Adam West Naked, and other somewhat titillating journalism from Dangerous Ink
A free ebook collection of all of the writing Nic did for the international arts magazine, Dangerous Ink, for the first time together in a single place. Out now.
Coming Soon
Sign up for Nic's mailing list to be notified when these titles become available.
Nexus: Past Sins (The Sontem Trilogy #2)
The sequel to Nexus, following our intrepid crew fleeing their employer's long arm, and initiating first-contact with alien civilizations. Tentatively due Summer 2014.
Kindred Spirits (The Gambit #2)
The sequel to The Necromancer's Gambit, in which Baldur and Knight face off again. Tentatively due Fall 2014.
Five pets escape from the shelter to find a home out in the wild. Proceeds to benefit animal shelters. Expected mid-2014.
A physicist investigates a temporal distortion, and how it might be related to a football player's progressive dementia at a remote rehab clinic on the Oregon coast. Out in Fall 2014, barring some kind of temporal distortion, just in time for the next NaNo.
Next of Kin
Police corruption led to a new initiative compelling the victims, or their next of kin, to track down those who wronged them, in front of an audience. Follow one unfortunate man into the seamy underworld as he fights to solve the mystery of his brother's murder. Next of Kin is scheduled for November 2014, as Nic's annual NaNo (National Novel Writing Month) project. Its first draft will be serialized, daily, on Nic's blog. Stay tuned.
When Harvey awoke, his girlfriend and dog were gone, and his world was empty. In days, he hasn't seen a soul except for his dead, naked grandmother. As his reality crumbles, and he descends further into madness, Harvey is forced to confront the disturbing truths behind who he was, and who he is now. Most people don't expect to see a head in the toilet, but then, Harvey's not most people. Due early 2015.
The story of the first manned Mars mission, thrown off course when one of the crew is bitten by a werewolf. Very tentatively scheduled for late 2014, unless Nic’s dog eats it (and he’ll eat just about anything he can get his jaws around).
The Collected Short Stories of Nicolas Wilson
This collection contains all of the selected short stories collections, and will be available in paperback, too, unlike the Selected Short Story Collections. Out mid-2014.
Nic's mailing list will keep you up to date on these titles, and ones we haven't announced yet.
Boarder Legalese
Yarr, matey. Here thar be legal wordings. Never have me weather eyes met upon your horizons, says I, nor have I spoke of ye. The troubled waters o' these pages be filled up with imagined and legendary monsters and treasures, but be ye warned: I fear there be no truth to these tales. A sliver may lie in the heart of these, but that sliver is distorted through bottom of a rum bottle- and the bottle's rum- and at the core they be lies and fancy, and any man or beast claims otherwise is a blaggart and a pirate, and may find himself at the end of me steel. If ye see the skull and bones flying above a ship, be wary, and prepare to repel boarders. And if the Jolly Roger sails against the red, give ye no quarter, because ye can expect none.
Selected Short Stories Featuring New Corpse Smell Page 27