Save Me

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Save Me Page 10

by Phylicia Joannis


  Facing Johnny

  Martin looks up briefly to see who he’s run into. When he sees that it is Johnny, his heart all but stops. Johnny keeps going, apparently not realizing who it is. Martin sees Johnny begin to turn his head in his direction, so he quickly ducks around the corner and walks into his chemistry class. He is greeted by Jennifer, who brings him up to date on the class notes.

  Chemistry and Geometry are his first two classes and his hardest, so Martin expects to have a lot of catching up to do. He is overwhelmed with class work, homework, and notes before the bell rings for third period.

  On his way there, Martin sees Johnny again. Johnny glares back at Martin and begins walking towards him. At first, Martin thinks he will stop right in front of him, but Johnny walks right past him, as if he doesn’t see him at all. During lunch, Johnny's friend, Frank, gives Martin a note. It reads:

  Meet me after school behind the bleachers. We'll finish what we started there.


  Martin folds up the note and throws it in the garbage on his way out of the lunchroom. After school, Martin gets the books he needs out of his locker and begins to walk home. He has no intention of facing Johnny again.

  As he walks past the football field, he glances at the bleachers and sees Johnny standing there, waiting for him. Martin realizes he has to face Johnny sooner or later. He owes him an apology, first and foremost, so he turns and begins walking toward the bleachers. As he gets closer, Martin begins to pray: “Lord, show me what to do.”

  Johnny sees Martin coming and rushes towards him. Both stop only a few feet away from each other. Before Martin can speak, Johnny pushes Martin to the ground. Martin's temper flares and he gets up, ready to fight. Johnny swings at him, but Martin dodges. Martin pushes Johnny to the ground but mid-kick he realizes what he is doing.

  “Hey Johnny, I don't want to fight you!” Martin backs up.

  “It's too late to back out now,” Johnny spits, picking himself up quickly and wiping the grass off his jeans. “You're not going to get off that easy!”

  “Johnny, I'm sorry I hit you last week, but I don't want to fight you again,” Martin puts his hands up.

  “Why not?'' Johnny frowns.  ”Are you afraid I'll win?”

  “This is pointless,” Martin shakes his head. “The only thing fighting will do is get us into trouble. Johnny I know you don't like me, but let's just call this off, okay?”

  Johnny pauses, then asks, “Did you trip me in the lunchroom?”

  “Yeah,” Martin admits. “This whole thing is my fault.”

  “Why didn’t you just apologize, then?” Johnny asks.

  “Well, you were yelling at me, and after talking so much trash in front of my friends I felt like I had to do something,” Martin looks at Johnny. “It was stupid, I know that now, but that's how I felt at the time and I'm sorry.”

  “Well, I feel like hitting you right now,” says Johnny, “but I won't. To be totally honest, I didn’t really want to fight you, either. I was just trying to prove I wasn't afraid of you.

  “So, no hard feelings then?” Martin asks.

  “No,” Johnny replies.

  “Well, I guess I'll see you around,” Martin gives him a high five.

  “Alright,” Johnny smiles. “See ya.”

  Martin snaps back into reality as Johnny closes in on him. His imagination is running away with him. He wishes Johnny would just let it go, but if Johnny is anything like Martin that’s not going to happen. Martin is certain Johnny is going to hit him, or at least try to. What will he do when Johnny swings at him? Will he hit him back, or will he just take it? He has to defend himself doesn’t he?

  What would Jesus do? Martin imagines Jesus commanding a demon to come out of Johnny. Martin knows that Jesus wouldn't hit him back, whatever He decided.  Martin can’t think of any Scriptures that okay physical fighting.

  Martin remembers Mr. James’ lesson on challenges and obstacles and realizes his fight isn't with Johnny. This is a test of faith, and fighting will only guarantee his failure. The last thing Martin wants to do is fail a spiritual test, so, even if it means losing the fight or looking like an idiot, he is going to trust.

  As the distance between them closes, Martin begins quietly praying “Lord, please direct my path.”

  “Johnny,” Martin begins, but before he can say any more Johnny swings hard at Martin's jaw. The blow sends Martin to the ground. He can taste the blood as his teeth drive deeply into his tongue. He feels his temper flicker, but closes his eyes and remembers his God.

  “Come on, Martin!” Johnny begins spewing profanities at him, readying himself for Martin's return swing.

  Martin gets up slowly, wiping the blood from his mouth. “Johnny, I only have one thing to say to you.”

  Johnny stiffens, then raises his fists high. “Yeah, what’s that?”

  Martin looks at him intently. “I'm sorry.”

  Johnny shakes his head in disbelief. “Shut up and fight me!”

  “No,” Martin says. “I was wrong, and I'm sorry.” Martin notices the swelling around Johnny's face and knuckles hasn't gone down. He watches the emotions playing out on Johnny’s face, and, for a moment, their eyes connect.

  “What’s your problem, West?” Johnny snaps suddenly. “You think I’m afraid of you? I’m not afraid of you, so fight!”

  Martin stands resolute.

  Johnny continues. “You think you’re better than everyone else? You think no one can touch you?” Johnny pushes Martin. “Come on!”

  Martin takes a step back and finds his balance, but doesn’t retaliate. Johnny is enraged and launches a verbal assault.  After each, angry, hate-filled word, Johnny looks at Martin, as if hoping to press some button to trigger a reaction. But Martin doesn’t move. He suffers the attack in silence, refusing to fight back.

  Johnny, seeming to have run out of insults, spits in Martin’s face, shoves him to the ground, and storms off. Martin gets up, wipes his face with his sleeve and walks home. He knows who has truly won this fight.

  He’ll soon discover there are more to come.


  For additional updates on books in the Logoria Series, visit the author’s website at


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