Echoes of Scotland Street

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Echoes of Scotland Street Page 20

by Samantha Young

  “So why aren’t you now?”

  Because of Ollie.

  My hands curled into fists. “For no good reason at all.”

  Simon covered one of my hands with his. “Good answer.”

  I looked up and his expression was tender.

  “You know your worth, Shannon. So does Cole. Believe me.”

  I smiled gratefully. “You’re the shit, Simon.”

  His eyebrows rose and he grinned. “You cursed for me?”

  I laughed at how happy a swearword made him. “We really are a weird bunch, aren’t we?”

  He winked. “Wouldn’t want us any other way.”

  * * *

  The smell of chlorine hit me as I followed Cole into the sports center and a wave of nostalgia crashed over me. I had loved swimming when I was a kid. Every summer, during the school holidays, Logan would take Amanda and me to our local swimming pool once a week. Sometimes I managed to squeeze two trips a week out of him. My brother never abandoned us if his friends showed up, no matter how much he got teased for hanging out with his little sisters. He was always watching out for us, entertaining us.

  “You okay?” Cole glanced back at me as we walked down a cream-colored tiled corridor.

  “Yeah. I was just thinking if I wasn’t so curious to see you in class I could have gone swimming instead. I haven’t swum in ages.”

  He grinned. “Next time.” We stopped outside gray double doors with large half-circle windowpanes. Through them we could see into a good-sized court that was being used as a training room for Cole’s judo class. There were a number of people milling around inside—a few guys around Cole’s age and older, a number of kids aged eight to about fifteen, and two women who looked just a little older than me. There were two faces I recognized: Cam and Nate. According to Cole this was Nate’s class that he taught and it included all different skill levels. Cole’s other judo class during the week was one he attended with Nate and Cole held by a sensei higher in rank than them—it was black belts only.

  Cole had changed into his suit after work. It was a blue Adidas suit like Nate, Cam, and their companion wore, and Cole’s belt was also black. I didn’t know what any of the belt colors in the room meant, but I knew black belt was higher than the others in rank. Cole had given me a quick run-through in the car. Although my brain had been a little too preoccupied—with thoughts of Renee and women like her, the fact that my birthday was fast approaching and I still hadn’t heard from my family, the fact that I desperately wanted to visit Logan but knew he didn’t want to see me, and the fact that I felt guilty because Cole was making me happy while my brother rotted away in jail—to pay enough attention to remember.

  It struck me that Logan would like Cole. I knew that without a doubt.

  But then I threw Logan out of my thoughts because they were likely to pull me into a dark depression, and instead I looked up at my boyfriend.

  Since martial arts were such a big part of Cole’s life, I’d gotten a little nosy. I wanted to see what it was all about. Cole became overenthusiastic about my nosiness, assuming that my interest was due to a desire to possibly start taking instruction. He’d suggested I observe a class to see if it was something I might like to try. I was happier with Cole thinking I was curious about martial arts rather than him realizing I was just a little Cole-obsessed right now.


  I nodded and he pushed the door open, holding it for me as I walked into a roomful of strangers who all turned to look curiously at me. Cole dumped his gym bag in the corner and then took my hand, leading me over to Nate and Cam.

  They greeted me with smiles of welcome and I relaxed a little.

  “So you’re here to observe.” Nate grinned, giving me his dimples.

  “If that’s okay?”

  “No problem. I’m just surprised Cole’s willing to let you watch him get his arse kicked.”

  Cole laughed. I loved watching him laugh. Loved the way his eyes actually glittered brightly with humor, loved the crinkles around the corners of them, loved the boyish grin that always accompanied his laughter. “You’re about to eat your words, old man.”

  Nate harrumphed. “I’ll old-man you. Get in line.”

  * * *

  An hour and a half later

  “He kicked your butt.”

  Cole shrugged at me as he approached. Nate had just finished the class and everyone was dispersing to the changing rooms. “I let him. I was feeling charitable.”

  “Charitable, my arse,” Nate said behind him as he grabbed his gym bag off the floor.

  Cole smirked at him and turned back to me. He leaned in, smelling of fresh sweat and radiating massive amounts of heat. My lips tingled after he brushed a soft kiss over them. “I’m just going to jump in the shower. I’ll meet you in reception.”

  I nodded and watched him walk out with Nate.

  “So, does he know?”

  I jerked my gaze from the door where Cole and the rest of his classmates had exited, surprised to find Cameron had stayed behind. He stood in front of me in the now-empty studio, his gym bag tossed over his shoulder. After everything Cole had told me about his past, I couldn’t help feeling this strange gratitude and warmth for Cam, even though I barely knew him. “Sorry?”

  “Does he know?”

  “Know what?”

  Cole’s brother-in-law took a few steps toward me, his dark blue eyes pinning me to the spot with their intensity. “That you’re in love with him.”

  I think my heart stopped at those words.

  Cam gave me a reassuring smile. “If you haven’t told him, I won’t. But it’s pretty obvious to me.”

  It was? Bizarre . . . since it wasn’t to me! “Um . . .”

  “It’s the way you look at him.”

  “The way I look at him?”

  Cam chuckled at my anxious tone and started walking past me. Before he did he reached out and gave my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “It’s not the end of the world, Shannon. Trust me.”

  Trust him?

  I really wish people would stop asking me to do that.


  T here was nothing quite like waking up to find that the sky was clear and it was hot outside—wearing shorts and a T-shirt and buying ice lollies kind of hot. Those days were a rarity even in summer, and I loved them because it was like being on holiday for a little while. Brisk, bright spring days were good too, when the sun was out but the winter was still clinging to the morning air. Those days always energized me.

  Moving to Edinburgh had been like a cold, sunny spring day—here I was, awake for the first time in forever and ready to start over.

  Falling for Cole was a hot summer day—like being on holiday and hoping the rain would stay away forever.

  Three months ago I’d escaped Glasgow. Almost two months ago I’d started seeing Cole. And it was good. Better than good. It was a hot, hot summer—the best, most heated, and intense distraction from my past I could have asked for.

  “You’ve done a great job,” Stu praised me, slapping his hand down on my shoulder so hard I almost winced.

  He was covering for Cole, who’d taken a day off because he, Cam, and Nate had tickets to some big judo tournament in Berlin. For the first time in a few weeks, I’d be spending the night alone.

  Stu had just finished looking over my completed digitization of his filing system.

  “Thanks.” I smiled up at him.

  “I’m surprised you got it done this fast. Cole can’t be distracting you too much from your work,” he teased.

  Two months ago I would have been worried about what Stu thought of me dating his manager, but Cole had explained everything to Stu and I wasn’t surprised to discover that our boss was happy for us.

  “I called it as soon as you walked in the door.” Stu looked smug. “I said to myself, ‘Cole will like this wee fairy, no doubt about that.’”

  I snorted. “How could you have known that?”

  “Gut instinct. It’s ne
ver steered me wrong. And then I saw you two together when I came in with Steely and I knew I was right. You can’t fake that kind of chemistry. I know. My wife, Rocky, and I have been together for over thirty years. Moment I met her I just knew.”

  I smiled. “That is some gut instinct.”

  Stu winked at me before striding off toward the back hallway. “If you need me I’ll be in my office.”

  “Your next appointment is in an hour,” I reminded him.

  He gave me a wave in acknowledgment and disappeared from sight.

  For the next forty minutes or so I sat behind the reception, rereading one of my favorite paranormal books. I’d been interrupted only once by one of Simon’s customers. Eating some of the chocolate I kept in the fridge, drinking coffee, and reading my book, I was feeling quite content. How many people had such a cushy job?

  But something had to ruin my day.

  And that something stepped into the studio in the form of a leggy, attractive brunette.

  I jerked up straight in my seat as Tamara sashayed toward me wearing an annoying little smirk on her pretty mouth.

  “You’re still here,” she said with condescension in her voice.

  “I am.” I put my book down, irritated that her appearance had sent my mood plummeting. “How can I help you?”

  “You can help by getting Cole for me.”

  The heady heat of possessiveness gripped me and I had to give myself a couple of seconds to get a hold on it. “He’s not in today.”

  Disappointment clouded Tamara’s large dark brown eyes. “Oh. Is he back in tomorrow?”

  “It’s his day off tomorrow.”

  She smiled at that. “Great. I’ll just drop by his flat, then.”

  “He’s out of the country,” I hurried to say, the thought of her anywhere near Cole’s flat giving me palpitations. “He won’t be back until Friday.”

  “Well, luckily I’m here until Saturday.”

  The urge to mark my territory was unfortunately too great to ignore. “Cole and I are dating,” I blurted out.

  Tamara’s eyes raked down over what she could see of me before she muttered, “There’s a surprise.” She gave me a pitying look. “Don’t get comfortable, sweetie. I’ve known Cole since he was eighteen and he’s a bit of a serial monogamist. He’ll get bored of you soon enough.”

  Uneasiness stirred inside me and I momentarily wondered if she was right. Pushing that uncertainty aside, I shrugged on a confidence I wasn’t sure I felt. “You don’t know him very well, then.”

  She curled her lip in annoyance. “I’ve known him for a lot longer than you. I know when he’s done tasting every flavor of woman I’ll be the one he ends up with.”

  I hid my trembling hands beneath the counter. “I thought you two were just friends.”

  “He’s saving the best until last.” She guffawed. “Do you really think a guy like Cole will end up with a short, scrawny, talentless redhead whose sole ambition in life is to be a great receptionist? No, sweetie. You’re nothing. He’ll fuck you until he’s had his fill and then he’ll dump you.”

  You’re nothing.

  Just like that my uncertainty faded away. I laughed. This woman was deluded. She clearly didn’t know Cole at all.

  You’re nothing.

  It rang in my head, but it didn’t hurt. Now I looked at her with clarity. I had what Tamara wanted and I knew after the bile that had just spilled out of her that she would never have it.

  “Something funny?”

  “Yes.” I smiled and shook my head at her. “Cole’s not saving the best until last, Tamara. He doesn’t want you, because he knows class when he sees it, and you obviously have none.”

  Anger glinted in her dark eyes and she had just opened her mouth to retort when loud clapping from the back of the studio drew both our gazes. Stu was leaning against the doorway there, watching us. He stopped clapping and approached us slowly, his blue eyes fixated on Tamara.

  I’d never seen Stu with an unfriendly expression on his face before.

  He was beyond intimidating.

  “I’ve never had the patience for bitches. Get out of my studio.”

  Tamara flushed. “Stu—”

  “Now, Tamara.”

  There was almost a gust of wind upon Tamara’s departure, she moved so fast.

  I stared up at Stu wide-eyed. “What was that all about? I felt like I was stuck in some bad fairy tale.”

  He chuckled and relaxed against the counter. “Tamara has been sniffing after Cole for years. He’s told her more than once that nothing was going to happen between them, and I think he thought she understood that.” He glanced at the door where she’d just left. “You were right, sweetheart. Cole knows class.” He smiled at me now. “You’re it. She’s not.”

  I smiled gratefully. “After watching her strut in and then run out of here on the longest legs I’ve ever seen, I really needed to hear that. Thank you.”

  Stu threw his head back in deep, bellowing laughter, startling his next customer as she walked in the door.

  * * *

  I was sitting out on the balcony of my flat, my feet up on a stool, my sketch pad balanced on my knees, and I was using charcoals to draw the street below me. In my usual style, I utilized colors that reflected the way I saw the street and its energy, rather than the colors visible to my eyes.

  It was close to the back of eight o’clock and I knew I’d be losing the light in an hour or so. I wanted to finish it tonight because I’d be hanging out with Cole tomorrow upon his return from Germany.

  The sound of the front door to the flat slamming made me frown. Rae had told me she was hanging out with Simon and Tony tonight.

  “Did you forget something?” I yelled, looking into the sitting room, awaiting her appearance.

  I nearly fell off my seat when Cole walked into the room.

  Delighted to see him, I forgot all about my drawing. I dumped it on the stool and hurried inside to greet him. “You’re early.” I grinned and launched myself at him.

  Cole wrapped his arms around me and I inhaled him, ridiculously glad to see him even though he’d only been gone for two nights.

  I was surprised then when he suddenly stopped hugging me, gripped me by the elbows, and pushed me back. My stomach flipped at the sight of his scowl.

  “Was there something you forgot to tell me on the phone last night?”

  Confused, I shook my head.

  This pissed him off more than he already was. “Think,” he bit out.

  “I’m thinking,” I snapped back, jerking my arms from his grip. “Hello to you too!”

  “Don’t,” he warned. “I had to find out from Stu that my so-called friend accosted my girlfriend, rather than hearing that shit from the person who should have told me . . . aka my girlfriend.”

  “Dammit,” I huffed, cursing Stu for telling Cole about Tamara. I hadn’t wanted to make a big deal out of it, because in the end it wasn’t a big deal. “Cole, it was nothing.”

  Cole crossed his arms over his chest and I watched his biceps flex. My stomach flipped again—and this flip was much nicer than the previous one. “She verbally attacked you and got in your face about our relationship. Something that has absolutely fuck all to do with her. Something she’s now very aware of since I called her half an hour ago and told her to stay out of my life permanently. No one does that to you, especially when I’m not there to protect you.”

  “Good.” I was relieved. More than that I was gratified Cole was taking our relationship so seriously. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t get it.”

  Why he was still angry with me? “Clearly not.”

  Suddenly I was pulled into his body as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight to him. He looked down at me, surprisingly intense. “It hasn’t been easy to get you to this point, Shannon. I don’t need someone coming in and messing with your head and filling it with nonsense about me all over again. And the fact that you hid it from me . . . Well, that
tells me you let her get to you. You’re letting her mess with your head. You’re shutting me out again.”

  I grinned and then laughed at the immediate annoyance and confusion that sparked in Cole’s expressive eyes. His hold loosened and I fisted my hands in his shirt to stop him from stepping away from me. “You’re wrong. I didn’t tell you because it really was no big deal. Don’t get me wrong. At first what with her being all hot and leggy, I was a little worried she might be right. However, that thought was fleeting. She doesn’t know either of us well enough to form an opinion. I’m starting to realize my own worth again, Cole. And you’re an honest guy. If you wanted to be with Tamara, you would be.” I bit my lip, smiling suggestively as I pressed my hips into his body. “Fortunately for me you have a blind spot when it comes to a short redhead with plenty of attitude and an insatiable libido.”

  Cole’s lips twitched. “An insatiable libido?”

  “You have no idea.” I smoothed my hands over his hard chest, feeling the tingling sensation grow between my legs. “And fortunately for you I have a blind spot when it comes to a tall, hot tattooist who jumps to conclusions.”

  I let out a little squeal of delight as Cole lifted me into the air. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands clinging to his neck as he kissed me. A long, slow, sweet, deep, hot kiss.

  I melted into him.

  “Now, that is the way to say hello,” I murmured.

  His hooded eyes were filled with something . . . something I couldn’t quite put my finger on, but it was utterly arresting. I stilled in his hold. “You keep surprising me, Shannon MacLeod.”

  “That’s a good thing, right?” I rubbed my nose against his and he nodded, turning his face to catch my lips in another breath-stealing kiss.

  When we came up for air, Cole panted, “I have a surprise for you too.”

  Anticipation rushed through me. “I can feel your surprise.”

  He shook with laughter. “Not that.”

  “Ooh, present?” I said, and he laughed even harder at my childish excitement.

  Lowering himself to the sofa, he arranged me so I was sitting comfortably on his lap—well, as comfortably as I could with his erection digging into me. I sat patiently as he smoothed his hands down my hair. “Life drawing class wasn’t my favorite, but I can’t get the idea of drawing you naked out of my mind.”


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