office and headed to exam room two. After I gave a quick knock, I entered. Mrs. Light had a dog that was sweet as could be, but she had absolutely no control over it, and appointments with Rufus were always challenging.

  When Rufus was good to go for another year, I walked him to the front of the clinic for Mrs. Light and held his leash while she paid her bill. Since I didn’t want to see her get hurt in the parking lot, I led the overly excited husky mix to the car for her.

  “Have a good day, Mrs. Light,” I said before I closed the back door of her car. Mrs. Light waved through the windshield, and I hurried back into the clinic. Rick was standing at the counter, staring at Ezra, who looked like a scolded child.

  “Damn, it’s cold out there,” I said as I walked up to the pair. “Everything okay?”

  “Sure,” Ezra said as he turned away from Rick and went back to typing on the computer. “Your last appointment canceled, Dr. G. And all but one had canceled for tomorrow,” Ezra said as he pulled up the schedule.

  “How bad is the storm?” I asked, becoming concerned.

  “Last I checked, we’d all better make sure we have enough food for a few days,” Rick said as he stood up from where he was leaning on the counter. He turned his phone my direction, and I winced at what I saw.

  “Damn. Okay. Since the last appointment canceled, Rick, start the cleanup and I’ll help when I’m finished,” I said, and my tech nodded and took off. I turned toward my office manager and stared.


  “You okay?”

  “Just peachy. It’s nothing serious. Just boy problems.”

  “You sure?” I asked as I pulled out my phone.

  “Yeah. Did you want me to call and reschedule tomorrow’s holdout?”

  “Yes, please. Then I want you to head home and stay there until this thing passes. Are there any daycare dogs left?”

  “Just Oreo, Fluffy, and Sarge,” Ezra said as Mr. Landry walked in. “Correction. Just Oreo.” I nodded and turned to offer Mr. Landry a warm smile. He was a nice enough client. He was a lawyer here in Jackson and had Sarge, his bulldog, as well as Fluffy, his ex-wife’s Pomeranian.

  “Mr. Landry. It’s nice to see you again,” I said as I held out my hand. He shook it and offered a smile in return.

  “Doc. I’m thinking about relocating to Florida. You ever been?” Mr. Landry asked as he rubbed his hands together. Ezra got up to go to the back and get the two that were about to go home.

  “I’ve been once, maybe twice. It’s hot. And humid. And they have hurricanes and very large snakes.”

  I laughed as Mr. Landry cringed before he too chuckled. “Hmm, I’m just over this winter. It seems we get hit with one storm after another, and I’m just tired of it.”

  “I’ve lived here my whole life, and some winters are worse than others,” I told him as Rick and Ezra came out with Sarge and Fluffy. Sarge snorted, ambled over to his owner, and sat at his fe
et while Fluffy whined in Ezra’s arms. She snuggled into Mr. Landry’s chest the minute Ezra handed her over.

  “We’ll maybe see you Monday. Thanks again, Doc.” Mr. Landry turned and left the clinic with his pair.

  “You know, I wonder what happened that he ended up with the dog,” Ezra said as he stood beside me. Rick was on the other side. I had to agree though. But then again, Mr. Landry was the lawyer, so I simply shrugged.

  “So, just Oreo?”

  “Yep. It’s only three. Do you know when Deputy Hunk will be here for her?”

  “I’m about to find out. Ezra, make a sign for the door that says closed due to storm, please,” I said as I held my phone up to my ear after pushing the green Talk button.

  “Hey, Doc. Everything okay?”

  “It’s fine. Listen, there’s a storm that’s supposed to hit right about commute time this evening. Do you know when you’ll be here for Oreo?”

  “Shit. We’ve been so busy with this case, we haven’t really paid attention. But that would explain why the rest of the office is empty.” I heard Bishop talking as he pulled the phone away, but then he was back.

  “I’m glad I called then. Listen, we’re finished here, and I’ll be ready to go in about fifteen minutes. Did you want me to just bring her with me?”

  “Could you? Adrian’s eyes just bugged out so that means the storm must be bad-looking. I need to swing by the store, but I’ll be home within an hour. The code for the panel on the garage is the last five of my phone number.”

  “Oh, that’s easy enough to remember. You sure though? I mean, we’ve only—”

  “Yes. I’m sure. Make yourself at home and I’ll see you there. I’ll pick something up for supper, and I can dazzle you with my cooking skills.”

  “You dazzle me anyway. Okay, see you in a bit,” I said and smiled when Bishop stuttered on the other end of the call. I looked at Rick and Ezra and made a “get on with it” motion with my hands, and they both scrambled.

  I went to my office to finish up charts, but just as I entered, I heard Oreo’s excited panting and then a little ruff as she came running into my office.


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