Tempt Me Like This

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Tempt Me Like This Page 21

by Bella Andre

  It was the way they loved one another. She'd never seen anything like it. They watched out for one another. They helped one another. They were simply there for one another.

  Madison was adorable and hilarious. Ashley loved the way Drew doted on his youngest sister. Madison had clearly thrived as a result of the endless affection and encouragement that she'd been given by her family.

  Drew had said that Olivia was someone Ashley could be friends with, probably because they were both the quiet, studious type. Ashley was a little surprised that the two of them had never met before on the Stanford campus. If they had, she definitely would have been drawn instantly to someone as bright and utterly unaware of her shockingly good looks as Olivia.

  Grant was the lone Morrison in a suit, but it looked exactly right on him. He didn't look like other high-tech CEOs in their sweatshirts and jeans, but Ashley had read enough case studies of Collide to know that Drew's oldest brother had always marched brilliantly to the beat of his own drummer. They'd had a fascinating conversation about the music business during dinner, and he'd asked her if she would email her indie label proposal to him to look over. In fact, the part he'd seemed to be the most interested in was her conviction that there should be women in the executive level positions at the new label. Women who understood other women. Women who had once been the girls in the audience at shows like Drew's. Women who weren't afraid to support music that touched you deeply.

  Ashley was almost more nervous about showing her indie label proposal to him than she was about whether or not she'd get into Stanford Business School next year. But she was excited, too. Just being able to get personal feedback from someone as brilliant as Grant was a dream come true.

  As for the Morrison twins, Justin and Sean might look alike, but Ashley could see how different they were. Both of them were great, but Justin was more the precise scientist, whereas Sean came across as laid-back. Drew had been right about the way Justin and his friend Taylor looked at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. And Sean and Serena were almost too gorgeous together--and so sweet, too, considering they hadn't let go of each other's hands all night long. She also appreciated that neither Serena nor Sean seemed to notice that they outshone every other human on the planet. All but Drew, of course. Because Ashley was positive that no one could possibly shine more brightly than Drew.

  And then there was Drew's father, Michael. Throughout the concert, she'd noticed him lowering his head to wipe his eyes. He was clearly so proud of Drew, and Ashley kept choking up herself as she watched him marvel over his talented son.

  She hadn't meant to listen in on any of their conversations, but since it was necessary to yell to be heard over the noise of the crowd between songs, she'd ended up catching snippets for the past couple of hours.

  Sean to Justin: "How do you think Dad's doing?"

  Grant to their father: "Drew is even better now than he used to be, isn't he? I'm pretty sure I know why."

  And Maddie to Olivia: "Wouldn't it be great if Justin and Taylor started kissing out of the blue?"

  That one had made Ashley laugh.

  They were all so welcoming to Ashley, too, each of them going out of their way to include her in their conversations. It was so lovely to feel like a part of such a close family, even if it was just for a little while. With the way her parents had fought her whole life, the three of them had never been a particularly tight unit. Tonight gave her the tiniest taste of what Drew's childhood must have been like. Yes, it was noisy. Sure, it was a little chaotic. But what fun he must have had with his brothers and sisters. The kind of fun Ashley had only ever wished for. Her mother, she knew, had wanted more kids. But that had never happened for her parents. If it had, would that have changed anything? Or would her parents have fought even more?

  "Everything okay?"

  Ashley surfaced from her thoughts as Olivia put a hand on her arm and looked at her with concern.

  More than a dozen times throughout dinner with Drew's family, Ashley had begun to reach for him, or to lean into his broad chest, or say something to him that only two lovers could possibly understand. All night it had been really, really hard to be in the same room with him without wanting to leap into his arms and kiss him. But each time she'd caught herself just in time.

  And each time, she'd had to ask herself yet again why she was so darn scared to go public with their relationship. Sure, he was a huge star and she'd be subject to millions of people on the Internet asking one another how on earth he could have picked her. But Ashley had never much cared what other people thought of her, and even though she suspected it would hurt the first few thousand times a stranger commented online that Drew was way out of her league, she could figure out how to deal with that.

  The answer she kept circling back to was the same one that had been there from the start--that she and Drew were too different to make it work. At least, beyond the bedroom, where they clearly worked in the most amazing way possible.

  Only...were they really too different to see eye to eye in the long run?

  Or was it just that watching her parents fight so long and hard all those years had colored her view of any relationship she might have been a part of and made her scared to risk her heart?

  "I'm so glad you could come here tonight for Drew's birthday," she said in lieu of directly answering Olivia's question. "He was so excited about seeing you, and I know how much he loves all of you."

  "We love him, too," Olivia said. "It's a big deal that he's writing new songs again. Do you have any idea what the big change was that helped him finally break through his block?"

  Drew's sister had been perfectly nice, but was more aloof than the other Morrisons. Ashley understood aloof, having been called that more than once, but it was less that Olivia was shy...and more that she seemed to want to make absolutely sure Ashley didn't take advantage of her brother in any way.

  "I'm sure he'll sit down with you soon to tell you all about his reasons," Ashley said carefully.

  Was Olivia looking at her approvingly for not giving away any of Drew's secrets? Again, Ashley wasn't sure quite what his sister was thinking as Olivia said, "But you know the reasons, don't you?"

  Ashley felt like a deer caught in headlights. Yes, she knew what Drew had told her--that she'd helped him see that it was okay to risk pursuing a new musical direction rather than continuing to tread the same hugely successful paths he had before. But she still wasn't sure she believed that she could possibly have had such a big impact on him.

  "I've always been a fan of his music, and it's been really nice getting to know him better as a person. We've had a lot of time to talk on the bus."

  "You've been staying on his bus? Just the two of you?"

  Too late, Ashley realized this was news to his sister. She knew what Olivia must be assuming--that they were sleeping together. The problem was, his sister was spot-on. And Ashley had never been any good at lying. "My father was really worried about me joining Drew's tour. Your brother promised him that nothing would happen to me. That's why Drew wanted me to be on his bus."

  Olivia nodded, but Ashley still had the sense she wasn't completely convinced that things between Drew and Ashley were quite so cut-and-dried. Of course, knowing Olivia was right made Ashley feel more than a little guilty for not just 'fessing up to the complete truth about her relationship with Drew.

  But what was the truth? Of course Ashley was head over heels for Drew. Who wouldn't be? But was it just a crush? Was it just inescapable and incredible heat between friends?

  Or was it more?

  So much more that even thinking about one particular four-letter word made her lose her breath.

  "The two of you look like you've gotten pretty close."

  A part of Ashley wished Olivia would just come right out and ask if they were a couple. That way she wouldn't have to keep fighting her own internal battles over whether to keep them a secret or not.

  "Drew and I, we've become friends. Really good
friends. And..." Ashley felt completely out of her depth in this conversation, but she still needed Olivia to know one thing. "His happiness means everything to me. That's why tonight has been so amazing. Because he loves all of you so much, and he misses you terribly when he's on tour. I know he'll be on a high from seeing you for a long time."

  "He already looked happy when we got here." Finally, Olivia smiled. "I'm glad you're with him, Ashley. We all are."

  Just then, the house lights went dark and the drummer started playing a riff that made the crowd go crazy again in the hopes that Drew was coming back out for the first of, hopefully, many encores. When he did, he headed for their side of the stage and began singing straight to her.

  She'd been worried about people guessing about whether she and Drew were an item. But every time she got lost in his eyes, in his songs, in the sweet emotions on his face...she forgot everything except for how happy he made her feel.

  So happy that for a little while, she even forgot to be scared of a certain four-letter word. A word that perfectly described everything she was feeling for the rock star singing his heart out to her in front of tens of thousands of his fans, and his family, too.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  It was later than usual by the time Drew and Ashley got back on the bus and headed out of town. "It was so amazing that your family came out for your birthday," Ashley said. "They're all so great."

  "They loved you, too, Ash." He pulled her close, never wanting to let her go. "I knew they would. Best birthday ever."

  "Actually..." She bit her lip. "I know it's past midnight, but I have one more little birthday gift I'd like to give you. We should probably go back into the bedroom for it, though."

  He already knew that look, the one where she clearly wanted to say or do something sexy, but was still a little shy about her newfound sensuality. "Great, let's go." He grabbed her hand and practically dragged her into his bedroom. "Where do you want me?"

  "Everywhere." Her eyes went big. "I just said that out loud, didn't I?"

  He grinned, as happy tonight as he'd ever been. Ashley Emmit was simply perfect. Beyond perfect--he'd never thought he'd be able to find a woman this beautiful and this brilliant.

  She quickly amended her answer to, "On the bed would probably be best."

  "Clothes on or off?"

  Her cheeks grew even rosier as she said, "How about shirt off, pants on?"

  He whipped his T-shirt off and threw it across the room. "Ready whenever you are." But she didn't move, didn't say anything, just stood there looking a little uncertain. "Ash, you don't have to do anything you're uncomfortable with."

  "I know. I want to do this." She licked her lips again, and then the next thing he knew, she was reaching for the buttons on the front of the shirt she was wearing and opening them one at a time.

  By the time the first button was undone, Drew was already on the verge of dragging her onto his lap to devour her. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that he didn't want to mess up Ashley's final birthday gift for him.

  The first hint of what her gift might be was revealed by the opening of the third button--very sheer black lace bra cups that just barely covered her nipples.

  "You were wearing black lace all night?"

  She nodded, looking shy again as she undid the final two buttons and let her shirt fall to the floor. "I felt different in it. Sexier."

  "You're always sexy," he said, "no matter what you're wearing. But if I'd known--"

  The rest of his words dried up in his mouth as she undid the button on her jeans and drew the zipper down to reveal more sheer black lace. She shimmied out of her jeans, then stepped out of them, leaving her skin barely covered by a bra and thong.

  "Ash..." He couldn't keep his hands off her for another second as he reached out to drag her onto his lap, his hands caressing the bare skin at her hips, his mouth playing over the sweet swell of flesh above her bra. "If I'd known about this," he finally managed to say, "I wouldn't have been able to remember a single word to any of my songs."

  "I'm glad you like it."

  "Like it?" He kissed her hard. Long. Deep. "This is another of the best damned birthday presents anyone has ever given me."

  She looked pleased. "There's more."


  She nodded again, her skin flushing as she said, "I thought maybe we could put on some music and I could..." She put her hands over her face. "I can't believe I'm still shy with you."

  "I love it, when you're shy and when you're not. All sides of you, Ash, they're all beautiful. Tell me what you're going to do once you put on some music."

  "Well...you're always saying that you love seeing me dance in the audience at your shows, so I thought maybe I could dance for you in private tonight. First with the lingerie on. And then--"

  "--with it off," he finished for her.

  It took every ounce of control not to take her right then and there, just to rip off the lace and silk and give them both what they were dying for.

  "I really do love watching you dance, Ash, and I'm dying for you to do it now in black lace. But you have to know, I'm not going to be able to wait too much longer to have you tonight."

  "I can't wait too much longer either," she whispered.

  When her tongue flicked out to lick his lower lip, he nearly fast-forwarded past her striptease, but she had already slid off his lap and was scrolling through her phone for a song to play.

  She settled on an instrumental with a sensuously driving drumbeat, one that matched the pounding in his chest. He'd have to remember to ask her later who this was they were listening to, but for now, all he cared about was the way she was moving her hips, swaying from side to side. Her back was still to him as she let the music rumble through her, anticipation ratcheting up and up and up as she slowly began to turn toward him at the same time that she inched the straps of her bra down over her shoulders.

  He held his breath as the lace slipped lower and lower, and by the time she was facing him completely, the bra cups were barely staying in place over her nipples. "Take it off, Ash." Each word was raw. Hungry. Desperate.

  Still moving her hips in time to the tribal beat, she brought her hands to the hook at the center of her chest and met his eyes at the exact moment that she snapped it open.

  "Beautiful." He exhaled the word in one long breath.

  Her lips turned up at the corners as she slid her hands down over her bare breasts and over her rib cage and stomach. Once she reached her hips, she slid her fingers beneath the thin strip of lace holding up her thong. Not once did she look away from him as she slowly slid the fabric down, then let it fall to the floor.

  The next thing Drew knew, she was lying beneath him on the bed. He couldn't remember reaching for her, just that he couldn't wait another second to have her.

  Drew put his hands on her hips and gripped her tightly, her skin soft beneath his fingertips. He wanted to touch her everywhere, wanted to memorize every inch of her skin, first with his hands and then his mouth.

  Her eyes were dilated nearly to black as she looked up at him, her breath coming fast, her skin flushed a gorgeous rose. "Drew."

  God, he loved it when she said his name like that. With so much need. With so much emotion. She tried so hard to stay rational all the time, to keep from letting her passions spill over. But when they were together this way, she could never hold anything back from him.

  Everything she felt, everything she seemed to think she needed to cage up, poured into him in her kisses. In the way she looked so deeply into his eyes. In the way she whispered his name.

  The first time he'd ever set eyes on her, he'd thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. And he knew he'd always feel that way, that he could catch a glimpse of her from across the room a million times--or be looking at her just like this when she was soft and warm and perfect beneath him--and never get used to the way her beauty pierced right through him.

  Every day, he was running a million miles an
hour for his career. These moments alone with Ashley were precious. So precious that he wanted to draw this one out as long as he could with more kisses over the rapidly beating pulse at the curve of her neck and then by taking her sweet mouth again and again and again.

  Until there was no way to hold back any longer...

  He kicked off his pants and had on protection a second later. Levering himself up on his forearms so that he could watch her expression as he took her, he slid into her tight, wet heat. She gasped as he filled her, arching up into him to take even more of him, one glorious inch at a time.

  "Tell me." His words were rough and ragged from the pleasure taking him over. "I need to know."

  "Anything." The one word from her lips was coated in bliss, breathless with ecstasy to come. "I'll tell you anything."

  "How does this make you feel?" He gripped her hips harder and pushed deeper. Her eyes closed as her head fell back. He licked at her sweat-slicked skin before saying, "How do I make you feel?"

  "Good." Her eyes opened, and when she looked into his, his chest clenched tight. "So good."

  "More." He put his hands on her thighs and lifted her legs to wrap around his waist. "Give me more. Trust me with more, Ash." It wasn't just a request anymore, wasn't just a question. It was a plea. A plea for her to reveal the secret parts of herself. He put his hands on either side of her face and gently caressed her. "Please, Ash. Tell me what's in your head right this second."

  "I think about you all the time." Her words came out in a rush--Ithinkaboutyouallthetime.

  When she realized what she'd said and flushed with renewed embarrassment, he wouldn't let her look away. "I think about you all the time, too, Ash."

  "And this. I think about this all the time." This time, thankfully, she didn't look away. Instead, she wrapped her legs even tighter around his hips as she lowered her voice to a whisper. "I want you inside of me every second of every day."

  Of all the things Drew had thought she might say, he'd never dreamed of her echoing the same thing he wanted himself. He repeated her words on a hoarse groan of need.

  "Every second"--he came nearly all the way out of her, then thrust even deeper, and she gasped with pleasure--"of every day."


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