Almost Never

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Almost Never Page 19

by Melissa Toppen

  “The plan?” I question.


  “Well, I have to work at six.” The thought of having to leave him is nearly impossible to stomach. I have to remind myself that this isn’t like all the other times we’ve said goodbye. He’ll be right here, waiting for me to get home.

  “Well that gives us about eleven hours then. What would you like to do until then?”

  “Absolutely nothing.”


  “Nothing. I just want to stay in bed with you the entire day.”

  “You’re not going to get any complaints from me.” He slides his arm around my side and pulls me closer. “Though at some point I will need to go to my car and get my things.”

  “Moving in, are we?” I tease.

  We haven’t really discussed it in any detail, but when he said he was here to stay, I assumed he meant here with me.

  “Unless you don’t want me to.” He pulls back slightly. “If it’s too much, too soon, just say so. I’m sure I can find a place in the city.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Not only is it impossible to find anything decent that won’t bleed you dry, the market is very limited. You’re staying here. I want you here.”

  “Good, because this is the only place I want to be.” He kisses the tip of my nose.

  “Do you think we’re crazy?” I ask, not able to keep my thoughts to myself. “Moving in together when we’ve barely spent any time together in the last few years.”

  “Maybe.” He chuckles.

  “What if you realize you hate me?”

  “Not possible.” He squeezes my side.

  “What if this turns out to be a huge mistake?”

  “Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” His dark gaze holds mine. “I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I do know that I’ll never forgive myself if we don’t at least try because we’re too afraid it might not work.”

  “Me too.”

  “I’m not naïve enough to believe that things will always be perfect. We are going to fight sometimes and I’m sure we’ll have our fair share of disagreements. But at the end of the day, those are the things that will bring us even closer together.”

  “I just can’t help but feel like all of this is happening too fast.”

  “Maybe it is. But we don’t operate on anyone’s timeline but our own. This isn’t about being normal or what the world views as acceptable. What is normal, anyway? We’re just two people who love each other and want to be together. There’s no shame in that.”

  “I know that.”

  “Do you?” He pulls back slightly. “Because a part of me feels like maybe you’re still holding back. Are you afraid of what other people will think?”

  “No, of course not. The people that matter know how long I’ve loved you. My mom probably won’t even bat an eye. It’s not about anyone else. I just don’t want you to wake up a week from now, or a month, or even in a year, and realize you’ve made a terrible mistake.”

  “The only mistake I could ever make would be letting you slip through my fingers again.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I promise, running my hand down his hair covered jaw.

  “I know we still have a lot to figure out. And we will figure it out, together.”

  “Together.” I smile.

  “Now, why don’t you take your little worry cap off and I can show you just how much you’re going to love waking up next to me every morning for forever.” The way he looks at me sends a thrill straight down my spine.

  “Why, Mr. Murray. You are insatiable,” I say in my best southern accent.

  When he drops his head back on a hearty laugh, I’m not sure if I want to laugh with him or burst into tears I’m so happy.

  When I came home last night, I didn’t expect to find him sitting in front of my door. I didn’t expect to have him pour his heart out to me the way he did. I didn’t expect that he would pack up all his belongings and move to the city to be with me. I didn’t expect to open my eyes this morning to find him lying next to me. But you know what they say, some of life’s greatest moments are the ones you never see coming.

  I’ve spent the last six years loving Alec from afar. And now here he is. In my apartment. In my bed. Holding onto me like there isn’t a thing in the world that would make him let go.

  And I know the feeling. Because I’m never letting him go again. I’ve waited too long for this moment to let it slip through my fingers.

  I think I finally realized that instead of waiting for the perfect moment to be together, we had to create the moment for ourselves.

  And this is it. This is our moment.

  No more what ifs and could have beens. No more almosts. No more nevers.

  It doesn’t matter if we sink or swim. All that matters is that we do it together.


  Four Years Later

  “Babe, if you don’t hurry up we’re going to be late,” Hope calls through the closed door.

  “I just...” I give up on getting this damn bow tie tied and fling open the door.

  Hope takes one look at me and a humor filled smile lights up her beautiful face.

  “Still can’t get it, huh?” She eyes the tie. “I tried to tell you, it’s not as easy as it looks.”

  “I don’t get why they make these things so difficult. I should have bought a fucking clip on.”

  “Come here.” She steps in front of me and takes both ends of the tie in her hands.

  “I don’t know why I even have to wear this thing. They’re getting married on a beach, for goodness’ sake. No one is wearing shoes. And I’m not even in the wedding.”

  “One, just because it’s on a beach doesn’t mean it can’t be formal. And two, you are in the wedding.”

  “I’m an usher. That’s like the stepchild of the wedding.”

  “It is not.” She giggles. “There.” She steps back to look at her handy work.

  I glance in the mirror behind her to see that not only did she get the damn thing tied, but it’s perfect.

  Of course it is.

  “Where did you learn how to do that?” I eye her curiously, realizing that after four years together and two years of marriage I still learn something new about my wife every single day.

  “YouTube.” She shrugs.

  “YouTube?” I question.

  “You can learn anything on YouTube.”

  “And you just happened to be looking up how to tie a bow tie.”

  She shrugs. “I might have known you would need help.”

  “You think you’re so smart.” I snag my arm around her waist and pull her close. Well, as close as I can given how far her belly protrudes.

  It’s almost impossible to believe that in a mere three short months we are going to be parents. I’ve never been more scared or excited about anything in my entire life.

  It wasn’t planned, but we were both ready for a family when it happened. We had just gotten home from eighteen months in Italy. Hope got the opportunity to go back and work there shortly after our wedding and I was more than happy to tag along.

  I spent months writing with the most beautiful countryside as my backdrop. Freelance writing has many perks and being able to write from anywhere in the world is definitely one of them.

  Needless to say, life has been a series of amazing adventures, made only more special by the woman by my side.

  “You’re just mad you didn’t think of it.” Hope smiles up at me, wrapping her hands around the back of my neck.

  “Maybe,” I admit, causing her smile to widen even further. “Have I told you how beautiful you look in that dress yet?” I ask, running my fingers along the pale pink lace strap along her shoulder.

  “Please. I look like a fat flamingo. I think Lulu did it on purpose. Why else would she dress me in the hideous thing?”

  “One, you do not look fat. You’re pregnant.” I let my hands fall to the sides of her belly, smiling when I feel our daughter
kick. You would think she can sense that I’m there. “And two, Lucy could dress you in a trash bag and you’d still be the most beautiful woman in attendance.”

  “You have to say that.” She pouts. “I feel like an over inflated balloon that’s about to pop.”

  “Stop it.” I chuckle, leaning down to lightly kiss her lips.

  Even after all this time, Hope’s kiss still steals my breath.

  “Well, are you ready to get this over with?” I ask, pulling back slightly.

  “Promise you’ll pretend like you’re enjoying yourself?”

  “Anything for you.” I trace my finger in an X over my heart.

  “I love you,” she whispers, pressing up to kiss me again.

  “I love you too,” I murmur against her lips, not wanting to let go when she slips out of my arms and tangles her fingers with mine.

  We part ways at the bridal suite after saying a very long, drawn out goodbye. After much delay with my wife, resulting in Hope pushing me out the door, I make my way outside.

  There are rows of chairs set up in the sand, white ribbon draped down the aisle that leads to a makeshift altar, backed by a stunning view of the Gulf of Mexico.

  I must say, when Lucy announced her and Travis were getting married on a beach in Alabama, I thought it was completely unoriginal. But now, standing here with my bare feet in the sand, I understand why so many people like to get married at the ocean.

  It’s nothing like my wedding with Hope, but I guess I can see the appeal.

  Hope didn’t want a big ceremony or anything fancy. In fact, she knew exactly where she wanted to get married before we even discussed it. She wanted to say I do in the very same place I proposed. So, on a sunny fall afternoon, we got married in the center of Times Square as the city buzzed around us. It was hands down one of the best days of my life. The day I met Hope holding the top spot.

  I look around at the white sand beach, feel it’s powdery softness beneath my feet, and I can’t help but reflect on how far we’ve all come.

  It took a while, but over time Hope and Lucy’s friendship got back on track. After she met Travis, things changed dramatically. She changed. And for the better, I might add. It warmed my heart to see their friendship come back together, knowing how much she means to Hope.

  You could say that everything turned out exactly as it was meant to. The road here wasn’t easy, but in the end it was all worth it.

  I make my way to my post as the first guests start to arrive. When Lucy had asked me to be an usher, I balked at the idea. But Hope was so excited that Lucy wanted to include me in the wedding, I knew there was no way I could say no.

  I nod to Henry as I approach. At least I wasn’t the only one that got saddled into the usher roll.

  “So, where is she?” I ask, stepping up next to him as I survey the handful of people who are already seated.

  “Second row, last chair on the left.” I follow Henry’s line of sight.

  “The blonde?” I ask, having yet to meet his new girlfriend.

  Henry isn’t just Hope’s brother, he’s mine too. And as much as it irritates Hope sometimes, he tells me a lot more than he does her. I’m sure part of it is because he feels more comfortable sharing certain things with another guy rather than his sister.

  “Yep.” He rocks back on his heels.

  “You look nervous,” I observe.

  “I am nervous.” He laughs, adjusting the sleeves of his white button-down shirt. His tie is a little off center, but I resist the urge to point it out. Apparently whoever tied it for him wasn’t as good at it as my wife. Then again, I find that’s true with most everything.

  “It’ll be fine.” I give him a light smack on the back.

  “This is the first girl I’ve ever introduced to my family.”

  “Well, as far as families go, you’ve got a pretty amazing one.”

  “Excluding my father, of course,” he sneers.

  Needless to say, his relationship with his father has continued to deteriorate over the years, as has Hope’s. I know it makes her sad sometimes, but at this point I think she’s made her peace with it. Henry, however, is holding on to quite the grudge. Which I understand, having had a similar relationship with my own father over the years.

  “I guess it’s a good thing he wasn’t invited then.”

  “Yeah.” Henry blows out a breath. “Do I look okay?” He holds his arms out to his sides.

  “Yeah, you look fine.” I reach out and adjust his tie for him. “You must really like this girl.”

  “You already know I do.”

  “I know you told me you did, but I didn’t realize how much until now.”

  “Just do me a favor.” His gaze swings my way. “Don’t do anything stupid to embarrass me.”

  “I think you’re talking to the wrong person there, buddy. If there’s anyone here that you don’t have to worry about embarrassing you, it’s me. I know what it’s like to be in your shoes. Remember?” I give him a knowing look.

  “Oh, I remember all right. I’ve never seen someone pine after a girl the way you pined after my sister.”

  “What can I say?” I shrug. “When you know, you know.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” His eyes drift back toward his date right as an older couple steps up next to us.

  Without hesitation, I offer my arm to the woman, leading her down the aisle while her husband follows close behind.


  “Well, you got through it.” Hope slides her arms up around my neck as we move slowly along the dance floor.

  “I did.” I lean down and lay a light peck to her lips.

  “Being an usher wasn’t that bad, was it?” she asks, a hint of a smile on her lips.

  “Nah, it was doable. Besides, watching your brother nervously obsess over his date the whole time made it rather enjoyable.”

  “You’re mean,” she teases. “She seems nice.”


  “Pretty too.”

  “I guess, if you like that tall, blonde, model type.” I shrug indifferently, purposely trying to get a rise out of her.

  I love that I can still make her jealous after all these years, usually without even trying.

  “You’re such a jerk.” She’s wise to my game.

  “That I may be. But I’m your jerk.” I reach out and push her long curls over her shoulder.

  “And don’t you forget it.” She pulls my face down to hers, her expression shifting. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Are you happy with how everything turned out?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, not sure I understand what exactly she’s asking.

  “I mean with us.”

  “Are you kidding?” I phrase it like she couldn’t have asked a more ridiculous question. “Our story couldn’t be any better if I had written it myself.”

  “Such a writer thing to say.” She snorts, her features softening.

  “I mean it, Hope. I’m happier than I ever thought possible. You, our daughter.” I glance down at her belly. “You are my entire world and I wouldn’t change a single thing about who we are today.”

  “I wouldn’t either.” She smiles. “Sorry, these hormones have got me feeling all sorts of ways.”

  “I’ll let it slide... this time,” I tease.

  “You will, will you?” She laughs, guiding my head down toward hers. “You think I’m bad now, just wait. I’ve heard it’s even worse after you have the baby. My mom said she cried for three weeks straight after she had me.”

  “You can cry all you want. I’ll be there to wipe every single one of your tears away.”

  “You’re really cheesy sometimes, you know that?” She giggles. “But thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you. For not letting me give up on us all those years ago. For fighting for me. For making me the happiest woman on the face of this earth. The list goes on and on.”

  “You know, I could say
the same things about you.” I slide my nose against hers. “But instead, how about I show you.” I press a soft kiss to her lips. “I love you, Mrs. Murray,” I whisper against her mouth.

  “I love you, Mr. Murray.”

  I pull my wife closer, hold her tighter, breathe in her scent like it’s the first time I’ve ever smelled it. Knowing, here in this moment, how truly blessed I am.

  Life isn’t always sunshine and roses. We have bad days, just like everyone else. But what separates us, what makes our love different from everyone else’s, is that we don’t let the rough days define us. We don’t let them hinder us from the good ones. We hold onto our love because we know at the end of the day, it’s strong enough to get us through anything.

  This is the part where I would typically write and they both lived happily ever after. But as I’ve said before, our story is far from over.

  In fact, it’s only just beginning.

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  Melissa Toppen is a USA Today Bestselling Author who specializes in New Adult and Contemporary Romance. She is a lover of books and enjoys nothing more than losing herself in a good novel. She has a soft spot for Romance and focuses her writing in that direction; writing what she loves to read.

  Melissa resides in Cincinnati Ohio with her husband and two children, where she writes full time.

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