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Night With Mommy

Page 21

by Sofia Connor

  The next morning, Paul feeling a bit worried and nervous knocked on Shelly's door, holding a box of doughnuts and some fresh coffee from the local shop he said, "good morning little lady, how about some breakfast before we move more furniture?'

  "That would be lovely," Shelly replied, "you sure know how to treat a girl special."

  Hearing those words, Paul blushed a bit, and stammered, "well it's been a long time since I had anyone to treat special."

  Shelly smiled as they sat to drink coffee and eat the doughnuts. "So Paul," she said, "is there a lady friend in your life?"

  "Oh god no," Paul replied very quickly, "I'm 57 years old, I doubt that I have much left to offer any lady."

  "Oh, I wouldn't say that," Shelly said grinning, "you seem to be holding your own pretty well."

  Paul choked on the doughnut he was eating as he heard that, then knocked over his coffee, reaching for some napkins he tried to clean up the spill.

  "Let me get that Paul," Shelly said with a laugh, "sometimes it is better to let others clean up after you."

  Paul's face was turning a bright red as Shelly came over with a damp towel and started cleaning the coffee spill.

  "Don't worry Paul," Shelly said, "it's just a little wetness, easily cleaned."

  "Well," Paul stammered, "are we ready to finish putting things in place around here?"

  "Yep, I have only a couple of place left to fill." Shelly said with a wink.

  They finished moving the furniture around at about 3pm.

  "Well little lady, looks pretty good, are you satisfied with it?" Paul asked.

  "Very satisfied," Shelly whispered, "very satisfied."

  "How about I take you out for an early dinner to celebrate the final touches being completed?" Paul asked her.

  "That sounds like a wonderful idea, let me change into something a little more presentable," she said, adding, "I certainly hope all the touches aren't final yet." Turning, Shelly headed to her room to change, leaving Paul standing there wondering.

  As they sat eating, Shelly looked into Paul's eyes and said, "I really want to thank you for everything you have done for me this last week, you have truly been amazing."

  Reaching for her hands, Paul said, "Little lady, it has been my pleasure."

  "And mine," Shelly whispered grasping Paul's hands as she stared deep into his eyes.

  Pulling into Shelly's driveway, Paul stopped his car and went around to open her door. As Shelly stood, she leaned over and kissed Paul lightly on the lips, then said, "Paul, when you come over tonight, bring the panties with you and you can see how the full ensemble looks together."

  "um, well, I, um," Paul stuttered, trying to formulate his thoughts and words, "how did you know, or when, I though you said your pills knocked you out?"

  "Paul, I haven't taken any sleeping pills since the first night you came over, I had to think about how my comforter ended up unfolded and over me, I never use it," Shelly told him.

  "Um, oh god, Shelly I am sorry, can you forgive me?" Paul stammered.

  "Really Paul, there is nothing to forgive you for, after your first visit and my confused state when I woke, I started putting things together," Shelly told him, " thought I saw you watching me that night, and I noticed my panties missing right away. I must say, I have never in my live felt such tenderness and love from a man as I did from you. Though I was there for your pleasure, you never once denied my pleasure. I will admit to being just a little nervous last night, no man has ever entered my ass, let alone loved it like you seem to. I wasn't sure if I could go through with my fake sleep, but you were so tender, so gentle, and when you came inside of me, I cried tears of pure joy."

  When Shelly finished speaking, Paul was without words, all he could do was to reach for her, take her in his arms and kiss her tender lips passionately.

  As they broke their kiss, Shelly looked at Paul and pleaded, "please, stay with me tonight, let's explore and discover each other completely, I want to really know what it feels like to be loved by a man."

  Paul went to his house and retrieved the panties and came back to Shelly's house.

  So begins a new chapter in both their lives, stay tuned there will be more to come.

  The End.

  The Wasted Birthday Present

  The phone call to my boyfriend was not going well. I was fuming, but still John kept stumbling through his excuses.

  "I'm sorry Cathy, but I just won't be able to make it down for my birthday. I really have to study some more for the next exam. It's in 4 weeks," he tried to explain, unsuccessfully, over the phone.

  "But John, I've got a very special birthday present for you. I have spent a lot time preparing it," I complained.

  "I don't have enough time to come all the way over there for the weekend. There really is too much work to do."

  "You don't know what you're missing," I said temptingly.

  "I'm sure it's great, but it'll have to wait till the end of semester."

  "All right. I suppose I'll see you then, John," I concluded.

  We said our good-byes and hung up. I was still annoyed that he could not take time off. Even though it was probably not all his fault. Going to college several hundred miles away must have been hard for him. It was just that I have planned everything perfectly for his little birthday party. I called up the restaurant and cancelled the booking. What a waste.

  Still in a bad mood, left my bedroom and went downstairs.

  "Hi Cathy. What are we going to have for dinner?" said Michael, one of my flatmates.

  "I honesty don't give a damn," I snapped back.

  "What's wrong with you?" asked Andrew, my other flatmate.

  "Oh, nothing. John can't make it down for his birthday this weekend." I replied.

  "Ah, I see. Does this mean that Andrew and I don't have to clear out this Saturday?"

  That last comment reminded me yet again of how much trouble I went to for John. It wasn't an easy job to convince those two to vacate the apartment and avoid any embarrassing questions.

  "Look, Mike and I were thinking of going out for Thai food tonight. Want to come along? It might make you feel better," asked Andrew nicely.

  "Yeah, OK. Why not," I sulked, still dejected.

  We set off to the restaurant, which wasn't far. Mike insisted that we stop off at the local bar for a drink or two. While they had a couple of beers and talked to some of the regulars, I sat quietly in the corner nursing a glass of sauvignon blanc. I never did like the bar that much: it was mostly full of losers, smelled of stale beer and you almost had to wade through the smoke. Being in a bad mood did not make me see this place in a better light.

  My mind wandered off, and of course my thoughts turned to John. I had got a table at an impossible to book restaurant for Saturday. After that, we were to return to the empty apartment. Once at home, I would turn on the stereo, which I had prepared with some sexy music. Then I would seductively take off of my coat and dress (I had been practicing the art of stripping for many weeks) revealing what I had been wearing underneath all night. Of course, I had that all prepared too. I had bought a tight, black corset which had suspenders on the bottom end. Of course, I would wear sheer black stocking to highlight my beautiful legs. And as I peeled off my little black panties, he would have seen that I had especially shaved my pussy for him. After that, it would be getting down to the real fun. Thinking about this, I became horny, but at the same time very frustrated at what could have been this weekend. It was a waste of a really great birthday present.

  They finally noticed that I wasn't having as much fun as they were and we set off for the food, at last. It was a good place, despite being a small suburban restaurant. The dinner certainly didn't disappoint tonight, with a fine selection of curries, seafood and salad dishes. Andrew was right: the meal was starting to cheer me up. However, I did not know whether it was the food or the bottle of wine that we had consumed during the course of the meal.

  I was starting to get more talkative as I
brightened (or was it the alcohol?). The conversation inevitably turned to John's birthday. The guys were obviously curious as to why I had requested them to be out while John was back in town. Mike, ever the wise-guy, was suggesting some pretty crazy scenarios. Eventually, I gave them the briefest idea of what I had in mind. I didn't want to tell them everything for obvious reasons, but I had to satisfy their curiosity, otherwise they would be badgering me all night, especially Mike.

  Well filled with our meal, we walked home. We were not long in the apartment when Mike produced another half empty bottle of wine.

  "We should finish this one as well. I opened it yesterday," he said.

  I knew I should have gone to bed, but I was just beginning to enjoy myself. Against my better judgment, I agreed to help him finish off the bottle. Andrew looked tired as well, but together we cajoled him into joining us.

  It didn't take long for the conversation to get down into the gutter again, Mike being especially smutty. Eventually, when we had run out of dirty jokes, we just laid back in the sofas, not saying much. I was about to retire to my room when Mike spoke up again.

  "Cathy, why don't you show us this little act of yours?" leered Mike. "And don't forget the costume!"

  My senses were a bit dulled from my tiredness and inebriation, so at first, the significance of what Mike said did not sink in. Then, as the words registered, I dismissed it as another one of his off-hand remarks. But then I thought 'why not?'. I had gone to all this trouble to get these clothes and had prepared my moves for so long, it really was a waste. Besides, I thought it would be useful to get these guys' opinion as to whether they thought John would be turned on by it.

  "Yeah, OK," I finally said after a long pause.

  The two guys looked at each other. I think they were more surprised than me at this decision. I left them in a state of shock as I went upstairs to change.

  Hurriedly, I took off all my clothes and put on my corset. It was more difficult than I first thought as it laced up the back. As well as I could, I tightened the laces and tied the top of the skimpy garment. Because the corset did not cover my breasts, I put on a bra (this was an item of clothing that I had planned to omit for the real birthday surprise). I chose a nice, lacy underwire number which John said enhanced my cleavage. I slipped on the stockings and fiddled with the suspenders for a bit before I felt I had attached them just right. I changed by panties to a racier pair, a black lace number that suited the bra. Then I put on the pair of shiny black stiletto high heel pumps that I had also bought especially for the occasion. I admired myself in the full length mirror in my room, turning around several times.

  "Perfect," I said to myself. "If this doesn't turn 'em on, I don't know what will."

  I then decided what to put on top. I settled on a crisp white blouse teamed with a short black skirt that ended a few inches above my knees. The skirt complemented my lovely calves and shoes perfectly. I topped the whole thing off with a matching black jacket. I looked at myself in the mirror again and I liked the look. Neat and clean, almost business-like. I liked the way it contrasted with what it was hiding.

  I teetered down the stairs, careful not to trip in those stilettos, which had a higher and thinner heel than I was used to. They made sharp, clicking noises as they struck the hard wood of the stairs. The two of them turned around as they heard me approaching. I was sure Mike was trying to look up my skirt as I descended and I laughed at his almost unconscious reflex.

  I went over to the stereo and bent over to turn it on. I could almost feel their eyes on my round behind. A slow instrumental piece started up and I readied myself for the show.

  At first, I was very embarrassed and self-conscious. I had never done this sort of thing before, not for John, and certainly not in front of two male flatmates. However, as I swayed slowly, I began to relax. I danced around by myself for another couple of minutes or so.

  Eventually, I took off the jacket, sliding it slowly off my shoulder. Then, I deliberately undid the buttons of my blouse one by one. Soon, the front of the blouse was open, revealing the bra. I teased them for a bit, half taking off, then putting on the blouse. Suddenly, I whipped it off, spun it above my head and flung it across the room. I twirled around a bit more, making sure I shook my chest to add emphasis to my already prominent breasts.

  I was really getting into my performance now. I was also beginning to feel more and more horny as I progressed: the sexy music, the naughty clothes, the obvious appreciation of my audience, my unusually slutty behavior. A familiar tingling feeling between my thighs was beginning.

  I unzipped the skirt and let it fall around my ankles as the music was coming to an end. I left my bra, panties and corset on (they were my flatmates, after all). I had just enough time to turn around a couple to times to show off the fantastic outfit before striking my final pose, head flung back in abandon and one hand raised in the air in triumph. As I stood there, I hoped the two of them did not notice the damp patch starting to soak through my panties.

  As they started to applaud, I turned to them and smiled broadly.

  "So you liked it then?" I asked.

  "Oh yes!", "Brilliant", "Encore", "That John sure is one lucky bastard" came the replies. More accolades came as I enjoyed my first standing ovation, bowing deeply several times and generally hamming it up.

  The clapping died down and Andrew sat back down again. Mike, however, remained standing. He stared at me for a few seconds and then said: "Well then, are you going to show us the rest of your act?"

  My first reaction was shock. I could feel my face become red. I had never thought of my flatmates in a sexual way before, even though neither was unattractive. I knew that Mike tried to make himself out as a real ladies man, but I had seen him trying to pick up girls at the bar and I knew he was never as successful as he tried to pretend. He was sort of a sheep in wolf's clothing. He was even kind of cute in his klutziness with women. Andrew was different to Mike. He was the quieter and the more sensitive of the two. He was more like a brother to me.

  However, I was now in a very aroused state, probably more than I had ever been before in my life. My heart was racing and I could feel my hands shaking slightly. The hot feeling between my legs was becoming a stronger by each second. I gave them a sly little smile and wordlessly undid my bra, letting the straps slide down my arms.

  Their jaws dropped in unison as my firm, round breasts were freed from their restraint. My nipples were so hard and erect that they were hurting. The two of them looked a bit silly with their mouths wide open. Neither one moved or said anything. I wondered to myself whether they were still breathing.

  Since they weren't going to do anything, I made my move. I strutted over to Mike who was still standing there. The high heels made my breasts jiggle slightly and I could see both pairs of eyes following them. I could also hear a faint, squishing noises emanating from my private parts.

  I reached Mike and put both my hands on his shoulders. It took a while, but he eventually got the hint and kneeled down on the ground. I wasn't satisfied with this and I pushed him back until he was lying down. I walked around until I was facing his feet and standing right over his face. I got down on my knees and slowly lowered myself until my pussy was almost touching his mouth. He began to pant and I could feel his hot breath through my sheer panties. I stayed there, not quite touching him, taking pleasure in this near contact.

  Suddenly, he grabbed both my hips and pulled my down, forcing my now soaked twat onto his opened mouth. Involuntarily, I let out a gasp as he kissed and licked and sucked me through the material. I started to wriggle around, grinding my pelvis into his face. I could hear loud slurping noises from Mike as her tried to dislodge my panties with his mouth and taste my swollen folds directly. Eventually, he gave up and just tried flicking my clit with his tongue.

  As good as this felt, it wasn't enough for me in my hyper-aroused state. While he continued to lick my pussy, I bent forwards and undid his pants, pushing them as far down as possible
. Out sprang his dick, about as long as John's, but slightly wider. I sniffed the sweet smell of his pubic hair, but resisted the temptation to take his penis into my mouth at once. There was a large drop of pre-cum of the tip of his head, and I knew just what to use it for. I smeared the thick, clear liquid around his head with my fingers, making sure it was nice and slippery.

  The attention to his penis made him cease his ministrations with his mouth and he also relaxed his grip on my hips. This allowed me to stand up and finally take my soaked panties off. I flung them lazily to the side and turned around to face him. I stood over my flatmate in near nakedness, my bare pussy framed in the corset, suspenders and stockings.

  "Mmmm, nice. I never knew you shaved down there."

  I knelt down again, this time positioning hips over his. I reached behind me and grasped his thick manhood, guiding it until it just touched the entrance of my hole. I moved his dick around the outside for a while, teasing him by almost putting it in, then raising my hips at the last moment. Eventually, this became too much for him to stand and he again grabbed my hips with his sturdy hands and pulled me down.


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