Kit made a rude noise in his throat and stood up from the floor. “Just remember, I’m next,” he growled at the others, giving them a glare as he turned and wandered off.
“I didn’t realize you were keeping a schedule,” Jace muttered.
Behind me Cursed froze, his breathing catching then restarting. Jace looked at Owen and Amras, each of them having trouble meeting his eyes.
“Oh I see,” he finally replied and glanced at Gareth with a grimace. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing and shifted uncomfortably in Cursed’s arms, my eyes going to Amras who shrugged and spread his hands.
“Let… me… go!” I enunciated each word angrily and felt Cursed flinch but hold me tighter. “Don’t make me pull your hair, too!” I growled at him and he sucked air into his lungs, pressing himself against my bottom even tighter. He finally released me slowly, his fingers teasing and caressing as they went.
“You cannot rape the willing,” he whispered. “I can smell your desire for me, and your pulling my hair only serves to excite me more,” he advised as his lips brushed the tip of my ear.
Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten that? Standing in the middle of them I bit my lip and glanced back at Owen. “Not a word of this to either of them.” Owen stared down at me for a moment then nodded. “Oh, and Owen” I joked, “do you think you can teach me to do… that?”
He tilted his head and stared down at me with a lopsided smile. “Lexi,” he told me softly, his eyes searching mine. “You already can,” and Gareth caught me as I slid to the floor.
“I’m okay, I’m okay, I’m okay,” I chanted from where my face was pressed between my knees. Breathing was just a little difficult with so many people pressing in around me. Someone handed me a bottle of water and I sat up and gratefully took a sip. This day just kept getting worse and worse.
Owen was kneeling beside me, holding a hand and chaffing it gently. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to console himself or me. “I’m sorry, that was rather abrupt of me.”
“No kidding,” I muttered and leaned back against Gareth’s body, which was cupping mine from behind. Jace held out his hand for the water bottle and I took another drink before handing it back to him. I mulled over what he said and had a bad thought. “Not me… I mean… I’m not going to.…” I trailed off suddenly feeling the blood leave my face.
He patted my hand and shook his head. “Only others. You still need me,” he replied, his face breaking out in a pleased smile when I nodded and pulled large quantities of air into my lungs. I felt as if I’d been holding my breath far too long and could finally breathe.
“Do you have any idea what they are discussing?” Jace asked.
“Not a clue,” Gareth replied and hugged me tighter.
‘Don’t ask, don’t ask… don’t ask’ I thought abruptly, my eyes widening as I glanced up at Owen in dismay. He shrugged and leaned back on his knees letting go of my hand.
“Hmmm,” Jace muttered, his head swinging between the two of us.
“Let it go for now,” Gareth advised. “She’s not ready to share and we don’t need to press.”
I slumped gratefully against him and turned to rest my cheek on his shoulder. “Thank you,” I replied and closed my eyes.
Kit’s voice reached me from behind Gareth. “They are finally done, in case you were at all interested. I must admit I am rather impressed with your Father’s natural abilities,” he muttered before continuing. “The two of them are rummaging around in the fridge at the moment. If you hurry we can catch them at it. I believe they are both quite naked.”
“Oh Goddess protect us,” Amras moaned and I joined him. Gareth laughed silently behind me, his chest causing me to jerk against him. Jace muttered something about Snick under his breath and Owen chuckled. Apparently Cursed didn’t think it was all that funny, or he was laughing silently like Gareth. Either way I didn’t feel much like opening my eyes to find out.
“Well, Gentlemen, shall we go meet Dad?” Gareth asked when he seemed to get himself under control. “I think now would be the best chance for all of us to do so and remain unscathed. And perhaps if we stick together, our sheer numbers might overwhelm him.”
I cracked open an eye and noticed that everyone seemed to be standing just a bit straighter. “It has been my pleasure to know you, Princess,” Amras muttered and leaned down his hand to assist me to stand. Cursed looked at him and shook his head in disgust. Kit looked a bit worried himself though he gave me a wicked smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Back into the elevator we piled, none of us saying much. Halfway there Owen snapped his fingers and I found myself dressed in the clothing I’d had on earlier. I wasn’t sure if I should thank him or kick him.
Jace slammed the door open, certain to make a lot of noise, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing hysterically. Apparently our attempt at a loud entrance wasn’t required because my parents were fully dressed and cuddling on the couch. Mom didn’t even bother to sit up straight when we came in and I went from biting my cheek to my tongue.
“Hi,” I gulped, not certain how to begin. Gareth came to my rescue and stepped forward. Brave man that he was, he actually made my heart beat faster at his show of courage.
“Gareth Ak Trirth,” he admitted, holding out his hand. My Father unwound himself from my Mother and stood while his light eyes glanced over Gareth with a quiet reserve which seemed neither approving nor dismayed.
“Roark ‘e Venth,” he replied, shaking Gareth’s hand. Ah… so that was my Father’s name. Good to know.
“My partner, Jace R Bok,” Gareth replied indicating Jace, who stepped past me and held out his hand so that he too might shake with my Father. The three of them eyed each other thoughtfully a moment then Gareth turned to the others. “Cursed, formerly of the Queen’s Royal Guard.” Cursed clenched his fist over his heart and leaned forward in a courtly bow. My Father nodded his head and moved on to Owen, whom he was forced to look up at. “Owen…” Gareth hesitated and turned to look at the larger man his eyes questioning.
“Ve,” he replied calmly and held out his hand to my Father, who hesitated for a moment, his eyes widening in surprise before he grasped forearms in an older more traditional grip.
Gareth turned next to Kit and raised an eyebrow. “Kit, Second Level Chaos Demon of the Order of Limerence,” he advised my Father who looked at Kit in horror. At his look, Kit raised an eyebrow and flopped rudely into a chair. Crossing his arms and glaring back at him.
“Roark,” he muttered, while my Father glanced between the two of us in apparent shock.
“A Lust Demon? Lexi…” he began, then quickly shut his mouth as he turned to glance at Amras, who had somehow managed to find a place to stand as far away as possible while still considered polite.
Gareth took a deep breath and continued, “May I present Lord Amras Lissesul?”
“My Fiancée’ and currently one of our daughters many lovers,” my Mother added with a touch of nastiness from the couch she was occupying. Everyone in the place held their breath while my Father’s eyebrows shot up and then lowered dangerously. He glanced around the room taking in each man’s face while he flushed an ugly shade of red.
“Lexi,” he finally rasped out.
“Yes Dad?” I squeaked, and then coughed as I tried to clear my suddenly tight throat.
“Is this all of them?”
I glanced around with a guilty look and nodded, wondering if I should tell him who I’d met the previous evening.
“Who?” he demanded, his voice nearly vibrating.
His mouth tightened and his nostrils flared while his pupils shifted to lighter silver. “And who do I have to thank for being here?” he asked softly.
“Me?” I squeaked again. Damn I was going to have to do something about that. I was twenty five years old. I shouldn’t be squeaking responses to my Dad!
“Who?” he growled and I edged closer to Gareth.
; “Me,” Kit told him. “You can thank me, for this and many other things. Not the least of which is keeping Lexi safe from men while you were off doing who knows what all her life.”
Dad took a deep breath and turned on Kit, much to Amras’ relief. “Where is my Knight?” he growled, his silver eyes starting to whirl dangerously.
I frowned and glanced between the two of them in confusion while Kit eased himself into a more upright position. “It’s still daylight outside, Dad.” I replied, almost cringing when he turned to glare at me with a look that made me feel like I was five again and caught being naughty. Damn, even Mom didn’t look that mean when I’d gotten into trouble. I suddenly had the urge to hide behind something but managed to lock my knees in position.
He took another breath and enunciated much like I had just done upstairs. “Where is the Demon Knight?”
‘Oh him’… I thought with a gulp and glanced at Kit. “He never showed up. I think… he must have lost his paperwork.”
My Father looked stunned and ran his fingers through his short hair as he backed to the couch and lowered himself upon it. Across the room Amras breathed a grateful sigh and looked like he might actually collapse into a chair of his own. He took one step and my Father glanced up at him, sharply narrowing his eyes in the most threatening of manners. “Don’t you move” he growled and Amras froze like a deer in the headlights. Behind my father, like a shadow in the air, I could see the outline of a huge silver barbed tail actually flicking back and forth in agitation. I’d never seen either Gareth or Jace do that and I nearly stopped breathing. Beside me Jace pulled air through his teeth and also held still.
My Mother must have taken pity on us because she made a purring sound in her throat and placed her palm on his leg, stroking it gently. My eyes watched in horrified disgust when she moved on to his forearm and swirled her fingers though his hair with her long graceful fingers. Oh no… yuck! Children should not be subjected to this, I thought, and had to fight down the bile that rose in the back of my throat.
She turned her satisfied smile on me and I couldn’t help myself. I clasped my hand over my mouth and ran as fast as I could in my heels to the kitchen, it being the nearest room with a sink.
Amazingly enough it was Cursed that came to my rescue, holding my hair and passing me a napkin from the roll on the counter. I groaned and laid my cheek on the cool marble while he stood behind me and flipped on the water facet to wash my breakfast down the drain. “Oh God, I can’t go back out there.”
“You must, My Lady,” he replied, his hands soothing over my back while his thoughts skittered around inside him in an alarming manner.
Chapter 7
Cursed was right, I had to go. But there was no guarantee that I wouldn’t end up right back in here again if I had to watch my Mother playing patty cake with my Father. That was just so wrong!
I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took several swallows. With the water off and the sounds of my own retching over, I could actually hear voices from the living room. I couldn’t help thinking… at least no one was screaming or yelling. Heaving a sigh I put down the water and pushed back my shoulders. Cursed had a distant look on his face and I figured he was getting the details from Amras. Or that was what I was guessing based on the look in his eyes. He glanced down at me and motioned to precede him which I did, albeit reluctantly.
Conversation ceased and everyone turned to look at me with various levels of intensity. “What?” I asked, glancing around so nervously that Goldy actually blinked and sat up looking around in concern. My Father’s eyes narrowed and he raised an eyebrow.
“What have you to say for yourself daughter?” he asked while pursing his lips and eyeing me.
“I ah...” I began. “It’s nice to finally meet you… in person.”
He sighed and glanced down at my Mother who lifted an eyebrow as if to say, see, I told you so.
I took another breath and tried again. “I ah… gave Mom your message.” Of course that was right after she’d informed me she was still engaged to Amras, whom I’d already slept with. Across the room Amras jerked as if struck and closed his eyes.
Dad’s fists clenched but he didn’t say anything.
“Okay that’s enough,” I said, looking around at the worried looks on my men’s faces. I hadn’t done anything wrong and neither had they. If he wanted to blame someone he could start with Mom who’d made this all possible by bringing Amras to me. Hell, she’d introduced us!
That finally got her sitting up straight as she glared at me.
“Well it’s true!” Ha! She wasn’t pawing Dad in front of me now, I thought. Dad turned his eyes on her and she shrugged, but didn’t deny it. “Because of her actions Cursed is here too!”
“And you can thank yourself for Kit!” I nearly yelled, starting to get a little fired up at my audacity. Wow! Yelling at Dad was almost as liberating as it had been when I’d yelled at Mom. I’d already tossed my cookies so what more did I have to worry about?
“And Ve? I suppose I’m responsible for him too?” he asked, watching me closely.
I looked at Owen and wasn’t sure how to answer. “Owen is… necessary to me if you want your experiment to succeed. So yeah, I think you can say you are responsible for him too.”
“Experiment?” he breathed, then shook his head before he glanced at Gareth and Jace. I merely put my hands on my hips and leaned in. “These two… no, these two are all my doing,” I replied, then smiled when Gareth winked at me and Jace ran his hand over his face covering the smile that flashed across his mouth.
“And Marcus?”
I took a deep breath and shook my head. “No… no, I haven’t touched him… except to heal him. He is…”
“Damaged,” Kit interrupted. “And definitely not for Lexi!”
Dad glanced at the Demon and frowned as he leaned his forearms on his thighs. Behind him the pseudo tail faded away and several of us breathed deeper. “I was afraid of that,” he muttered as he reached to clasp my Mother’s fingers through his, pulling her hand onto his leg. I did my best to ignore them and glanced at Gareth who just shrugged and indicated we should take a seat.
“Your Mother informs me that you’ve allowed the press to discover your identity.”
“It was an accident. But yes, they’ve been camped out upstairs for the last few days.”
“She also informs me that you have made a promise to stay here with these two Drakes for a full year?”
“Yes,” I admitted as I slid onto the couch between Jace and Gareth. Both of them kept their hands in sight and off my person, and I had to smile at their unusual restraint.
“And the others?” he asked lifting his chin to indicate the rest of the men in the room.
“Well… I’m not sure what you mean,” I told him, leaning back against the cushions and glancing down at my hands which I’d laced together in my lap.
“Your intentions?” he prompted.
I sighed and looked up. “Owen stays. Kit is contracted to me for life. I’m apparently Cursed’s punishment because of Mom, and Amras…,” I choked, my voice breaking as I stared into his beautiful eyes and felt the answering pain in them. I swallowed. “Amras has been ordered to return to the Sidhe… immediately. I plan to go with him to speak to the Queen,” I finished quietly, as both Gareth and Jace glanced at me in shock.
“No!” Cursed whispered, his voice sounding harsh. “My Lady, you mustn’t,” he told me sharply.
“It has already been decided,” I informed the group, crossing my arms over my chest and staring at the coffee table mutinously. “Don’t try to talk me out of it. I would do the same for any of you!” That seemed to silence them, though Cursed started pacing in agitation. Now there was something I’d never seen him do before. My eyes tracked him back and forth for several minutes of blissful silence when I finally had enough and added, “What? You want the Queen sending more guards to share duty with you?”
Cursed stopped abruptly and turned t
o me with a startled look on his dark features. He grimaced and leaned his hands on the back of the nearest chair, his breath sounding overly harsh in the quiet room. “I fear that will occur in any event, My Lady. The Queen will not give you up lightly. Not for a day, let alone a year.” His eyes looked hallow, as if he already mourned a great loss.
I felt my heart contract and told him softly, “Let them come then. They will not replace you in my affections.”
His eyes were the blackest pits of despair as he assured me, “My Lady, they will try.”
Dad cleared his throat suddenly and my eyes were drawn to him, though my thoughts were centered on Cursed and his declaration. “Lexi, you have obligations,” he reminded me.
I gritted my teeth and tried to be calm as I replied, “I’m well aware of my obligations to the Dragon race and every other race present in this room. However I’m only twenty five and not yet ready to start a family. And besides…” I told him, leaning forward on my chair suddenly. My eyes narrowed as they moved between my parents, where they sat so close together you couldn’t see daylight between them.
“Beside what?” he prompted and he looked nearly worried at my intensity.
“Beside the fact, that you and Mom will have your hands full soon…with my sisters.”
Dad looked at me as if I was somehow crazy, then his eyes slid to my Mother who raised her hands palm up as if to say, I have no idea what she’s talking about.
I smiled much like I imagine a shark might just before he eats you. “Congratulations, you’re expecting quadruplets… all girls,” I told them, then sat back on the couch and ran my hands up both Jace and Gareth’s thighs while I watched my words sink in.
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