Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7

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Daughter Of Ethos: The Ascension Book 7 Page 36

by L M Lacee

  She wanted to say much more, in fact she wanted to just shoot them both but had promised Kardan she would not. She turned and looked at Peyton and sent, Stupid promise.

  Peyton shrugged and replied. Don’t yell at me, I didn’t make you promise it.

  Rupart and Lydiia hesitantly walked to the platform that appeared again. Peyton eyed the couple standing before her and regretted Melody making that promise.

  ‘Governor Rupart and Lydiia Interkinn. I have a list of charges compiled against you and your wifen. We will start with the murder of Lady Qwetton. Now I know your first instinct is to lie. So I will ask you to please try and not do that. Did you kill Lady Qwetton?’

  Rupart answered. ‘No, I did not, although I was there when she died and yes, we, my wifen and I felt the boy Jeut, would not cope with her death.’

  Sincerity rang in his voice, a doting uncle worried about his nephew as he said. ‘He had trouble after his father passed away. In truth, Star Daughter, we worried he would take his own life. So we took over his guardianship.’

  ‘I see, so replacing her with a Chanderoh was a favor for him?’

  ‘Yes, of course. What other reason would we have for the deception?’ He spread his hands apart. ‘My Lydiia and I, we felt it would be kinder.’

  Peyton nodded, then said. ‘We will leave that for the moment. Let us turn our attention to other matters. Do you concede you were a co- conspirator along with Lord Sourth and Ambassador Jenerika to mine the planet Pantarr, and remember Governor, I know when someone lies?’

  ‘There will be no lie. I definitely was in partnership with both males. However Star Daughter, I had no knowledge of how the planet was to be mined and I was not aware the planet was sentient.’

  Peyton stared at him, she knew he told just enough of the truth not to set her lie radar off. But he also lied, he was tricky with the truth, she supposed that was what happened when one was in politics. She decided it was time to bring this to a close. ‘I am sure you did not and as we have no one to testify what you have said is untrue, we will move on. As you seem to know Chanderoh so well, would you like to tell me whose idea it was to replace Commander Wolf Roeah with a body? Was it yours Governor, now take care with your answer because I was told by the Chanderoh it was and why you did so, do they lie as well?’

  Rupart looked into the eyes of the uniformed males on the stage and saw his death, and he lied so forcefully he almost believe himself.

  ‘Your data is false, Star Daughter. I was never involved in such a horrendous act of betrayal.’

  Peyton sounded almost bored as she said. ‘And yet I was assured you were.’

  ‘I say again your informant lied.’

  ‘So it was the Jenerika brothers again, not you?’

  ‘Yes, of course, they believed they owned the Warriors and had the right to do whatever they deemed necessary.’

  ‘Well, no one can deny that.’ She looked at him, noted the sweat beading his top lip and wondered what people saw in the pompous male to do as he demanded. It must have been because he ruled the Capital. He reminded Peyton of the males she saw on the vids Brenda liked to watch, sickly looking office workers who never ventured under a sun. Although he had very intense eyes, they were dark brown and matched his hair, which was short like all the Capital males. He and his silent wifen were dressed in expensive clothes. It had to be the obvious wealth and position that had attracted Leanii, nothing else about the male inspired lust as far as Peyton could see.

  She grimaced as she said. ‘Again not a lie and yet not the truth. So we will once more move on. Now explain to me the reasoning behind the conspiracy to kidnap and kill my daughter with the Lady Undinly?’

  Rupart Interkinn paled as he swallowed several times. There was no way he could lie this time, huskily, he said. ‘I am unsure what you are referring to Star Daughter.’

  ‘Well, let me speak plainly. You convinced two of your young cousins and a poor misguided female to work with your lover, Leanii Undinly. Who you commissioned to represent you to Raiders Red Murturins and Shonner Jen. We have it on good authority, namely the Leaders of the Raiders, they both turned your emissary down.’ He went to speak, and she said loudly. ‘However, Leanii Undinly persuaded several of their crew members to betray their Leaders, which I am assured is not easily forgiven. So through your lover, Leanii Undinly, you hired these now dead males to kidnap my child.’

  His face went slack, as he realized she had been toying with him, she knew everything. It was obvious she was the one to have taken Leanii, and as his eyes slid over the people seated with her. He knew they were the reason the males he had hired had disappeared and buildings were destroyed. Fear made his thoughts stall, not one thing came to mind as he stood there desperately seeking a way out of this situation. Involuntarily his eyes sought and found Lydiia’s, and as he watched, he saw the processes in her mind working out what the Star Daughter had said. He closed his eyes as he recognized the instant she realized he had been unfaithful to her. Lydiia’s mouth tightened as her eyes narrowed.

  Peyton shook her head. ‘Oh, I see, Lydiia, you did not know. I have to wonder is it the lover or the kidnapping that has you so upset.’

  Before Peyton even finished speaking, Lydiia started screaming at him. ‘You useless, deceiving basterad. How could you do this to me? After all, I have done for you. The sacrifices I have made… for you! All for you and you do this to me... To me!’ She screeched louder.

  Peyton nodded and said into the silence.

  ‘As I thought, the lover.’

  Rupart looked from Peyton to the audience, then back to Lydiia, who was now screaming about something he had promised her at some time in the past. Then she screamed about him dragging her here and humiliating her in front of society. Finally it was all too much and before he knew it he was screaming in return. Spittle flew from Rupart’s mouth and landed on Lydiia’s face, which she didn’t notice as they screamed at each other.

  Eventually, he lowered his voice and snarled viciously. ‘Shut your mouth, you foolish scallut. Pink. I hate the color, almost as much as I hate you. Yes, I had a lover. I’ve had many, living with you drove me to it.’

  She screamed back at him. ‘You think you are the only one to have chances of taking lovers. I have had plenty, except I stayed true to you.’ Then once more they started yelling, it was hard to know what they were actually saying as they became incoherent in their anger. Suddenly Lydiia started ineffectively swinging at Rupart, and each time she missed she became angrier and swung more. He was on the point of reaching for her throat, when Peyton tapped the table and Hawk froze the couple. Instant quiet descended, then at a nod from her, he released them. The couple looked horrified as they looked around themselves and remembered where they were.

  Peyton said. ‘As titillating as this is for everyone. Do you admit your crimes?’

  Lydiia snarled as she told her. ‘Yes, he did it, and he paid for the Raiders. He paid for his cousin to be killed and for Juet’s mother to die and yours to be kidnapped. He also planned the kidnapping of your child. He wanted to make you bow down to him or he would kill her or sell her. He did it all!’

  Rupart screamed at her. ‘What have you done? You’ve killed us both, you foolish scallut!’

  She sunk to the floor as she laughed hysterically, a pitiful broken female. Rupart looked from her crumpled form to Peyton and swallowed convulsively.

  ‘Yes, she has, but you will not feel the consequences of my judgment. You are a remnant of the Star Son’s legacy therefore you are the Star Childs to discipline. I will not regret what is to become of you both.’ She looked down, then up at him and breathed out slowly before saying. ‘What I will do is condemn you Rupart Interkinn and you Lydiia Interkinn to eternal oblivion. You have no rights here or on any plane of existence now and forever.’

  Suddenly the Star Child was there, Peyton’s eyes turned black and filled with stars as she glowed star fire white. The temperature within the auditorium dropped as the coldne
ss of space settled over the people.

  Peyton’s body rose and floated to the front of the stage. Her voice became the song of the Stars as they stated: Kneel for I am the Star Child.

  Instantly everyone went to their knees.

  The Star Child looked out on the kneeling audience and smiled at what they saw. This is how you greet divinity. Our Daughter shall never have to wait to be honored. Rise and take your seats. Remain!

  They ordered Rupart and Lydiia, who had turned to return to their seats. The Star Child looked down at the couple and stated for all to hear. You Rupart Interkinn and you Lydiia Interkinn have dishonored my Son’s gift with your avarice ways and your dishonesty. Our Daughter has condemned you without rights. Never to be reborn, never to feel our blessings. You will be mine for eternity.

  The Star Child waved their hand, and the couple disappeared in a flare of starlight.

  They looked out onto the audience and suddenly every Coalition Governor and corrupt Ambassador disappeared.

  We have removed the ones who made a mockery of our Son’s gift to the Universe. The Capital will change how it has governed. Representatives of my worlds, you will return from whence you came and tell your rulers my words today. Rulers, how you govern your worlds must change, no longer will I tolerate your wanton ways. My patience has waned at your dishonesty and disregard to the principles of your worlds. If you do not change and uphold your Ancestor’s beliefs you will leave me no option but once more to purge my Universe of your worlds. Read your histories, learn from our Daughter and her people. We give you this warning, change or cease to be. Our Daughter tells us you have the capability to do so. To become worthy of our gifts. We give you thirty of your yentas to prove this. Then we will return to discover if you have succeeded. If not, we will remove our Son’s gift from our Universe. Then we will see how many worlds we must render gone, before you live up to our Daughter’s belief in your potential!

  With that pronouncement, they withdrew. Peyton slowly lowered to the floor and looked at the stunned audience. She took several deep breaths, then addressed the remaining people.

  ‘They mean it, you have thirty yentas to change the way this world and your own are governed. I urge you to learn what the Capital’s original reason for existing was. If you are unsure what that is, read the history of the Capital and what the Star Son wished for his legacy. Then I ask you to study your own histories, see what your Ancestors intended for your worlds. I promise you this, if you do not do as I ask… as they asked here today. The Star Child will have no alternative but to remove this world and yours as they vowed.’

  She walked to her chair and ordered. ‘The Coalition is disbanded until further notice. All Embassies will be closed for one yenta, at which time we will reconvene to elect a new council. Until then, see to your home worlds. I and my people are tasked with returning ethics back to our Universe as demanded by the Star Child, our creator. Remember what the Star Child gives they can and will take away.’ She looked out over the terrified people and tiredly said.

  ‘Go home, you need to remind your people who they are and where they came from.’

  Her people rose as one. She placed her hand on Kardan’s arm and together they walked with their family from the stage as the other family and friends exited the building.


  Just before midnight, Peyton walked into the Star Lounge on board Prowler I and sighed. She was tired to the bone, but sleep eluded her. Quietly she moved to her favorite couch, and halted when she saw him sitting there, obviously waiting for her. ‘Are you waiting for me?’

  ‘Of course, your coffee is there. I am pleased to tell you the cruisers are all back. Our Warriors are home at last.’

  With another deep sigh, Peyton smiled and something inside her relaxed. ‘Are you happy, you did it, you got them all home?’

  Hawk grinned. ‘I am, we all should be. If I do not remember to say it. Thank you sister, for always believing. Without that, we would never have found them.’

  ‘Aww! Hawk.’

  He then pointed to her cup on the table. She picked it up and asked. ‘Am I so predictable?’

  Hawk laughed. ‘You, I scoff at the thought. No one could ever begin to understand what you will do or when.’

  ‘Huh! I choose to take that as a compliment.’

  He shrugged as he relaxed back in his chair with his legs kicked out and ankles crossed. The epitome of a satisfied male. ‘You can if you wish.’

  ‘You know Hawk, you have changed since your brothers arrived?’

  ‘Maybe that is so. I think though it is a combination of having a mate and impending fatherhood. Having a large family, nearly dying, and mostly, it is the eyes.’

  Peyton’s voice rose as she demanded to know. ‘Really, is that going to be the excuse forever?’

  ‘What can I say? You did do it.’

  ‘So not fair!’

  ‘Oh my stars, you are arguing already.’ Darby growled as she and Reeve arrived. Kardan followed with Wolf, Karen, and Esther.

  Netta asked as she and Bendrix entered. ‘Why do you sound surprised?’

  ‘I don’t understand how you can be?’ Melody said as she and Coraan arrived with Jarrod and Trina. Followed by Telfor and Nina and Malchol and Rose.

  Peyton whined. ‘Because it is just what happened.’

  ‘Like that answers anything.’ Heather threw back at her as she walked in with Harm and Sedeen.

  Peyton scowled. ‘It wasn’t like I meant it to happen.’

  Everyone laughed as Amelia said. ‘Oh please Star Girl, you lie so badly.’


  ‘My heart, what can I say.’

  ‘I was challenged. They marked Jarrod. What was I meant to do, and it was not everyone?’

  ‘Yet.’ Melody stated. ‘You do not fool me. I know eventually we will all be marked, you cannot help yourself.’

  Darby shook her finger at Peyton who was by now standing with her hands on her hips scowling. ‘Do not do it sister, or I will be furious.’

  ‘But what if it happens naturally, like you know evolution?’ She looked at the frowning Darby. ‘Sorry, can’t stop it.’

  Netta crowed. ‘Unbelievable!’

  Kardan hurriedly said, diverting the argument he was becoming adept at seeing start. ‘We are still meeting Marlo and Brenda and the others on what Helen assures me is the honeymoon-moon.’

  He eyed Helen as she and Larson entered the lounge, bringing with them food and drinks. She smiled and said. ‘It really is called that dearle.’

  Reeve commented. ‘That seems worse than the other name.’

  ‘It may, but we are going.’ Sang a now joyful Darby.

  Peyton sighed as she looked around at some of her family who were present. ‘It is a good idea.’

  Before long the lounge was full of people who apparently could not sleep either. Peyton smiled happily as she watched the laughter and teasing, as everyone fell to talking while nibbling on the snacks and drinking tea and coffee.

  Like her, they were pleased they were going home with a stop at the moon first. She leaned against Kardan and sighed contentedly. Her life could be hard and sad at times, but mostly it was amazing and filled with love and laughter. What more could she ask for, other than more people to love, there was always room in her crazy family for them.


  Peyton stepped onto the porch and looked up at the house and smiled with pleasure. Home.

  With a glance around as she sat on the top step, she had been adding to her construct since she first saw Jarrod make his. They were two days from Maikonia after spending several days at the honeymoon-moon which was more than delightful. Darby decided she was going to find a planet or moon to turn into a honeymoon world. But she would make it more child-friendly, which Peyton then pointed out, was that not just somewhere to vacation. The fight was short and pithy.

  She sighed, tonight she was feeling melancholy and needed somewhere to be by herself, and this con
struct of her childhood home gave her that. An old lullaby came to mind and with a smile she hummed softly to herself as she sat on the front step looking over her front yard. Then, as if she wished him to appear, her grandfather walked along the walkway. And as he had every evening, he pushed the gate open and strode to where she sat. ‘Baby girl, you have grown.’

  ‘Life does that to a person, Grandpa.’

  He looked around, then sat beside her. ‘I love this house… always did.’

  ‘Yeah, I made it as somewhere to hide when I need somewhere quiet or things get tough.’

  ‘Your go to place.’

  ‘I suppose, wonderful memories live here, its… comforting.’

  ‘You and your grandmother were always my go to place. This brick and tile was just a house until you made it a home for us both.’

  ‘I loved it too. It was my first haven.’

  ‘Well, sweet girl, have you accomplished all you set out to do?’

  ‘Some, I am not finished yet.’

  ‘No, I am sure you are not.’ He looked over at her and smiled. ‘Did I ever tell you how proud of you I was and more so now, with who you have become?’

  ‘It’s the hair right, it’s always the hair.’

  He laughed his deep barrel laugh that always made her feel loved. ‘No, my darling girl, it is just you and your belief in others. You make everyone you touch with that enormous heart of yours better. I was a better man for having you in my life.’

  Peyton held in the sob his words provoked and said. ‘I am who I am because of you and Grandma. You gave me the courage to believe I was worthy of love.’

  ‘Because you always were and still are. Never forget that.’

  ‘I won’t.’

  ‘I have to go, sweet girl.’

  ‘I love you Grandpa, I always will.’

  ‘As I will always love you.’

  ‘Grandpa, tell Grandma. I understand now. And I am sorry I didn’t when she was with me.’

  ‘She knows dear one. Like me, she knows your heart.’ He reached out to her as he slowly faded. It was as if he tried to stay with her for just a little longer, but it was not to be.


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