Echoes of Scotland Street

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Echoes of Scotland Street Page 27

by Samantha Young

  “Shannon.” He pulled me closer, his voice gruff, thick with emotion.

  I decided to stop there. Cole finally got it.

  I wasn’t going anywhere.

  Why would I when I had the best seat in the house?

  * * *

  “I guess this means I need to start being nice to you again?” Rae wrinkled her nose.

  Cole and I had just been ambushed. We broke the news of our engagement to Rae and Simon that morning before clients started appearing, and it had been received with enthusiastic congratulations, followed by whispering and secretive, mischievous glances.

  Their behavior started to make sense ten minutes after our last client left and the bell over the door rang. In walked Stu, followed by Tony. Rae and Simon had called to tell them about our news. Stu set off party poppers around us. I got bear hugs from all the guys and finally a tentative embrace from Rae.

  “Being nice would be appreciated. If you can manage it.”

  “I can try.”

  I sighed and offered her a small smile. “Look, I understand you were just being loyal to Cole.”

  “Don’t.” She held up a hand to stop me. “I fucked up, Shannon. I stuck my nose in your business and I made it worse. I’m sorry.”

  I raised an eyebrow but decided not to tease her for admitting she was wrong. “It’s in the past. It all worked out, right?”

  “Yeah.” She smirked and shot a look at Cole. “Although you did kind of steal his moment proposing to him. He’s the most bloody romantic guy I know, and he didn’t get to propose to his girlfriend.”

  I bit my lip, staring at him as he laughed at something Stu said. “Do you think he minds?”

  “I think he gets to marry you . . . so no. I don’t think he minds.”

  * * *

  A couple of hours later we were joined by the twins and Karen, Mike, and a few of Tony and Rae’s friends. People brought beer, food, and champagne, turning the get-together into a full-blown engagement party.

  A little tipsy on champagne and wanting the whole world to be as happy as I was, I found myself sidling up to Simon, who was standing brooding in the corner of the studio with a beer in hand. He smiled at my approach. I slid an arm around him and cuddled into his side.

  “Are you okay, friend?”

  Simon looked down at me. I’d been a little too preoccupied lately with my own stuff to notice the weariness in his eyes. “I will be.”

  “The baby thing?”

  “Shannon, this is your engagement party. Let’s not talk about it.”

  “I want to. I want my friend to be happy.”

  He smiled and bent his head to press a kiss to my forehead. “I’m okay.”

  “Is Tony?”

  Realizing I wasn’t going to stop pestering him until he gave me something, Simon replied, “He loves me. He’s not leaving me.”

  “I sense a but.”

  “I just don’t want him to end up resenting me.”

  “Do you never want to have kids?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just know I don’t right now.”

  “That’s why he’s staying.” I squeezed his arm and pulled away. “Who knows what you’ll want in the future? No one ever does. Tony doesn’t want to walk away from you on a maybe. He loves you, Simon. And you love him. So stop brooding about the future and just enjoy what you have right now.”

  Simon pushed away from the wall, his gaze fixed on his partner, who was laughing with Rae and looking exceptionally handsome in a black open-collared shirt and black trousers. Simon couldn’t hide the way he felt about Tony. It emanated from him. He shot me a smile of thanks. “I think I’ll do that.”

  I watched as he strode across the room with purpose, coming up behind Tony and placing a hand on his shoulder. He leaned in and pressed his lips to Tony’s jaw. Tony’s eyelids grew heavy and lazy as he turned to meet Simon’s mouth with his own.

  “Playing matchmaker?” Cole murmured, wrapping his arms around me and drawing me back against his chest.

  I relaxed against him. “Just passing along a very important lesson you taught me.”

  “Hmm.” He brushed his lips over my ear. “How about we go home and I teach you a little something else?”

  I shivered in anticipation. “Like?”

  “Life drawing skills. If I remember correctly you promised you’d let me draw you naked.”

  Grinning, I turned around in his arms. “I did, didn’t I?” I pressed closer. “Let’s make it more interesting.”

  “More interesting than drawing you naked?”

  “Uh-huh. Let’s make a bet.”

  “A bet?”

  “I bet you that you’ll give in to temptation and score with your nude model within ten minutes.”

  Cole gave me an “oh, please” look. “I’ll take that bet. I’ll last at least thirty minutes.”

  “So cocky.” I was so going to win this bet. “Terms?”

  “If I win I get your mouth first.” He winked.

  I laughed. “Dirty boy. Fine. If I win I get your mouth first.”


  I shook the hand he held out. “Deal.”

  * * *

  I didn’t play fair as a nude model. Let’s just say I was never very good at sitting completely still.

  Cole lasted three minutes.


  A week later we found ourselves back at Joss and Braden’s home. Ellie wanted us to celebrate our engagement in style. I don’t know how they managed to pull off another get-together so quickly, but the dining table was covered in buffet food, and there were decorations and cake. Everyone had carved time out of their busy schedules. They’d also brought gifts that were now piled in the hallway.

  “There you are.” Hannah smiled at us. She approached carrying the tiny bundle that was Jarrod.

  Cole’s family and friends lounged in the sitting room in much the same way as they had the week before. I was a little nervous being around them again after they’d witnessed my emotional proposal, but after having dinner with Jo and Cam this week, I at least felt more comfortable around Cole’s big sister.

  And of course Hannah always put me at ease.

  Taking in Jarrod’s beautiful little face and the blue vest that had the words “I’m so cute I must be Scottish” printed on them, I immediately let go of Cole’s hand. “Can I hold him?”

  She chuckled and nodded, passing Jarrod over to me.

  I took his solid, warm little weight, beaming into his now-inquiring eyes as he squirmed a little. He settled as I secured him in my arms. “Well, aren’t you the most gorgeous little thing on the planet?” He had Marco’s coloring, although his eyes were dark blue, but that might, and probably would, change as he got older. “Look at you, charming the pants off women already.”

  Cole smoothed his large hand over Jarrod’s head and I swear to God my brooding levels hit an all-time high. “Learning from the best, buddy, eh?”

  I stared stupidly up at my fiancé. “What?”

  Hannah snorted. “She’s having a moment. Leave her.”

  Cole quirked an eyebrow. “A moment? A—no.” His eyes grew comically round. “One thing at time, Shortcake. Now, hand the child over slowly.”

  I giggled and passed Jarrod back to an amused Hannah. “You’d make a great dad.”

  “I’m sure I will,” he said confidently. “And I look forward to it . . . in at least five years’ time.”

  I was delighted he’d even thought about it. I didn’t want kids right away either. I had so much I still wanted to do. But it was nice to know Cole and I were on the same page about something so huge.

  I gestured to Jarrod. “I don’t know how you get anything done with all that adorableness around you.”

  “Actually, despite the distracting adorableness, Jarrod has been great. Sophia cried most nights, but Jarrod sleeps a lot. He’s an absolute angel.”

  Seeing the loving look on his friend’s face, Cole said cautiously, “Not looking f
orward to returning to work, then?”

  Hannah shrugged. “I’m looking forward to getting back into the classroom, but I’ll miss this. I’m only going back part-time to begin with. I still need more time with this little guy.” She suddenly grinned at me and stepped closer, lowering her voice. “Cole tells us you’re a talented artist and have a particular talent at landscapes.”

  “Oh.” Surprised by the change in subject and the compliment, I found myself stuttering, “I’m all ri— Okay, I mean, I guess I—I’m okay.”

  Cole wrapped an arm around me and jerked me into his side. “What she meant to say was ‘Yes, I’m a bloody fantastic artist, thank you.’”

  I rolled my eyes. “What he said.”

  Hannah laughed. “Well, good, because we were all trying to come up with the perfect gift to give the couple who have everything.” She gestured to the room around us, so I gathered she meant Joss and Braden. “And then we thought it might be a lovely idea to commission a cityscape of Edinburgh.”

  “Commission?” I put my free hand to my chest. “Commission me?”

  “Well, yes. We trust Cole’s eye, and if he says you’re good, then you’re good.”

  Amazed, humbled, excited, all of the above, I nodded enthusiastically. “I’d love to. What are they celebrating?”

  “Joss’s pregnancy, of course.”

  More surprise shot through me and I looked up at Cole in question.

  He winced. “With everything we had going on I forgot to tell you.”

  “Tell her what?” Joss’s familiar voice queried behind us.

  We turned and she, Jo, and Ellie closed in on us so we created a small circle.

  “That you’re pregnant.” I smiled. “Congratulations.”

  Her gunmetal eyes softened. “Thank you. This is the last one, so Braden has everyone making a huge deal out of it.”

  “It is a big deal.” Her husband sidled up to her, inserting himself in beside her and Ellie so he could press a kiss to Joss’s neck. Joss leaned into him and sighed.

  “Fine, it’s a big deal, but can we please stop talking about it? This is Cole and Shannon’s engagement party.”

  “Oh, please,” Hannah snorted as her big sister took Jarrod from her. “This is Ellie’s party.”

  Ellie grinned unashamedly. “Any excuse, eh, baby boy,” she cooed, pressing a kiss to Jarrod’s forehead.

  “Oh, give him here.” Elodie appeared at her side, reaching for her grandchild.

  “You’re not playing pass the parcel,” Hannah huffed.

  “Shush.” Elodie waved her off and pressed Jarrod to her body. “I haven’t held him in fifteen minutes. I’m having withdrawals.”

  “How are you feeling?” I felt the need to ask. During all the excitement last weekend, I hadn’t inquired. “You look well.”

  Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes bright, and she had lost that haggard tiredness she’d worn after the attack.

  “I’m fine, sweetheart,” she assured me, giving me a kind smile. “I’ve had plenty of rest and I’m feeling strong. Especially now that I have another beautiful grandchild to keep me busy, and a wedding to look forward to.”

  “Shannon, before I forget,” Braden suddenly said, drawing my attention from the matriarch of the family. “I have an offer for your brother.”

  “An offer?” I said, puzzled.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Marco appear. He pulled Hannah into his side.

  “I shared,” Cole explained, looking concerned. “Not about everything but about why Logan was in prison. I thought they could help. I’m sorry. I should—”

  “It’s fine.” I cut him off and pressed a hand to his arm in reassurance. “I trust them.” I glanced back at Braden. “What kind of offer?”

  “I imagine he’ll find it hard to get work when he gets out of prison, but Cole explained matters and a man shouldn’t have to bear those kinds of consequences for protecting his family. When your brother gets out send him to me and I’ll find a job for him wherever he feels he wants to start over. I have a number of opportunities for him.”

  “Same here,” Marco said. “I’m site manager for a construction company. If he doesn’t find anything to suit him with Braden, I’d be happy to set him up somewhere suitable to his skill set.”

  Overwhelmed by their generosity, I was struck completely dumb for a few seconds.

  The silence only broke when Cole sought to close my mouth by pressing a finger under my chin. Everyone chuckled and I swatted playfully at his hand.

  “Thank you,” I managed. “That really means a lot. It’ll mean a lot to Logan too.”

  “You’re Cole’s family now. That makes you our family.” Elodie smiled.

  “And on that note.” Cole stepped away from me and lowered himself to one knee.

  “Cole, what are—”

  “Stealing my thunder back.” He grinned and took my hand. “Here in this room are the people who mean the most to me. A family that embraced my family and made us stronger for it. It was the best gift I’d ever been given until the moment you told me you loved me.”

  My breath hitched.

  “You offered me everything last week, and I want my chance to offer everything back to you. I’m offering you what they once offered me. I’m offering you a family who will love and protect you not only because I love and protect you, but because you’re an amazing woman who deserves every sweet thing life has to give. We’re going to spend the rest of our lives happier and stronger because we have each other, and because we finally have the kind of family behind us we both always dreamed of having.”

  The tears were pouring so fast down my cheeks I could barely see through the blur as he produced a narrow-pointed marquise diamond perched on a platinum band. His own eyes were bright with emotion as he slid the ring onto my finger.

  Seconds later I was lifted into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist as I kissed the life out of him. When I finally managed to pry myself from him, a teary-eyed Jo, Liv, and Elodie hugged me, followed by a grinning Joss, Ellie, and Hannah. I received more congratulatory hugs from the men and even from the kids, and I stood there in Cole’s arms, staring every five seconds at the beautiful ring on my finger, thinking how strange life could be.

  How a person could go from feeling so lonely and broken to so cherished and hopeful in only a few short months.

  As I gazed around at the colorful characters who surrounded me, I decided it was them. They had a kind of magic about them, a magic they’d gifted to Cole, who in turn had gifted it to me.

  * * *

  It had been two weeks since our engagement. In that time I’d moved all of my things into Cole’s, where he surprised me once more. He’d had a sofa bed put in the guest bedroom to replace the bed that had been in there. He did this to provide more room . . . more room for all of my art stuff. It was also a great space away from the studio for him to concentrate on his own artwork.

  Living with Cole was pretty easy overall. I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was scary and heady and exciting too.

  Before I got to do the fun moving-in stuff, I went back to Glasgow to meet with my family. They were pissed, but I was done trying to prove myself to them. Only time would tell whether or not we’d get past our issues.

  I had Cole now.

  And I’d always had Logan.

  My eyes were drawn to my brother as soon as Cole and I walked into the visitor room at the prison. Logan sat waiting for us, looking alert, scrutinizing Cole as he led me by the hand through the room.

  I smiled at my brother as we took our seats opposite him. “Logan, it’s good to see you again.”

  “You too, Shay.” His eyes flicked to Cole. “I take it you went big, not home.”

  I laughed and nodded.

  Cole looked confused.

  “My brother encouraged me to propose.”

  My fiancé raised an eyebrow at that. “Without having met me?”

  Logan shrugged. “I went with my instincts on
this one.”

  Feeling giddy for many reasons, I leaned toward him. “I’ll let you two chat and get to know each other in a minute, but first I have great news.”

  “Greater than that big bloody diamond on your finger?” Logan took my hand and then smirked at Cole. “Nice.”

  “Focus.” I jerked on Logan’s hand, bringing his attention back to me. “Look, you remember I mentioned Cole’s family are involved in quite a bit of business in Edinburgh?”


  I grinned. “Logan, Braden’s offered you a job. So did Marco. When you get out . . . they’ll have something waiting for you.”

  Logan stared at me dumbly for a second and then at Cole. When he returned his gaze to me, he said softly, “Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope. They know everything and they get it. They want to help you out.”

  “That’s . . .” He shook his head. “Why would they? They don’t know me.”

  “They know me.” I squeezed his hand. “And they’re good people.”

  Logan rubbed a hand over his short hair. “I’m a bit speechless. I’ve been . . . I’ve been worrying about what would happen once I get back out there . . . This . . .” He looked at Cole. “Thanks, mate. This means a lot. Tell them thanks.”

  Cole nodded. “It’s not a problem.”

  Logan gripped my hand harder. “Thanks, Shannon.”

  “No.” I smiled, fighting tears of happiness. “Thank you.”


  Eighteen months later

  L ight flooded the room. The smell of flowers and paint fumes had already become so familiar to me it was like being home. I was so comfortable there I lost myself in the art. Sometimes I had no idea how much time had passed.

  Stepping back from the large piece of canvas, I contemplated the scene. It was a dystopian New York painted in gouache. It was my first time using the paint and so far I was enjoying the velvety effect of it.


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