If You Come Back

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If You Come Back Page 16

by Alexis Leia

  “Are you planning on getting to the good stuff? My bellybutton isn’t the place that needs attention”, she said sarcastically, only making him laugh. But it also made him go lower, so mission accomplished.

  He pulled her leggings and panties down her legs, fully exposing her. She knew how wet she was, and judging by the raw look on his face, he could clearly see it too. He spread her legs wider, and she complied eagerly. She didn’t feel an ounce of embarrassment anymore, just incredible desire.

  “I guess I won’t find out if the carpet matches the drapes”, he teased referring to her being completely waxed.

  “It does, but I prefer it bare and smooth’’, she said and bit her lip as his eyes darkened and hunger overtook his expression.

  ‘‘I’d adore your pussy any way, but right now, I can see how wet you are for me, how swollen your little clit is, and how tight you look”, he said, the dirty talk making her pussy clench involuntarily. Selene McClaran, the mayor and upstanding citizen, had a thing for dirty talk, runaway bad boys, and pints of ice-cream. Preferably, all three together. She almost chuckled at her own thoughts, but Chris then decided it would be best to taste her.

  She let out a cry of pleasure and her fingers dug into the sheets, as indescribable pleasure shook her body at the first lick of his tongue. He then teased her with his rhythm; he switched from fast and hard licks to soft and long sucking, which made her eyes roll inside her head.

  She was never particularly loud in bed, and pornstar moans weren’t her forte, but what Chris was doing to her was out of this world. That’s why she was sure Annie and Jackson could hear it, but nothing could stop her from vocalizing her pleasure.

  Just when she thought the torture couldn’t get any worse, or better, Chris pushed a finger inside her, hitting that sweet spot, and sucked her clit at the same time. In mere seconds she came so hard, she saw stars. Her body convulsed in pleasure as she rode Chris’s face in the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm. Chris gave her a few more licks, just to keep her twitching, and then kissed his way up to her mouth. He played with her lips and tongue, which made her body melt again. She tasted herself on his lips, which perversely turned her on even more.

  “I have to be inside you”, he said urgently, his patience now gone.

  “Yes, please”, she agreed, watching him undress and reveal that sinewy body.

  That L.A. sun did wonders to a person’s tan, obviously; his skin was naturally tan, stretched over strong and bulky muscles. His six-pack was mouthwatering, that enticing ‘V’ was every woman’s wet dream, and the cock he so expertly used to please her was drool-worthy. He kneeled between her legs, spread them wide apart, and took his incredibly hard cock in his hand, jerking it a few times.

  “Oh my God, do that again”, she pleaded when the sight of him touching himself intrigued her and turned her on all over again.

  He gave her a wicked grin and played with his impressive cock again. “You like seeing me play with my cock?”

  “Yes”, she whispered, never taking her eyes off his hand, and licked her lips. How would he taste? How would he react if she took him deep inside her mouth?

  Suddenly, he groaned and stopped jerking himself off, his cock twitching.

  “If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’ll feed you my cock and won’t stop until I fill your mouth with my cum.”

  “Holy fuck. Uhh…” she blushed and bit her lip. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  She wanted to do that. All of it.

  “Fuck. I knew you’d be perfect, but this…”, he said, sounding pained. “I have to be inside you, Selene. We’ve got time for everything else.”

  He then positioned the thick head at her entrance, and every thought was lost. He pushed his cock inside her, filling her completely and perfectly.

  Why did it feel so good to be with him, to have him inside her? She wasn’t a virgin, and she’d had her share of men, but he officially became the only one who could make her feel so good. Her body knew it was right, her soul as well, but her brain screamed at her to end this while she still could. But then he started moving, and her mind completely shut down.

  He started with a slow pace, letting her adjust to his size, but when she squirmed under him, wordlessly asking for more, he quickened the pace and set an incredibly strong and feverish rhythm. Needing to feel his lips again, she pulled him down on top of her, and they collided. Having him inside her in every way possible made her pleasure increase tenfold.

  “Fuck yes”, he growled against her lips as she scratched his back.

  He lifted up and kneeled again as he kept thrusting inside her. She lifted her hips up to meet his, and with each deep impact, his lower stomach hit her overly sensitive clit. He angled his hips just the right way and three thrusts later, she exploded for the second time, screaming in ecstasy. Her head was thrown back, and her torso lifted up from the bed so she couldn’t see Chris, but she heard his wild curse.

  “Holy fuck, baby! I’m going to...”, he started and then groaned loudly, spilling his release deep inside her. His cock twitched long after that, and he fell on top of her when his own aftershocks subdued, still not pulling out.

  They were both breathing heavily, their skin slick with sweat. He was lying on her, his face buried in her neck. He was pretty heavy, but she didn’t mind. She played with his black hair and gently scratched his scalp in an almost soothing gesture.

  Chris pulled out and moved to lie beside her, pulling her to his side, where she put her head on his chest and threw her leg over his. Her mind was blissfully empty, and she felt absolutely nothing but satisfaction and relaxation. They both stayed silent for a while, both lost in their thoughts. When Selene was about to drift off to sleep, Chris silently laughed, the sound vibrating under her ear.

  “What?” she lifted her head up and looked at him, his face clouded with desire again.

  “We’ve only just finished and I’m ready for another round”, he told her, almost apologetically. She looked down at his already very erect member, and in a split second she climbed on top of him.

  “What are you going?” he asked seriously, but his eyes were smiling.

  “Playing in the dark”, she answered with a teasing smile, and bent down to give him a long kiss.

  Sleep was for the weak, anyway.


  The week had really flown by, especially for Chris, who spent his days working on his laptop in his hotel room, and hanging out with Jackson, taking him to see the places he used to spend time at when he was a kid. His nights, however, were spent even better. Selene came over to his room or he went to her house, where he first brawled with Annie, and then spent his time showing Selene how many times she could come in an hour. That was extremely fun and he couldn’t get enough of her body, her mind and her laugh.

  They quickly adapted to that routine, but neither of them ever slept over; they both somehow knew it would take everything to a whole new level. He guessed Selene wasn’t up for that either, but it subconsciously bothered him somehow, and he couldn’t even explain why. He only knew that his initial assumption was true; one time with her wasn’t enough, not even a dozen times would be.

  He still had another four days with her, and he believed they were both aware of it. It was like a huge, invisible clock hung over their heads. It wasn’t visible or tangible, but they could still hear that motherfucking tick-tock. Since he had no choice, he was fully planning on using the time he had left, and he would think about the future later, much later.

  Currently, he was sitting in his spacious bedroom, listening to a new single demo from their most important singer. He was satisfied with the work his producers had done, but he still made some notes about the minor improvements he had in mind.

  There was still only one thing he hadn’t done since being in Mountainview, and he wondered if he would ever find the strength. He hadn’t visited his sister’s grave in twenty years, and he couldn’t even picture himself going to the
flower shop to buy some white lilies for her. There were some things in your life that you could never make peace with. He was still so angry, so fucking livid at the fact that she had to die. No, she didn’t have to die. It was the will of the fate, or God, or whoever the hell decided about those stuff. The day that she died was the day when Chris stopped believing in God, or in justice, or love, for that matter.

  The scars on the surface are the easiest to heal; the ones inside are the real fuckers. The only time when he felt almost normal was when he spent time with Selene. It wasn’t just about sex. It was about her warmth and the unspoken comfort she offered. She didn’t know the entire story, didn’t know what happened to him exactly, but she also never asked, which was something Chris appreciated unbelievably. She never pushed him, never nagged or demanded the truth. She knew him, down to his bones. And how was he supposed to give up on her now?

  His thoughts were interrupted by the loud ringing of his phone. He saw Mark’s name on the phone, and he wondered what the hell did his COO want.

  “What?” he answered, not bothering to be polite.

  “Chris, man, I’m sorry for interrupting your vacation, but you gotta get down here as soon as possible. We have three artists who want to break their contracts with us, because they’re not satisfied with their new albums and they demand your revision”, Mark explained. Chris shut his eyes and exhaled loudly.

  “Who exactly?” he asked, and when Mark told him, he cursed viciously. Those three artists were their most influential and important singers, and losing them would mean a major loss to his company.

  “I’ll be there today. Tell them I’ll meet them tonight”, he said and hung up to dial the Denver airport.

  He asked for a private jet, with the departure as soon as possible. They somehow managed to get him both the jet and the pilot after a little convincing, a lot of yelling, and finally reciting the number of his debit card.

  As he packed his stuff, he could only think about Selene, who was currently having a meeting with the construction company she planned to hire for her resort project. He was leaving again, and again he wouldn’t get the chance to say a proper goodbye. But this time, he didn’t swear he would never go back. This time, he had the feeling he was going to see Mountainview again very soon. And finally, he decided to have Selene in his life as long as it lasted.

  He had no idea how he was supposed to make it work, but he would... somehow. He still didn’t believe in love or a happily-ever-after, but he did believe Selene was his in a different way, despite the fact that he didn’t deserve her. If she decided to break off every contact with him eventually, he would respect her decision, no matter how much it killed him. He just hoped as hell that she wouldn’t see his sudden departure as a definite goodbye, because it wasn’t. He was going to see her again, that was for sure.


  Selene was sitting in the Mountain’s Pub, waiting for the contractor and sipping her first morning coffee. The morning was so busy, she barely had the to catch her breath, let alone enjoy the much-needed, life-saving drink. She was feeling physically exhausted due to last night with Chris, that was as mind-blowing as each night with him so far. But mentally, she was... happy, she guessed. Complete was maybe the right word. She didn’t want to lie to herself; she was already falling for him. Maybe she never actually stopped falling, just paused it when he left and picked up right where she left off when he came back.

  There was no denying the connection they shared, and she believed Chris could feel it too. If he wasn’t so emotionally impaired, he might even admit it himself, but since everything was complicated with him, she knew it was going to be hard to get him to speak up his mind.

  She knew and felt that this between them wasn’t just about sex. She didn’t know what it was about exactly, but she hoped it would continue, even when he went back to Los Angeles. This was the first time she let herself think about continuing this... arrangement of theirs, but she was very much aware of the complications.

  First of all, Chris wasn’t a one-woman man. Even though he hadn’t even looked in another woman’s direction since he arrived, she couldn’t fool herself and think he would never do it. He was a ladies-man who attracted all sorts of women with his mysterious attitude, his dangerous side, and the power he had. The phrase ‘‘Come to the dark side, we have cookies’’ should be replaced with: ‘‘Come to the dark side, we have Chris’’, in her opinion. And although she wasn’t very keen on relationships herself, she didn’t like the thought of sharing him with someone else. She was every bit as possessive as him, she just didn’t let it show.

  Second, the distance issue. Los Angeles and Mountainview were almost a thousand miles away, which was a pretty big mileage to cover. Third, they were both extremely busy and well-known, so their so-call-it relationship wouldn’t be able to remain secret, no matter how much she disliked publicity. It would suffer from the amount of obligations they both had. And last but not least, she had that ugly feeling that Chris would never change his opinion about commitment and that he would throw her away like an old rag once he got bored of her. Talk about self-confidence issues.

  All of that made her a bit nervous, and very pissed off. She wished to go home and discuss her issues with Annie, who always had good advice like: For fuck’s sake, Selene, just get it over with, or Selene, everything won’t be okay, but we are going to make it work, or even Selene, I will cut his balls off and sell them as jujubes.

  Her thoughts were interrupted as she spotted the contractor making his way through the pub. He was a very handsome man in his late thirties, over six feet tall, with a strong body clad in grey shirt and dark jeans, and dark hair that was graying on the sides. He had a killer smile too, and it was directed right at her.

  She stood up and shook his outstretched hand.

  “Good to see you again, Selene”, he told her and sat opposite of her after she took her seat.

  “Back at you, Bruce.”

  She knew him from before when he had worked on the Town Hall renovations. She always had a feeling he was coming on to her, but he never did anything about it directly. He was a very attractive man, but she didn’t feel an ounce of attraction. Nada. Zip. How she wished she wasn’t a sucker for broken men like Chris. Everything would’ve been so much easier.

  “So, I have the schemes and drafts for you, from my architects. This is not a formal meeting, but I really wanted your opinion on this project. You think you could do it?” she asked him as she handed him a four-inch-thick file, with all the architectural and construction details needed.

  Bruce took his time studying the files before closing them, and leaned back in his chair, a brilliant smile displayed on his face.

  “Piece of cake”, he said, and Selene let out the breath she was holding in.

  “Great! I’ll let you know exactly when the construction should begin, but I believe you should schedule the entire next summer for this. As soon as I get all the investors and legal details sorted, I’ll let you know”, she told him and he simply nodded.

  “I couldn’t miss the fact that you said this wasn’t a formal meeting”, he said and leaned forward.

  “So, what do you say we have another informal meeting this weekend? I know it’s Halloween, but I’d really like to take you out as soon as possible, and I’m away on a trip till 31st”, he said and Selene could only open and close her mouth like a fish.

  “Bruce, I don’t think –”, she began, but her phone interrupted her with its relentless chiming.

  “I’m sorry, it may be urgent”, she said and watched Bruce wave his hand in a gesture that said: knock yourself out. She took her cellphone out and noticed one text message from Chris. He knew she was on a meeting, so he wouldn’t contact her if there was no need.

  She read the message and felt her heart freeze.

  Chris: Had to go to L.A. ASAP.

  And that was it. No ‘goodbye’, no ‘see you soon’, no ‘talk to you later’. Only the fact that he had to leave,
and that was it. So her predictions did come true after all, quicker than anticipated. He really did barge in her life and stormed out in the same manner. She was a fool for trusting him again, and she had nobody to blame but herself. She couldn’t even blame him, because to him this arrangement they had was exactly that – just an arrangement, a sex thing.

  She was an emotional fool that let herself fall for her weakness again, and it was a mistake. Just a big fucking mistake. How could she ever think she could get involved with him, emotions excluded? He won her over again with his care, his humor, with his possessiveness, and she was a delusional idiot for thinking it could last.

  With him, nothing was ever permanent, only uncertain and unstable. She should’ve told him as soon as he arrived how it felt when he left for the first time, how she lost her biggest backbone, how alone and unwanted she felt. Maybe that emotional outburst would’ve kept him away. But it was too late now. He left again, but at least the first time he had the courtesy of saying goodbye in person. Technology makes everything easier, doesn’t it? she thought to herself bitterly.

  But this time, she wasn’t a helpless little girl. This time she wouldn’t waste her time on grieving. That’s why she swallowed back the tears and locked her phone. When she raised her head, she placed a fake smile on her face and looked at Bruce, who patiently waited for her to finish.

  “I would love to go out with you on Halloween”, she lied expertly, defiance running through veins.

  “Perfect. I’ll call you”, he said and took her hand again, which she allowed this time.

  “If you don’t mind, I have to get going. I promised the kids a visit”, she said, already late for her round of Xbox with Sam.

  “Of course. See you soon”, he said and placed a kiss on her cheek when she stood up. The kiss burned her skin, because it wasn’t his to give.

  She walked out of the pub and headed toward the foster home. On the outside, she kept her mask on; nobody could ever notice the turmoil happening inside her. But on the inside, she screamed.


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